Updated: 03-20-24 01:35 AM
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Plunderstorm (10.2.6)
Updated:03-20-24 01:35 AM
Created:05-17-09 12:55 PM

Shadowed Unit Frames  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v4.4.8
by: Shadowed, Nevcairiel

SUF focuses on a simple configuration while maintaining the flexibility that most users will care about, preventing unnecessary bloating of the addon that sacrifices performance. While you aren't going to be able to set the health bar to be exactly 3.14 pixels outside of the unit frames, you can change options you actually care about such as bar height, ordering, frame height and so on. To speed up configuration, you can configure multiple units at the same time through the global configuration. For example, if you want to set the height of the Player, Target, Focus and Party frames to 50 then the height of Target's Target, Target's Target of Target, Focus Target to 30 you can easily do this by changing two options instead of having to do it seven times.

However, should you need a little bit of extra configuration do not despair! An advanced option is included that will unlock additional configuration giving finer control over the configuration.

Slash commands: /shadoweduf (/suf)

Donations are not required, but are appreciated!

Are you driven crazy by your party frames not aligning up exactly with your player frames, even if it's only half a pixel off? The anchoring system will let you solve all alignment issues, by allowing you to anchor a frame to another and set a simple offset from the frame it is anchored to, or by manually setting the X/Y position of the frame.

Using the screen shot as an example, if you drag the player frame the other frames will move with the player frame preserving the alignment and spacing. Each frame can still be manually positioned wherever you want, but this gives you a way of easily anchoring and moving frames around without having to use a ruler.

Zone configuration (Disabling options/units by zone type)
Units and modules can be enabled or disabled based on the type of zone you are in. For example, if you want to see party targets and party pets while you are in an arena but nowhere else then you can use the visibility options to enable it only while inside an arena. Modules can also be disabled by zone type, if you want to see party auras while in a raid instance but nowhere else you can disable the module in raid instances only.

Profiles do not have to be swapped and it is all automatic.

Supports unit frames are as follows:

Player: Player, Pet, Pet Target
General: Target, Target of Target, Target of Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target
Party: Party, Party Pets, Party Targets, Party ToT
Raid: Raid, Raid Pet, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Main Assist, Main Assist Target, Boss, Boss Target, Boss ToT, Main Assist ToT, Main Tank ToT
Arena: Arena, Arena Target, Arena Pets, Arena ToT
Battleground: Battleground, Battleground Target, Battleground Target


  • Tags: Includes a simple tagging system that can be customized in virtually any way using Lua, even if something isn't included by default odds are you can make the tags
  • Incoming Heals: Supports the Blizzard Events for incoming heal data, no external libraries needed
  • Auras: Can be set to only show auras you casted, or can cast on others. Can enlarge auras that you casted, and hide the cooldown ring on the timers of auras you didn't cast as well to make it more obvious which ones you casted and which ones you didn't
  • Aura Timers: You will need a mod such as OmniCC to show timers on buffs and debuffs
  • Aura Indicators: Display colored squares or icons for certain auras on any unit
  • Fader: Fades frames when out of combat and inactive (100% mana/no target)
  • Class Power (Eclipse, Holy Power, etc): Supports all of the class power features from Eclipse to Burning Embers.
  • Highlighting: Border highlighting of frames based on mousing over them, curable debuffs, aggro or you are targeting/focusing them
  • Range Checking: Fades frames out that are out of range of you
  • Exportable Layouts: If you have a layout, or your friend has a layout you want to try out you can export/import SUF layouts by going to /suf -> Layout Manager
  • Profiles: You can change from any profile to another one without reloading your UI, should you want to use a completely different layout based on zone you can easily switch profiles without hassle

Pretty much all the general unit frame settings are in, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators and so on.

Basic module support is included, should you be interested in building a module see the documentation on github for more information.

Currently released:

Shadowed Unit Frames
v4.4.8 (2024-03-20)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
  • Update TOCs for 10.2.6
  • Switch PR CI to checkout v2
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Unread 11-16-09, 01:25 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Transparent Empty Bar?

I really like Shadowed UF but I've been looking everywhere in the addon and I can't seem to figure out how to make the background of the empty bar transparent. I'd like the unit name to appear in the empty bar transparently above the other bars but I'm stuck on how to do it. Any suggestions?

Thank you!
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Unread 11-15-09, 07:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Before I found this addon I never thought I would even consider replacing grid. Well, grid is gone, amazing job with SUF. I was using the default blizzard frames + grid before this and the default layout was close enough that I had a usable layout in less than 10 minutes, much better than I could say when I was trying Pitbull.

I have 2 requests:
1) I'm looking to make a tag that returns incoming heals in the bright green heal color if there are any incoming heals, otherwise return the name in the standard text color.
2) Would having an aggro indicator be possible? Not a huge deal as I can just highlight the frame, but it would be a nice addition.

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Unread 11-15-09, 05:46 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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join party while in combat bug

I have my party frame set up to be flush against the right edge of my screen.

I was in combat and accepted a party invite, and the party frame loaded up, just 50% or so off the right edge of the screen. I was only able to see the left-half of the frames for my party members. I didn't get an error or anything.

Once out of combat, the party frame position didn't go to normal, but I reloaded my UI and the party frame went to its normal position.

