Updated: 07-12-10 04:01 PM
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Updated:07-12-10 04:01 PM
Created:07-08-09 10:04 AM

RollCraft  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: .15
by: Aurorablade [More]

((This can be considered a beta, Feedback welcome))
This is not Working with 4.0 a rewrite of this addon is in the thought process stage.

List of Slash commands:
/rc or /rollcraft - Slash command to open menu
/rc config -open config menu
/rc sheet <sheetname> - is the command to change sheets
/rc lock --locks/unlocks skill bar
/rc reset -moves skill bar to center of screen
/rc hidebar --hide/unhide skill bar, may also alt-right click LDB/Minimap icon

/rcoll - slash command to roll a skill or custom emote in combat, format of /rcoll <skill>, IE "/rcoll Strike" (skills are case sensitive), /rcoll <skill> <emote>
ie /rcoll Strike Test for a custom emote to be used with a preset skill and /rcoll <emote, IE /rcoll Test to use a defualt custom emote.

/taskroll or /trll - performs a task roll on a non attack move or emote, guages a players hit on their sheet for success chance, IE: /trll Attempts to cannon ball into the moon well
would result in you emoting you attempting to cannonball into a moonwell and weather or not you succeeded. IF you target someone with Rollcraft this result should display to them or to party if the option is enabled.


In RP there are things called Freeform or emote fight/duels, but there is one evident problem in those fights:

Bob attacks Rob.

It's an exaggeration but you get the picture. How can this be solved? Enter: Rollcraft (beta)!

What is it?

Rollcraft is a tool to add combat rolls to free form RP combat by use of custom skills and rolled emotes. It removes the "he said / she said" aspect of freeform RP combat and imposes a very simple set of rules with randomization to the scenario, allowing players to fight without the ambiguity of a purely freeform duel.

Each person with the mod creates "character sheets" with a very simple set of statistics. When two people begin a bit of RP combat, they can use the mod to compare stats and automatically /roll for custom attacks.

How to get started:

Ingame type /rc, /rollcraft or Left Click the LDB launcher or minimap icon.

Click the character setup button, then type in the name you want, Click fill in boxes for a random set of stats or enter them yourself. Then click okay. Later you may come back here ot make a new sheet, load and edit a current sheet(by entering it name and clicking the fill button) or delete a sheet entirely.

Note if you have multple sheets right click on the LDB/Minimap icon or type /rc sheet <sheet name> to swap.

Now you click the Click ability editor button, your first step here is to select your sheet from the sheet drop down box. If you have skills for this sheet previously, click get skills to load up your skills into the second drop down, select it then click edit.

For now click add, fill in the boxes as you deem approite then click okay, click okay again on your inital screen to finish!

If you selected 'display on action bar' check on the skill editor, you should hopefully see the skills icon in the middle of your screen.

To move this type /rc lock to lock and unlock it
/rc config to set its scale and other options.
to hide it alt-right click the LDB/minimap icon

when you click the button it will use the skill.

On that note, to initate combat with someone with the mod, simply target them and use a skill. If you loose your target (by say clicking on the ground), you should still be able to use a skill on them until you target something/one else.

Whats that you say? you don't want to click a button? type /rcoll <skill>
plese note skill names are CASE-SENSITIVE!

you may also type /rcoll <skill> <emote> to add a custom emote then its default. Be careful however, as your fail/success emotes will not change, so try to keep things making sense.

Heck use /rcoll <emote> to do a custom emote entirely using the roll system. Note however, you will not have a success/fail emote attached to it just a roll.

Thats it. have fun!

There is now support for semi custom emote strings, like adding TARGET to and emote adding LIMB MOVE DIR will replace with a random limb (left arm, right arm, etc) a random movement (forward,backward etc), a random direction (north, south, etc) into the emote. example /rcoll Strike slices at TARGET 's LIMB may emote as Fethas slices at Tharion 's left arm

these will work for most of the /rcoll emots and can be used in the success and fail emotes. TAGET however is note accepted in those emotes and none of this works in /taskroll. You may open up roll.lua and edit the list of randoms as you see fit, i put it near the top, it also supports Custom ( CUS in the emotes) but you need to uncomment its parts in RCtextreplace function to work properly.

--Damage checks
--Mount checks
--improvements to roll system...maybe

Other questions.

Q)What the heck is this GHM thing?
A)GHM is a frame framework made by Pilus author of the gryphonheart RP addons and used with permission. Please vist and give him your support!

Q)I have a lib databroker display mod, but its crowded.
A)See if your display mod has an option to turn display on and off, turn off rollcrafts, the minimap button employs LibDBIcon so it should work on its own.

Q)Did you come up with the rolling system?
A)I helped but the brunt of it goes to Tharion Greyseer, Friend, Guildleader and pwner of demons.

Q)*looks at code, Explode*
A)I am a programmer (Ametuer at best) but LUA is still new to me..thus i am a Newb.

Q)Can i help you?
A)I will take suggestion of code and donations of the button.
Click here to lend your support!

