AnduinLothar's Addon Archive : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Reverse Sort Order Bug Date By Status Interface Comment
8026 ChatBar attempted to call a forbidden function (RemoveTalent()) 10-11-13 01:41 PM Dessembrae Unconfirmed ChatBar None.
7996 /resetframes command doesnt work 06-08-13 02:02 PM BeltonBen Unconfirmed FluidFrames None.
7980 this is the 50200 Tw language file 05-12-13 06:58 AM a4287604 Unconfirmed ChatBar None.
7979 5.2 "" is old,here is the new one 05-07-13 02:06 AM a4287604 Unconfirmed ChatBar None.
7499 Login error 08-11-11 07:26 PM Licentious Unconfirmed ImprovedErrorFrame None.
7364 Health and Power bars not at their correct place after continent zoning. 03-24-11 04:08 PM ckramme Unconfirmed FluidFrames
By: ckramme
03-25-11 04:39 AM
7363 aggro border placement sometimes at the wrong place. 03-24-11 04:03 PM ckramme Unconfirmed FluidFrames None.
7307 pop-out Raid Frame not popping out 02-23-11 05:24 AM bbnn Unconfirmed FluidFrames None.
7272 ChatBar has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. 02-11-11 09:11 PM Marrot Unconfirmed ChatBar None.
7078 Correction Russian localization (ruRU) 12-01-10 07:23 AM Dewro Unconfirmed ChatBar None.