Updated: 12-04-11 08:52 PM
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Updated:12-04-11 08:52 PM
Created:01-11-09 06:15 PM

Quick Auctions 3  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v3.1
by: Shadowed [More]

Quick Auctions is an auction tool to help speed up auctioning large quantities of items, especially canceling. While primarily Quick Auctions is built for large quantities of items, it can work fine for a few auctions as well. A bit of tweaking is required to get optimal settings, but it is very flexible and smart enough that you can use it for more than just mindlessly undercutting auctions by 1 copper every time. Summary window and craft queues are included so you do not have to memorize every item and quantity you need. Shows total materials required to craft as well as allowing you to click from the craft queue to craft so no searching through everything.

Slash command: /qa (/quickauctions)

A lot of time went into Quick Auctions, donations are appreciated but not necessary. And it's cheaper than buying gold while not being against the ToS!

Groups are how you manage what items should be managed by Quick Auctions. You can set auction settings either as a default, or per group giving you flexibility over everything without having to duplicate your settings 50 times. There are no limits to how many items can be grouped, see the configuration in /qa config to set them up.

Includes a timer in the top left of the mailbox indicating how much time before new mail data becomes available, and if you are not using Postal then QA provides its own auto looting for mail. The auto looter will work with the timer on the mailbox cache so it will loot everything, wait until new mail is available and then keep looting.

Auto mailing can now be done per item or per group to any character you want. For example, you can setup your banker to send uncut gems to your jeweler and you can setup your jeweler to send cut gems to your banker. The auto mailer is intelligent in when it sends mail off, and works best when using QA mail looter. If you are trying to loot herbs from your mailbox while auto mailing them to your scribe, it will send mail off whenever it sees your inventory is full. Basically, if you have 4 open slots it will auto mail/loot with only 4 slots, no more clearing out your bags to loot mail anymore!

General options

  • Smart undercutting - Instead of always using the undercut value, it will round it to the nearest gold piece if possible (10g99s -> 10g, 5g -> 5g - undercut price)
  • Smart cancel - Cancels auctions a bit smarter than usual, will cancel an item if you can re list it at a higher price and won't cancel it if items are below the threshold
  • Cancel with bid - Lets you choose if you want to cancel auctions with bids on them

Item options
  • Auto mail - Automatically mail items directly to your banker that are managed by QA
  • Post cap - How many of an item can be up at any one time (If you are undercut this number is reset)
  • Post time - How long to post an auction
  • Undercut - How much to undercut by
  • Bid percent - How much bid should be set to as a percentage of buyout
  • Threshold - Cap on how low an auction can go, if it'll be posted below the threshold price it won't be posted
  • Per auction - How many items to post per an auction
  • Fallback - If no other auctions are up, how much should it list an item for
  • Fallback cap - How high above the fallback an item can go, helps prevent posting a single Frostweave Cloth at 100g if someone sets it at an extraordinary price
  • Auto fallback - If the market price is below your thresold, QA will automatically post it at the fallback price
  • Maximum price gap - How much of a price difference is allowed between the lowest and second lowest items before QA undercuts the second lowest, this will also cancel your auctions if the price gap gets too high
  • Ignore stacks over - Allows you to ignore any auctions with a stack above X when determining price, useful if you want to post against the market price of 1 Abyss Crystal rather than the market price of posting 20 at once
What changed between 2 and 3?
While the configuration in QA2 was an improvement over the original QA, it still wasn't good enough. QA3 has a rewritten configuration and should be much easier for people to understand and use without having to learn to use QA through trial and error.

Scan speed has been increased quite a bit again and has been tightened up to reduce the chance of conflicts. In previous versions, QA would Query -> Wait 0.50 seconds -> Check Data -> Either parse it or wait 0.50 seconds, this made sure that whenever auctions were scanned all data was available including who posted them. The problem is, most of this data becomes available instantly after your initial 1-3 seconds. In 3 it's been changed: Query -> Check Data -> Wait 0.50 Seconds -> Parse or wait 0.50 seconds. Best case this means you will save 0.50 seconds per query (50 seconds/100 items), and worse case you won't see any speed increase.

Mail has been improved to make life easier for people, both a mail scrapper and a smarter mail sender were added. See the mail section above for more information.

