Updated: 03-26-10 08:48 AM
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Updated:03-26-10 08:48 AM
Created:01-03-09 12:53 PM

oUF Hypocrisy  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.03
by: Hypocrisy [More]

My oUF layout. Requires oUF to work.
The raid frames in the middle of the raid shot are Grid, the oUF frames are the ones on the right.

Frames can be scaled. If you open the file layout.lua, there is a variable near the top called scale. It is currently set to 1, change it to 1.2 to make the frames 20% larger, etc. You may want to change the position of the frames a bit after you've scaled them, as positioning gets scaled as well.

All of the functions that spawn and position the frames are at the end of layout.lua, in the section titled "spawning the frames". If you want to hide or reposition your frames, the code you need to change can be found there.


  • Player
  • Pet
  • Pet Target
  • Target
  • Target of Target
  • Focus
  • Focus Target
  • Party
  • Party Pets
  • Party Targets
  • Raid


- Re-fixed texture glitch with WoW 3.3.3

- Added support for oUF_MoveableFrames

- Added a Master Looter icon
- Added support for oUF_TotemBar
- Added support for oUF_Swing
- Removed support for oUF_AutoShot (functionality now in oUF_Swing)
- Simplified some code, cleaned up old code, fixed code for 3.2

- Druid Mana, Auto Shot, and Rune Bar now scale properly
- Officially supports WoW 3.1

- oUF_RuneBar support cleaned up a bit

- Preliminary oUF_RuneBar support, cleaner version coming soon

- Cleaned up AutoShot code

- Added oUF_AutoShot support

- Cleaned up druid code a tad

- Added druid mana bar

- Added a scale variable to layout.lua to allow scaling of the frames
- Added some code to allow the player class to be displayed
- Fixed a few 0.5 pixel issues noticed when using the scale feature

- Fixed an error sometimes thrown by the color gradient

- Added my color settings for oUF

- Changed frame strata, so unit frames and castbars will now
properly appear behind everything else

time to start doing this properly
1/9 - Added ready check to party, fixed vehicles
1/9 - Added support for oUF Debuff Highlight, oUF Smooth Update
1/9 - Added fading to party pets/targets
1/9 - Moved all textures/fonts to one folder called media
1/8 - Added ready check support and leader icon for raid
1/8 - Moved debuffs and raid icons, and took debuffs off of pettarget
1/8 - No more layout(scale).lua, unless people really need it
1/6 - Added debuffs to pettarget, targettarget, and focustarget
1/6 - Improved layout(scale).lua
1/4 - Made all font sizes dependent on the fontsize variable at the start.
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Unread 02-12-09, 01:54 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks, the debuff size thing worked perfectly. I still have another problem though, if it's not too much to ask. Still need help with the self cast only buffs on player frame.

Also, the filter is not working. I am still seeing other buffs that I can't cast on myself. I added the
self.Buffs.filter = true
to the last line of,

elseif unit=="player" then
		self.Buffs.size = 18.5
		self.Buffs:SetWidth(self.Buffs.size * 10)
		self.Buffs.num = 36
		self.Buffs.spacing = 2
		self.Buffs.filter = true
It looks exactly like that.
Last edited by Stormbornz : 02-12-09 at 01:58 PM.
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Unread 02-12-09, 11:51 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Stormbornz
Is it possible to change the number of max debuffs on the target? And is it possible to show the player frame's buffs? (and to filter buffs that only the player can cast on himself). Other than these 2 issues I have with it, these UF are amazing and exactly what I want.

It is, you have to go to the section titled "buffs/debuffs". The first section of code is for the buffs, the second is for the debuffs. In the buffs section notice there is no if statement for the player. The easiest way to take care of this will be to copy the code for the target, which appears as follows:

	if unit=="target" then
		self.Buffs.size = 18.5
		self.Buffs:SetWidth(self.Buffs.size * 10)
		self.Buffs.num = 36
		self.Buffs.spacing = 2
Paste the copy immediately below this code, and change "if" to "elseif". You can then pick either the original or the copy you've just pasted and change unit=="target" to unit=="player". Now you have buffs on the player. As for filtering the buffs, I actually quit WoW a little back as I mentioned in an earlier posting, so I can't test it now, but I believe that you just need to add

		self.Buffs.filter = true
after the other statements for the player if statement. Tell me if that doesn't work for you.

