Updated: 10-25-14 07:18 AM
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Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:10-25-14 07:18 AM
Created:04-03-09 05:34 PM

rBottomBarStyler  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 60000.01
by: zork [More]


This is rBBS an art framework. It provides basic functionality that can be used by rBBS layout styles to display art, models and orbs on screen. The addon does nothing on it's own. You need rBBS-layouts and probably an actionbar mod to make it work properly. This mod just displays art.
Download rBBS and any rBBS-layout you like. Put both into your AddOns folder and start the game afterwards. Make sure you have any kind of actionbar mod installed that hides the default Blizzard actionbar!
Default layouts are provided. They must be downloaded spereratly, like oUF layouts. rBBS is just a framework that needs layouts to display data.

Current available layouts:
Roth UI (Roth UI look alike)
OrbsOnly (Example for player, pet and target orbs)
OrbsOnly2 (player and target orbs only)
Diablo1 (Diablo 1 flavoured layout)
Diablo2 (Diablo 2 flavoured layout)
Diablo3 (Diablo 3 flavoured layout)
Diablo3Adjusted (Diablo 3 flavoured layout, but with WoW 12 button system)
Diablo3NoOrbs (Diablo 3 flavoured layout, but wihtout orbs and the bar texture matches WoW 12 button system)
Aion (Aion flavoured layout)
Backdrop (Example layout showing how to do backdrops)

Ingame menu
Use the rBBS menu gem or the /rbbs slash command to open the menu. You can do the following things ingame: lock, unlock, show, hide, resize, scale, move, reset.

Version 1.03 introduced a new API function, the dragframe. If you want to make use of it create it first in your layout and have other frames parent it. (See example layouts). If you move/scale/resize the dragframe all hooked frames will follow.

Fluid animations
The new rBBS supports the fluid animation system of Roth UI 4.009+. You can choose between, no animation, no animation+classcolored, or choose one of the 23 preset animations.
How to create a layout?
Try editing one of the example layouts first to get a feeling for the files. The example layouts use a config.lua and a style.lua. The config.lua has all the config data for the frames you want to spawn in the style function. Most of the config data is optional. But some has to be set. The config does nothing by itself. The style.lua uses the API functions to spawn frames of different types using the config data. In some cases you want hook the frame to the dragframe. The dragframe can be passed as the third element and is optional.
The following API spawn function are currently specified. Each API function can handle a buch of config parameters. Set the config parameters in the config of your style and call the spawn function with the specifc config entry. Check layout examples for more.

- spawnDragFrame config attributes:
lua Code:
  1. --strata      = "BACKGROUND",   --frame strata (optional)
  2.     --level       = 0,              --frame level (optional)
  3.     pos         = { a1="BOTTOM", x=0, y=0, },                     --frame position (optional)

- spawnBackdropFrame config attributes:
lua Code:
  1. name        = "ChatFrameBackground",    --Needed. Must be UNIQUE per addon.
  2.     width       = 450,                      --width of the frame
  3.     height      = 230,                      --height of the frame
  4.     scale       = 1,                        --scale of the frame (optional)
  5.     --alpha       = 1,                      --alpha value of the frame (optional)
  6.     --strata      = "BACKGROUND",           --frame strata (optional)
  7.     --level       = 0,                      --frame level (optional)
  8.     pos         = { a1="BOTTOMLEFT", x=20, y=20, }, --position
  9.     backdrops   = { --you can overlay different backdrops on top of each other, each backdrop must have it's own index number
  10.       [1] = {
  11.         padding   = 0,                                                                  -- padding (the space that is between the frame and the backdrop edges)
  12.         bgFile    = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_Backdrop\\media\\background_gradient.tga", -- background texture
  13.         bgColor   = { r = 0.15, g = 0.15, b = 0.15, a = 0.8 },                          -- background color in red, green, blue, alpha
  14.         edgeFile  = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_Backdrop\\media\\glow_outer.tga",          -- border texture
  15.         edgeColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 },                                     -- border color in red, green, blue, alpha
  16.         tile      = false,                                                              -- tile the backdrop (if false it will be stretched)
  17.         tileSize  = 32,                                                                 -- size of background texture tile
  18.         edgeSize  = 10,                                                                 -- thickness of border texture (if your texture has 16px height default value is 16)
  19.         inset     = 10,                                                                 -- backdrop inset
  20.       },
  21.     },

