Updated: 07-10-10 11:06 AM
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Updated:07-10-10 11:06 AM
Created:12-15-09 02:56 PM

oUF Taroven

Version: 1.7
by: Taroven [More]

This oUF layout works standalone. You won't need anything other than this download.

Please delete any previous version of oUF_Taroven from your AddOns directory before updating. Note that library issues have been fixed, you can remove any modules/libs that may have given you issues before.

oUF_Taroven is an oUF layout written for personal usage. As such, it has no config to speak of aside from a bunch of variables at the top of the file. I'm always happy to help with any questions or issues you have with it, but the level of support I can provide is pretty limited.

Key features:
* Clean, compact, and visible. This layout was originally intended for PvP usage and has evolved to easily handle PvE healing and DPS without information overload.
* Custom positioning code for both buffs/debuffs and raid frames for minimal necessary tweaking. The raidframes are sized and spaced according to the width of the player/target frames. Buffs and debuffs adjust their placement accordingly as well - No manual setting of the number of buffs/debuffs, no manual adjustment of raidframe size needed. Everything should just slide into place if you want to make things larger/smaller.
* Custom dispellable-debuff and threat display, using the frames' shadow. If a unit has a debuff that you can dispel, the frame glows the debuff's color. Otherwise, the frame glows according to the unit's threat situation if it is tanking, or close to pulling aggro.
* Party frames: Simple and clean. Cast bars are overlaid on health bars. Buffs are filtered to only show what you have actually cast, no proc effects to clutter things. Debuffs are unfiltered and placed where they won't get in the way too much.
* Raid frames: Built with healing in mind. Rather than use the standard indicator system, the raid frames show bars for your most important healing spells. A simple stack counter for Lifebloom, Earth Shield, and Prayer of Mending shows where the spells are and their status - Red for 1 stack, Yellow for 2 stacks, Green for 3+ stacks.
Druid: Top = Wild Growth. Bottom = Regrowth, Rejuvenation, and Lifebloom. Stacks = Lifebloom.
Paladin: Bottom - Sacred Shield, FoL HoT timer.
Priest: Top = Grace. Bottom - Weakened Soul, Renew. Stacks = Prayer of Mending.
Shaman: Bottom = Riptide. Stacks = Earth Shield.

* This layout does not include an in-game configuration and has very few configurable options (all of which located at the top of oUF_Taroven.lua).
* This layout is built for personal usage. Things can and will change, options will likely never be easier to access.
* If you find a bug, consider it fixed upon report. The comments section here is a good place to start.
* Again, this layout is only released and maintained due to request from friends and guildmates. If you want a feature, I'm happy to help you add it (and it may end up in a future release), but I will not add features for the sake of adding them.
* Asking for help with minor tweaks is best done after attempting to tweak it yourself, and I will assume that you have at least some knowledge of Lua when giving you an answer.

v1.7: Lots of work on names and auras. No need to delete anything this time around.
* Dispellable debuffs now color the health bar in addition to the normal border glow. This was mainly prompted by diseases being nearly the same color as warning-level threat (Lich King, I'm looking at you), and looks pretty good if you ask me.
* Shamans that cannot cleanse curses no longer have curses highlighted. No performance impact, the related code is only fired at login/reloadui and talent changes.
* Converted the name/health deficit and stack indicator text to tags.
* Added Vigilance via the stack incidicators for Warriors (shows a green 'V' for yours, or a grey 'v' for others).
* Shaman Earth Shield stacks now show red for 1/2 stacks, yellow for 3/4 stacks, and green for 5+. Other Shamans' Earth Shields will now show in grey. You can change this to only show your own at line 319. Earth Shield stacks shouldn't show at all if you don't have it talented.
* The party frames once more show for 5-man raids. Thanks for the state code, Sojik.
* Fixed a mostly harmless Lua error involving health updates trying to go to bars that the layout doesn't handle.

