Updated: 08-06-16 12:30 PM
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Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:08-06-16 12:30 PM
Created:01-11-11 06:20 PM

DrGlenn's Aion UI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.19
by: DrGlenn [More]

Now includes an optional cobalt blue color scheme!

This is my take on a verbatim Aion UI for World of Warcraft.

This compilation supports a resolution of 1920x1200 and 1920x1080 out of the box.

Crafty users can make this work with other resolutions.

This compilation contains the following addons:
- Align
- Adibags
- BugGrabber
- BugSack
- Chatter
- Chinchilla Minimap
- Classic Quest Log
- DockingStation
- Dominos
- ErrorMonster
- Grid2
- HideRaidFrame
- kgPanels
- Masque
- Masque_Aion
- MikScrollingBattleText
- Postal
- Quartz
- Raven
- Reflux
- SellJunk
- SharedMedia (including LibSharedMedia)
- StatBlock Durability, FPS, Memory, Latency
- Stuf Unitframes
- TipTac
- tullaRange
- tullaCC

I take no credit what-so-ever for the above list of amazing addons.
I merely made them work together to bring you an Aion-like-experience
Kudos & credit goes to every single author of all the addons

!Read the included "README"-file for in-depth installation instructions!

Useful slash-commands and tips:
"/adibags" - bag config
"/stuf" - unitframe config
"/quartz" - casting-bar config
"/dominos" - actionbar config
"/raven" - buff/debuff-display config
"/tiptac" - tooltip config
"/dockingstation" - LDB display container config
"/grid2" - for grid raidframes config
"/hr" - toggles Blizzard's raidframes on/off (default: off)

You can change the minimap tracking setting by hovering over the minmap and clicking the middle mousebutton.

The Group Finder window, Garrison Report window and Calendar are all accessible from 3 buttons left of the minimap. See below image for reference.

I've also added 2 buttons for quick access to the Dungeon Journal window and Collections window. See below image for reference.

Most addon settings can be adjusted using the default Interface-menu.

Every addon in this compilation can be updated manually, except for:

Pre-release versions of this UI can be viewed @ the following locations on YouTube:

Raid frame demo:


- v1.19
Updated most of the addons included in the UI

Replaced the abandoned Dominos_XP with Dominos_Progress (similarly custom tweaked for the UI)

Removed IHasNoScope (error suppression addon) and redirected all error messages through MSBT (thanks to ErrorMonster)

Tweaked player level text width to accommodate triple-digit levels (for both resolutions)

- v1.18
Updated (almost) all of the addons included in the UI

Replaced OmniCC with tullaCC

Replaced ArkInventory with Adibags (more stable atm)

Added "Classic Quest Log" because an old-school quest log is needed IMO

Using latest version of Dominos, but I deliberately didn't include the Domonis_Progress addon. It's meant to track xp/legendary-weapon-xp/etc. in Legion, and I will eventually be switching to it, but atm my old modded Dominos_XP works fine.

Garrison Report button functionality is left intact. I assume this will change when Legion officially launches, and I'll probably make the button open up UI elements related to Class Order Halls (if there are any).

- v1.17
Updated (almost) all of the addons included in the UI

Pet'n'mount button changed to Collections button (thanks to "themurloc" on the WoWinterface forums!)

Tweaked settings in Grid2

PvP button changed to Garrison Report button.

Dungeon button tooltip changed to "Dungeons & PvP"

Replaced the bag addon Adibags with ArkInventory. I still prefer to use Adibags in the UI, but at the time of writing this there still wasn't a v6.1 compatible version available, and the older versions had a few nasty bugs in them.

There seems to be a tooltip bug related to the new Death Recap window (by Blizzard). Nothing I can do about it - a /reloadui or /reload fixes it (the bug results in an enlarged, fixed tooltip width). If you don't mouse-over abilities in the Death Recap window you can avoid this bug.

- v1.16
Updated addons included in the UI

XP-bar now properly hides during pet battles

Replaced shMem and shPerformance with Statblock_FPS, Statblock_Memory and Statblock_Latency.

Modified Elloria's Buttonfacade_Aion (later/currently known as Masque_Aion) to work with the latest version of Masque (which recently dumped Buttonfacade legacy support). Elloria of WoWinterface fame still deserves full credit for the original artwork and mod.

