Updated: 04-04-21 01:44 AM
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Chains of Domination (9.1.0)
Updated:04-04-21 01:44 AM
Created:05-02-09 11:08 PM
Categories:Character Advancement, Map, Coords, Compasses

QuestGuru  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.8.3
by: Lazare [More]

QuestGuru is a Quest Log Enhancer.
If you are looking for the "Classic" version of QuestGuru click QuestGuru_Classic

I have split off QuestGuru and QuestGuru Sounds into two separate addons that don't rely on each other so that the community that really missed the sounds can have them with me delaying them because of the qork being done on QuestGuru. I hope this makes at least some people happy.
You can click > QuestGuru Sounds

Note: If you like this addon, please "Like it" on
All Donations support me and I thank you in advance for it.

Features include:

  • Enhanced 2 page quest display in the log
  • Patch 6.0 broke QuestGuru, so this is a completely different monster
  • Conforms to the WOD map quest log (Tooltips for quests and icons showing quest status)
  • Added full time quest level in front of quest name and tooltips.
For those who are missing the Quest Tracker of QuestGuru, try Kaliel's Tracker

I have been using it for a long while and is not half bad

  • Will try and revamp the quest tracker as I love it also. But wanted to get the Log out ASAP.
  • Try to bring back the other features of the old QuestGuru (Sounds, announcements, etc.)
  • Need to make a in-game config window, still a work in progress.
Q. How do I post a Bug Report?
  • A1 - Click on QuestGuru Go to the AddOn and on the right side there is a selection called "Bugs" click on that. You will need to be signed in to WoW Interface to create a bug report.
  • A2 - Or file a ticket on QuestGuru@CurseForge
  • Note:
  • Please include the version of QuestGuru you are using and copy/paste the error message you receive.
  • Please describe what you were doing when the error happened. This will help tremendously.
Q. How do I turn on auto-tracking of quests?
  • A - Look in the options for the game itself, not QuestGuru. Under Objectives there are options to set when to track quests.
  • QuestGuru does not duplicate these settings in its own options as it could become problematic and it is not necessary to duplicate options already available.
Q. Where can I find a version compatible with WoW patch x?
  • A. QuestGuru is supported for the current Expansion and Patch level running on the live servers. PTR versions may be supported as Alpha or Beta releases, but I offer no guarantee.

QuestGuru ChangeLog

Version 2.8.3
Upated TOC

Version 2.8.2
Some fixes and tweaks having to do with the
toon portrait, name and level in title bar.
Much thanks goes to Warmexx, who does the
Armory addon, which I totally LOVE!

Version 2.8.1
Revised addon version number to reflect second revision of
QuestGuru Xpac 8 and version 1. From now on version numbering
will follow this system (ie next Xpac will have numbering of 2.9.xx)
Hopefully fixed last SetPoint issue and added fake headers for war campaign

Version 2.5.17
Repaired SetPoint issues

Version 2.5.16
Fixed sound number problems that Blizz caused

Version 2.5.15
Repaired problems with CVAR statement

Version 2.5.14
Upated TOC

Version 2.5.13
Fixed the "no quest level" bug

Version 2.5.12
Deleted a wayward, outdated, function

Version 2.5.11
Fixed spelling errors

Version 2.5.10
Reverted code that was preventing
QuestGuru from running right

Version 2.5.08
Fixed code that was preventing
QuestGuru from being moved

Version 2.5.07
Reverted some code that was funky and
did some other fixes

Version 2.5.05
Fixed some QG bugs that escaped into the wild

Version 2.5.03
Transferred from BfA Beta to Live

Version 2.4.32
Added "oldSchool" sound set that had been
part of QuestGuru in the beginning.

