Updated: 12-08-11 05:50 PM
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Updated:12-08-11 05:50 PM
Created:03-30-10 10:15 PM

CLC DK  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.3.0b
by: Nu7a [More]

This is a mod I created for myself. I hated looking all over the screen for multiple information (Disease Duration, Desolation Buff, GCD timer, runic power, runes, etc.) So I developed this addon to have all the information in one place. I then noticed there was a sort of similar addon called clcret that helps ret and prot pallies with their rotation. I decided to sort of borrow the idea and have priority box that suggests a move for you.

(See pictures at sides for a better idea)

Runes: The Rune cool-down is an borrowed idea from some ideas that popped up on EJ awhile back.
* = rune is off cool-down.
X = on full cool-down.
number =how many seconds is left on the rune.

Runic Power: Self Explanatory.

Frost Fever and Blood Plague Durations: Self Explanatory.

Priority System:
What the Priority is, and is not:
-Rotation support for all three specs
-Also has a Early Level Rotation
-This is intended for Single Target Boss Fights
-This is only a base rotation, sort of a starting point. There is allot more that goes into a rotation, and I suggest you read up on that. Wither it be on EJ or some other theory-crafting page.
-There is going to be some situations where your own judgment is going to be better (Pestilence, refreshing disease before you run out, etc.).
-That being said, I have put allot of work into optimizing the rotation to be as optimal as possible.

-There are four cool-downs you can customize
-You can hide each set of two (right set, left set)
-These include all DK cooldowns, as well as important buffs (such as scarlet fever on target, ghoul buffs, etc)

Visual Settings:
Normal - which shows the frame only in combat or while targeting an enemy.
Show - which will always show the frame.
Hide - which will always hide the frame.

-Can hide any aspect you do not want in the addon
-Can move any aspect of the addon to any part of the screen you want.'

Button Facade Support

-While running it is at about 80 kb in memory. I like to keep my addons very simple and to the point.

Q: Can you make the priority icon clickible or bind it to a hotkey?
A: No, it is impossible to do with the changes blizzard made back in BC.

Q: Diseases don't seem to be tracked in the priority, whats up?
A: Check the options (/clcdk) and look under "Disease Options" and make sure its set yo what you want.

Q: Does it work for tanking?
A: Yes and no. While it shows you a basic single target rotation, it will not show you when to use cooldowns, or when to use more aoe threat moves, again like DPS priority, its a starting point, not a scripture.

Q: I want you to add something to the rotation.
A: For the most part, rotations are pretty much set in stone based on the best single target rotation. Most stuff I will NOT add for multiple reasons, mainly that most moves are extremely situational and you should really learn when to use them. If the addition makes sense and is decent utility, I may add it. I'm still throwing some things up in the air on this topic.

Q: I have a CD or Buff that isn't being tracked.
A: Tell me what it is and I will add it. I have tried my best to add all cooldowns, but I might miss a few(especially ones in specs I don't play that often).

Q: I think I have found a bug, what do I do?
A: Leave a comment or send me a private message with as much information as you can. Just saying that there is a problem does not help me at all. Send me screenshots, which version it started happening?, is it only one spec?, etc.

-Any suggestions on how to improve the addon or any bugs, please leave a comment and I should respond in a few days.

WoW Interface:

Baine for German Translations (deDE)
yeah-chen for Chinese (znCN) and Taiwan (zhTW) Translations
Everyone who has used this addon and help make it better.

My name is Tyler, and I am a University Student at UWO. I will only be able to work on this between between raids and school. Donations would be much appreciated.

My Toon: Threk <Raiding Rainbows> on Illidan-US. We are always recruiting amazing players, come check us out.