Not sure if it will happen if I invite someone to a new party and he accepts while I'm in combat, but it definitely happened when I accepeted the request and formed a new party.
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Unread 11-14-09, 05:30 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Couple of questions/suggestions:

-Any way to change pet happiness colors? I want to darken the bright green color used when my pet is happy to match hunter class color.

-Is it possible to filter buff's that aren't dispel-able by me? Particularly, I'm a Hunter so I only want Magic and Enrage buff's to show on my target frame.

-Can you change the height of bars inside each unit? I want my health bar to about 75% of the frame instead of 50%.
Last edited by borbies : 11-15-09 at 09:30 AM.
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Unread 11-13-09, 05:37 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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You're the man! This worked like a charm. It was set to .6, I bumped it up to 1 for all the frames and haven't had any issues I'm really surprised that this option was already built in to anticipate my problem Anyway, lovin my new unit frames, thanks! goodbye perl classic!
Originally posted by Shadowed
speak: Enable advanced settings and go to /suf -> Units -> <unit> -> Text -> Power bar and change the Width weight for the right text to a higher number.
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Unread 11-13-09, 05:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hi Shadowed,

I'll try to explain what I'm looking for.

Here's a picture of my char OOC using another addon:

Pretty simple to reach this configuration.

But this is what my char looks like when I'm in combat:

What I would like to implement but have no clue how to do it:

Aggro color

It's not the hostile color, and I'm not sure if you have this option, but I think is pretty helpful to have an aggro color, so I could change whatever bar or text to instantly notice it. In this example purple is the aggro, and every unit frame can use it. I don't think that using the hostile color would work.

Health deficit

Simply change the number to red, without the minus signal, since I already know that it's deficit.

Let me know what you think about it.
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Unread 11-12-09, 10:27 PM  
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KowalskiAvesky: If you mean the health bar color on aggro it's, /suf -> Colors -> Health -> Hostile, if you mean the highlight on aggro then right now it's /suf -> Colors -> Health -> Red but it's supposed to be Hostile which is a bug and fixed.

Zidomo: Looking at it again, I don't think it's an issue with settings but with what mob you target. Right now, if it can't check range it defaults to 100% alpha, it defaults to 100% alpha if the target cannot be attacked, is not friendly and is not grouped with you.

For example, Silver Covenant Guardian (if you are Horde) will cause it to show 100% alpha because it matches the above 3 cases. I probably should make it default to the in range alpha rather than simply 100%.

Try the github version and see if that fixes it.

nessin: It doesn't

Areli: Will look into it
Last edited by Shadowed : 11-12-09 at 10:29 PM.
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Unread 11-12-09, 07:23 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello Shadowed

Sorry if it's already answered (pretty hard to find anything in 1200 posts without a search engine), but is it possible to change the aggro color? And what about add a fixed color to any text, like red or blue?

Great addon.

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Unread 11-11-09, 07:35 PM  
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Keep in mind the debug code is still in, so if you get pets not showing up do a /script ShadowUFebug() and give me the results.
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Unread 11-11-09, 04:42 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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Hate to bring it up again after weeks of no issues but...(drum roll) I experienced another party pet no-show problem. Using alpha build f624e68.

CoS heroic, hunter in party (not me). From the summoning stone there, you "ride a dragon" (NPC vehicle) to get further into the cave nearer the instance portal. No vehicles inside the instance.

Inside the instance, the hunter pulled out his pet (a cat) and it never showed up beside his unit frame during the whole run. No party deaths, but the pet might have died (don't remember).

The SV am emailng includes having experienced that problem.
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Unread 11-11-09, 05:16 AM  
A Cliff Giant
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Originally posted by Shadowed
Zidomo: Do you have combat fader enabled? The settings are fine and refer to the correct variable, as does the code. Do you notice this on all units or maybe only enemies?

If you can, send me your SV with the character that it originally bugged out on and I'll see if I can track down what happened.
Its the target frame only that has the problem (so far) on the alt, which has no options for combat fading (and I have it off for those frames where it is an option). Happens for enemies and neutral targets, but not friendlies.

Further testing today: The In range alpha slider seems to do nothing at all on that alt. No matter your distance, no setting on it will change the target frame fading. Only the Out of Range alpha slider has any effect...for targets out of range.

All characters are using a "Default" profile. Will send you the SV via email.
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Unread 11-10-09, 08:28 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Another question popped up, is it possible to use a wildcard in the aura filters? I'm trying to cut out all the mount buffs/auras from showing up, and hoping I can avoid typing in each individual one?
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Unread 11-10-09, 08:11 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Shadowed
Areli: You mean, you've tested again with Aces High daily and the combo points bar is not showing up? Or it's just not showing up in general and you didn't recheck with the daily.
Today I went to do the Aces High daily again, but the combo bar is not showing up when I was on the drake. I checked my settings and nothing is changed, did a reloadui, both didn't solve my problem.

Would you happen to have an idea what caused it?
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Unread 11-10-09, 06:26 PM  
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speak: Enable advanced settings and go to /suf -> Units -> <unit> -> Text -> Power bar and change the Width weight for the right text to a higher number.
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Unread 11-10-09, 06:25 PM  
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Zidomo: Do you have combat fader enabled? The settings are fine and refer to the correct variable, as does the code. Do you notice this on all units or maybe only enemies?

If you can, send me your SV with the character that it originally bugged out on and I'll see if I can track down what happened.

Areli: You mean, you've tested again with Aces High daily and the combo points bar is not showing up? Or it's just not showing up in general and you didn't recheck with the daily.
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