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Hi there.

I'm a norwegian student who spends a lot of time on coding. My primary languages is C++ and Java, but being a dedicated World of Warcraft player I decided to start developing addons as a spare time project.
07-28-08 09:06 PM by: tuxeh
Phew *wipes the sweat off of his forehead*.

I just finished coding up the first version of my LevelJukebox addon. This addon plays a tune when you level up, and when you die. The tune that's played back is decided randomly.

I've not really coded a useful addon as of yet, but that's mainly because I am really new to addon development. I have however planned on making a raid buff watcher, to let me know what raid buffs I am missing.

But oh well, time to get some sleep, working at the call centre for one of the largest ISPs in Norway surely is an energy drain.
07-27-08 02:09 PM by: tuxeh
Hiya and welcome to my very own portal.

I plan on spending the rest of the summer developing addons for World of Warcraft as I finally have some spare time to spend on something other than the usual C++ & Java coding assignments for my university course.