Version 2.4.31


Cleanup of some “left behind” text
Also fixed problems having to so with PlaySound

Version 2.4.30
Fixed problems with the SoundKitID

Version 2.4.29
Fixed two spelling errors

Version 2.4.28
Fixed some problems with 7.3 and changed TOC

Version 2.4.26
Fixed problem that cropped up with Blizz's changes for WQFinder
Removed repetitive code

Version 2.4.25
Fixed a spelling problem

Version 2.4.24
Fixed some problems that were introduced in patch

Version 2.4.23
Updated TOC for 7.2

Version 2.4.22
Just a couple of non-error producing bug fixes

Version 2.4.21
Corrected a spelling error brought in by 2.4.20
oi vey!

Version 2.4.20
Minor fixes and improvements

Version 2.4.19
Fixed problem that cropped up in 7.1

Version 2.4.18
Updated TOC and fixed Track/UnTrack button
Version 2.4.17
Fixed another spelling error

Version 2.4.16
Fixed a spelling error and added a "classic"
sound set, thanks to houseofmabel for
providing the code

Version 2.4.15
Disabled button changing Lua until I can get it fixed.
Added sound sets "Alarm" and "Bells"

Version 2.4.14
Added sound set "quiet" for those not wanting to hear the sounds.

Version 2.4.13
Turned off debug mode (forgot I left it on)

Version 2.4.12
Had to revise the sound section into a separate folder
(QuestGuruSounds) and took out some sound sets
Down to two sets presently for testing, will put back

Version 2.4.11
Added some more sound sets

Version 2.4.10
Fixed sounds so they worked like before

Version 2.4.09
Ok, REALLy TRUELY, fixed key binding problem (not sure why it
worked on many but not all) Tested it on 3 realms and various
sets or addons loaded. Binding header name fixed also

Version 2.4.08
Ok, REALLY fixed key binding problem (not sure why it
worked on one toon but not the rest)
reimplemented player portrait in upper left

Version 2.4.07
Fixed key binding and window placement/moving
problems brought to me by Howling

Version 2.4.06
Corrected some errors to my lua.
Disabled sound for right now until I get it fixed.

Version 2.4.05
Various bug fixes
TOC number change

Version 2.4.00
Repaired a problem in the .xml file throwing errors in Legion.
Also disabled the Options button in the same file for now

Version 2.3.12
TOC update to 60200

Version 2.3.11
Defult sound set is the original QuestGuru set from the past. /QGS for changes

Version 2.3.10
Fixed some spelling errors and got header collapse working again. Update TOC for 6.1

Version 2.3.09
Sound configuration added. /QGS and /QGS SET - for options

Version 2.3.08
Finally got the sounds working. Horde has peon sounds and ally has peasant sounds. Objective progress, objective complete and quest complete.
Version 2.3.07b
Brought things back to pre-2.3.07, except for the additions of tracker files, but those are disabled until I get them re-worked.

Version 2.3.07a
Made some revisions.

Version 2.3.07
Some fixes, some additions. Working hard on tracker part

Version 2.3.06
Reports of problems came in.
Went thru with fine toothed comb and got them beggars outta here.

Version 2.3.04
Changed versioning numbers (got rid of -6000). Repaired some minor bugs, introduced QuestGuru's version number and player's name, level and class to title bar :) Added sound to collapsing and expanding quest zone / type headers.

Version 2.3.02-60000
Found corruption in zip file, fixed and uploaded tested and working copy

Version 2.3.01-60000
Massive rework of the QuestGuru code. Right now the tracker is not working :(

Version 2.2.18-50400
(no changes)

* Normalizing the version numbers between QuestGuru & QuestGuru_Tracker to the same value. This will be the main change log henceforth.
* fix Achievement to ignore update events that happen during portals (between leaving and entering world events)
The update event would fire, but Blizzard was reporting no achievements during that time so the QGT would
"UnTrack" the Achievements and so there would be none when the display tried to update (and therefore currLine was zero and j was nil)
* Look at the oldChangeLog in QuestGuru_Tracker for older updates to the tracker

Version 2.2.17-50400 (QuestGuru)
* Changing the Version number so Curse will see that it's different

Version 1.5.16-50400 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* fix QGT_Achievement.lua to handle Blizzard not returning an integer value on the slider
Version 2.2.16-50400 (QuestGuru)
* Removed a bit of diagnostic code accidently left in.
Version 2.2.15-50400 (QuestGuru)
* Change logic around QuestLog_OnShow to use secure hook functions to resolve
a taint issue introduced by patch 5.4.1 (Shame on you Blizzard).