Q)LAWWL!!!!11 this mod sucks!!!1111111111111qq!!!!!
A)Don't use it.

Q)Who the heck is Fethas?
A)Fethas/Aurorablade wrote this addon.

Nothing really major, fixed a math error, maybe. Think the toc is okay.
Two more semesters to go!

--menu layout tweaks and an ATTEMPT to make it more informative, I fail at addons bear with me.

--small tweaks
--There should now be a random offensive/defensive bonus for mounted and flying.

--GHM update, please see for details and updates to GryphonHeart Items for 3.3

--3.3 toc update

--Roll system tweak.
--Can now roll against in game NPCs

--Bug Fixes, Hopefully.


-There is now support for semi custom emote strings, like adding TARGET to and emote adding LIMB MOVE DIR will replace with a random limb (left arm, right arm, etc) a random movement (forward,backward etc), a random direction (north, south, etc) into the emote. example /rcoll Strike slices at TARGET 's LIMB may emote as Fethas slices at Tharion 's left arm

these will work for most of the /rcoll emots and can be used in the success and fail emotes. TAGET however is note accepted in those emotes and none of this works in /taskroll. You may open up roll.lua and edit the list of randoms as you see fit, i put it near the top, it also supports Custom ( CUS in the emotes) but you need to uncomment its parts in RCtextreplace function to work properly.

-GHM locales update
-no version bump.


--UpdateCS(sheet) can now be used to change sheets from a macro or script format is UpdateCS(sheet) or example UpdateCS("Fethas") sheet name must be in quotes

--rcollhandler(emote) can now be used in a script or macro to perform skill rolls, rcollhandler(input) is the format example rcollhandler("Strike"), can be used with custom emotes by substituteing the emote for a skill, can also handle Skill and custom emote by rcollhandler("Strike test") as long as there is a space between the skill you wish to use and the emote (and remeber skills ARE cast sensative

--implemented /taskroll and /trll for non-attack or non directed attack rolls, Inspired by a mush i am currently playing.

--Added hopefully working German locales thanks to Laurna/Jak
--fixed various errors i did not realize were there.

--Fixed error when making/editing skills, My bad.

--toc bump for 3.2


--Rollcraft has been buffed, With a buff system
--You can locate the buff menu by editng a existing skill
--Only one buff may be attached to a skill at a time
--Only one buff or debuff can be active on you or other person at a time
--GHI compatiblie buffs: If you have GryphonHeart Items you will see the buffs
--GHI Buffs: If you right click the buff off yourself (for helpful ones) the timer will still continue, consider it a cooldown period.(Also i have no way to combat this)
--buffs do not apply to /rcoll attacks unless its a /rcoll <skill> with a buff on it
--buffs affect stat values up to a maximum of 10, if you wish to DECREASE a stat value (IE harmful buffs) add a negative onto it (IE -4)
--buff have a chance to proc regardless of hit or miss (cuase it was eaiser for me to code out), but will not proc if a previous buff/debuff is on a person

--Various Tweaks
--You may now use TARGET in the skill emotes for success/fail/hit to replace it with your current target. This will also work for /rcoll attacks.

--There are hopefully no quirks i missed.

Fixed issue with skills being over written when editing existing sheet.

Minimap Button now hidable.
Removed random attack check from options until i actually impliment it and replaced with minimap check.

fixed evaluation error

Fixed error that could occur when selecting a currently active sheet.
Small Locale changes.

Initial Release
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Unread 07-10-09, 06:48 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by SkunkWerks
Hardcoded limits are good. I guess my point is that I can't imagine there's much to stop people from just setting EVERY statistic to it's limit regardless of whether or not it has "reason" to be there.

And sure, that still leaves the RNG system to make determination of success or failure against precisely equal chances, but it also results in a further element discouraging people from being diverse and honest with their generation of statistics.

In effect, those who try to be realistic with their stat choices will be horribly outclassed by less scrupulous individuals...

...or I could be reading this entirely wrong.
hmmm good point, We had tried to take that into consideration. It may need a ruleset tweek, Whitch will have to wait for Tharion to shake IRL aggro, Whitch will invovle us finding him a new job and burning down his current work place.
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Unread 07-10-09, 06:24 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Aurorablade
At the moment there should be a hardcoded limit on it...
Hardcoded limits are good. I guess my point is that I can't imagine there's much to stop people from just setting EVERY statistic to it's limit regardless of whether or not it has "reason" to be there.

And sure, that still leaves the RNG system to make determination of success or failure against precisely equal chances, but it also results in a further element discouraging people from being diverse and honest with their generation of statistics.

In effect, those who try to be realistic with their stat choices will be horribly outclassed by less scrupulous individuals...

...or I could be reading this entirely wrong.
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Unread 07-09-09, 01:12 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by SkunkWerks

My only questions really regard who approves of a character's stats/abilities on a sheet. If it's a system, there has to be some sort of guidelines for who can put what down on a character sheet- and some way to enforce them.
At the moment there should be a hardcoded limit on it, no you cannot go over 9000

The rule set is rough and simple.hopefully can be expanded and tweeked later. thought no definite ETA on that.
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Unread 07-09-09, 01:01 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Gruffness
I would also like to suggest special abilities.

