Updated: 03-26-10 08:48 AM
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Updated:03-26-10 08:48 AM
Created:01-03-09 12:53 PM

oUF Hypocrisy  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.03
by: Hypocrisy [More]

My oUF layout. Requires oUF to work.
The raid frames in the middle of the raid shot are Grid, the oUF frames are the ones on the right.

Frames can be scaled. If you open the file layout.lua, there is a variable near the top called scale. It is currently set to 1, change it to 1.2 to make the frames 20% larger, etc. You may want to change the position of the frames a bit after you've scaled them, as positioning gets scaled as well.

All of the functions that spawn and position the frames are at the end of layout.lua, in the section titled "spawning the frames". If you want to hide or reposition your frames, the code you need to change can be found there.


  • Player
  • Pet
  • Pet Target
  • Target
  • Target of Target
  • Focus
  • Focus Target
  • Party
  • Party Pets
  • Party Targets
  • Raid


- Re-fixed texture glitch with WoW 3.3.3

- Added support for oUF_MoveableFrames

- Added a Master Looter icon
- Added support for oUF_TotemBar
- Added support for oUF_Swing
- Removed support for oUF_AutoShot (functionality now in oUF_Swing)
- Simplified some code, cleaned up old code, fixed code for 3.2

- Druid Mana, Auto Shot, and Rune Bar now scale properly
- Officially supports WoW 3.1

- oUF_RuneBar support cleaned up a bit

- Preliminary oUF_RuneBar support, cleaner version coming soon

- Cleaned up AutoShot code

- Added oUF_AutoShot support

- Cleaned up druid code a tad

- Added druid mana bar

- Added a scale variable to layout.lua to allow scaling of the frames
- Added some code to allow the player class to be displayed
- Fixed a few 0.5 pixel issues noticed when using the scale feature

- Fixed an error sometimes thrown by the color gradient

- Added my color settings for oUF

- Changed frame strata, so unit frames and castbars will now
properly appear behind everything else

time to start doing this properly
1/9 - Added ready check to party, fixed vehicles
1/9 - Added support for oUF Debuff Highlight, oUF Smooth Update
1/9 - Added fading to party pets/targets
1/9 - Moved all textures/fonts to one folder called media
1/8 - Added ready check support and leader icon for raid
1/8 - Moved debuffs and raid icons, and took debuffs off of pettarget
1/8 - No more layout(scale).lua, unless people really need it
1/6 - Added debuffs to pettarget, targettarget, and focustarget
1/6 - Improved layout(scale).lua
1/4 - Made all font sizes dependent on the fontsize variable at the start.
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Unread 01-14-09, 10:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by tou
i scale my ui as low as it goes, so it makes these frames really difficult to see. that is the only thing holding me back from using them atm. really nice frames though, i like how you did the pet/pet target.
Scaling now included in the distribution. Thanks to duff1054 for showing me the easy way to do this. There is a scale variable near the top of the layout.lua file, currently it is set to 1, change it to 1.2 to make the frames 20% larger, etc. You may want to reposition the frames after you have scaled them, as scaling also scales the position.
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Unread 01-13-09, 09:42 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by tou
i scale my ui as low as it goes, so it makes these frames really difficult to see. that is the only thing holding me back from using them atm. really nice frames though, i like how you did the pet/pet target.
this is frame scale code.

-- FrameScale Module by HS ---

local plSize = 1.2 -- player,pet,tot
local fcSize = 1 -- Focus, Focus target
local ptSize = 1 -- party,partypet
local rfSize = 1 -- Rune frmae

-- oUF_TargetTargetTarget:SetScale(plSize);

if useFocusTarget then

for i=1, 4 do

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Unread 01-13-09, 09:26 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Hypocrisy
I believe I have it fixed, but I won't know until the realms are back up today. Once again, please let me know if you encounter any bugs. I have not used my frames under all situations, and some of you will encounter problems that I have not seen before.

Thank you.

Error that will not.
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Unread 01-13-09, 03:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by vpr
Thanks, yea - if you could show me the code to add the class name just to the target window, that'd be great. Sadly, I'm not familiar w/ the colors yet.