Setting scope was improved, most basic options in QA including group settings have been moved to the global profile while server/faction specific settings can still be changed per profile. Letting you setup different profiles of how QA should handle different groups, without having to duplicate all of your group list over and over.
QA3 isn't done yet, and I have more planned still like summary improvements and easy buying of items.

- Fix positioning of tradeskill frame
- Fixes for 4.3
- Fix tradeskill button positioning
- Should make canceling work again with hardware events
- Make open all work again, add posting back with necessary hardware event work, some initial work on canceling
- Initial conversions to WoWAce, nothing should actually work yet
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Unread 02-12-09, 10:08 PM  
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Are you able to duplicate it? If you can grab the QuickAuctions.lua and put that into Interface\AddOns\QuickAuctions, do a /console reloadui and try again (and remail the log) thats a different type of issue with it posting not splitting specifically.
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Unread 02-12-09, 09:05 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Shadowed
Restart the game
Redid configuration, reloaded game. No error this time but it split 1 time as usual and stopped. Log sent in email (from Sedryn)
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Unread 02-12-09, 08:52 PM  
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Restart the game
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Unread 02-12-09, 08:20 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Shadowed
Redid a lot of scanning and some splitting code either way since I got carried away, pushed the version to WoWI for testing.
1114. first attempt to post - will get log next

Date: 2009-02-12 20:18:30
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\QuickAuctions\QuickAuctions.lua line 319:
attempt to call method 'StartSplitting' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
[C]: StartSplitting()
QuickAuctions\QuickAuctions.lua:319: QueueSet()
QuickAuctions\QuickAuctions.lua:539: PostItems()
QuickAuctions\QuickAuctions.lua:722: ScanAuctionList()
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Unread 02-12-09, 04:29 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Zenn
I had nothing but problems with Auctioneer running.. Don't need it now anyway.

Would be nice to have a movable AH window back though and a "Cancel all auctions" command.
Simple macro to cancel all auctions (that has no bids on it):

/script local o="owner" p=GetNumAuctionItems(o) i=p while (i>0) do local _,_,c,_,_,_,_,_,_,b,_,_=GetAuctionItemInfo(o,i) if((c>0)and(b==0))then CancelAuction(i) end i=i-1 end
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Unread 02-12-09, 03:50 PM  
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vabeachdave: No idea, I think I had a reason originally but I don't remember it anymore, next push it'll be persistent.

I guess I will add something along the lines of a /qa cancelall since I don't want another button.

The reason the counter stops is due to some of the bugs that have been talked about in the comments, if you could type /script QuickAuctionsDB.logging = true run a scan and get it to freeze, then type /script QuickAuctionsDB.logging = false and do a /console reloadui then go to WoW\Account\<name>\SavedVariables\ and email the QuickAuctions.lua file to at gmail dot com or use a site like either one works.

Vidboy: I'll talk to the Auctioneer guys and see if I can sort out whats happening. I need to fix some bugs with the totals of an item in the summary, but I will add a column that shows how many you have.
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Unread 02-12-09, 04:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just trying to figure out this add-on. is there any particular reason the auction posting time is not kept from session to session? It seems to default to 12 hours no matter what.

Also not sure how to describe this behavior, but sometimes (Not every time) when posting auctions it just stops. the counter on the post Auction button stops part way through. I'm not positive but I think it gets stuck when you reach an auction that it wont post because it is under the items threshold.

Lastly is there a way to just tell it to cancel all your auctions straight up?
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Unread 02-12-09, 03:23 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Can you add a column to the summary that shows the number of actions you have of each item so you would know to make more or scan for undercutters?

2 new errors when I press the post button when I had nothing in my bags to post. Not sure what would do this but was able to duplicate and log.

Error: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got boolean)
AddOn: Auc-Advanced
File: CoreScan.lua
Line: 1237
Count: 1
Error: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
AddOn: BeanCounter
File: BeanCounter.lua
Line: 373
Count: 1

"[142455.54] Going to be posting Chaotic Skyflare Diamond x 1, have 1 in inventory, 6 cap, 5 active, with buyout 141g 84s 95c/bid 134g 75s 70c, owner is Deuximi who posted it at 141g 84s 96c buyout.", -- [587]
"[142455.54] Posting? Chaotic Skyflare Diamond, total 6 posted, post cap is 6.", -- [588]
"[142455.54] Queued for auction in bag 0/slot 1.", -- [589]
"[142455.888] Was going to queue set, but the post list is empty.", -- [590]
Last edited by Vidboy : 02-12-09 at 03:44 AM.
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Unread 02-11-09, 10:37 PM  
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It shouldn't be an issue with it running too fast, the basic logic is something like.

