Updated: 03-20-24 01:35 AM
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Plunderstorm (10.2.6)
Updated:03-20-24 01:35 AM
Created:05-17-09 12:55 PM

Shadowed Unit Frames  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v4.4.8
by: Shadowed, Nevcairiel

SUF focuses on a simple configuration while maintaining the flexibility that most users will care about, preventing unnecessary bloating of the addon that sacrifices performance. While you aren't going to be able to set the health bar to be exactly 3.14 pixels outside of the unit frames, you can change options you actually care about such as bar height, ordering, frame height and so on. To speed up configuration, you can configure multiple units at the same time through the global configuration. For example, if you want to set the height of the Player, Target, Focus and Party frames to 50 then the height of Target's Target, Target's Target of Target, Focus Target to 30 you can easily do this by changing two options instead of having to do it seven times.

However, should you need a little bit of extra configuration do not despair! An advanced option is included that will unlock additional configuration giving finer control over the configuration.

Slash commands: /shadoweduf (/suf)

Donations are not required, but are appreciated!

Are you driven crazy by your party frames not aligning up exactly with your player frames, even if it's only half a pixel off? The anchoring system will let you solve all alignment issues, by allowing you to anchor a frame to another and set a simple offset from the frame it is anchored to, or by manually setting the X/Y position of the frame.

Using the screen shot as an example, if you drag the player frame the other frames will move with the player frame preserving the alignment and spacing. Each frame can still be manually positioned wherever you want, but this gives you a way of easily anchoring and moving frames around without having to use a ruler.

Zone configuration (Disabling options/units by zone type)
Units and modules can be enabled or disabled based on the type of zone you are in. For example, if you want to see party targets and party pets while you are in an arena but nowhere else then you can use the visibility options to enable it only while inside an arena. Modules can also be disabled by zone type, if you want to see party auras while in a raid instance but nowhere else you can disable the module in raid instances only.

Profiles do not have to be swapped and it is all automatic.

Supports unit frames are as follows:

Player: Player, Pet, Pet Target
General: Target, Target of Target, Target of Target of Target, Focus, Focus Target
Party: Party, Party Pets, Party Targets, Party ToT
Raid: Raid, Raid Pet, Main Tank, Main Tank Target, Main Assist, Main Assist Target, Boss, Boss Target, Boss ToT, Main Assist ToT, Main Tank ToT
Arena: Arena, Arena Target, Arena Pets, Arena ToT
Battleground: Battleground, Battleground Target, Battleground Target


  • Tags: Includes a simple tagging system that can be customized in virtually any way using Lua, even if something isn't included by default odds are you can make the tags
  • Incoming Heals: Supports the Blizzard Events for incoming heal data, no external libraries needed
  • Auras: Can be set to only show auras you casted, or can cast on others. Can enlarge auras that you casted, and hide the cooldown ring on the timers of auras you didn't cast as well to make it more obvious which ones you casted and which ones you didn't
  • Aura Timers: You will need a mod such as OmniCC to show timers on buffs and debuffs
  • Aura Indicators: Display colored squares or icons for certain auras on any unit
  • Fader: Fades frames when out of combat and inactive (100% mana/no target)
  • Class Power (Eclipse, Holy Power, etc): Supports all of the class power features from Eclipse to Burning Embers.
  • Highlighting: Border highlighting of frames based on mousing over them, curable debuffs, aggro or you are targeting/focusing them
  • Range Checking: Fades frames out that are out of range of you
  • Exportable Layouts: If you have a layout, or your friend has a layout you want to try out you can export/import SUF layouts by going to /suf -> Layout Manager
  • Profiles: You can change from any profile to another one without reloading your UI, should you want to use a completely different layout based on zone you can easily switch profiles without hassle

Pretty much all the general unit frame settings are in, health bars, cast bars, power bars, portraits, indicators and so on.

Basic module support is included, should you be interested in building a module see the documentation on github for more information.

Currently released:

Shadowed Unit Frames
v4.4.8 (2024-03-20)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
  • Update TOCs for 10.2.6
  • Switch PR CI to checkout v2
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Unread 01-24-12, 10:49 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr

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a few requests:

1) would it be possible to have a health bar or power bar have the background of a 3d portrait? similar to this

2) maybe add options to make textures different for each unit. example: use the aluminum texture for player and target frames, but use the minimalist texture for the raid frames

3) same thing as #2 however make it so we can change the fonts for each unit frame or text
Last edited by linguini : 01-24-12 at 11:01 AM.
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Unread 01-25-12, 11:01 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr

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Is it possible, incase I missed it, to have raid groups form downwards rather then sideways? Like this:

1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

So that 10mans and 15mans stay to the side of the screen rather then the setup that I currently have (cause I cant find the right way to do it :S)

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

If someone knows a way, please let me know the instructions Been fiddling with the options but just more frustrated I love the addon cept for this
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Unread 01-27-12, 11:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Having issues with Target Debuff Auras

First off, I LOVE this addon. Easily the best interface I've seen, it's so customizable.

The only glitch I'm having -- and keep having, despite uninstalling and reinstalling -- is the Target Debuff Auras. I want both the Buff and Debuffs to be aligned Top Left, but when I select that on the Debuffs, all options go grayed out, even when "align with buffs" is NOT checked. They also disappear -- I can't see them anywhere on the screen.

If I check "align with buffs," they appear and are aligned, but the next time I log in, they aren't there anymore -- even though all the settings look the same.

I'll uncheck and then recheck "align with buffs," and they'll appear again, but only for that session (they're gone again when I log back in).

I finally broke down and did something different with the debuffs (put them out to the side, instead of aligned Top Left), but I'd rather find a fix for this. Help?
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Unread 02-14-12, 05:23 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I've been having trouble with the boss frames recently; on encounters where the boss frames change or more bosses get added to them during the fight (Yor'sahj, Blackhorn, Spine, Madness, etc.) the frames are being buggy.