-added Unholy Strength buff
-added following trinkets: Fire of the Deep, Spidersilk Spindle, Master Pit Fighter, Moonwell Phial, Scales of Life, Resolve of Undying, Indomitable Pride, Soulshifter Vortex, Veil of Lies, Varo'then's Brooch and tons of PvP trinkets
-added t13 4pc buff
-added Brazilian Portuguese translation courtesy of Ansatsukenn - Gurubashi US
-added Masterfrost rotation (check off Alternative Rotation in rotation options)
-removed blood barrier and as a result tweaked blood rotation

-4.3 fixes
-added lichbourne to blood cd
-added Essence of the Eternal Flame (thanks zahirtezcan)
-added following trinkets Eye of Unmaking, Creche of the Final Dragon, Rotting Skull and Rosary of Light
-As far as I can tell 2pc doesn't give a buff and no one has found the 4pc buff spell yet :(

Coming Soon: Tanking trinkets and Shadowfrost Rotation

-Added new firelands dps trinkets (tank ones coming soon)
-Added t12 2pc
-Fixed errors when no trinkets are equipped

-Fixes for 4.2

-Sorry for the delay, I've been settling in my new job, but all is fine now
-fixed blood shield for other locales
-fixed runes displaying "10" for good
-fixed bug where some diseases in the tracker weren't being saved
-fixed bug where some disease options weren't being updated
-added hungering cold to disease tracker
-added main frame and disease tracker transparency
-added some code for when 4.2 comes out
-tweaked blood rotation a bit so it shows death coil when not in blood stance
-updated zhTW & zhCN local (thanks yeah-chen)

-Added allot of PvP trinkets
-Added Blade Barrier to all spec buffs since it can be easily obtained
-Fixed and issue with clicking on corners of the frame still worked after the frame was hidden
-Fixed (well attempt to) blood shield tracker for different game localizations

-Fixed a bug where text runes would show 10 instead of X
-Made some changes to the graphical rune bar to make it easier to see off cooldown runes
-Added a blood shield "tracker". Set one of your cooldowns to track Spec CDs/Buffs - > Blood Shield (Buff) and the stack number at the bottom is how much it absorbs. I haven't tested it in other localizations, but if it works or doesn't work, shoot me a private message, I would greatly appreciate it.

-Updated Frost Rotation
-Fixed Didease Tracker for 4.1
-Added a very early version of a graphical Rune system for people to try
-Updated zhTW & zhCN locals (thx yeah-chen)

-Updated for 4.1
-Added option for disease tracker to display health instead of threat
-Updated zhTW & zhCN locals (thx yeah-chen)

-Added Gnaw Cooldown
-Added Racial Cooldowns
-Added Crimson Scourge
-Re-Added DnD mini-icon
-Fixed bug where dot timers would still show after unit is dead
-Adjusted Blood Rotation a bit
-Updated some translations

-Added option to change rune ordering
-Some options to help with some disease tracker lag on computers with allot of addons
---Added option to disable combatlog watch
---Added option to adjust update rate of target updating
-Tweaked Disease tracker to cause less lag in general
-Updated locals (Thanks yeah-chen and baine)

-Added a Disease Tracker
-Added a very early stage of per-item scaling
-Added alt-code modifier for quick movement
-Updated locals (Thanks yeah-chen and baine)
-Code Cleanup

-Fixed bug where addon would initialize before fully loaded
-Fixed bug where interrupt icon would show on un-interruptible channels (Thanks Zhiva)
-Fixed allot of little LUA errors
-Fixed bug where moves would show when requirements were not met
-Added a settings check to make sure everything is in working order
-Added Mirror of Broken Images to trinkets
-Added option to show death grip when not in range (Thanks drylar)
-Added option to show Cooldown spirals
-Reworked how the addon loads to cause less problems with people with allot of addons loading
-Reworked Dark Sim. so now the tracking the buff also shows the new spell acquired
-Reworked Unholy and Frost AOE icons, they now have a "rotation" to them
-Updated locals (Thanks yeah-chen and baine)