- spawnFrame config attributes:
lua Code:
  1. name        = "ActionBar",      --Needed. Must be UNIQUE per addon.
  2.     width       = 512,              --width of the frame
  3.     height      = 256,              --height of the frame
  4.     scale       = 0.82,             --scale of the frame (optional)
  5.     --alpha       = 1,              --alpha value of the frame (optional)
  6.     --strata      = "BACKGROUND",   --frame strata (optional)
  7.     --level       = 0,              --frame level (optional)
  8.     pos         = { a1="BOTTOM", x=0, y=0, },                     --frame position (optional)
  9.     texture     = {
  10.                     file        = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\bar3.tga",          --the texture file that should be attached to the frame
  11.                     --strata      = "BACKGROUND",                                             --texture strata (optional)
  12.                     --level       = -8,                                                       --texture level (optional)
  13.                     --color       = { r=1, g=0, b=0, a = 1, },                                --recolor the texture (optional)
  14.                     --blendmode   = "ADD",                                                    --texture blendmode (optional)
  15.                   },

- spawnHealthOrb config attributes:
lua Code:
  1. -- animation IDs
  2.   -- 0 = red fog,         1 = purple fog,       2 = green fog,          3 = yellow fog,     4 = turquoise fog
  3.   -- 5 = red portal,      6 = blue rune portal, 7 = red ghost,          8 = purple ghost,   9 = water planet,
  4.   -- 10 = swirling cloud, 11 = white fog,       12 = red glowing eye,   13 = sandy swirl,   14 = green fire
  5.   -- 15 = purple swirl,   16 = white tornado,   17 = blue swirly,       18 = orange fog,    19 = pearl
  6.   -- 20 = red magnet,     21 = blue portal,     22 = purple portal
  8.     name              = "HealthOrb",                  --Needed. Must be UNIQUE per addon.
  9.     --unit              = "target"                    --default unit is "player" but you may use "target" to create an orb for target frame (optional)
  10.     size              = 150,                          --size of orb frame
  11.     scale             = 0.82,                         --scale of orb frame (optional)
  12.     --font              = "FONTS\\FRIZQT__.ttf"       --want to use a different font? (optional)
  13.     classcolored      = true,                         --classcolored? if yes and animation is set the anim used will be irgnored, instead pearl animation is used.
  14.     animation         = {
  15.                           enable          = true,     --enable fluid animation true/false
  16.                           anim            = 20,       --animation id, chosse one of the 23 preset animations
  17.                           decreaseAlpha   = false,    --decrease alpha of animation based on hp value (more hp = brighter animation, lower hp = less opacity)
  18.                           multiplier      = 0.3,      --multiply animation alpha with multiplier to make it less bright
  19.                         },
  20.     --color             = { r=1, g=1, b=0, a=1, },    --if no animation is set and no classcolored is selected you may choose your own color
  21.     pos               = { a1="BOTTOM", x=-260, y=-10, },    --position (optional)
  22.     --strata      = "BACKGRROUND",                                                      --framestrata, default "LOW" (optional)
  23.     --level       = 1,                                                                  --framelevel, default 1 (optional)
  24.     --filling     = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_filling15.tga",         --replace the orb filling texture with sth else (optional)
  25.     --background  = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_back.tga",              --replace the orb background texture with sth else (optional)
  26.     --gloss       = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_gloss.tga",             --replace the orb gloss texture with sth else (optional)