Tweaked player health a power bar positions (by a few pixels) to fix texture misalignment in the 1920x1080 version of the UI

Modified LFDungeon and LFPVP button onClick events in order for them to work with latest WoW API changes

- v1.15
Updated addons included in the UI

- v1.14
Updated addons included in the UI

Anchored minimap overlay texture to the actual minimap itself instead of bottom bars (hopefully fixing strata related bugs)

- v1.13
Updated addons included in the UI

Repositioned the quest and achievement tracker (chinchilla)

Changed strata of minimap from medium to low in order for LFG and PVP icon tooltips to be visible (chinchilla)

- v1.12
Updated addons included in the UI

Removed SimplePowerBar since Dominos is now handling the ExtraActionButton and EncounterBar

Replaced Parrot with MikScrollingBattleText (MSBT) and reconfigured ErrorMonster to output in the MSBT Notification scroll area

Added 2 buttons for quick access to the Dungeon Journal window and Pets'n'Mounts window. Both have working tooltips and will autohide when a PetBattle initiates.

Reduced the number of buffs and debuffs shown at the Target and Focus unitframe. Number of buffs are now 24 (down from 36) and number of debuffs are now 20 (down from 40). This was done to reduce UI clutter in the top of the screen.

Removed faction info from tooltip

Added dungeon-role icon to Grid2's right-frame position

Softened the hard edges of the Target and Focus unitframe texture for both the cobalt and golden version of the UI

Fixed the background alpha for the castbar(s) in the golden version of the UI

Note: when starting a Pandaren character, the PvP faction icon located to the left of the Target and Focus unitframe healthbar will bug out and display a solid green frame, until you actually select a faction (Horde or Alliance).

- v1.11
Updated addons included in the UI

Added new castbar textures for player/target/focus with improved transparency

Added onLoad code to every kgPanels texture to force hiding during PetBattles

Enabled Stuf Unitframes option to hide during PetBattles

And did a bunch of tweaks I've already forgotten about!

- v1.10
Updated a few of the addons included in the UI

Fixed all the frame-level issues related to unitframes, castbars and nameplates.

Added SimplePowerBar to reposition the AlternatePowerBar

Added ErrorMonster to get quest-info output sent to Parrot

Attempted to fix the XP-bar tooltip flickering issue by disabling the tooltips for shMem, shPerformance and shLatency. Crude fix == might not work.

- v1.09
Updated almost every addon in the UI for WoW 5.0.X compatibility

Removed ACP (AddonControlPanel) because of bugs

Replaced RaidHide with HideRaidFrame

Added Ace3

Removed TotemTimers due to Shaman changes. Stuf will display totem cooldowns instead.

Disabled overheals and loot in Parrot

Configured PriestBar and ChiBar in Stuf. Reconfigured DeathKnightRuneBar.

Disabled BossFrames in Chinchilla

Added custom tooltips to the customized LFD, PVP and Calendar buttons.

Removed insanely bloated font from SharedMedia (wqy-zenhei)

Fixed onEvent script(s) in kgPanels, in order for the customized raid-background to show/hide/resize properly in raids.

And loads of other tweaks I can't remember ;)

- v1.08
Added optional cobalt blue textures (finally!).

Added modified ButtonFacade_Aion textures to go with the new cobalt blue color scheme.

Added modified Dominos-XP-bar to mimic the original Aion experience bar. Including tooltip function.

Added Zork's IHasNoScope addon for error message handling.

Disabled the Grid2 icon from the DockingStation bar.

Updated the included addons to latest stable version.

- v1.07
Updated the included addons for patch 4.3.

Replaced ErrorMonster with Haste's IHasNoScope error-spam-management addon.

- v1.06
Added Grid2 for raidframe support!

Added RaidHide to remove every last bit of the default Blizzard raidframes (including the annoying left side-menu)

Removed text on mouse-over on the XP-bar. It was unreadable due to the tiny height of the bar.

Updated AdiBags

- v1.05
Repositioned class-specific power bars: holy power, soul shards, eclipse and runes.

Repositioned and stickied stance bar.