v1.6: As always, delete oUF_Taroven from your addons directory before updating. Not a huge deal this time around though.
* Updated oUF to 1.4, compatibility changes as necessary.
* Updated LibHealComm-4.0 to v1.6.6 (6/28/10).
* Removed LibWrapperHealComm-1.0 from libs. If someone out there is still using HealComm-3, it's about damn time for them to update their addons. You may still use LWHC-1.0 standalone.
* Removed remainders of partypet support.
* Removed maintank code until I can get it working. (It didn't do anything in the first place, so no visible change here)
* Heal-over-time spells should no longer show as '+0' on the raid frames.
* ToT now displays debuffs in the same style as focus debuffs. Mostly a tank-oriented change.
* Killed off the raid/party hide code, in favor of using header states. 5-man raids will show as a raid instead of using the party bars, but logging in while in combat should use the proper frameset now.
* Bosses that change phases or enrage at certain health percentages will have those percentages overlaid on the target health bar. At the moment this only applies to ICC bosses. I'll add more as I come across them.
Note: This matches by English name, if you use another locale you'll need to translate the names yourself. This does not pay attention to zone or raid - If you come across the Lich King in other instances or quests, you'll notice this. I may add a raid check later on when more bosses are added to the list, but for now it's not anything I'd bother with.

v1.5: Rewrite. Bugs may bite thee in the arse, but expect much better framerates.
* Fixed some screwy XML, which in turn fixed the random embed issues people were having. Sorry bout that.
* oUF_HealComm has been removed and replaced with custom code. oUF_HealComm support has been COMPLETELY REMOVED. HealComm is directly embedded now.
- Hots and direct heals are tracked on separate bars. Hots are a different color and will not show in the incoming heal numbers.
- Heal bars should only be present for player, focus, party, and raid.
- HealComm code is a little more efficient due to being tailored for the layout.
* Slimmed and trimmed the layout in many spots. Many portions of the layout are far more efficient. Hopefully a big fps increase in raids.
- player and party are now the only unit to get frequentUpdates for anything. Raid is easy to change if you need it.
- Removed AuraTracker support entirely.
- Removed partypet support entirely.
- Raid and secondary units (*targets) no longer have castbars.
* Each unit now uses some basic settings from styleFunc, but has its own function defining specifics - It's so much easier to change things now, I'm wondering why the heck I never did this before.
* Now using PostUpdateHealth instead of Override. Hopefully fixes issues with raid members under max health in Gunship turrets and similar situations.
* Several minor layout tweaks to make things less cluttered and more consistent.
* Added Beacon of Light to the Paladin raidframe bars (top edge, teal).
* If you're wondering about the version bump, there were a couple guild-release revisions in between this and 1.2.

v1.2: Local copy update.
* Made some changes to the layout. Focus and focustarget are under the player frame. ToT and ToToT are under the target. Pet is to the left of the player (with player-casted buffs above). Raid and party have seen minor tweaks but remain much the same.
* Player and target health have moved to the inner area of the frames. While I love the HUD feeling they provided before, they really were getting in the way and I wasn't finding them useful except for heroism calls.
* Player buffs are gone for good. Target buffs have been flipped downwards. Focus debuffs are present directly to the focus frame's right (still needs slight adjustment).
* Changes here and there to icon/info positioning. Stack counters are on the left/bottomleft instead of bottomright, etc. Some things still need a better spot, but it looks good for now.
* Name shortening is about as good as it'll get without using UTF8.
* General prettification.
* Screenshots for this release aren't exactly optimal, I haven't been good about keeping the really good ones around.

v1.1: This is what I get for having a guildie request a font size change.
* oUF and all relevant plugins are now embedded. You may remove oUF and any included plugins from your Addons directory (recommended).
* Updated oUF_Healcomm4 to its latest version (Note: Still using a customized version until I can convince the author to plug in some changes)
* Frames now look a lot cleaner. Turns out there were a few frames being duplicated, mucking things up. Those have vanished.
* Party pets may now be enabled/disabled (default = disabled) via a local at the top of oUF_Taroven.lua.
* Removed buffs from the player (your own) frame.
* Priest/Druid/Shaman stack counters are now located on the bottom left of the frames instead of the bottom right. No longer shall your mouse get in the way in a raid.
* Stack counters are now more visible and their font size has increased slightly.
* Consolidated threat and dispel updates into one function. Much less buggy, no more stuck colors, uses less CPU.
* The frame borders have been made less opaque, becoming more visible when the unit has aggro or debuffs are present.
* Cleaned up the code a bit.

