Updated: 05-29-09 07:16 AM
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Updated:05-29-09 07:16 AM
Created:10-27-08 06:48 AM

CooldownWatch  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.16a
by: Tifi [More]

Bad news, everyone: I quit WoW, my account expires on August 11th. So tick that "Load out of date AddOns" check box and hope for the best!
I just wanted to say thanks for using my AddOns and for all the support, feedback, bug reports, and kind words. Very much appreciated. Bye!

Displays cooldowns of your spells, items or equipment slots. Every cooldown has an icon, the time left, an optional bar, and an optional, user-defined label ("trinket 1" for example).
I wrote this AddOn because I wanted to get rid of all those action buttons, taking up a big part of my screen. I use hotkeys for almost every spell I have, so I don't need buttons. After I hid all those buttons, I was missing two things: Range detection and cooldowns. This AddOn takes care of the cooldown part.

- Speed: I have a slow computer, and I like optimizing code, so I designed the addon to be as fast as possible.
- Watches cooldowns of spells, items or equipment slots
- Fixed, user-defined order: I don't want my cooldowns sorted by time. If I need to know the cooldown of Taunt, I don't want to spend time looking for it, I need it to always be in the same place.
- Disable the bars: If you don't like bars (or want to make the addon run even faster), you can disable them. CooldownWatch will only display the icon and the time left.
- Auto-hide (optional): Hides the cooldown frame if the ability or item is off cooldown to save screen real estate.
- Customizable layout: You can change the bar texture, bar colors, the text color, and the font. Some of these features require SharedMediaLib/SharedMedia-1.0 (not included). Try the addon SharedMedia if you're interested.
You can also change the list layout, i.e. the order of the cooldowns in the list. The default is top to bottom, available options are bottom->top, left->right, right->left.
- Drag-and-drop interface: See below. Or just try it out.

Enter /cooldownwatch or /cw to toggle the config mode. A small anchor frame is visible if you're in config mode. CooldownWatch automatically activates the config mode if it runs for the first time on a toon. In config mode you can do the following:
Move the cooldown frames: Drag the anchor.
Add a cooldown: Drag and drop a spell or item to the anchor frame to add it at the end of the list.
Or drop it on another cooldown to insert it at that position, and use that cooldown's settings.
Note: If you drag an item from your bags, the item itself will be added as the cooldown. If you drag an item from your character frame, the equipment slot it came from will be watched. That way, you can watch for example the cooldowns of the trinkets you're currently wearing.
Remove a cooldown: Middle click the cooldown frame.
Reorder cooldowns: Drag the cooldown frame.
Access cooldown specific options: Right-click the cooldown frame.
Access global options: Right-click the anchor frame.

IMPORTANT: While you're in config mode, cooldowns won't get updated. You have to leave config mode in order to make cooldowns work.

Things you might be missing (ToDo list)
- Currently there's only one list of cooldowns. Maybe I will add multiple lists someday.

Features CooldownWatch doesn't have, and never will (NoDo list)
- Cooldowns of other players or mobs.
- Automatically add cooldowns.
- Automatic sorting.
- You can't change the format or graining of the time displayed. For example if the cooldown is 2h34m11s, CooldownWatch will display 3h (which means 3h or less) until it's less than 120m. At that point of time it will switch to minutes, and at less than 120s it will display seconds. It's unlikely that I'm going to change this.
- Localization of the config menus. I don't see a real need.

- Drag and drop doesn't work for pet spells, not sure why they disabled this in WoW. Pet spells are not supported at the moment.
- If one spell triggers multiple cooldowns, the results may be unexpected, because CooldownWatch tries to avoid scanning all watched spell cooldowns. Let's say you're watching Shield Bash and Pummel: If you use Pummel, only the cooldown frame of Pummel will be updated. However, if you hide and show the interface (Alt-Z), or reload the UI, or exit config mode, CooldownWatch has to scan all watched cooldowns, and will detect that Shield Bash is on cooldown, too. There's no way for CooldownWatch to know that multiple spells share the same cooldown, unless I add all those combinations manually. Which I'm not going to do.

