Updated: 07-19-16 12:25 PM
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Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:07-19-16 12:25 PM
Created:05-31-09 12:13 PM

MountRandomMount  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 7.0a
by: dardack, Tomate

I wanted a simple mod to randomly cast a mount from a list I defined. Using Land in nonflyable areas and flying in flyable areas.

Have added localization ability, tenatively/hopefully. If you would like to localize this, please look at localization.enUS.lua and send me a comment stating you would like to.

Have added the ability for druids/shamans to use their travel/GW/flight forms. It's bound to a 3rd key binding. Can not be part of the randomness due to the fact it is a spell and must have a secure button to cast. Well it could be just not simplified. For druids, will attempt to cast swift flight than flight form in flyable area's, if you have neither it than will attempt to cast travel form. If your not in a flyable area it will attempt to cast travel form. Ok to be able to cast, the binding is transfered from the trigger you set in Key Bindings menu, to the secure button for casting. So each time you log in you will have to hit this key binding twice, but for the rest of the session will act like a regular keybinding. I have found no way around this at this time. This only affects travel forms keybinding.

Comments Suggestions always are welcomed.

use /rdm:
RountRandomMount version
use: /rdm --prints this help
/rdm add [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) -- adds another mount to the random list
/rdm remove [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) --removes a mount from the list
/rdm list -- lists the mounts to select from
/rdm gui -- brings up a GUI of your mounts
/rdm reseed -- if you use more than one computer and you learn a new mount, your list will not work on the other computer, use this to reseed correct mount ID's
/rdm catform -- if you are a druid will use catform in instances/inside.
/rdm random -- mounts a random mount from your list (using flying in flyable areas and land in nonflyable areas)
There is a keybinding option in the Blizzard KeyBindings Menu. Add a shortcut here to call /rdm random

If you have any bugs, questions, comments, suggestions, please leave me a comment.

I did run into a mount that doesn't have the same name in the tooltip as in the WoW API call. Bronze Drake from CoS timed, doesn't have the word mount in the tooltip, but in the API call comes back Bronze Drake Mount. If you get an error saying mount doesn't exist, please let me know. Also if you ahve the HHM, will you let me know if it works with this?

Version for legion

Version for WoD

I don't think I can add a mount before it's released in game I guess. Warforged Nightmare fixed.

Added Grinning Reaver, Warforged Nightmare, and fixed Enchanted Fey Dragon

Fix issue with Vashj'ir detection
Add class specific mount category

Added hearthsteed

Added Dread Raven

Added Iron Skyreaver to ground/flying.

Sky golem can now be used at land mount.
Tweak swimming detection for the use of the turtle.
Add an "Enabeld" mount panel that lists all your current used mount.

Bump toc version for patch 5.4.
Update the mount list for patch 5.4.

Bump toc version for patch 5.3.
Update the mount list for patch 5.3.

Bump toc version for patch 5.2.
Update the mount list for patch 5.2.

Bump toc version for patch 5.1.
Same name mount should not bug anymore.
Remove debug message.

Completely rewrite setting panel based on Ace3 (your save mount has been remove).
Update localization string (based on Ace too).
Add missing mounts (I write a script which parse mounts from blizzard site and wowhead include in addon files)
A lot of code rewrite.
Remove reseed function because it's now based on mount name.
Fix issue with mount name which is not the same as the corresponding summon spell (jewel crafting ...).

Fix an issue which prevent addon to load.

Add help to landonly slash-command.
Jeweled mounts are now usable at land mount.

Add landonly slash-command.
The red flying cloud are now usable at land mount.

Fix an issue with the list of mount on blizzard UI which is not ordered alphabetically which cause wrong mount to be summon.

Fixed an issue which cause the mount data list to not be updated correctly
All Hippogryph are now usable in land mount.
The Imperial Quilen is now also usable in land mount.

Added Mist of Pandaria mounts
Added Heart of the Aspects mount (blizz store)
Added Obsidian Nightwing mount (RAF)

Added more 4.3 mounts.

Added dismount to land mount only keybind
Added patch 4.3/TCG Mounts to the List. Please report if any missing.

WG fix for druids/worgens.

Added new mounts from patch 4.2 (if nothing changes) and the new mount from Blizz store.

Added new mounts from patch 4.1. Updated ToC.

Added translation for RU/FR/DE for the 3 area's that can use the Seahorse mount. Still need zhTW translation from someone (wowhead doesn't have a zh. or tw. that I could find to get the right translations.

