
"Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming." - Brian Kernighan

Welcome to my Author Portal! Right now I'm making Torta, the successor to Checklist, which is essentially the same addon but with a different name

I hope you'll like my AddOns as much as I liked coding them
Revision 71707 is on the SVN and ready for those wanting a notepad-like... thing. Hey, what else do you want me to call it?

Anyway, r71707 (CL2 v2.1.2.0827) has the following new stuff:
  • List export (needs more testing)
  • List import (needs a LOT more testing)
  • The Notes module
  • A user's manual, "shipped' with the mod. To read, click on the Notes tab and then on "Checklist2 User's Manual". There's currently a bug where it defaults to the bottom of the note for some reason...

As always, suggestions are welcome!
The first ever official release version,, has been released! It works for 2.4, and only one minor bug (not patch-related) has been found. I will be updating this author portal and the Checklist2 page over the weekend with new information as time passes.

Next in line on my... uhh... checklist for Checklist2 is to port it to Ace3.
Are you bored? Have at least basic programming knowledge (optional)? Want the latest Checklist2 features? Head over to and get the latest version of Checklist2, get a friend or two to do the same, and try out the list sharing features. If you encounter any errors, please report them here. Make sure to include all errors.

If you know Lua, try to see where the code begins to act up. Please include that in your error report.

Official release has been pushed back to late March.
Yep, that's right, a February or early March release looks plausible. Most features of the original Checklist have been added in, the unlimited lists and list items features are nearing completion, and the only major components not yet included are the FuBar plugin (I'll probably reuse most of the code from pre-2.0) and list sharing. I'll probably release a beta around late January/early February.

Due to unforeseeable future RL events, dates may not be final
01-11-08 12:33 AM by: Quezacolt
Welcome to Quezacolt's new author portal. This is where you can find my news, report bugs, submit feature requests, read the faq and more. Thanks for stopping by!