Version 2.2.14-50400 (QuestGuru)
Version 1.5.15-50400 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* TOC change for patch 5.4

Version 2.2.14-50300 (QuestGuru)
Version 1.5.15-50300 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* TOC change for patch 5.3
* Fixed a problem in QGT_Achievements that caused the Tracker to fail (Tracker)
* Big thanks to CMTitan who provided code to handle Scenarios that came out with MoP (Tracker)

Version 2.2.13-50001 (QuestGuru)
* Added a new sound option to announce (Thank you Drizt)
* Added a snippet of code to fix a rare QuestLog layout problem. Drizt ran into this again in MoP & kindly shared his fix for the issue.
* Fixed a few more places where party handling was changed in MoP/Patch 5.0.4.
* Changed the Debug message for the objectives not returning data to be sensitive to the debug setting.

Version 1.5.14-50001 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* Fixed another place where party handling was changed in MoP/Patch 5.0.4.

Version 2.2.12-50001 (QuestGuru)
* Blizzard API GetQuestLogLeaderBoard is failing to return information for the identified objective & quest on some quests.
I changed the code to look for no information return and simply bypass processing for that objective after dumping some info into the chatlog.
I've added a slashcommand to invoke the routine at will: "/qg testui1"
For me, it's failing on "Shadow Wardens" and perhaps that's because the world tree marks are currency, not "items".
If the quest is an event quest (get 150 marks) then the type of quest should be event and the numObjectives should be zero.

Version 2.2.11-50001 (QuestGuru)
* Error being reported by some @ line 410 of QuestGuru.lua. Added some diagnostic code when text == nil

Version 2.2.10-50001 (QuestGuru)
* Removed some leftover diagnostic messages

Version 1.5.13-50001 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* Fixed a problem with the Achievement Tracking

Version 2.2.9-50001 (QuestGuru)
Version 1.5.12-50001 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* Both - Updated several items for compatability with Mists of Panderia (Patch 5.0.x)

Version 2.2.7-40300 (QuestGuru)
Version 1.5.10-40300 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* Latest revision of the Russian localization now incorporated. Thank you again StingerSoft!
* Removed some unused code. Frame "QG_QuestLogTitleMenu"
* Fixed the SetBindings problem that would cause all bindings to occassionally get lost.

Version 2.2.6-40300 (QuestGuru)
Version 1.5.9-40300 (QuestGuru_Tracker)
* Made several localization changes. Enabled $substitution variables in announcer to be localized as well.
* Incorporated a brand new localization for Chinese(zhCN). Credit to Honooon with many thanks.
* Incorporated an updated localization for Russian(ruRU). Credit to StingerSoft with many thanks also.
* Updated all of the localizations (even the new ones) to synchronize variable names
* I based the updates upon the default (American) localization file.
* I removed variables that were no longer in the base localization file (most moved to the QuestGuru_Tracer localization)
* and added missing variables (in American)
* We now have localizations for German, French, Russian, and Chinese (zhCN & zhTW).
* I would really appreciate it if speakers of those languages sent me updates to them.
* There are some new variables in the localizations that need translation!

Version 2.2.5-40300
* The History button call to QuestCompletist has been fixed.

Version 2.2.4a-40300
* Refixed an issue in QuestGuru_Tracker\QGT_Quests.lua where SaveBindings sometimes received an invalid value because GetCurrentBindingSet() would return other than nil, 1, or 2.

Version 2.2.4-40300
* Fixed the TOC for 4.3 cata
* MrObrien has asked that somebody pickup and work on the QuestGuru so I will try and do some updates as I can't play without this mod.
Addon home is and you can PM me there if you like. Gregity is the name.
I will be making small changes to get used to the codebase before I try anything like a major update.
* Fixed an issue in QuestGuru_Tracker/QGT_Quests.lua where SaveBindings sometimes received an invalid value because GetCurrentBindingSet() would return nil
* No other new information has been added (yet).