These could range from limited use abilities, time-wise to conditional or situational abilities.

For example, my one priest suffers (if that can be said) from split personality disorder. He believes he works for a legitimate shipping company that gets into a lot of trouble (RP fights) protecting their cargo when in reality, they're a band of pirates. What I'd like to do is allow for a semi-god-like ability to be available for a special occaision, such as the initial change-over or for when the evil side comes out. This could be anything from a one time perfect attack or a one time perfect resist ability. This would mean that it would be better to deal with him in his normal state. Although chances are he would never fight in his normal state, although he could defend.

Bleh...this can get very complicated very quickly. It's probably best to keep things simple. If we're able to make god-like attacks/defense and specify them as a one-time use or the situation in which we use them, that should do about the same thing. My idea is simply to distinguish them from normal attacks or defense abilities.
yeah i am still a newb in my own right, I had thought of buffs but that might take a bit if i do them.

Also you can create more then one sheet, both with the same or diffrent stats as you can input the stats either with the random button (up to four clicks) or manually. each sheet can also have its own set of abilitys.

So you can make a sheet for each persona!

if you need to do a fast sheet change i can suggest a macro of /rc sheet <sheet name>

but again with buffs i would need to do it two ways, with and without support from the gryphonheart items addon. Might take me a bit to wrap my head around.
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Unread 07-09-09, 12:39 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by jaliborc
You should improve the description.... I can't understand what the hell this does, and I'm really curious to know.
It's another option to RP-based combat that isn't /duel and isn't a long drawn-out emote fight in which neither party gives up ground because they're both "just too awesome".

And the system itself, if I'm understanding correctly, operates on the principle of the old Pencil and Paper RPGs- character sheets/stats/dice rolls determine the success or failure of characters.

My only questions really regard who approves of a character's stats/abilities on a sheet. If it's a system, there has to be some sort of guidelines for who can put what down on a character sheet- and some way to enforce them.
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Unread 07-09-09, 03:22 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I would also like to suggest special abilities.

These could range from limited use abilities, time-wise to conditional or situational abilities.

For example, my one priest suffers (if that can be said) from split personality disorder. He believes he works for a legitimate shipping company that gets into a lot of trouble (RP fights) protecting their cargo when in reality, they're a band of pirates. What I'd like to do is allow for a semi-god-like ability to be available for a special occaision, such as the initial change-over or for when the evil side comes out. This could be anything from a one time perfect attack or a one time perfect resist ability. This would mean that it would be better to deal with him in his normal state. Although chances are he would never fight in his normal state, although he could defend.

Bleh...this can get very complicated very quickly. It's probably best to keep things simple. If we're able to make god-like attacks/defense and specify them as a one-time use or the situation in which we use them, that should do about the same thing. My idea is simply to distinguish them from normal attacks or defense abilities.
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Unread 07-09-09, 02:50 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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I'm assuming the add-on lets you create your own RP combat abilities and the damage they do. It also allows you to create your own RP character stats.

Then when you have an RP fight, you use your RP skills to attack (I stab in your general direction with my dagger of puncturing +1) the other RP character. The add-on rolls your attack for you. Your opponent rolls to see if the attack hits or misses, presumably a lower roll means they get hit, although this is where stats would come into play and perhaps save the day (see below).

The main benefit to RP fighting is that a level 1 character can fight against a level 80 since levels don't matter in RP. Not to mention one can embellish the action or react in any number of ways to an opponent.

If it doesn't support them yet, RP buffs, gear and weapons (modifiers etc.) would be awesome! An ability to inspect an RP character's information sheet would also be handy (edit: I think you already implemented stat comparisons, I need to read more). This way we could know what we go up against. Stat breakdowns/comparisons would be nice too in order to tell what chances we have of succeeding in combat against someone (presumably the dice type also matters). If someone creates stats and items that are too god-like, we could see this and choose not to fight/RP with them. Custom responses (optional and random if multiple responses are created) to weapon types/attacks (selectable upon creation of RP weapon) would be nice ("Gruff deftly dodges your BFG Blast and laughs at you," or "Your BFG Blast misses Gruff by as good as a mile if not an inch").

Although this would probably make things a lot less free-form if we added custom responses to attacks (or even random custom attack text...[name] viciously attacks you with his [attack]). It would make things easier for beginners or those who can't type fast.
Last edited by Gruffness : 07-09-09 at 03:31 AM.
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Unread 07-08-09, 07:39 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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This is a roleplay mod geared to help aid Freeform or emote based combat that some RPers choose to get into.

It just is a tool to try to steem off the god syndrome some get by fighting.
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Unread 07-08-09, 06:23 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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You should improve the description.... I can't understand what the hell this does, and I'm really curious to know.
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