Fixed worgen (i think anyways). Fixed Seahorse for other clients once I get translations.

Added Worgen Ability to go with the other racial abilites (druid/shaman).

Fixed Seahorse/Vash issues.

Fixed adding removing mounts with the command line.

Not much just a bit of debugging to help a user figure otu what's going on.

Fixed random code, added seahorse mount for Vash in cata, fixed better swim mount detection.

Added Cata mounts since some were introduced in 4.0.3a

Better detection if able to fly or not.

Updated for 4.0.3a

Wow, that change had some errors. Sorry about that. Fixed errors.

Changed GUI. Allowed combo mounts (celes/HHM/etc.) to be in either or list or both. Added lomoko's Russian translation fixes.

Changed how mounts are determined for flying/land as the coming changes in Cata. It now keeps a global list of all mounts and what they can do (land/flying/both/swimming).

Added ability to summon flying mount when swimming but at the surface. This does not work with the Druid Flight ability as it seems they still check for swimming with druid Flight Form.

Added French Translation, Thanks to WoWInterface User Tomate.
Added being able to exit vehicle with same button to dismount. Thanks to Gandoch.

Fixed removing mounts from both lists when land/flying mount.

Fixes to update for 4.0.1 patch.

added Female Shaman for Ru, if German or another client needs this please let me know. Fixed the error printing where it didn't need to.
Added German Translation thanks to Brenainn. More German Translation by mad-d and Russian Translation by lomoko.

More German Translation by mad-d and Russian Translation by lomoko.
Added error checking when using command line to add mount.

Added german translation for wintergrasp.

Added X53-Touring Rocket. Added Aufenthaltsort for german translation (location) for celestial steed and if in german client they start adding this for mounts that can be used everywhere (unfortunately, english has location for HHM/Celestial steed, but german didn't until Celestial Steed). X-53 should work across all clients, as X-53 is not a word.

Added German Translation for specific keywords, thanks to: Brenainn

Added Sea Turtle cast if swimming to random mount, otherwise a land mount is cast. Added Acquatic form if swimming and druid.

Updated ToC to 3.3

IsFlyableArea Does not work during Combat in WG, added code to correct this.

IsFlyableArea() was fixed in 3.2 and properly determines if you can mount. Simiplfied code this way.

Minor fixes to color code.

Fixed issue with next button on GUI not re-enabling when prev button was pushed, until page 1 was reached.

v 2.6
Began chinese translations.

v 2.5
Updated so no error message (found the API call to find out if WG is in combat and was able to see that land only during combat, flying every other time, even if other faction owns WG, sorry took me a bit to have time to test). Updated Druid travel forms for WG hopefully, need someone to test.

v 2.4
Updated for flying mounts in WG, what it does is try to mount a Flying mount then a land (in case of battle). So you will get a message another action is in progress, or you can't use that here and a land mount is summoned. Unfortunately, this is due to the fact that CallCompanion doesn't return anything (ie success or fail). Also, i did this cause I wasn't sure if you can mount you flying during WG battles. Been busy, haven't been able to test.

v 2.3
Updated TOC for 3.2

v 2.1a
Fixed code for the druid forms again.

v 2.1
Hopefully fixed the profession only mounts and headless horseman mount.

v 2.0d
Hopefully re-fixed the druid forms.

v 2.0c
Was pointed out to me, that I shouldn't use global variables, but use a table. This has been fixed. However, your mount list will now be blank.

v 2.0b
Hopefully fixed the druid forms.

v 2.0a
Hopefully fixed the cat form inside toggle command. Also added a check if the player is a druid, so it will just tell you to ignore that command if you are a druid.
Hopefully fixed the not using flight form in flyable areas.

v 2.0
Added localization, enUS only right now. If you want to contribute another language, please look at the localization.enUS.lua file and there are all the variables used within MRM. Send me a comment that you would like to do this.
Added shaman/druid ability to use GW/travel/flight forms. It uses a 3rd binding for this, since they are considered spells and not mounts, a secure button must be used. So they can't be part of your random list. The 3rd key binding will show up for non druid/shamans but if you set a keybinding to it will display a message you aren't of the right class.

v 1.2
Fixed the problem with not mounting up a land mount if you had no flying selected.
Added a binding to mount a random land mount only (for those times you want to show off your land mounts in flyable areas)
Added a command to reseed mount ID's. If you play on 2 computers and you learn a new mount on 1, your list on the other won't work correctly until the ID's are corrected. This will do that.