Version 2.2.3
* Fixes for when scrolling the quest log
* The quest log frame will now remember where it was when moved

Version 2.2.2
* Tracker achievement bug fixes and flashing for completed remote quests

Version 2.2.1
* Tracker bug fix that was causing game crashes

Version 2.2
* Added quest levels to NPC dialogs where possible
* Added "Sound\\Creature\\Peasant\\PeasantWhat3.wav" to the list of sound options

Version 2.1
* Removed the History, I recommend using Quest Completist
* Fixes for Cataclysm
* Special thanks to Dridzy and Cartman for their invaluable contributions

Version 2.0 Beta 2
* QuestGuru now modifies the quest log to add quest level and checkboxes for tracking quests (like previous versions of QuestGuru)

Version 2.0 Beta 1
* Incorporated History function, QuestGuru History is no longer a separate module
* QuestGuru is now a modification of the built-in quest log, rather than a replacement
* History is no longer stored on your computer but is retrieved from the server instead
* Removed some features that were causing problems and slimmed down the addon to reduce memory usage
* Upgraded to ChatThrottleLib v21
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Unread 02-23-11, 07:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Default Quest Log

It looks like you found the issue, but FYI (and for anyone experiencing something similar), if you are using the latest version of QuestGuru, it is no longer a quest log replacement, because that was causing taint, it is now a quest log enhancer, so the default quest log and the QuestGuru quest log are actually the same thing and it would not be possible for them to show up as two separate windows.

Originally posted by r1pt1de
I saw someone mention this a page or two back but never saw a response. For some reason from time to time the default quest log is popping up under the quest guru log, showing both at the same time. This normally happens when looting a quest item, or killing a quest mob. No error messages are popping up at all. Any clues?

**EDIT** This seems to be being caused by one of my other addons, as it does it to carbonite also. And if I disable that specific addon, i dont have the issue any more.
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Unread 02-23-11, 01:53 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Default Quest Log

I saw someone mention this a page or two back but never saw a response. For some reason from time to time the default quest log is popping up under the quest guru log, showing both at the same time. This normally happens when looting a quest item, or killing a quest mob. No error messages are popping up at all. Any clues?

**EDIT** This seems to be being caused by one of my other addons, as it does it to carbonite also. And if I disable that specific addon, i dont have the issue any more.
Last edited by r1pt1de : 02-23-11 at 02:25 AM.
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Unread 02-12-11, 01:33 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Wowui?

Yeah, that site always has problems, which is sad because it used to be my favorite site for addons, as far as functionality of the site. Whenever I update QuestGuru, I will always upload it to WoWUI, WoWInterface, and Curse. If WoWUI continues to have such issues, I might remove it from their site.

Originally posted by Corbeau
Trust me, I prefer to have all my addons in one place, so I love that it's here, but I didn't realize at first, and I was going to Wowui to get it. However, I noticed that I can't get to it over there anymore. Would that be due to a lot of the virus issues he has there?

Anyway, I was just curious if the addon would be updated regularly here when there is an update. Again, most of the addons I use are hosted here, so it just makes it easier for me.

Love the addon, one of my must-haves!
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Unread 02-11-11, 07:53 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Trust me, I prefer to have all my addons in one place, so I love that it's here, but I didn't realize at first, and I was going to Wowui to get it. However, I noticed that I can't get to it over there anymore. Would that be due to a lot of the virus issues he has there?

Anyway, I was just curious if the addon would be updated regularly here when there is an update. Again, most of the addons I use are hosted here, so it just makes it easier for me.

Love the addon, one of my must-haves!
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Unread 02-08-11, 12:48 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr

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Is it possible to have the quest tracker sort quests bu proximity, like the sotck one ?
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Unread 01-24-11, 08:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Re: New PopUp Quest Window Action

Make sure you are using the latest version of QuestGuru and its tracker. A lot of these new quests just automatically get accepted, and QuestGuru has never blocked that. With the latest version, the quest entry in the tracker will flash when the quest is complete and ready to turn in, just click it to get the quest complete window. You can also just open the tracker options and uncheck the option to hide the Blizzard tracker, no need to disable addons and reload the UI.