- spawnPowerOrb config attributes:
lua Code:
  1. -- animation IDs
  2.   -- 0 = red fog,         1 = purple fog,       2 = green fog,          3 = yellow fog,     4 = turquoise fog
  3.   -- 5 = red portal,      6 = blue rune portal, 7 = red ghost,          8 = purple ghost,   9 = water planet,
  4.   -- 10 = swirling cloud, 11 = white fog,       12 = red glowing eye,   13 = sandy swirl,   14 = green fire
  5.   -- 15 = purple swirl,   16 = white tornado,   17 = blue swirly,       18 = orange fog,    19 = pearl
  6.   -- 20 = red magnet,     21 = blue portal,     22 = purple portal
  8.     name              = "PowerhOrb",                  --Needed. Must be UNIQUE per addon.
  9.     --unit              = "target"                    --default unit is "player" but you may use "target" to create an orb for target frame (optional)
  10.     size              = 150,                          --size of orb frame
  11.     scale             = 0.82,                         --scale of orb frame (optional)
  12.     --font              = "FONTS\\FRIZQT__.ttf"       --want to use a different font? (optional)
  13.     powertypecolored  = true,                         --powertypecolored? if yes and animation is set the anim used will be irgnored, instead pearl animation is used.
  14.     animation         = {
  15.                           enable          = true,     --enable fluid animation true/false
  16.                           anim            = 20,       --animation id, chosse one of the 23 preset animations
  17.                           decreaseAlpha   = false,    --decrease alpha of animation based on hp value (more hp = brighter animation, lower hp = less opacity)
  18.                           multiplier      = 0.3,      --multiply animation alpha with multiplier to make it less bright
  19.                         },
  20.     --color             = { r=1, g=1, b=0, a=1, },    --if no animation is set and no classcolored is selected you may choose your own color
  21.     pos               = { a1="BOTTOM", x=-260, y=-10, },    --position (optional)
  22.     --strata      = "BACKGRROUND",                                                      --framestrata, default "LOW" (optional)
  23.     --level       = 1,                                                                  --framelevel, default 1 (optional)
  24.     --filling     = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_filling15.tga",         --replace the orb filling texture with sth else (optional)
  25.     --background  = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_back.tga",              --replace the orb background texture with sth else (optional)
  26.     --gloss       = "Interface\\AddOns\\rBBS_RothUI\\media\\orb_gloss.tga",             --replace the orb gloss texture with sth else (optional)


- updated for patch 6.0.2

- updated for patch 5.1

- initial release for MoP - patch 5.0.5

- updated toc for patch 4.3

- support for pet unit
- fixed unit menu and unit tooltip

- updated toc for patch 4.2


- Added new API function to spawn backdrop frames, check the backdrop layout for examples


Added an ingame menu.
- Added new API function for a dragframe
- Data is now saved in SavedVariables per character (thus does not fade if you deselect the addon)
- Added config menu
- Menu can be opened via "/rbbs" slash command or by clicking the gem
- Menu allows the following settings:

SPECIFIC frame settings
What is so special with the dragframe?
Other frames can anchor the dragframe. If you size the dragframe all other frames will be scaled on your dragframe resize.
If you move the dragframe all other frames that hooked the dragframe will follow.
Thus you can now resize your whole art again by resizing one frame in the game.

- added support for target orbs (you can now add a unit the the orb config)

- rBBS is a framework now


- updated toc file for patch 4.1

removed unneeded code and fixed the mana coloring, actually going on powertype now
Change list

- added player login event to make sure the values update correctly after login

- updated to work with Patch 4.0.1

- added class coloring (health orb value 0)
- data is now saved per character

- added clique support

- updated for 3.2
- added the new galaxy glow

- updated for 3.1
- small fixes to the Roth UI layout

- added AION2 style from Dawn
- added Diablo 3 style without any orbs

- Diablo 3 layout now can choose between 3 bar types aswell for 12, 24 and 36 buttons
- roth layout got the cool angel and demon :p

006 Diff
- all frames are now at strata BACKGROUND
- added AION style
- new Diablo 3 textures

005 Diff
- added health orb coloring
- added mana orb coloring
- added functions to automatically detect the mana coloring on stance/class

004 Diff
- added health and mana values
- added orb click and hover functionality

003 Diff
- added the glows (first version)

002-2 Diff
- one orb func to create all the orbs
- code cleanup, removed tabs

002 Diff
- added moving
- added locking
- added functions to move / lock stuff
- orb health and orb mana func

- fixed bug with default bar value not setting

- initial release with 4 styles (d1, d2, d3, roth)
Optional Files (12)
File Name
10-25-14 07:20 AM
10-09-11 07:24 AM
06-29-11 04:09 PM
06-29-11 04:08 PM
06-29-11 04:08 PM
06-29-11 04:07 PM
06-29-11 04:06 PM
06-29-11 04:05 PM
06-29-11 04:04 PM
06-29-11 04:03 PM
06-27-11 04:42 AM
06-21-11 03:08 PM