Thanks for the code showing how to move the frames.
I have now added the code to the layout, but it is disabled in my distribution.

If you go to the section of the code titled

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- level update
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

there is an if statement that looks like this:

	if UnitIsConnected(unit) == nil then
		if type=="Humanoid" then
		elseif type=="Beast" then
		elseif type=="Mechanical" then
		elseif type=="Elemental" then
		elseif type=="Undead" then
		elseif type=="Demon" then
		elseif type=="Dragonkin" then
		elseif type=="Giant" then
		elseif type=="Not specified" then

		-- Add Unit Class
--		if UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
--			local class,id = UnitClass(unit)
--			local r,g,b = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[id].b
--			class = format("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r %s",r*255,g*255,b*255,class,self.Type:GetText())
--			self.Type:SetText(class)
--		end
The commented out code at the end is what you need to add the player class, just uncomment it.
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 01-14-09 at 10:17 AM.
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Unread 01-13-09, 09:24 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by duff1054
Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:440: bad argument #1 to 'select' (index out of range)
I believe I have it fixed, but I won't know until the realms are back up today. Once again, please let me know if you encounter any bugs. I have not used my frames under all situations, and some of you will encounter problems that I have not seen before.
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Unread 01-13-09, 04:50 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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oUf_Hypocrisy is Very nice Layout..

Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:440: bad argument #1 to 'select' (index out of range)
Count: 36

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:440: in function `ColorGradient'
Interface\AddOns\oUF_Hypocrisy\layout.lua:163: in function <Interface\AddOns\oUF_Hypocrisy\layout.lua:159>
Interface\AddOns\oUF_Banzai\oUF_Banzai.lua:42: in function `PostUpdateHealth'
Interface\AddOns\oUF\elements\health.lua:95: in function `func'
Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:423: in function `PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD'
Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:112: in function <Interface\AddOns\oUF\ouf.lua:97>
[C]: in function `SetAttribute'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:646: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:559>
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:854: in function `SecureGroupHeader_Update'
Interface\FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:443: in function `SecureGroupHeader_OnEvent'
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>
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Unread 01-12-09, 08:36 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by even13
How do I turn off showing buffs/debuffs on my player frame? Also when I target myself? And the ToT frame..?

Second, how do I turn off the raid frames? I was thinking of using grid for my raid frames.
There is a section of code with the header:

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- buffs/debuffs
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

that contains all of the code for buffs and debuffs.

Currently I do not show the player buffs on the player frame, but to turn them on all you have to do is add an if statement for unit == "player" to the buffs section. If you add:

	elseif unit=="player" then
		self.Buffs.size = 18.5
		self.Buffs:SetWidth(self.Buffs.size * 10)
		self.Buffs.num = 36
		self.Buffs.spacing = 2
immediately after:

	if unit=="target" then
		self.Buffs.size = 18.5
		self.Buffs:SetWidth(self.Buffs.size * 10)
		self.Buffs.num = 36
		self.Buffs.spacing = 2
it will add buffs identical to those on the target to the player.

To remove the player debuffs, just delete or comment out this bit of code:

	elseif unit == "player" then
		self.Debuffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		self.Debuffs.size = 29
		self.Debuffs:SetWidth(self.Debuffs.size * 8)
		self.Debuffs:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", -2, 3)
		self.Debuffs.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
		self.Debuffs["growth-y"] = "TOP"
		self.Debuffs.num = 6
		self.Debuffs.spacing = 2
To change the appearance of the buffs/debuffs for the target/tot, just make changes to the if statements where unit == "target" and unit == "targetoftarget"

You may notice that targetoftarget is lumped together with a few other frames too. You can give it its own if statement if you only want to change it.