Repositioned tooltip anchor to above and slight to the right of the minimap, similar to what you would find in the native Aion UI.

Replaced Bagnon with AdiBags.

Replaced TipTop with TipTac (yay, TipTac is up2date:).

Replaced SatrinaBuffFrame with Raven. Raven is a worthy replacement, it's up2date and it rocks!

Removed TinyDPS. I couldn't find a fitting location for it, and ultimately it goes against the Aion theme and spirit to add any sort of damage-meter to the UI.

Disabled ticks from showing up on the player's castbar.

All remaining addons were replaced by the latest version found on WoWinterface and WoWace.

- v1.04
Updated for patch 4.2

- v1.03
Added support for 1920x1080 ! (quite a few people requested it) ;)

Removed TipTac, replaced it with TipTop.

Focus-target health percentage text was missing - fixed.

Focus-target-of-target raid-icon was missing - fixed.

Player power-bar color has been changed to class dependent.

- v1.02
Every single healthbar and powerbar re-configured to get the proper round-edge-blending with the associated texture.

Target health value text removed and replaced with a look similar to the original Aion-style, which in essence divides the target healthbar up into 4 quarters of texture each representing 25% health.

I also opted for having the exact target health percentage listed on the right side of the target unitframe for when you need to know the exact percentage value. ;)

You can still obtain the exact total health value by mousing over the unit and read the tooltip.

Mrplow was removed due to a plethora of bugs under 4.0.6.

A bunch of addons were updated, and many of them were tweaked.

- v1.01
First release.
Optional Files (1)
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10-30-13 04:51 AM

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Unread 03-23-12, 11:27 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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ty drglenn! i havnt tried it yet but im about to thanks for the help!
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Unread 03-14-12, 08:49 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Bumblè
if there is any way to get the res to 1680x1050?? dunno if thats a common res or not but thats the highest my vid card/monitor will go. this is the best looking UI ive seen and id love to have it so if theres a way please let me know!
It's possible to move pretty much all of the UI elements around, to make them fit any resolution you can think of. Problem is, it does take time and a bit of tweaking. I have a limited amount of time to work on this UI, so I would not be able to keep multiple resolutions up-2-date. As much as I would love to do it for you, and others who ask for a specific resolution, it simply would become a big ol' pain to maintain. Sorry

I can, however, give you a few pointers on how to do the job yourself.
Use the screenshot below as a reference for the individual UI elements.
Most of them are shown in this screenshot:

Tool for alignment
Use /align to bring up an alignment grid, which you can then use to keep your UI looking spiffy. Use /align 64 or 128, 256 etc. if you want to increase the number of boxes shown in the grid. This tool is invaluable - I couldn't have done my UIs without it (well, maybe I could've - but it would've been a royal pain in the ...).

The unitframes are handled by Stuff Unitframes. The Target, Focus and Party frames all have kgPanels-textures anchored to them, meaning: if you unlock the unitframe elements from the Stuff Unitframes config window, you will be able to drag the Target, Focus and Party frames around, without losing the position of the associated textures. Elements which are not anchored to their affiliated unitframe include: target-of-target name, target-of-target raid icon, target-of-focus name and target-of-focus raid icon (this is from memory, I could be wrong and/or there could be a few more unanchored elements).

Casting bars
Casting bars are handled by the addon Quartz. I only make use of the casting bars for Player, Target, Focus and Mirror (stuff like countdown to start of AV, breath-meter underwater). You can unlock each of these elements in the Quartz config window. Notice, Player, Target and Focus casting bars are not anchored, so if/when you move the Player, Target and Focus unitframes around, you'll also have to re-adjust their casting bars seperately.

Player buffs, debuffs, weapon buffs
These are handled by an addon called Raven. Raven has loads of options, but all you need to do is find the unlock-option, in the Raven config window. I only use Raven for the basic buff/debuff/weapon-buff functions. If you're using a resolution which is smaller than the ones I support, you might need to manually reset the Raven elements' coordinates, since they'll otherwise be shown off the screen.