To change the number of debuffs on the target, you need to find this piece of code in the debuffs section:

	elseif unit=="target" or unit=="focus" then
		self.Debuffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		self.Debuffs.size = 29
		self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self.Debuffs.size * 8)
		self.Debuffs:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", -2, 3)
		self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
		self.Debuffs["growth-y"] = "TOP"
		self.Debuffs.num = 6
		self.Debuffs.spacing = 2
Simply change

		self.Debuffs.num = 6
to whatever you want. Since I limited the number of debuffs I never bothered to size the width correctly may have to change

		self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self.Debuffs.size * 8)
in order to make sure that the debuffs don't overflow the target frame.

Amendment: The filter above will default to HELPFUL, if that doesn't do the trick for you it's possible to change the filter. I can dig up more if you need it. Also...the debuff thing above will change the number of debuffs on both the target and focus, incase you missed that in the code above. You can split the if statement if you only want to change the target.
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 02-12-09 at 12:08 PM.
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Unread 02-12-09, 03:11 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is it possible to change the number of max debuffs on the target? And is it possible to show the player frame's buffs? (and to filter buffs that only the player can cast on himself). Other than these 2 issues I have with it, these UF are amazing and exactly what I want.

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Unread 02-03-09, 05:23 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Yurup
Is it possible to have the unit frames go from green to red when getting damage? Its kind of hard explaining this but the health % does it when going lower. I'd love to get this with the bars and have the text just be white.

There are 3 things you will need to do.

Step 1
Comment out the following code, found at the beginning of layout.lua.

oUF.colors.smooth = {
	1, 0, 0,
	1, 1, 0,
	1, 1, 1
This is the code that makes the gradient go from white to red instead of green to red. If you comment this out it will revert to the default.

Step 2
Go to the "health update" section, and look for the following code:

	elseif(unit == "player") then
--		bar:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b)
The commented out line

--		bar:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b)
makes the status bar change color. Uncomment it, and comment out

The health percent is set to white as it's default when it's created, so if you don't set the color here it will just remain white. This, however, will only change the color of the bar for the player. You will also probably want to change this for the next elseif statement as well.

	elseif(unit == "target" or unit=="focus" or self:GetParent():GetName():match"oUF_Party") then
changes the health for the target, focus, and party frames. If you want to apply it to any other frames, just use the same method.

Step 3
At the end of the "level and classification update" section, you will find the following block of code commented out.

		-- Add Unit Class
--		if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
--			local class,id = UnitClass(unit)
--			local r,g,b = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].b
--			class = format("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s",r*255,g*255,b*255,class,self.Type:GetText())
--			self.Type:SetText(class)
--		end
This code makes the unit class appear next to the level, colored by the class. If you are no longer coloring the bars, you will need another means to tell what kind of unit you are targeting.
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Unread 02-03-09, 03:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is it possible to have the unit frames go from green to red when getting damage? Its kind of hard explaining this but the health % does it when going lower. I'd love to get this with the bars and have the text just be white.
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Unread 01-30-09, 01:27 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Raid frame sizing

Awesome I will give that a try. Thanks so much for the help!

Originally posted by Hypocrisy
They should scale with everything else. However, if you want to scale them seperately you need to find the following block of code at the end of the file:

local raid = {}
for i = 1, NUM_RAID_GROUPS do
	local raidgroup = oUF:Spawn("header", "oUF_Raid" .. i)
	raidgroup:SetManyAttributes("groupFilter", tostring(i), "showRaid", true, "yOffset", -10)
	table.insert(raid, raidgroup)
	if (i == 1 or i == 6) then
		if i == 1 then
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -10, -200) 
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -120, -200) 
		raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", raid[i-1], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -20)	
The line that is important to you here is:

The variable at the end there, scale, is the one that determines the scale of the raid frames. Change that to a number, or give it a different name that you assign a value to somewhere else, and you can scale the raid frames separately.

Alternatively you can size the frames yourself by changing the following block of code, found in the "frame appearance" section:

		elseif (self:GetParent():GetName():match"oUF_Raid") then
			self.Name:SetPoint("RIGHT", 0, 5)
			self.Name:SetFont(font, fontsize, "OUTLINE")
Since there are no portraits on the raid frames, all you need to do is change self:SetWidth() and self:SetHeight(), then make sure the health and power bar heights match your change.
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Unread 01-30-09, 12:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Raid frame sizing

Originally posted by ibangugroov
I looked on the posts but I do not think I saw how to scale the raid frames. They are a little on the small side for me. I thank your guidance.

They should scale with everything else. However, if you want to scale them seperately you need to find the following block of code at the end of the file:

local raid = {}
for i = 1, NUM_RAID_GROUPS do
	local raidgroup = oUF:Spawn("header", "oUF_Raid" .. i)
	raidgroup:SetManyAttributes("groupFilter", tostring(i), "showRaid", true, "yOffset", -10)
	table.insert(raid, raidgroup)
	if (i == 1 or i == 6) then
		if i == 1 then
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -10, -200) 
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -120, -200) 
		raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", raid[i-1], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -20)	
The line that is important to you here is:

The variable at the end there, scale, is the one that determines the scale of the raid frames. Change that to a number, or give it a different name that you assign a value to somewhere else, and you can scale the raid frames separately.