* oUF_Readycheck support has been added.
* LFD roles have been added.
* Party pets have been added.
* The leader icon has moved to a more pleasant home.
* Buffs and debuffs have seen a minor overhaul, no more frame clipping.
* Party frame padding is now more dynamic.
* Health updates shouldn't randomly spew errors in BRD (no idea how that was happening in the first place, but hey, whatever).
* The default health color has been changed to a mute teal. The previous green was a little glaring when partypets were involved.
* Various undocumented changes.
- Note: Screenshots haven't been updated for this release, I'll get around to it next time.

* oUF_Healcomm is now embedded rather than included. Thanks yj589794.
* Party names now display as missing health when under 95%, same as in a raid.
* Tweaked the healthbar alpha a little bit. Dunno if my monitor's being odd or what, it seemed a lot darker today... Last table entry on line 187 if you'd like to change it back, was 0.7, now 0.5.

* Name shortening will no longer yell at people with really short names.

Initial release.
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Unread 12-18-09, 03:13 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: Cast Bars

Originally posted by Taroven
Of course there is.

Edit: Alright, I'll give you a better hint, search for "self.Cast" and look for the word "player" in that section.

The player cast bar is meant to be cosmetic only. If you need something more visible, you'll want an addon dedicated to showing your casting info. Quartz comes to mind.
In that case how do i turn it off lol.

i suck at .lua
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Unread 12-18-09, 02:26 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Re: Cast Bars

Originally posted by Forpony
Is there anyway to make the castbar not overlayed onto my health bar.
Of course there is.

Edit: Alright, I'll give you a better hint, search for "self.Cast" and look for the word "player" in that section.

The player cast bar is meant to be cosmetic only. If you need something more visible, you'll want an addon dedicated to showing your casting info. Quartz comes to mind.
Former author of EventHorizon Continued and Other Releases.
Last edited by Taroven : 12-18-09 at 02:42 PM.
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Unread 12-18-09, 01:25 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Cast Bars

Is there anyway to make the castbar not overlayed onto my health bar.
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Unread 12-17-09, 12:37 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by Valcry
There are days, a man might wish to have a simple mage. They only need two Buttons. But there may be other days, a man is proud to be a warlock

So, just trying out your addon. I have to easy (myself?) to this layout, but it still looks goot. Will play around the HP-alpha and colors.

As long as I understood, the party/raidframes are automatically sized to the number of players in the group? Tested with a friend of mine, and saw no difference between party and raid. Just would like to avoid surprises, in case I will find time for our raid tomorrow

Keep on the good work. Ah, by the way. I cleaned up the whole interface-folder (also according to your mails). I'm happy now. Thx.
Actually, the party/raidframes resize according to the size of the "width" and "raidpadding" locals at the top of the file, according to this equasion:
raidsize = (width-(raidpadding*4))/5
At the default width of 170px for player and target, and a default raid padding of 4px, the width and height of a single raid frame is...
raidsize = (170-(4*4))/5 = 30.8px
Buffs and debuffs are handled in a very similar manner, but use an actual function instead:
local function CalcAuras(framewidth,aurasize)
	local numauras = framewidth/aurasize
	local padding = (framewidth-(aurasize*numauras))/numauras
	if padding < 1 then
		while padding < 1 do
			numauras = numauras-1
			padding = (framewidth-(aurasize*numauras-1))/numauras
	return numauras,padding
...which sets the number of shown auras and the space between them (padding) according to their size and the width of the frame they're anchored to.

In the end it just means that if you change the size of your player/target frames, your raidframes and buffs/debuffs will change size to fit. I think it's pretty creative, but it's hard to describe without actually showing the math involved.
Former author of EventHorizon Continued and Other Releases.
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Unread 12-17-09, 12:22 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by larkrune
forgot to pay attention, 'cause i was tanking earlier, i'll have to do better but it throws an error as copied, if you add one more ) at the end of line 192 that fixes it.
Glad to hear it works. ^_^
Former author of EventHorizon Continued and Other Releases.
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Unread 12-16-09, 09:43 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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forgot to pay attention, 'cause i was tanking earlier, i'll have to do better but it throws an error as copied, if you add one more ) at the end of line 192 that fixes it.