Floating Combat Text
The orange boxes shown in the reference screenshot, around the center of the screen, belong to Mik Scrolling Battle Text (MSBT). Use the MSBT config window to move these around, by going to Scroll Areas in the left side of the config window, and hit the Configure option on the right. The combat text boxes will now appear, and you can drag them around, or adjust them to pixel perfection using the X-Y coordinates window.

The tooltip addon is called TipTac. Use /tip to open a config window, if you need to reposition it. Hit the Anchor button and start dragging the tip around.

Action bars
I use good ol' Dominos to handle the action bars. Nothing too complicated, really. Simply open the Dominos config window, and unlock the action bars to move them around. The Dominos elements which are used/enabled in the UI include: main menu bar, action bar 1, action bar 3, action bar 5, action bar 6, pet action bar, class action bar (stances, stealth, demon form etc.) and vehicle actions (enter/exit vehicle).

The minimap is controlled by Chinchilla. Use /chinchilla to open the config window and find the option to move the minimap around. Notice, the quest watcher frame, durability warning, battleground capture bars, world state, boss unitframe and vehicle seats are all configured by Chinchilla. Each of these elements are unlockable in the Chinchilla config window. Again, you'll probably need to reset their positions, if they show up off the screen.

Player unitframe, action bar textures and minimap
Mkay, this part is the tricky bit. Basically, this is pretty much what makes the Aion UI an Aion UI, so to speak. The fancy, golden, fairy textures in the bottom of the screen, which house the player portrait, player level text, player health/mana bars, player action bars, xp/reputation bar, minimap and a bunch of hidden functions, are mainly based around two huge kgPanels textures. One for the left side of the screen and one for the right side. I had to split them up, because of how textures work in kgPanels.

You'll need to open the kgPanels config window, and arm yourself with patience if you aren't familiar with this particular addon. All it does is display textures from external .tga-files inside the game. You then get the option to move these textures around, resize them, anchor them to specific UI elements and a whole lot more. But basically, it's an addon used to make pretty textures appear in the game, and they usually don't have any other function besides looking fabulous!

Right. Remember I said that I already anchored textures to the Target, Focus and Party frames ? All of these textures are listed in the kgPanels config window, alongside the two huge textures used for the bottom center of the screen. There are quite a few more textures, including a few which aren't put to any use at all. Every texture has a toggle-able "Enabled" option. Use this as a marker for textures which are actually put to use and the ones which aren't.
Each texture has its own sub-menu and config options. I believe I named the two textures ActionBarLeft and ActionBarRight. Find their sub-menus in the kgPanels config window, unlock them and drag them around or enter specific X-Y coordinates.

After you've done that, the Player unitframe (portrait, health/mana bars etc.) will be left behind. Use the Stuff config window to unlock the unitframe elements, in order to move the player unitframe back in alignment with the ActionBarLeft texture. Use the Chinchilla config window to reposition the minimap, and get it back in alignment with the ActionBarRight texture. You'll notice that the glass-like HUD-display, which is normally located ontop of the minimap, is left behind. This is a seperate texture, also found in the kgPanels config menu, and you'll need to unlock and reposition this texture aswell. I *think* I named it something along the lines of AionMinimap. It should be pretty easy to figure out what each texture does, based on its name. I don't remember using any script-kiddie-abbreviations .

The final bit of texture tweaking is very much optional. I placed 3 hidden textures ontop of the 3 buttons, left of the minimap, which are already part of the Aion menu texture. See below pic for reference:

Now, when you move the ActionBarRight texture around, you'll leave behind the 3 textures which make the button-functions work. This isn't a big deal, since you're already capable of opening the LFG and PvP windows from the regular WoW menu (controlled by Dominos, located in the top left corner of the screen), and you can open the in-game calendar by using /calendar.