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Unread 04-06-09, 03:01 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally posted by Luciant
if you integrate the xp bar into the d3 style, think there is anyway you can do it with the others (specifically your wonderfully made roth style)?
No you don't get it. The xp-bar is done by jEXP (, rBottomBar just does the textures to make it look cool. But I think you can use every other xp bar aswell. I think Dominos and Bartender4 deliver xp-bars aswell. You could just download jEXP and use it with this mod and the Roth layout. Should work. But you may need to adjust the myscale variable in jEXP. That mod is Lua only. Thus I probably would use the xp bars from Dominos or Bartender.
| Simple is beautiful.
| WoWI AddOns | GitHub | Zork (WoW)

"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
Last edited by zork : 04-06-09 at 03:03 AM.
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Unread 04-06-09, 02:33 AM  
A Cyclonian
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if you integrate the xp bar into the d3 style, think there is anyway you can do it with the others (specifically your wonderfully made roth style)?

Originally posted by zork
What you did is exactly what I expected users to do with the addon. Additionally if you provide me with good ideas for additional styles I can implement them. The whole styles use a bunch of functions to create all the stuff needed and its rather easy to set up new styles.
I think I can adjust the Diablo 3 style to pick up the xp bar aswell its a good idea.

Put bags and micromenu on mouseover. Works best imo.

Now that all the functions are finished adding new styles is very easy.
Last edited by Luciant : 04-06-09 at 02:33 AM.
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Unread 04-06-09, 01:26 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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What you did is exactly what I expected users to do with the addon. Additionally if you provide me with good ideas for additional styles I can implement them. The whole styles use a bunch of functions to create all the stuff needed and its rather easy to set up new styles.
I think I can adjust the Diablo 3 style to pick up the xp bar aswell its a good idea.

Put bags and micromenu on mouseover. Works best imo.

Btw I am adding another style: AION

Now that all the functions are finished adding new styles is very easy.
| Simple is beautiful.
| WoWI AddOns | GitHub | Zork (WoW)

"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
Last edited by zork : 04-06-09 at 02:04 AM.
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Unread 04-05-09, 10:28 PM  
A Frostmaul Preserver
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I really like the D3, Zork's alteration was good, but I thought I like the original better. Also fixed a bit here and there. I probably gonna be adding in xp bar (similar to that of the original D3 one and bit some more etc... bleh bleh). But not sure if I can do it since I'm still trying to get it done so that it doesn't look out of place while placing over Zork's altered one.

Also hope ya don't mind Zork lol.

For the E, F, G. I guess it can be anything, but only as long as the person got the software to edit it such as PSD.

Used Bart4 and buttfacade. Went and change the texture in serenity (well pasted over from D3) for the 6 circle slot buttons. Beneath is the micro menu. If I cna get far, I'll b adding a Bag button somewhere... i dunno... just w/e gets done first gets done.

w/e u see here is the default scaling and position for D3 set.

Edit: with xp bar. (transparent for the bottom layer.)

wish I could do better... but reall tired now lol. Was originally plan to expand from 1024x128 to 1024x256 so I can add more stuff heightwise. But this is good for me anyways lol.

Used JExp.

Time to switch over to this mod! lol.
  • Sever: Twisting Nether
  • Character: BloodElf Paladin (Level - 35)
Last edited by 123noob : 04-06-09 at 12:20 AM.
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Unread 04-05-09, 05:24 PM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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New update with health and manacoloring is out.
@anduin you can change the Frame of the ChatFrame1 if you want it to hover the frames.
| Simple is beautiful.
| WoWI AddOns | GitHub | Zork (WoW)

"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
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Unread 04-05-09, 02:31 PM  
Nobody of Importance
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Awesome, thanks.
Couple more things to make it perfect.
- I'd love it if the top most textures were bellow the chat frames. Since they take up a bit of room i'd like my chat to be on top of it when it's visible.
- If you have a lot of health the current health text is obscured by the left gargoyle (roth). It'd be nice if the text was above the gargoyle.
- The health/mana text also obscures the pretty orbs, I'd love it if it were only visible on hover.