v 1.1a
Was not correctly updating your list when a new mount was added. Fixed.
Will have to clear your list or add a new mount.

v 1.0
1.0 release
GUI added
fixed an error where no printing of what mount was added when your flying or land list is empty.
Added keybing

v beta .5a
Changed it so that a flying mount would be used in Krasus' Landing in Dalaran.
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Unread 12-18-10, 03:01 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Katardre
ok, testing on my Worgen Druid...

and all it does is summon travel form...not running wild...which i kinda expected...sadly that's the only worgen I have that's over level I don't know what it does for non-druid types...
Oh didn't know you could be worgen druid, doh. Ok so i'll have to set that up. I'll let you know.
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Unread 12-19-10, 12:04 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I have done a slight update of the frFR localization.
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then 
	MRMNoMounts = "Aucune monture n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoLandMounts = "Aucune monture terrestre n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoFlyingMountsLand = "Aucune monture volante n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire.  Utilisation de la monture terrestre."
	MRMBronzeDrake = "Drake de bronze"
	MRMBronzeDrakeMount = "R\195\170nes de drake bronze"
	MRMRandom = "random"
	MRMAdd = "add"
	MRMRemove = "remove"
	MRMList = "list"
	MRMGui = "gui"
	MRMReseed = "reseed"
	MRMReseedPrint = "La liste des monture a \195\169t\195\169 r\195\169index\195\169e."
	MRMCatInside = "catform"
	MRMCommands = "MountRandomMount v"..MountRandomMount.version.."\n Faire: /rdm -- Affiche cette aide\n /rdm "..MRMAdd.." [nom de monture] (Vous pouvez shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Ajoute une autre monture dans la liste\n /rdm "..MRMRemove.." [nom de monture] (vous pouvez aussi shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Retire la monture de la liste\n /rdm "..MRMList.." -- Liste les monture choisis\n /rdm "..MRMGui.." -- Affiche l'interface de selection des montures\n /rdm "..MRMReseed.." -- Si vous utilisez plus qu'un ordinateur et que vous apprenez une nouvelle monture, la liste ne marchera pas sur l'autre oridnateur, a utiliser pour r\195\169indexer correctement la liste des monture\n /rdm "..MRMRandom.." -- Invoque une monture al\195\169atoire (utilise une monture volante dans les zones authoris\195\169s ou une monture terrestre sinon)\n /rdm "..MRMCatInside.." -- Active/d\195\169sactive la forme de f\195\169lin en int\195\169rieur et en instances.\n Il y a des racourcis disponible dans l'interface d'affectation des racourcis de blizzard. Un des racourcis permet d'invoquer une monture al\195\169atoire (volante/terrestre), un autre permet d'invoquer une monture terrestre ou que vous soyez, et un autre pour les invoquations de classe.\n "
	MRMNoFlyingMounts = "Vous n'avez pas s\195\169lectionn\195\169 de monture volante."
	MRMListTitle = "Les montures s\195\169lectionn\195\169es sont: "
	MRMListFlyingTitle = "Monture volante a utilis\195\169 en Outreterre et au Norfendre (Exept\195\169 \195\160 Dalaran et au Joug):"
	MRMListLandTitle = "Monture terrestre a utilis\195\169 partout ailleur:"
	MRMDalaran = "Dalaran"
	MRMWintergrasp = "Joug-d'hiver"
	MRMKrasusLanding = "Aire de Krasus"
	MRMOutland = "Outreterre"
	MRMNorthrend = "Norfendre"
	MRMEasternKindom = "Royaumes de l'Est"
	MRMHeadlessKeywordLocation = "Localisation" --for celestial steed
	MRMFlyingAdded = "a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture volante al\195\169atoire."
	MRMAlreadyInList = "est d\195\169j\195\160 dans votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMLandAdded = "a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture terrestre al\195\169atoire."
	MRMFlyingRemoved = "a \195\169t\195\169 supprim\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture volante al\195\169atoire."
	MRMLandRemoved = "a \195\169t\195\169 supprim\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture terrestre al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoExist = "n'existe pas dans votre liste de monture."
	MRMCatForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de f\195\169lin."
	MRMTravelForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de voyage."
	MRMFlightForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de vole."
	MRMGhostWolf = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris loup fant\195\180me."
	MRMRunningWild = "You have not trained Running Wild yet."
	MRMShaman = "Chaman"
	MRMShamanF = "Chamane"
	MRMWorgen = "Worgen"
	MRMDruid = "Druide"
	MRMCatInsideTrue = "Vous utiliserez maintenant la forme de f\195\169lin en interrieur et en instance."
	MRMCatInsideFalse = "Vous n'utiliserez plus la forme de f\195\169lin en interrieur et en instance."
	MRMNoLockMount = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris une seul des monture de d\195\169moniste."
	MRMNoMountsAtAll = "ous n'avez pas de monture."
	MRMToolTipText = "Ajouter/Supprimer cette monture de votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMExit = "Sortir"
	MRMMRM = "Mount Random Mount"
	MRMRMList = "Liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMMountName = RED_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Nom de la monture|r"
	MRMInList = GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Dans la liste|r"
	MRMNext = "Suivant"
	MRMPrev = "Pr\195\169c\195\169dent"
	MRMNotRightClass = "D\195\169sol\195\169 vous ne faites pas parties des classes ayant une monture/forme de voyage comme sort, ignor\195\169 cette commande."
	MRMNotADruid = "Vous n'\195\170tes pas druide, ignor\195\169 cette commande."
	MRMSeaTurtle = "Tortue de mer"
	MRMAcquaForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de voyage aquatic."
	MRMHeadlessHorsemanSpecific = "sans t\195\170te"
	MRMX53TouringRocket = "X-53"
	MRMBracketERROR = "Vous devez encadrer le nom de la monture avec des [], ex: /rdm add [nom_de_la_monture], ou linkez la."
I also want to tell, the Vashj'ir trick to select seahorse does not work at least on French client.
Actually the function GetCurrentMapZone() in Vashj'ir return 8 or 30 in two of the three zone in Vashj'ir. I have not try the last one. I will comeback to tell you the value returned in the last zone. I think maybe the value returned is the index of the zone alphabetically ordered. This order is different threw client localization.