To hide the raid frames go to the section at the bottom of the code titled:

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- spawning the frames
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

and delete or comment out the following block of code:

local raid = {}
for i = 1, NUM_RAID_GROUPS do
	local raidgroup = oUF:Spawn("header", "oUF_Raid" .. i)
	raidgroup:SetManyAttributes("groupFilter", tostring(i), "showRaid", true, "yOffset", -10)
	table.insert(raid, raidgroup)
	if (i == 1 or i == 6) then
		if i == 1 then
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -10, -200) 
			raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, -120, -200) 
		raidgroup:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", raid[i-1], "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -20)	
Edit: You also have to comment out the raid toggle code. In the last block of code in layout.lua, comment out the following 2 lines.

			for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Show() end
			for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end

I personally use both grid and my oUF frames when I am healing, a decision which many people find odd. My reason for doing this is because my grid frames have all the player names abbreviated, and are usually a mess of numbers and red dots in the middle of a fight. Sometimes I just want to see who's in what group and what their name is, particularly if it's a pug where I don't know everybody and the leader is yelling at me to brez somebody who's name begins with the same 4 letters as his dead buddy (which has happened to me before).
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 02-27-09 at 10:05 PM.
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Unread 01-12-09, 03:31 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Awesome Work!
I love your Unit Frames!
Just registered to tell you this
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Unread 01-11-09, 07:25 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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I've been trying to use your frames and they look really nice. But now I'm trying to customize them to my needs so I have a few questions.

How do I turn off showing buffs/debuffs on my player frame? Also when I target myself? And the ToT frame..?

Second, how do I turn off the raid frames? I was thinking of using grid for my raid frames.

Thanks in advance for your replies, I really like your frames!
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Unread 01-11-09, 05:58 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian

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Originally posted by Hypocrisy
Amendment: I just checked, because I remember that there was a point where all enemy frames were the same color in pvp, but I changed that a while back, and I wondered if maybe something had happened and I'd just stopped noticing. They are in fact still colored by class for me, which has always been enough. If you still want to add the class name I could figure out the code for it and tell you, but I'd rather not add any more text. I've been trying to keep the clutter down, and that's why I've colored the bars by class.

It should be possible to add the class of the target, though I don't have the time to do it right now. As for positioning the frames, all of the frames are positioned at the bottom of the lua file. You'll see a block of code that looks like this:

local player = oUF:Spawn("player", "oUF_Player")
player:SetPoint("CENTER", -320, -126)
local target = oUF:Spawn("target", "oUF_Target")
target:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",player,"TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
local pet = oUF:Spawn("pet", "oUF_Pet")
pet:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", player, 0, -22)
local pettarget = oUF:Spawn("pettarget", "oUF_PetTarget")
pettarget:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", player, 0, -22)
local tot = oUF:Spawn("targettarget", "oUF_TargetTarget")
tot:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",target,"TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
As you can see, the player frame position is set relative to the UI. To be precise, from the center of the UI shifted 320 pixels to the left, and 126 pixels down.

The target is set relative to the player, with the top left corner of the target lined up with the top right corner of the player and shifted 5 pixels to the right.

The pet is set relative to the player as well. BOTTOMRIGHT puts it inside the player frame on the bottom right, but it is then shifted down 22 pixels.

Just change the code in the SetPoint field to what you want.

You can have wow running while you reposition the frame. Just enter the new code then reload the UI until you have it where you want. I believe the command to reload the UI was

/console reloadui
...although I have a mod that just lets me type "/rl", so it's been a while.

If you want to keep updating the layout with any further changes I make you'll have to reposition the frames again, but so long as you don't do anything too drastic it'll only be a couple lines of copy and pasting.
Thanks, yea - if you could show me the code to add the class name just to the target window, that'd be great. Sadly, I'm not familiar w/ the colors yet.

Thanks for the code showing how to move the frames.
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Unread 01-10-09, 12:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by mnemexxx
I realy love your Unit Frames !

Please upload your complete UI, its nice, clean and sexy :-)

I am realy looking forward to see your UI as Download.

What's stopped me from uploading my complete UI is something that I mentioned before in response to a request for the grid frames. I am constantly recoding bits and pieces of my UI, so a few things are kind of alpha and spit out random bugs all the time, and a lot of the rest have strange hidden dependencies on each other, which I don't see myself untangling any time soon. If anything ever reaches completion, maybe I can upload something then.