On the encounters where it just adds a boss mid-fight like Blackhorn, they just only display the first boss added to the frames for the entirety of the fight. And, on encounters where the boss frames just change constantly the whole fight like Yor'sahj and Madness, they're just completely unreliable. Most of the time it just displays empty slots where bosses should be, and other times it'll show double of the same boss.

I've tried reinstalling, deleting my saved variables, and disabling other addons which may have clashed and caused the issue, but no luck. Anyone else seen this problem or know a fix? Thanks.
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Unread 02-16-12, 04:00 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Parenting to KG Panels

Hey all,

I was up to late hours last night trying to work out how to parent to KG Panels with no luck. I'm far from the best with this kind of thing, but I worked out how to parent to the target and target's target, but no more than that. If someone know's this, could they take the time to write down the code to parent to the Boss Frames, Party Frames, Player Frame, Pet Frames, Raid Frames and so on and so forth and I'll love you forever as I'll finally be able to sleep!


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Unread 02-16-12, 09:02 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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First off I just got SUF and I am loving it! best frames I have used so far and very light weight it is a great addition to my new UI which I have set up myself since Nibelhime is going to discontinue RealUI 8(.

1. Is there any known way to have dualspec profiles with SUF? so I have a certain setup I prefer on my holy paladin however when I change to Ret could it automatically find a secondary profile?

2. Is there any possible way to have it so the frames will align center always in raid. so for example in 10 man raids I would have 2 columns in the middle in 15 man 3 in the middle. and so on. (not sure this is a good explanation, but hope you will get it).

again great addon I know how unappreciated and thankless a project like this can be.
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Unread 02-20-12, 03:39 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Displaying a ELITE or RARE-ELITE target

I installed SUF a few month ago and i love it. I have only one little question:

Is it possible to change the layout of a ELITE (RARE-ELITE)-Mop if you have this one in the target ? Right now you only have the text ELITE in the life- or mana-bar. Is it possible to change this like in the X-Perl-Addon ? To display a dragon or something like that makes it easier to see what you are targeting right now. Often it is to late without a graphical help ;o)

Last edited by xrayfanatic : 02-20-12 at 03:40 AM.
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Unread 02-23-12, 07:34 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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is there something inside suf or a module for it like ouf_raiddebuffs?

cause in the build in aura module i cant find something like border coloring or an option to position the icons inside the frame for debuffs on raidgroup for example... and the normal debuff icons outside use to much space for my layout

thnx Xark

** found it
Last edited by Xark : 02-24-12 at 10:18 AM.
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Unread 02-28-12, 10:33 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I got a shaman and a DK, Can I show the totembar but do not show the Guardian bar? those size, bar's background alpha both the same, I couldn't change one and preserve another one......
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Unread 04-06-12, 05:05 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Here is the fix for the Worgen portrait
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Unread 04-12-12, 01:30 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Some Tag Help?

I am switching from Pitbull to SUF - mostly because of the excessive memory usage of Pitbull. I have a pitbull unit frame layout that I love and I have almost got it exactly copied into SUF just a few issues with text tags.

1. Is there a way to remove the % from the [perhp] and [perpp] tags? So it would just show 72 instead of 72%

2. Is there a way to hide [perhp] when its at 100%? So at 100% nothing would show but as soon as you lose some health it would show

3. Is there a way to have the [perpp] text color for the type of power? So red for rage, orange for focus, etc - the same as the power bar but for the power text %.

4. Is there a way to truncate the [curhp] tag a bit? Right now it shows 1 decimal place - can it show none? So right now it shows 143.3k while my pitbull version shows 143k

I have tried messing with creating my own tags to do these things but that is a bit beyond me - any help would be appreciated!
Last edited by whiterook : 04-12-12 at 01:32 AM.
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Unread 05-23-12, 09:36 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Been using SUF for a month now and I really like it. One question I have, is there any place to configure class/race aliasing? Like Nelf instead of Night Elf, or Warr instead of Warrior? I can't make my frames wide enough to accommodate race/class display without compromising my UI, so I'd like the ability to add custom abbreviations.

I know this is a super-niche request. If it isn't possible, that's fine. I'd just like to know
Last edited by rach3l : 05-23-12 at 09:37 PM.
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Unread 06-07-12, 09:40 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I've been having a weird bug since a few weeks. Please note that I'm a total noob when it comes to programming, so I have no idea what might cause it, but the only thing it affects seem to be my SUF windows.
I had a disconnect once, and when I logged back in, all my unit frames were invisible. I finally managed to make them visible again by clicking "background color" in the menu, but I have to do this every time I log on a character. When I've reloaded the interface during a session, even this doesn't work, and I have to deactivate and reactivate the "player" module to make everything visible again. The frames aren't completely gone, I still get the tooltips when I mouse over them, they're just... not really there.
I only have this problem on one of my two accounts - the one with the disconnect. Tried to delete and reinstall SUF, to copy the "working" account's files into the other's folders... still I get the invisibility problem. I'm confused, does anyone have an idea what has happened and what I can do to make it stop?

Edit: Tried to run the game with only SUF activated and all other addons deactivated, still get the same result. Also, sometimes the "standard" character frame is visible behind SUF's modified frame.
One person, 100 alts.
Last edited by Namtar : 06-07-12 at 09:46 AM.
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Unread 06-14-12, 05:31 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Can you add an option for text to be on the right side of the blank bar and growing to the left ?
Also can you make icons have a bar as parent frame and not only the whole frame ?
These two limitations are what still keeps me from moving away from pitbull.
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Unread 06-30-12, 11:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello Shadowed, will you be updating for MoP?
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