The main feature of CooldownWatch is speed. Cooldowns have to use OnUpdate code, which is executed in every frame, i.e. every time WoW redraws the screen.
Most timer addons update the text that displays the time left in every frame. The default interface also does this if you enable the display of buff/debuff duration. Let's say a cooldown has 15 minutes left, so for the next few minutes, the text will only change once per minute. Let's say you have a frame rate of 15fps, that's 900 frames per minute. That means 899 out of 900 times, updating the text is just wasting CPU, because the text won't change anyways. CooldownWatch, on the other hand, only updates the text when it's needed.
Another example: Let's say the cooldown bar has a width of 90 pixels. Again, other cooldown addons would update this bar every frame. For longer cooldowns, most of these updates won't actually change the bar, just waste CPU. It's 90 pixels, so the bar only needs 90 updates, which is exactly what CooldownWatch will do.
One more example: There's an option in CooldownWatch to disable the bar of a cooldown. Most addons would work like this: In every frame they would check if the cooldown has a bar, and update it if there is one. Checking for that bar is CPU overhead; the addon (and your frame rate) becomes a little slower, just because hiding the bar is optional. Most addons look up options in their database, which requires multiple table lookups. Now image you're a programmer. You would know beforehand if you want a bar or not. Since you're a programmer, you can write the code accordingly; you don't need to check if there's a bar or not, you just write the code to update the bar if there is one, or leave that code out, if there is no bar. CooldownWatch works exactly like this, it actually writes the code itself. That way, CooldownWatch can have optional features, without spending time on these checks.

As a small test, I compared CooldownWatch to the addons "Cooldown Timer Bars" and "Cooldown Bars 2.0" from curse. I configured them all to have bars of size 90x18. Then I triggered four cooldowns, and measured the CPU times for each addon with WoW's CPU profiling feature for 30s while all four cooldowns were still running.
CooldownBars 257.6ms
CooldownTimers2 99.2ms
CooldownWatch 15.4ms

Bugfix: Item and equipment slot cooldowns cannot be unlearned anymore (e.g. Managems).
Bugfix: CooldownWatchConfig is not always loaded, only when entering config mode.
Bugfix: After learning a tracked cooldown talent, the frame is now initialized properly (auto-hide).

Added setting to adjust the spacing between bars.
Bugfix: The icon height equals the frame's height now.

Learning/unlearning talents will now show/hide the corresponding cooldown frames.
Bugfix: Unlearned spells are now initialized properly as collapsed.
TOC interface version bump to 3.1.

New: Added option to toggle the Blizzard default icon border.

Bugfix: If an ability comes off cooldown earlier (Readiness, Sword&Board, etc), the corresponding frame now resets properly.

New: The layout being mirrored (icons left, bars shrink from left to right)
is now optional, but still the default.

Bugfix: If the computer was running for more than 10 days, the addon would
stop working.

New slash command options:
/cw debug <level>: Sets the debug level, 3 is a good start.
/cw debug: Disables debugging.
/cw log: Shows an ugly frame to copy the debug output.
Ignore cooldowns that are triggered but not started (like Feign Death, Inner Focus, etc).

If the texture or font was not found (for example because the addon providing
it was deleted), revert do default.
Bugfix: If a cooldown started before the computer was booted, the remaining
time displayed was wrong. (Untested on Mac and Linux).
Bugfix: Faerie Fire (Feral) should work now.

Bugfix: Spells with a cooldown that doesn't start immediately should work
correctly now (like Inner Focus, but also potions in combat).

Fixed stuff for 3.0.
.toc version bump.
Added LibSharedMedia-3.0 as an optional dependency.
Removed Dongle.
Bugfix: If the addon was disabled, the anchor's position was reset.
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 06-06-09, 06:19 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by uncaringbear
For example, I might use Crusader Strike (instant cast, 6 sec CD) and follow with Judgement of Wisdom (instant cast, 10 sec CD). Let's say it's the start of a fight. After using Crusader Strike, no visible change is on the bar for Judgement of Wisdom, which could be interpreted as the ability being available to use. However, it is now under the effect of the GCD (and is indicated by the 'clock-sweep' on action bars), and is therefore not available yet.
CooldownWatch isn't very good for short cooldowns like that. For DPS rotations I wrote another addon, EventHorizon.
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Unread 06-01-09, 06:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Certain talents such as Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot share the same cooldown.

Is it possible to have these abilities show their cooldown if a linked talent has been used? For example, I have Aimed Shot on the cooldownwatch bars, but choose not to have Multi-Shot on the bars. If I use Multi-Shot, I would like to see the cooldown bar activated for Aimed Shot.
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Unread 05-31-09, 10:47 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Would be really nice if you can change the time format to mm:ss...
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Unread 05-31-09, 07:03 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Tifi
Care to elaborate? I don't know what you mean exactly. Like display a 1.5s cooldown when the real cooldown isn't triggered, but only the GCD?