Edit: Seems to work beautifully, did some healing and paid attention
Last edited by larkrune : 12-17-09 at 03:01 AM.
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Unread 12-16-09, 06:13 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Thanks Taroven, I'll be trying it out tonight And it was an either/or on the percentage/deficit, I didn't know which would be easier to do. I like preventive healing also, but for my pally it's a little more difficult than for the druid or the priest. That could just be me though
Last edited by larkrune : 12-16-09 at 06:20 PM.
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Unread 12-16-09, 04:29 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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There are days, a man might wish to have a simple mage. They only need two Buttons. But there may be other days, a man is proud to be a warlock

So, just trying out your addon. I have to easy (myself?) to this layout, but it still looks goot. Will play around the HP-alpha and colors.

As long as I understood, the party/raidframes are automatically sized to the number of players in the group? Tested with a friend of mine, and saw no difference between party and raid. Just would like to avoid surprises, in case I will find time for our raid tomorrow

Keep on the good work. Ah, by the way. I cleaned up the whole interface-folder (also according to your mails). I'm happy now. Thx.
Never let me down again
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Unread 12-16-09, 04:48 AM  
A Cyclonian
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This is completely untested, but I see no reason for it not to work just fine. I'll be throwing it in the next release sometime in the next few days.

Open up oUF_Taroven.lua and head to line 167 (search for "updateHealth"), replace the function with the following code. Make sure you don't overwrite the next function, marked with the big --STOP HERE--.

local updateHealth = function(self, event, unit, bar, current, max)
	local r, g, b, t
	local raid = self:GetParent():GetName():match("oUF_Taroven_raid")
	local party = self:GetParent():GetName():match("oUF_Taroven_party")
	if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit) then
		r, g, b = .6, .6, .6
	elseif(UnitIsPlayer(unit)) then
		local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
		t = self.colors.class[class]
		r, g, b = .1, .8, .3

	if(t) then
		r, g, b = t[1], t[2], t[3]
	end, g, b, 0.5)

	bar:SetStatusBarColor(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
	if party or raid then
		local per = UnitHealth(unit) / UnitHealthMax(unit)
		if per > .95 then
			self.Name:SetText(hex(r,g,b)..(party and UnitName(unit) or shorten(UnitName(unit)))

local function updateAuraTrackerTime(self, elapsed)
(this is also very slightly more efficient cpu-wise)

This will replace the party names with missing hp when they drop below 95%, same as the raid frames. Adding a percentage display would be a little overkill IMO, you've already got the bar itself for that.

The need for missing HP text on party frames is debatable. On one hand, it's sometimes nice to know, but I've never felt the specific need for it. Perhaps I'm just too much of a preventive healer.

Raids are a whole other story, of course.

Originally posted by larkrune
i like the layout quite a bit, was healing earlier w/ it. the only thing i can think of that i'd like to change is that there is no percentage or health deficit displayed for the party members what do i need to do to add that?
Former author of EventHorizon Continued and Other Releases.
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Unread 12-16-09, 02:00 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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i like the layout quite a bit, was healing earlier w/ it. the only thing i can think of that i'd like to change is that there is no percentage or health deficit displayed for the party members what do i need to do to add that?
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Unread 12-15-09, 06:32 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Re: Looks Great

I play at 1680x1050. The most you should need to do is adjust width and shortwidth at the top of the file, possibly raise them a little as well.

Edit: Mind you, aside from moving the frames, these are really easy to adjust. The locals at the top can do wonders. ^_^

Originally posted by Valcry
Quite nice layout. And a very interesting position for the raidframes
I see, I have to buy a new pc. With 1280x1024 it could be difficult.

But I will have a try with this frames over the weekend. If they are half as good as Event Horizon, they would be great
Former author of EventHorizon Continued and Other Releases.
Last edited by Taroven : 12-15-09 at 06:36 PM.
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Unread 12-15-09, 04:06 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Looks Great

Quite nice layout. And a very interesting position for the raidframes
I see, I have to buy a new pc. With 1280x1024 it could be difficult.

But I will have a try with this frames over the weekend. If they are half as good as Event Horizon, they would be great
Never let me down again
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