Originally posted by Miyasashi
At this time this seems to be the case unfortunately, I use this addon solely due to it's superb quest-tracking yet if it doesn't work with the new way of accepting/turning in quests the usability of this addon goes down.

I am really hoping that the creator of this addon will bring atleast a small fix to that because there are definitely NO viable replacements at this time. There are similar addons but they all lack something, some are buggy and others lack the configurations this addon has.
Originally posted by Mellesande
If this has been covered I didn't find it, my Google Fu is weak. Since Cata the game has a functionality whereby the offering or completing of quests is triggered by something other than NPC interaction. When I enable the Quest Tracker (which I love and have used for ages) this window will not appear. I have to disable the tracker, reload the UI, click the popup, then reverse to go back to the tracker.

Am *I* doing something wrong? Is this working for others? If not, is it fixable?

Thank you for your volunteer efforts. I am grateful.
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Unread 01-24-11, 06:25 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: New PopUp Quest Window Action

Originally posted by Mellesande
If this has been covered I didn't find it, my Google Fu is weak. Since Cata the game has a functionality whereby the offering or completing of quests is triggered by something other than NPC interaction. When I enable the Quest Tracker (which I love and have used for ages) this window will not appear. I have to disable the tracker, reload the UI, click the popup, then reverse to go back to the tracker.

Am *I* doing something wrong? Is this working for others? If not, is it fixable?

Thank you for your volunteer efforts. I am grateful.
At this time this seems to be the case unfortunately, I use this addon solely due to it's superb quest-tracking yet if it doesn't work with the new way of accepting/turning in quests the usability of this addon goes down.

I am really hoping that the creator of this addon will bring atleast a small fix to that because there are definitely NO viable replacements at this time. There are similar addons but they all lack something, some are buggy and others lack the configurations this addon has.
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Unread 01-22-11, 02:54 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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New PopUp Quest Window Action

If this has been covered I didn't find it, my Google Fu is weak. Since Cata the game has a functionality whereby the offering or completing of quests is triggered by something other than NPC interaction. When I enable the Quest Tracker (which I love and have used for ages) this window will not appear. I have to disable the tracker, reload the UI, click the popup, then reverse to go back to the tracker.

Am *I* doing something wrong? Is this working for others? If not, is it fixable?

Thank you for your volunteer efforts. I am grateful.
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Unread 01-20-11, 03:03 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Quest Announcements

(Apologies if this has already been mentioned)

In recent builds of QG all toons share the same Quest Announcement messages. Previously, each character could have their own custom message. Any chance of reinstating this?

Also, "Announce when you accept a new Quest" hasn't worked since 4.0.3, (I think because the QUEST_ACCEPTED event has been deprecated). I kind of miss it. You can probably still spot new quests by scanning the list for changes when a QUEST_LOG_UPDATE event fires, I'm guessing.

Cheers, and thanks for the AddOn, speedwaystar
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Unread 01-08-11, 05:27 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I see very similar behaviour - namely, zoning into instances, the tracker starts soaking up memory extremely rapidly, forcing so frequent GCs that it's getting laggy.

Originally posted by festin
Everytime I switch zone or change area I get questguru taking all of a sudden 30% of resources which results in lots of stuttering. Sometimes this stuttering remains till /reloadui. Of course using last QG - 2.2.3.

Also whenever i open up questlog by clicking on a quest title - always first time my quest log lands in left top corner of screen no matter where i put it before. Usually next opening of quest or openning it by pressing "L" makes it to normal behaviour.