Thanks for adding the targeting tho, now i can get rid of my player frame!
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Unread 04-05-09, 01:17 PM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Got the orb clicking and hovering working. Hovering will update the tooltip. Leftclick will target the player. Rightclick will open the menu.

Download of verion 004 is available. The mod is pretty much done. What left is mana coloring on stance/class.

I will add following options.
- sethealthorb
Will let you select the health orb color

- setmanaorb
Will let you select the mana orb color

- automana
Will override the setmanaorb and automatically set mana color on stance or class
| Simple is beautiful.
| WoWI AddOns | GitHub | Zork (WoW)

"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
Last edited by zork : 04-05-09 at 01:59 PM.
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Unread 04-05-09, 10:57 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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| Simple is beautiful.
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"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
Last edited by zork : 04-05-09 at 11:02 AM.
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Unread 04-05-09, 08:47 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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I know what I am doing regarding the framestrata but I got the framestrata to maximum use "medium".

I added the glow functions. You can check them by looking at my dev shots.

Upload is coming.
| Simple is beautiful.
| WoWI AddOns | GitHub | Zork (WoW)

"I wonder what the non-pathetic people are doing tonight?" - Rajesh Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
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Unread 04-05-09, 05:48 AM  
Nobody of Importance
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Pretty nifty collection. Any way we could get hover text for hp and mana current/max and click one of the orbs to target the player?

Also, I'd be a whole lot happier if the textures were placed without frames for each one. That way you could just use texture stratas instead of having to use frame stratas and you would have the edge textures set on TOOLTIP overlapping everything (namely the chat windows). Just remember to set your holder frame to BACKGROUND frame strata. And remember that textures are layered in the order they are created.
Last edited by AnduinLothar : 04-05-09 at 06:12 AM.
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Unread 04-04-09, 01:54 PM  
A Cyclonian
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this looks like a very promising addon
for now im gonna stick with oUF D3Orbs
but i hope someday you make a standalone unit frames replacement like this but has all the features of oUF D3Orbs (cool casting bar, party frames, etc etc)
mad props for including diablo 1 and 2 style bars in this tho, classic!

EDIT; testing this new addon on one of my computers i notice the orbs have no fog animation? is this normal? if so, any possibility of adding the animation?
Last edited by Luciant : 04-04-09 at 02:21 PM.
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Unread 04-04-09, 12:14 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Moveable?

Originally posted by zork
Update available. You can now move and lock the bar.

You rock! Thank you again!
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Unread 04-04-09, 11:19 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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This is my new mod and it is my first mod ever that will have no Lua config. Woot? Yes, no Lua config. You can access everything by using the /rbbs slash command in the chat.
1 small step for mankind, 1 giant step for zork =)
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Unread 04-04-09, 10:42 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Re: *Feature Request*

Originally posted by Bornabe
Hope this is the right place...

I'm in absolute awe of how good this little addon is. I've started completely over with my UI and based it all around this one. Is there a chance you can add the option of enable On / Off / OnHover of Text for the Orbs? Maybe also add in there a few options of that text's placement such as Top, Center or Bottom or Custom would be nice for those that need it. I myself would toss it at the bottom of the Orbs and maybe not 100% Transparency of the text so it blends in nicely but still gives us number-folks something to utilize.
I will not do that. If you want the orbs to be your unitframe use Roth UI. This one will be simple but I will add the glow to the orbs aswell. I may add a small text area but this will only have an on/off option.
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Last edited by zork : 04-04-09 at 10:43 AM.
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Unread 04-04-09, 10:34 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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*Feature Request*

Hope this is the right place...

I'm in absolute awe of how good this little addon is. I've started completely over with my UI and based it all around this one. Is there a chance you can add the option of enable On / Off / OnHover of Text for the Orbs? Maybe also add in there a few options of that text's placement such as Top, Center or Bottom or Custom would be nice for those that need it. I myself would toss it at the bottom of the Orbs and maybe not 100% Transparency of the text so it blends in nicely but still gives us number-folks something to utilize.
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