1) Scan started, look for items we need to scan for
2) Send query for next item
3) Event fired, we got data. Wait 0.20 seconds, scan it, if bad data (No owner found or no item name found) wait 0.30 seconds, if this happens again wait 0.40 seconds and so on until it's done it 5 times
4) Data was good, if we found 50 items scan next page, otherwise go to #2

So it shouldn't be an issue of running too fast and not picking up data. It might be an issue of too fast on posting, but even that, splitting should have enough timers and checks so it won't happen, and it only posts one auction at a time now so it's not those being too fast.

Mostly this is why I need more logs, they have shown bugs that I was able to fix but some of them I just need(ed) more information to check why. A lot of the bugs have been related to the exact stack size, cap or active auctions which is why it might appear to be random, I'm almost positive theres a reason why beyond it just randomly decides not to due to timing, but I can't do much without more information.

Whatever it is, it seems to be related to posting large stacks as I can't generally duplicate it as consistently with 3-4 stacks of items.

Cancel all auctions maybe, movable AH not likely.
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Unread 02-11-09, 09:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Vidboy
Had the problem of posting at the fallback price while there are other auctions up. Had this happen a few times now so I have to check all my fallback posts. Is the scanner running too fast? or Auctioneer getting in the way?

Still find 1107 the most stable as well but I'll stick with 1113 through tonight.
I had nothing but problems with Auctioneer running.. Don't need it now anyway.

Would be nice to have a movable AH window back though and a "Cancel all auctions" command.
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Unread 02-11-09, 09:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Had the problem of posting at the fallback price while there are other auctions up. Had this happen a few times now so I have to check all my fallback posts. Is the scanner running too fast? or Auctioneer getting in the way?

Still find 1107 the most stable as well but I'll stick with 1113 through tonight. Also miss the cancel auction countdown.
Last edited by Vidboy : 02-11-09 at 09:37 PM.
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Unread 02-11-09, 08:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I am sticking with 1107 right now it seems to be stable except for some hangs on posting.. It's almost like having an old lawnmower that's hard to start.
I did notice however that the problem may not be with the coding itself. It's how it interacts with the AH itself and internal timeing etc.

I press post, 1/20 items count up to 20/20 no problem. (cap set to 2 x 1)
The actual posting starts. The first stack splits then hangs before posting.
I can do one of two things here.
1. If I post an auction manually... say put up a "widget". After pressing "create auction" QA starts it's posting and splitting again. (after the widget posts).
2. OR I could just start the post items scan again (like pulling the cord on that quirky lawnmower) Sometimes it will just split the first stack and stop.. sometimes it will split and post a few stacks and hang again (again posting something manually will kick it off again) sometimes I can press post and 350 auctions post without a hitch.. Freaky deaky :-P

I think you will get different results from different beta testers depending on several factors. Lag, addons, settings incorrect... etc

maybe slowing down the split/post will help? maybe a pause between splits and posts? or a pause after the split and one after post? Just some thoughts.
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Unread 02-11-09, 11:20 AM  
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Run the below in game and then reload ui should be fixed.

/script QuickAuctionsDB.undercut.default = 10000; QuickAuctionsDB.threshold.default = 500000; QuickAuctionsDB.fallback.default = 200000; QuickAuctionsDB.postCap.default = 2;
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Unread 02-11-09, 10:45 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Shadowed
It's a weird issue, it seems to only happen at the first scan where it completely misses getting data so it falls back on the threshold, but I can't seem to replicate it or figure out why.

JackOntheMap: You're probably using an old version, because theres no comparison with a number at that line, or even close.
I just got another error with this version.

When I scanned for items that are undercut, I get an error on line 561 this time.

When I hit the "post" button, I get an error on line 343 "number with nil" error

It is from the current version.

Also, I got rid of any other auction addons in case there may have been a conflict.
Last edited by JackOnTheMap : 02-11-09 at 10:54 AM.
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Unread 02-11-09, 09:28 AM  
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It's a weird issue, it seems to only happen at the first scan where it completely misses getting data so it falls back on the threshold, but I can't seem to replicate it or figure out why.

JackOntheMap: You're probably using an old version, because theres no comparison with a number at that line, or even close.
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