Alternatively you can size the frames yourself by changing the following block of code, found in the "frame appearance" section:

		elseif (self:GetParent():GetName():match"oUF_Raid") then
			self.Name:SetPoint("RIGHT", 0, 5)
			self.Name:SetFont(font, fontsize, "OUTLINE")
Since there are no portraits on the raid frames, all you need to do is change self:SetWidth() and self:SetHeight(), then make sure the health and power bar heights match your change.
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Unread 01-30-09, 10:31 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Raid frame sizing

I looked on the posts but I do not think I saw how to scale the raid frames. They are a little on the small side for me. I thank your guidance.

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Unread 01-24-09, 01:59 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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The code you need to move the party frames is this here.

local party = oUF:Spawn("header", "oUF_Party")
party:SetManyAttributes("showParty", true, "yOffset", -50)
party:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 15, -40)
The SetPoint code places the frames at the top left of the UI, shifted 15 points right and 40 down. The SetManyAttributes code tells the frames to spawn with a yOffset of -50, meaning each frame spawns 50 points below the previous one. If you want them to be side by side you'll need an xOffset.
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 01-24-09 at 01:59 PM.
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Unread 01-24-09, 12:27 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Set myself up on my backup machine to test the oUF_AutoShot code. Everything is working fine, so it is now officially part of the frames. As for oUF_Experience and oUF_HealComm. I am not going to add support for those for now, sorry vpr

If you are looking for a minimalistic experience bar, I recommend my own favorite, jExp. As for healing, my frames would work fine for healing a 5 man instance, but if you doing 10 or 25 mans, my oUF frames are much better suited for a dps class. As you can see in my raid shot, when I am healing I use them in conjunction with Grid. To go all the way up and down my 25 people on the side and click the little frames wouldn't be the most efficient way of healing As for the argument that dps and tanks need to know when they're going to get a heal...imo if they are low enough to start worrying they should be popping cds/using consumables, even if they see a heal coming.
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Unread 01-19-09, 08:25 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian

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Before you abandon this great work, could you possibly add support for:

oUF_Experience and oUF_HealComm

Secondly, you told me how to position the Target frame (which also changed the ToT frame) which has worked excellent. I need to know how to position the party frames now. I've moved my Minimap from the right side of the screen to the upper left hand corner, and made it a square. It now interferes with the party frame...

I haven't decided if I just want to shift everything down a little bit, or if somehow I could place them under the Player and Target frames.

Something like this:

[Player] [Target][ToT]

[P1] [P2] [P3] [P4]

Just what I'm thinking - haven't decided if that's what I want to do yet though.
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Unread 01-19-09, 12:07 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by tou
Thanks a bunch!

Also what addon are you using to show your xp bar below your action bar?
That's jExp. As for oUF_AutoShot, I uploaded a new version. I've included it in the toc data, and have the oUF_AutoShot code in the lua file commented out. I'm reluctant to have it in there fully functional when i can't see what it looks like

Amendment: You should be able to just replace your toc file and leave the lua looks like you've shuffled things around a bit, hope this catches you in time.
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 01-19-09 at 12:30 AM.
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Unread 01-19-09, 12:00 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks a bunch!

Also what addon are you using to show your xp bar below your action bar?
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Unread 01-18-09, 11:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Doh! My apologies, just read p3lims docs a bit more closely, I need to have oUF_AutoShot in my toc data. I'll upload a new version soon.
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Unread 01-18-09, 11:37 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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hey, thanks for the quick reply

I replaced the druid text with the stuff you gave me, and adjusted the position a little. but all I am left with is a new frame that is colored green, it does not show me my autoshot progress or any text.

		if IsAddOnLoaded("oUF_AutoShot") and playerClass=="HUNTER" then
			self.AutoShot = CreateFrame"StatusBar"
			self.AutoShot:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0.5, 10)
			self.AutoShot:SetWidth(155) = self.AutoShot:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER")

			self.AutoShot.Text = self.AutoShot:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
			self.AutoShot.Text:SetPoint("CENTER", self.AutoShot)
			self.AutoShot.Text:SetFont(font, fontsize-1)
			self.AutoShot.Text:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)

			bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground", tile = true, tileSize = 16,
			insets = {left = -2, right = -2, top = -2, bottom = -2},
Here is what it looks like in combat and out.

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