-Fixed Issue with LUA errors from CDs not properly set (A change to Lichborne is what caused it)
-Changed how Trinkets are handled a little bit
-Removed some un-needed code
-Tweaked some stuff to reduce memory usage

-Fixed Icon pillar bug again
-Fixed Crushing Weight SpellID
-Fixed Options displaying for non-DKs
-Fixed Crimson Scourge
-Another Attempt to fix the Interface options displaying at random times (Please let me know if it works)

-Added 4 more cooldowns
-Added AMZ
-Added option for transparency while in combat and not selecting target
-Added new view option for only when targeting
-Added Trinkets to Cooldowns(if your trinket does not show up, send me a a message and Ill either add it in or fix it, PvP trinkets will probably not be added)
-Updated Frost's default rotation to both diseases
-Updated Unholy Rotation for 4.0.6
-Updated Translations (Thanks yeah-chen and baine)
-Fixed bug where CD menus would show in-correct selection
-Fixed bug where settings would not reset after hitting the button
-Fixed some spell's SpellID
-Fixed bug where if settings were blank addon would give errors
-Attempt to fix addon frame not showing up (cant re-create bug so I cant really tell)
-Attempt to fix menu randomly popping up for no reason (cant re-create bug so I cant really tell)

-Fixed Rune Strike bug
-Fixed bug that allowed moves not available to the player to be selected
-Added range colouring for all cds and moves
-Added option for per-spec rotation (Dark Transformation for Unholy, Howling Blast for Frost, Bone Shield for blood)
-Moved some Menu items around
-Attempt to fix some menu problems (If you have any, please send me a private message with as mush info as you can)

-Fixed issue that caused raid icon pillars not allowed to be placed
-Fixed issue where the priority icon's backdrop would not be adjusted by options
-Added option to display a specific move in CD/Buff Icons
-Added option to hide range colouring
-Added option to pool runic power for interrupts
-Added option to show an AOE icon (only shows DnD right now, will work on adding more later)
-Added option to show an Interrupt icon when unit is casting and you can interrupt (Disclaimer: If you want to use this, then do it at your own discretion, there is a time to, and not to interrupt, and if you wipe and try to blame the addon, I will laugh at you)
-Removed Blood Boil from Tank rotation (4.0.6 will be putting it with diseases, and it is already brought by other classes, so it is removed)
-Update DE translations (thx Baine)
-Update CN & TW translations (thx yeah-chen)
-Revamped options for more space for future options
-Optimized the code
** I am taking a break from the game for a few weeks to focus on school, if there is major bugs I will fix them, but for the most part the development will be dead for a few weeks**

-Added option to lock pieces together
-Added button to reset only the frame positions
-Fixed bug where priority would not change range colour
-Re-Added Blade Barrier (Oops)
-Added option to ignore runic power in rotation
-Allot of Code Cleanup

-Updated zhTW and zhCN locals
-Added Unholy Strength and Blood Shield
-Attempt to fix priority not displaying (don't have a none US client, so cannot really test)
-Fixed Button Facade Borders still showing when no icon was there
-Fixed Tier Buffs not displaying properly
-Added Tier 11 4pc Buff
-Made every element of the UI movable, some of the pieces are connect to each other, so if you want to separate them, you need to move the lower of the pieces first.
-Removed option to change just the CD backdrop transparency, instead they all share the same

-Completely re-worked the code for the cool-downs:
- -Most of it wont effect you at all, it mostly makes it easier for me to add new cool-downs as they come out
- -You can now select priority or presence for any 5 of the CD/Buff icons
- -Added Tier Piece Buffs (Still need to find what the T11 4pc bonus buff is called though)
- -Reworked how the cool-downs are selected through the menu to be easier and use less space (still needs minor tweaks)
-I've started leveling a DK from scratch to test the addon and noticed allot of stuff was broken, I am pretty sure I missed a thing or two, but for the most part it should work properly now

-Added more buffs for tracking (Dark Simulacrum, Necrotic Strike, Strangulate)
-Added framework for Tier Piece Buffs to be tracked (just the buff's name in the drop down for now)
-Major Code Cleanup, there may be some bugs
-Fixed bug where where if you in a non-vehicle vehicle (if that makes sense) the addon would not work. (ex 3rd phase Al'akir, Jumping rock to rock quest in Deepholm, etc.)