I suggest you take a look a Quartz, which has a GCD module.
I rely on the bars to tell me exactly when an ability is ready to use - ie. when the bar has stopped moving to the right, the ability can be used. However, for abilities/spells that are instant, and trigger a GCD, this can be slightly problematic.

For example, I might use Crusader Strike (instant cast, 6 sec CD) and follow with Judgement of Wisdom (instant cast, 10 sec CD). Let's say it's the start of a fight. After using Crusader Strike, no visible change is on the bar for Judgement of Wisdom, which could be interpreted as the ability being available to use. However, it is now under the effect of the GCD (and is indicated by the 'clock-sweep' on action bars), and is therefore not available yet.

I am currently using Quartz to show the GCD, but it'd be nice if this addon were able to display the GCD on the bars. Perhaps in a similar vein to the way the action bars do it. Not sure there is an elegant way to do it, and to be honest, it's probably out of the scope of this addon. In the meantime, I will continue to use Quartz in conjunction with this excellent addon. Hope I was able to explain my original suggestion a bit better.
Last edited by uncaringbear : 05-31-09 at 07:34 AM.
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Unread 05-31-09, 04:35 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by uncaringbear
Add option to include the Global Cooldown in the bar durations. The GCD can be a real annoyance if not tracked with the bars.
Care to elaborate? I don't know what you mean exactly. Like display a 1.5s cooldown when the real cooldown isn't triggered, but only the GCD?

I suggest you take a look a Quartz, which has a GCD module.
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Unread 05-31-09, 12:37 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you for this addon. I've been looking for something like this for ages. I like the clean and simple interface. I will do further testing, but so far it looks very promising. Just a couple of suggestions:

1. Allow a setting to hide the bars if not in combat, or if not in a raid/party

2. Add option to include the Global Cooldown in the bar durations. The GCD can be a real annoyance if not tracked with the bars.

Keep up the good work - this addon is looking great so far!
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Unread 05-29-09, 07:17 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Thank you all for your bug reports. I just fixed three, please let me know if you find more.
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Unread 05-27-09, 12:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I have several spec dependant Cooldowns (cooldown talents), whenever I switch specs, the cooldowns from that spec become visible (I hide all cooldown frames) and only disappear when I enter and leave config mode.

Nothing big, I already made a macro to enter and leave config mode and use that whenever I switch specs, but thought you might be interested in hearing it.

An Example for reproducing:
On a DK, make a blood spec and drag hysteria to your cw bar, then right click the cooldown and select the "always hide" option, the frame should then disappear unless it is on cooldown. Switch to another spec (dual spec?) and then switch back to that Blood spec, Hysteria will now be visible on the bar, despite not being on cooldown
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Unread 05-25-09, 04:27 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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edit: it works now, i was to stupid^^, thanks for this nice addon :-)
Last edited by Prototype : 05-25-09 at 04:41 PM.
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Unread 05-17-09, 11:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Related to the idea of adding multiple cooldown lists in the future, I'd like to suggest an option of linking cooldown lists to your primary/secondary specs. I use my main spec for raiding and my alt spec for PvP, and the types of things I'm trying to track in those two situations are very different.

Thanks for the great work you put into this mod. I'm very pleased with it
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Unread 05-15-09, 03:55 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This addon looks like the sort of thing I've been looking for and it works well in-game. I'm wondering however if it's possible to hide the cooldown icons while not in combat (or rather only have them show up when combat is triggered)?
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Unread 05-14-09, 01:41 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I love this mod and Event Horizon. Very nice and efficent. Some little rough edges on CW, none of which are catastrophic. Usually happens when I switch spec. some timers show when I have them auto-hid and other seem to drop but a reload of the UI sets everything straight.
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Unread 05-14-09, 04:19 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I've been also having an issue with mana gem dropping off the tracking list, it only tends to happen in raids after i zone in. It also happens when i change spec from arcane to fire (although it appears if i change the other way). This has been happening since 3.1
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Unread 05-11-09, 11:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Regarding the mana gem issue, I have not been able to reproduce it lately. Though, I've found another bug with them disappearing, regarding to zoning. When I zone, cooldown watch completely stops tracking mana gem cooldown until I reload the ui, and hides the frame. I tested with Potion of Speed too, and it has the same problem, so it might be connected to all items.
I'm sending you a pm with a debug log.
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Unread 05-10-09, 08:08 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you, thank you!
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