BTW, Please do tell me if you have problems with the frames, I ran Oculus for the first time since adding party pets the other day and realized I had to change my vehicle code a bit. That is fixed now, but I don't get to use them under all circumstances.
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Unread 01-10-09, 12:38 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by vpr
  • To the target frame is there a way to add the Class of the target? In BGs it makes it much easier, instead of trying to guess what kind of person is coming at me. As a mage, I can't survive very long if I do the wrong thing
  • I'd like to reposition the target (coupled w/ the ToT) window farther to the right, is this possible?
I just checked, because I remember that there was a point where all enemy frames were the same color in pvp, but I changed that a while back, and I wondered if maybe something had happened and I'd just stopped noticing. They are in fact still colored by class for me, which has always been enough. If you still want to add the class name I could figure out the code for it and tell you, but I'd rather not add any more text. I've been trying to keep the clutter down, and that's why I've colored the bars by class.

As for positioning the frames, all of the frames are positioned at the bottom of the lua file. You'll see a block of code that looks like this:

local player = oUF:Spawn("player", "oUF_Player")
player:SetPoint("CENTER", -320, -126)
local target = oUF:Spawn("target", "oUF_Target")
target:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",player,"TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
local pet = oUF:Spawn("pet", "oUF_Pet")
pet:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", player, 0, -22)
local pettarget = oUF:Spawn("pettarget", "oUF_PetTarget")
pettarget:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", player, 0, -22)
local tot = oUF:Spawn("targettarget", "oUF_TargetTarget")
tot:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",target,"TOPRIGHT", 5, 0)
As you can see, the player frame position is set relative to the UI. To be precise, from the center of the UI shifted 320 pixels to the left, and 126 pixels down.

The target is set relative to the player, with the top left corner of the target lined up with the top right corner of the player and shifted 5 pixels to the right.

The pet is set relative to the player as well. BOTTOMRIGHT puts it inside the player frame on the bottom right, but it is then shifted down 22 pixels.

Just change the code in the SetPoint field to what you want.

You can have wow running while you reposition the frame. Just enter the new code then reload the UI until you have it where you want. I believe the command to reload the UI was

/console reloadui
...although I have a mod that just lets me type "/rl", so it's been a while.

If you want to keep updating the layout with any further changes I make you'll have to reposition the frames again, but so long as you don't do anything too drastic it'll only be a couple lines of copy and pasting.
Last edited by Hypocrisy : 01-13-09 at 10:19 AM.
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Unread 01-10-09, 04:45 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian

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Originally posted by Hypocrisy
oUF PowerSpark
I actually already had PowerSpark support, but I hadn't used it in a while so I forgot to mention it in my description. Sorry .

oUF BarFader
I already have fading built in for the party and the raid, I just hadn't added it to my most recent additions, the party pets/targets. I've done that now. No fading for the other frames atm. Although if people want it I could add it to some. The current fading is based on range, so nothing fancy like the BarFader options.

Doesn't need any additions to the code. It just works. Will make the health bar of the target with aggro red.

oUF Debuff Highlight
Added support, just drop the debuff highlight folder in your addons folder and it should work. Puts a colored border around the health bar according to the kind of debuff.

oUF Smooth Update
Added support, just drop the smooth update folder in your addons folder and it should work. Although I personally prefer it when the bars change instantly instead of sliding along.
Bravo! That was fast...

Two last things:
  • To the target frame is there a way to add the Class of the target? In BGs it makes it much easier, instead of trying to guess what kind of person is coming at me. As a mage, I can't survive very long if I do the wrong thing
  • I'd like to reposition the target (coupled w/ the ToT) window farther to the right, is this possible?

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Unread 01-10-09, 04:37 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I realy love your Unit Frames !

Please upload your complete UI, its nice, clean and sexy :-)

I am realy looking forward to see your UI as Download.

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Unread 01-09-09, 05:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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i scale my ui as low as it goes, so it makes these frames really difficult to see. that is the only thing holding me back from using them atm. really nice frames though, i like how you did the pet/pet target.
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