And one last thing - when I have marked any achievements for tracking but I switch to quests in tracker after relog I got tracker set to achievements. Quite annoying ;P

Anyway thanks for keeping the favourite quest addon up and running ! And Merry Christmas.
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Unread 12-27-10, 08:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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hm, since version 2.x the tracker has some strange behaviour. usually i place the tracker at the lower left corner of the screen. when i switch between quests and achievements, or use the "pin tracker" or "click through tracker" function, the tracker jumps to the upper right corner, right under the minimap... oO
some days i found a conclusion for me, haha... i manually set the position values in the QGT.lua in the char-specific savedvariables folder. had no effect in the beginning, then it worked suddenly for some days.
today switched from av to quests... it jumped again. :S installed only the tracker from v1.5.1, then it worked... aargh. it makes me mad^^

you know your code... pls pls fix it. the tracker is nearly the only thing, why i use QG since its release... thx :-*
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Unread 12-27-10, 05:56 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by mrobrian
Do you have another addon that does something with keybindings? The line of code giving you an error is:


But GetCurrentBindingSet() can only possibly return 1 or 2, according to the documentation, and the error you are getting is saying that it returned something other than 1 or 2.
bartender4 is the only other thing.

but i just got the message again. and it was still the quest guru tracker. but it also had Auctionator listed.
wMmap :: Is a lightweight Minimap, with a sleek look & custom imagery.
wIn1 :: In one addon. and is very lightweight & simple to use.
wChat :: Is a lightweight chat mod.
wBroker :: Is A simple broker add-on.
wPetXPBar :: Is A simple lightweight Pet XP Bar.
wBuffs :: Is A simple Buffs Bar.
Last edited by weasoug : 12-27-10 at 05:58 AM.
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Unread 12-27-10, 12:07 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Do you have another addon that does something with keybindings? The line of code giving you an error is:


But GetCurrentBindingSet() can only possibly return 1 or 2, according to the documentation, and the error you are getting is saying that it returned something other than 1 or 2.

Originally posted by weasoug
thanks for the reply. just happy ive had no probs.

there are times i get a tracking error. but forgot to copy it. as a reload seems to fix it
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Unread 12-26-10, 01:56 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by mrobrian
There is a small gap there by design so the items don't shift when the scrollbar appears and so MobMap buttons don't overlap them. I am considering redesigning where those quest item icons go.

thanks for the reply. just happy ive had no probs.

there are times i get a tracking error. but forgot to copy it. as a reload seems to fix it

Interface\AddOns\QuestGuru_Tracker\QGT_Quests.lua:107: Usage: SaveBindings(1|2)
Count: 1

Interface\AddOns\QuestGuru_Tracker\QGT_Quests.lua:107: in function

wMmap :: Is a lightweight Minimap, with a sleek look & custom imagery.
wIn1 :: In one addon. and is very lightweight & simple to use.
wChat :: Is a lightweight chat mod.
wBroker :: Is A simple broker add-on.
wPetXPBar :: Is A simple lightweight Pet XP Bar.
wBuffs :: Is A simple Buffs Bar.
Last edited by weasoug : 12-26-10 at 02:39 PM.
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Unread 12-26-10, 10:51 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant

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re: disappearing quest text, qg, and mapster... I use mapster on all my toons, but have turned off both halves of QG for the time being while I level my main (since I don't want to mess with the auto-accept/remote-turnin of quests). I have noticed the disappearing quest text if I bring up the map, and this is without having any part of QG enabled on that char, either the qlog half or the tracker half. So it seems to me that whatever is going on with disappearing quest text doesn't seem to be related to QG... or at least, I would think, not to the point where Mr Obrien can do anything about it.

also, I don't want this to sound demanding or anything because I know you're only still working on this whole thing out of the goodness of your heart, and I'm very very appreciative of that \o/, but I too would greatly enjoy a default-setting that remembered the stuff like 'sound on quest completion' and 'which parts of quest-completion announcing to do' and 'color in the tracker'. It's not a big deal right now, I know there are bigger fish to fry. Just saying, whenever you get that far, I would definitely put such an option to good use : D.

Thanks again for continuing to work on this. leveling on my main with default tracker is bleh. With this recent release, I'm gonna re-enable the tracker and report any funkiness. Thanks again \o/
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