-Fixed bug where default had disease timers hidden
-Fixed bug where the little DnD "Alt" icon wasn't being skinned by Button Facade
-Moved some files around for better organization

-Fixed CDs not hiding
-Fixed Outbreak and Horn Settings not saving
-Fixed HoW in rotation (was displaying when not available and giving errors)
-Improved Low-Level support by allot
-minor code tweaks

-Improved Unholy Leveling
-Added Alternative Move icon for DnD
-Tweaked Frost Rotation

-updated CN, TW and DE translations
-CDs and rotation options are saved per-spec, not just primary and secondary talents trees
-Because of above, CD settings got reset
-Added chilblains to buffs
-fixed horn of winter mid-gcd
-removed DnD from unholy rotation for now, still trying to figure out some stuff before I put it back in
-Started work on improving leveling support

-added better disease selection
-added DnD to Unholy Rotation

-fixed outbreak bug when in gcd
-fixed bone shield bug when in gcd
-fixed mind freeze cd not showing
-updated description a bit

-added Disease-less Blood. Not sure if the rotation is correct or not, if it's not, then let me know.
-added Chinese (znCN) and Taiwan (zhTW) translations (Thank you yeah-chen)

-Fixed a Bug with Outbreak
-Addon will no longer remove Runebar
-added Ebon Plague to cooldown watch
-fixed Scarlet Fever not showing in blood rotation

-Changed font to be monospaced. Meaning that runes wont move around depending on the number (5s are wider then 1s, etc)
-Updated the German translation.

-fixed bug where fresh install would cause errors
-fixed bug where disease timers would not hide all the time when set to
-fixed bug where 2 rune abilities (Obliterate and Death Strike) would be shown when they cannot be used
-improved rune detection allot (notably death runes), thus improving unholy and frost rotations a fair bit in certain situations

-Apparently I made more bugs then fixed with the little code re-write, Im sorry for the spam of updates
-Fixed bug where adjusting scale or transparency would cause an error
-Added option to hide Horn of Winter in rotation
-Added option to change cooldown background transparency

-fixed bug with glyphs not being registered
-fixed bug where buffs on target would not show
-fixed some typos
-fixed bug where cooldown wouldn't reset count and time when completed

-started basework for checks of moves (i.e. if you don't pickup boneshield for some reason. etc.)

-Fixed bug where settings reset everytime you relog

-Sorry for updates back to back like this, just wanted to get this stuff out before tues restart.
-Settings needed to be reset for this one, due to some changes in how settings are stored.
-Fixed Bug where dropdown boxes would only say "Custom"
-Fixed bug where CDs that are 20 sec or less would not show time correctly
-Added CD selection for priority icon. Decided to make it like the other four cooldown icons, with added rotation and presence options (would suggest making it an actual cooldown, instead of a buff just so that the GCD can be seen a little better).
-Edited Unholy rotation a bit, still needs some tweaking
-Blood rotation Fixed up to include Rune Strike (not sure if the priority is correct in it or not)
-Cleaned up the Frost rotation code a bit.
-Cleaned up some of the code in general

Things to come
-Localization Fixes
-Finishing Unholy Priority
-Other Suggestions you guys give me

-When Priority is now shown, your current stance is shown. Something a little nicer then just a blank space.
-Change GCD to spiral on priority/stance icon. It is allot easier to see gcd now (thx Noximus)
-Trying new frost priority given by mudzereli, which is based on the one from EJ. (will try to clean up down the road)
-Added Glyph of Howling Blast Support (ie, using HB to apply FF on target)
-Fixed bug where you could not move character with mouse when over frame.