That should pretty much cover all the necessary tweaks.
I hope this wall of text can be of some use to you...
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Unread 03-12-12, 12:20 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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if there is any way to get the res to 1680x1050?? dunno if thats a common res or not but thats the highest my vid card/monitor will go. this is the best looking UI ive seen and id love to have it so if theres a way please let me know!
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Unread 02-29-12, 04:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: spell bars

Originally Posted by sunus
how do i unlock the spell bars to move the spells ; )
Hold shift + drag a spell. Or, if you want your spells to be permanently unlocked, use the command:
to open the action-bar config window, and find an option called "Lock Buttons". Untick this option, and you can drag your spells around without holding shift.
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Unread 02-28-12, 04:25 PM  
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spell bars

how do i unlock the spell bars to move the spells ; )
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Unread 02-27-12, 08:42 PM  
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Re: Re: LFR Loot

Originally Posted by DrGlenn
Originally Posted by Blade228
yes i was in LFR on my druid and my loot from it wouldnt show wat can i do to fix this
The loot-frame position is controlled by the addon "Dominos".
Use "/dominos" to open the menu and hit the "Configure" button. In the middle of the screen you will notice a 200x600 transparent frame which is the placeholder for the loot-frame. Make sure this frame is enabled. Middle mouse button clicks enables/disables the Dominos frames.

See i did that and it still wont show

Originally Posted by bravejohn
It looks awesome is a reason to login after almost a month in the game :P

Just completed my Daevation Set and made the weapon quest 2 times till now If only there was a pve server...anyway congratulation again, you really made it to perfectly match the Aion UI
Ty kindly. Gz on the armor
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Unread 02-27-12, 06:13 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: LFR Loot

Originally Posted by Blade228
yes i was in LFR on my druid and my loot from it wouldnt show wat can i do to fix this
The loot-frame position is controlled by the addon "Dominos".
Use "/dominos" to open the menu and hit the "Configure" button. In the middle of the screen you will notice a 200x600 transparent frame which is the placeholder for the loot-frame. Make sure this frame is enabled. Middle mouse button clicks enables/disables the Dominos frames.

Originally Posted by bravejohn
It looks awesome is a reason to login after almost a month in the game :P

Just completed my Daevation Set and made the weapon quest 2 times till now If only there was a pve server...anyway congratulation again, you really made it to perfectly match the Aion UI
Ty kindly. Gz on the armor
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Unread 02-27-12, 04:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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LFR Loot

yes i was in LFR on my druid and my loot from it wouldnt show wat can i do to fix this
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Unread 01-26-12, 03:52 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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It looks awesome is a reason to login after almost a month in the game :P

Just completed my Daevation Set and made the weapon quest 2 times till now If only there was a pve server...anyway congratulation again, you really made it to perfectly match the Aion UI
Last edited by bravejohn : 01-26-12 at 03:53 PM.
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Unread 01-24-12, 06:11 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there anyone that knows a bit more about code than me could somehow make this for 1680 x 1050 as its a beautiful UI and I wants it so bad I will even sell my mother .....
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Unread 01-17-12, 03:08 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by andyhui
sorry for asking this stupid question, but how can i show the cloak on the minimap?
There are no stupid questions, only poorly written wikis.

You can do that by typing:
and then go to the "ShowHide" section in the left side of the chinchilla config-window. Somewhere in that section you should be able to find "Clock" or "Time".

The reason why I disabled the minimap clock is because I am/was obsessed with making this UI as close to the original Aion UI as possible. That's the fun factor for me.
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Unread 01-16-12, 10:01 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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sorry for asking this stupid question, but how can i show the cloak on the minimap?
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Unread 01-12-12, 11:29 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Unread 01-12-12, 05:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by andyhui
ty got it fix, is there a way to move the target frame around and the raid frames? I would like to lower the target and move the raid farmes to the left side of the screen.
Yup, there sure is. The raid-frames are easy enough, just use:
and un-tick the option called "Frame Lock" (it's in the grid options somewhere). After that you will be able to grab hold of and drag the brownish background behind the actual grid cells.

Moving the target-frame is easy aswell, but you will also need to move the target's casting-bar which is controlled by another addon. Use:
for moving the target-frame (select "configuration mode" and then "toggle drag" in the /stuf menu), and:
for moving the castbars around. I believe the option is called "Toggle Bar lock" in the Quartz menu.

Edit: I uploaded a video earlier where I try to show off the raid-frames - you can actually see me moving the entire grid-panel around in that video.
Last edited by DrGlenn : 01-12-12 at 05:49 AM.
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Unread 01-11-12, 09:19 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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ty got it fix, is there a way to move the target frame around and the raid frames? I would like to lower the target and move the raid farmes to the left side of the screen.
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