The last zone has the id 10.
Last edited by Tomate : 12-19-10 at 02:24 PM.
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Unread 12-19-10, 12:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Tomate

I have done a slight update of the frFR localization.
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then 
	MRMNoMounts = "Aucune monture n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoLandMounts = "Aucune monture terrestre n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoFlyingMountsLand = "Aucune monture volante n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire.  Utilisation de la monture terrestre."
	MRMBronzeDrake = "Drake de bronze"
	MRMBronzeDrakeMount = "R\195\170nes de drake bronze"
	MRMRandom = "random"
	MRMAdd = "add"
	MRMRemove = "remove"
	MRMList = "list"
	MRMGui = "gui"
	MRMReseed = "reseed"
	MRMReseedPrint = "La liste des monture a \195\169t\195\169 r\195\169index\195\169e."
	MRMCatInside = "catform"
	MRMCommands = "MountRandomMount v"..MountRandomMount.version.."\n Faire: /rdm -- Affiche cette aide\n /rdm "..MRMAdd.." [nom de monture] (Vous pouvez shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Ajoute une autre monture dans la liste\n /rdm "..MRMRemove.." [nom de monture] (vous pouvez aussi shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Retire la monture de la liste\n /rdm "..MRMList.." -- Liste les monture choisis\n /rdm "..MRMGui.." -- Affiche l'interface de selection des montures\n /rdm "..MRMReseed.." -- Si vous utilisez plus qu'un ordinateur et que vous apprenez une nouvelle monture, la liste ne marchera pas sur l'autre oridnateur, a utiliser pour r\195\169indexer correctement la liste des monture\n /rdm "..MRMRandom.." -- Invoque une monture al\195\169atoire (utilise une monture volante dans les zones authoris\195\169s ou une monture terrestre sinon)\n /rdm "..MRMCatInside.." -- Active/d\195\169sactive la forme de f\195\169lin en int\195\169rieur et en instances.\n Il y a des racourcis disponible dans l'interface d'affectation des racourcis de blizzard. Un des racourcis permet d'invoquer une monture al\195\169atoire (volante/terrestre), un autre permet d'invoquer une monture terrestre ou que vous soyez, et un autre pour les invoquations de classe.\n "
	MRMNoFlyingMounts = "Vous n'avez pas s\195\169lectionn\195\169 de monture volante."
	MRMListTitle = "Les montures s\195\169lectionn\195\169es sont: "
	MRMListFlyingTitle = "Monture volante a utilis\195\169 en Outreterre et au Norfendre (Exept\195\169 \195\160 Dalaran et au Joug):"
	MRMListLandTitle = "Monture terrestre a utilis\195\169 partout ailleur:"
	MRMDalaran = "Dalaran"
	MRMWintergrasp = "Joug-d'hiver"
	MRMKrasusLanding = "Aire de Krasus"
	MRMOutland = "Outreterre"
	MRMNorthrend = "Norfendre"
	MRMEasternKindom = "Royaumes de l'Est"
	MRMHeadlessKeywordLocation = "Localisation" --for celestial steed
	MRMFlyingAdded = "a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture volante al\195\169atoire."
	MRMAlreadyInList = "est d\195\169j\195\160 dans votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMLandAdded = "a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture terrestre al\195\169atoire."
	MRMFlyingRemoved = "a \195\169t\195\169 supprim\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture volante al\195\169atoire."
	MRMLandRemoved = "a \195\169t\195\169 supprim\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture terrestre al\195\169atoire."
	MRMNoExist = "n'existe pas dans votre liste de monture."
	MRMCatForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de f\195\169lin."
	MRMTravelForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de voyage."
	MRMFlightForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de vole."
	MRMGhostWolf = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris loup fant\195\180me."
	MRMRunningWild = "You have not trained Running Wild yet."
	MRMShaman = "Chaman"
	MRMShamanF = "Chamane"
	MRMWorgen = "Worgen"
	MRMDruid = "Druide"
	MRMCatInsideTrue = "Vous utiliserez maintenant la forme de f\195\169lin en interrieur et en instance."
	MRMCatInsideFalse = "Vous n'utiliserez plus la forme de f\195\169lin en interrieur et en instance."
	MRMNoLockMount = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris une seul des monture de d\195\169moniste."
	MRMNoMountsAtAll = "ous n'avez pas de monture."
	MRMToolTipText = "Ajouter/Supprimer cette monture de votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMExit = "Sortir"
	MRMMRM = "Mount Random Mount"
	MRMRMList = "Liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
	MRMMountName = RED_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Nom de la monture|r"
	MRMInList = GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Dans la liste|r"
	MRMNext = "Suivant"
	MRMPrev = "Pr\195\169c\195\169dent"
	MRMNotRightClass = "D\195\169sol\195\169 vous ne faites pas parties des classes ayant une monture/forme de voyage comme sort, ignor\195\169 cette commande."
	MRMNotADruid = "Vous n'\195\170tes pas druide, ignor\195\169 cette commande."
	MRMSeaTurtle = "Tortue de mer"
	MRMAcquaForm = "Vous n'avez pas encore appris la forme de voyage aquatic."
	MRMHeadlessHorsemanSpecific = "sans t\195\170te"
	MRMX53TouringRocket = "X-53"
	MRMBracketERROR = "Vous devez encadrer le nom de la monture avec des [], ex: /rdm add [nom_de_la_monture], ou linkez la."
I also want to tell, the Vashj'ir trick to select seahorse does not work at least on French client.
Actually the function GetCurrentMapZone() in Vashj'ir return 8 or 30 in two of the three zone in Vashj'ir. I have not try the last one. I will comeback to tell you the value returned in the last zone. I think maybe the value returned is the index of the zone alphabetically ordered. This order is different threw client localization.
Oh that really sux. I'll try and think of a way to do this globally. I just can't believe that IsSpellUsable(seahorse) returns true only if swimming, not if inside vash.
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Unread 12-20-10, 08:50 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by dardack
I just can't believe that IsSpellUsable(seahorse) returns true only if swimming, not if inside vash.
Mhh, that's really handy.
It reminds me how blizzard does their API documentation ...
Actually, I know more things on achievement API function than you can find on google, thanks blizzard.
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Unread 12-20-10, 10:36 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Tomate
Mhh, that's really handy.
It reminds me how blizzard does their API documentation ...
Actually, I know more things on achievement API function than you can find on google, thanks blizzard.
IsSpellUsable prolly best thing ever, how I tell if flying is available or not (except in druid form since it returns false if not on ground in FF)
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Unread 12-21-10, 08:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by dardack
IsSpellUsable prolly best thing ever, how I tell if flying is available or not (except in druid form since it returns false if not on ground in FF)
Looks like only way to test for vash, is to get translations of the 3 subzones, so I need TW/RU/FR/DE of:

Kelp'thar forest
Shimmering Expanse
Abyssal Depths

For you worgen peeps, test out 4.0.3k please, also should work with druids also. I hope anyways. I'm just too busy leveling arch/farming to level a worgen at this time.
Last edited by dardack : 12-21-10 at 10:21 AM.
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Unread 12-21-10, 10:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by dardack
Looks like only way to test for vash, is to get translations of the 3 subzones, so I need TW/RU/FR/DE of:

Kelp'thar forest
Shimmering Expanse
Abyssal Depths

You can find the zone names for some languages on wowhead. for example RU:

There is a language switch dropdown menu.
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Unread 12-21-10, 04:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by lomoko
You can find the zone names for some languages on wowhead. for example RU:

There is a language switch dropdown menu.
TY i will try to get an update out tomorrow then.
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Unread 01-07-11, 04:33 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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localization.frFR.lua :
MRMKelp = "For\195\170t de Varech'thar"
MRMShimExp = "\195\137tendues Chatoyantes"
MRMAbysDepth = "Profondeurs Abyssales"
Not sure if it should come with encoded special chars.
But those strings are the exact french localization.
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Unread 01-07-11, 11:55 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by Aalwein
So I didn't solve the problem, but I made myself a quick little fix. I made a simple macro that has the line:

/run SetBindingClick(".", "MRMSecureButton")

So when I log in, I just hit that macro to set the keybind and away I go! Saves me from having to go into the keybinding interface every time at least.

Edit: Well, nevermind about that... even that macro doesn't work. Can't win for trying!
Just an update from my situation with the spell mount button.

I ended up figuring out that the macro /run SetBinding(".","MRMTravelTRIGGER"); works to set the macro. So when I log in on my druid, I just hit that macro and my hotkey for mounting works fine.

Also, a macro fix for the mounting a seahorse is making a macro like:

/cast Abyssal Seahorse
/rdm random

It's not elegant, but it will try to mount your seahorse first then, if you aren't in Vash'ir, it will summon a random mount.
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Unread 01-10-11, 08:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Aalwein
Just an update from my situation with the spell mount button.

I ended up figuring out that the macro /run SetBinding(".","MRMTravelTRIGGER"); works to set the macro. So when I log in on my druid, I just hit that macro and my hotkey for mounting works fine.

Also, a macro fix for the mounting a seahorse is making a macro like:

/cast Abyssal Seahorse
/rdm random

It's not elegant, but it will try to mount your seahorse first then, if you aren't in Vash'ir, it will summon a random mount.
What I don't get is, is the SetBinding is called in my code the first time you hit the key binding (which is why the first time you login/reloadui you have to hit it twice). So why it works in macro and not in my code for you is beyond me.

Yea I have it figured out for the seahorse, just need time to put in the translations.
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Unread 01-10-11, 08:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Tomate
localization.frFR.lua :
MRMKelp = "For\195\170t de Varech'thar"
MRMShimExp = "\195\137tendues Chatoyantes"
MRMAbysDepth = "Profondeurs Abyssales"
Not sure if it should come with encoded special chars.
But those strings are the exact french localization.
OK I will try to get these in shortly. Been a bit hectic, bruised my tail bone and been in lots of pain so haven't had time to look up the localizations and put them in.
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Unread 01-11-11, 07:15 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by dardack
What I don't get is, is the SetBinding is called in my code the first time you hit the key binding (which is why the first time you login/reloadui you have to hit it twice). So why it works in macro and not in my code for you is beyond me.

Yea I have it figured out for the seahorse, just need time to put in the translations.
I think obviously one of the other addons I have is hijacking the keybinding. It's probably Dominos, Clique, or one of the two boxing addons I have, FollowFelankor or Useful Extras, or maybe Carbonite? I dunno. I just don't play my druid often enough to really figure out which one it is - considering I have so many addons it could take forever to narrow it down. I inserted the SetBinding command into my /rdm random macro now, so the first time I log in to my druid I hit the mount macro (mousewheel2 wheel up), move to interrupt, then my spell mount macro (mousewheel2 wheel down) and all is well.
Aalwein | Jaberwocky
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Unread 01-18-11, 10:20 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Updated with Fr/De/Ru translations for seahorse. Also updated mount data to remove seahorse from land mounts. Still need tw/zh translation.
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Unread 03-09-11, 01:31 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Running Wild

Have anyone gotten this to work with Worgen Running Wild? I see various bits of code that mention it, but I simply can't get Running Wild to be included in the land mounts of any of my Worgen.

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