-As for the other priorities, I will update them later this week. Been extremely busy past couple days, and need to catch up on stuff.

-Initial Cata/4.0 release
-Added more buffs to CD watch
-Made the addon use less memory when not on a DK
-Fixed bug that wouldn't allow you to save per-session
-Added saving per talent group (i.e. One cool-down set for primary talent group, when you change talent group, it will change it to secondary automatically)
-Button Facade Support
-Cast Bar Removed (Much better options out there for this)
-HUGE efficiency fixes
-New Rune system is fully implemented.
-Better Algorithm for determining best move with the new rune system and with some of the new DK spells (aka Runic Empowerment procs)
-New Cata Spells added
-All three rotations complete (for the most part)

To Do:
-Glyphs still need to be fixed
-Tweaks in rotations once specs are finalized
-Fixed Bug where you couldn't click frame when un-locked.

-Added better localization, for our non-english friends
-Thanks Baine for German Translations (deDE) and testing
-Make the frame click-through while locked, and clickible while un-locked.
-Fixed bug where it would show addon as out-of-date.

-Fixed allot of Bugs

-Added Full Options via Blizzard UI (/clcdk or Interface>>Addons>>CLC DK
-Added Customizible Cooldown Bars (4 icons in total)
-Started using localization for info (need people to translate to other languages for me)
-Adjusted Frost rotation
-Removed allot of useless stuff
**Note there is allot of new options added, so on first run. PLEASE /reloadui to get it all in working order**

-Made the frame click-through when not visible
-Minor tweaks here and there

-Fixed Rune CD timers
-Added option to Hide Priority System
-Added HoW to Unholy Rotation, Allot of people have been whispering me in-game to add it, so here it is
-As a result of that, Added option to hide HoW from rotation
-Some minor tweaks to some visuals

-Allot of performance tweaks
-Fixed GoD stuff

-Added Slash Commands
-Added Visual Schemes (Default, Always Show, Always Hide)
-Fixed GCD Timer
-Overhauled the optimization, takes into consider GCD coming up and if pestilence will not be a dps increase if GoD.
-Some minor tweaks

-Fixed Some Wroung Spell IDs

-Changed Spell names to IDs, hopefully will work for non-English Clients
-Added scaling, just drag bottom right corner, its a little wonky right now, will improve when I get some more time

-Fixed Moving Bugs
-Cleaned Up Code a bit
-Some minor efficiency tweaks

-Forgot to Comment out some testing code

-Added Right-Click Menu with some Options
-Frame is now movable by right-clicking and unlocking the frame

-Made the priority a little more dynamic (Some frost glyphs, certain specs with more then 100 RP)
-Will be working on frost priority a little bit

-Frame Also hides when in a vehicle now
-Minor fixes here and there

-Added "Options", see Addon Description
-Put cast bar back in (can be turned off in options)
-Hides when not in combat and not targeting an enemy
-Added some more checks for specs
-Some Code Optimization

-Removed Castbar (Trying to think of a better way to add it in)
-Removed Cooldowns
-Changed Layout
-Added Runic Power Display
-Optimized some more code

-Fixed Font Lua Error, sorry about that
-Added lower level spell checks for specs

-Add a "Leveling" rotation for those who cant get proper talents
-Bases spec of moves, not gylphs now (still need to add some more for lower levels)
-Fixed some stuff for leveling Dks

-Revamped Looks
-Added Class Check
-Optimized Code a bit

-Glyph of Disease integration
-Fixed Bugs

-Added Both Blood and Frost DW Rotations

-Initial Release
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Unread 04-16-10, 07:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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thx that helped so much, LUV it !!!
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Unread 04-16-10, 04:41 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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All good

Noted another thing you might want to add to the check is CanExitVehicle()

Don't really want the frame when riding a vehicle of some sort, at least i don't.

canExit = CanExitVehicle()
canExit - 1 if the player is in a vehicle and can exit; otherwise nil (1nil)
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Unread 04-16-10, 02:10 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Scale

Sorry for not responding sooner, in the middle of finals right now.

Originally posted by Nthre
Is there any lua options to change scale?
Originally posted by Mathr
really like this mod thx for sharing. I need to move it up spme how do I do this have tried alt ctrl and shift click draging.
You will have to go into CLCDK.lua to change it. Look at lines following 9 in the latest build. The scale, if you want 80% of the size, you put 0.8 in the brackets, instead of 1. The location, to move it up, you want to make the "-175" go closer to "0" where 0 will be the exact center of the screen.

@ballagarba: Yea, i was thinking about implementing something like that, I took a slightly different approach so you can see stuff pre-pull, but it's basically the same.

@Opaque: I've tried that before, I didn't really see a need for a bunch of the stuff in there, but thanks anyways.
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Unread 04-15-10, 11:19 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: movable ???

Originally posted by Mathr
really like this mod thx for sharing. I need to move it up spme how do I do this have tried alt ctrl and shift click draging.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to dig into the lua code.

Change the coordinates on line 8:
CLCDK:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, -175)
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Unread 04-15-10, 05:29 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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movable ???

really like this mod thx for sharing. I need to move it up spme how do I do this have tried alt ctrl and shift click draging.
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Unread 04-14-10, 08:31 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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This is something I added because it annoyed me to have the frame visible while strolling around in Dalaran.

Set CLCDK:Hide() as default and added this to the end


Could very well use something like CLCDK:SetAlpha(x.x) if you want a transparent frame out of combat.
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Unread 04-09-10, 06:12 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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There used to be a similar mod (which is very good) called Face Smasher, which was primarily a suggestion mod. But the creator pulled the mod and stopped working on it without a word. So far it still works fine, and I do have a copy of it. I'm wondering if you might want to take a look at it and see if it helps you any in the continued creation of this mod.

If so just let me know and I'll send it right over!
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Unread 04-09-10, 02:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there any lua options to change scale?
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Unread 04-08-10, 10:31 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by Fredric
a RP text is nice to have...

and i changed the army to Blood Tap becuse u pull army before every boss pull and its got 10years of cooldown :P, and blood tap got 1min u use that more then army
Yea, I decided that there is like a billion and a half cooldown watchers, and would rather have Runic power in there instead. So i removed the cooldowns and replaced it with runic power.
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Unread 04-08-10, 04:42 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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a RP text is nice to have...

and i changed the army to Blood Tap becuse u pull army before every boss pull and its got 10years of cooldown :P, and blood tap got 1min u use that more then army
Last edited by Fredric : 04-08-10 at 04:50 PM.
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Unread 04-08-10, 01:20 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by light007
You have an error in this line 42 - the path for the font ist not correct:

frame.Time:SetFont('Interface\\AddOns\\tMods\\fonts\\verdanab.ttf', 13, "OUTLINE")
Yeah, Sorry about that, was testing something before uploading last night, should be fixed.

Originally posted by wolfetx
ok, how do you open the config for this?
Like previously said, there is no config in-game. Just curious, what did you want to change about it. I could either help you with it, or maybe change the actual code, depending on what you were thinking
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Unread 04-08-10, 11:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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You have an error in this line 42 - the path for the font ist not correct:

frame.Time:SetFont('Interface\\AddOns\\tMods\\fonts\\verdanab.ttf', 13, "OUTLINE")
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Unread 04-07-10, 10:46 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by wolfetx
ok, how do you open the config for this?
From the description:

"-There is no config, no options in-game, if you want to change something you will have to go through the lua."
Don't cry because you hunt them
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Unread 04-07-10, 10:02 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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ok, how do you open the config for this?
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Unread 03-31-10, 09:58 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thumbs up The chest

Very good.

exactly what I was looking, ty and nice job
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