Updated: 10-11-12 08:27 AM
File Info
Updated:10-11-12 08:27 AM
Created:10-05-11 08:25 AM
Categories:Graphical Compilations, Minimalistic Compilations


Version: 2.38
by: dickloraine [More]

Resolution: 1680x1050 (1920x1080)

This UI is made to fit to the beautiful MiirGui textures and trys to be very lightweight.

Here is a small video, that shows the UI in action.

nioUI replaces many of the default interface elements, like actionbars, map, minimap, questwatch, unitframes etc. It covers nearly anything I consider basic functions of an UI. There are two exceptions: First, you would want to install a Bossmod in addition to this UI. Second: If you are like me, you want to have some other Addon, that tracks and shows your cooldowns, debuffs, buffs etc. which are essential to your rotation somewhere in the middle of the screen. The thing with this is, that each class needs other things and each player prefers other ways of presenting this informations. Fortunatly there are many addons out there, which cover this needs. One you will find in the optional addons pack, that comes with this UI (weak auras).

  • Updated oUF
  • Fixed special Debuffs recognition
  • Hide unitframes in pet battles
  • Hide panels in pet battles. This is an option and can be turned of. Changed nioUiConfig in line 370 for the option
  • Lootframes are now in a new position

  1. Backup your Addon and WTF Folder
  2. Optional but recommended: Download and install the MiirGui Texture-Pack and the MiirGui Icons (also available in grey: Grey Textures, Grey Icons).
  3. Copy the folders inside this zip to your Addon folder
  4. Optional: Copy any addons from the optional addon pack in your addon folder
  5. Enter wow
  6. Just click the "Okay" button.
  7. Done!

If you want to use the grey theme, go into the ingame-options and check the button.
You can change many settings ingame in the blizzard options panel. To change things not covered there (or you want to repostion frames), look at "NioUi Config.lua" in the nioUI folder.
To change the indicators or the blacklist/whitelist, just modify "nioauras.lua" in the nioUI/Unitframes/oUF_NioDrk folder.
If you want to see other data brokers in the broker display, look into "Broker config.lua" in the nioUI folder.

Just some quick tips for the not so obvious little features:
  • You can right-click the Minimap for the Tracking-Menu. Middle-clickin opens the calender
  • You can make a mount macro: Just make a macro and enter "/niomount" in it. Drag it on an actionbar. Right-clicking it, will open a menu. You set your flying mount by clicking on the mount and your ground mount by shift-clicking.
  • You will find some tweaks in the ingame-options, like auto-selling grey items, auto-repair (with or without guildfunds), enter your TS/Ventrilo/Mumble Infos and post them vie the option in the raid-broker and some more little things.

Addons used for nioUI
Here is a list of the addons used to create nioUI. All credits go to the authors of these fantastic addons.
  • oUF: Unitframes
  • oDRK: oUF-Layout, modified to fit with the UI
  • TipTop: Tooltip mod
  • tekkompare: Automatic compare items
  • Who framed watcher wabbit: Questwatcher mod
  • bActionbars: Actionbar mod
  • ncHoverBind: Hover binding
  • tullaRange: Colors the actionbars based on range
  • tullaCC: Timers on buttons
  • bChat: Chat mod
  • mMap: Worldmap
  • CharacterEquip: Adds popout buttons to the character frame (like in the equipment manager)
  • LightPanels: The background panels
  • CargoShip: Data Broker display
  • Numeration: Damage Meter
  • ShinyBuffs: Nicer Buffs

  • wMoney: Displays money
  • Ara Broker Spec Switcher: Quick spec change
  • Broker Equipment: manage your outfits

Optional Addons
This are some additional addons, they are not required for nioUI.
  • Clique: Mouseclick casting
  • GTFO: Warnings if you stand in AOE-Effects
  • Addon Control Panel: Acces and manage addons ingame
  • ActionBarSaver: Saves and loads Actionbar setups.
  • nioBroker_ActionBarSaver: eases the use of ActionbarSaver
  • AdiBags: Bag mod
  • BattlegroundTargets: Target frames for BGs
  • Healers have to die: Marks healers
  • AuctionLite: Simple auction helper
  • BadBoy: Anti-Spam mod
  • Bugsack/Buggrabber: Grabs errors
  • LoggerHead: Combat log on/off manager
  • MiniLoot: smaller loot infos
  • Postal: Mail mod
  • TomTom: Easy navigation
  • MarkAssitant: Marking addon
  • WeakAuras: Can show anything. use it for spellcoldowns, warnings, infos etc.

  • Updated oUF
  • Fixed special Debuffs recognition
  • Hide unitframes in pet battles
  • Hide panels in pet battles. This is an option and can be turned of. Changed nioUiConfig in line 370 for the option
  • Lootframes are now in a new position

  • Added Raiddebuffs for MoP
  • Added Indicators for Monks
  • Actionbars are now a little bit nicer, especially if you do not use miirGUI
  • Select has been hacked and is now called nioMount. It is now only used to provide a mount-macro (the new updated original select can be used for all other purposes)

  • Updated ncHoverbind
  • Added an option to disable the portraits on the player and target frame
  • Changed nioConfig on line 448 to add this option

  • Fixed an error with TipTop
  • Fixed errors, if a character has no specialization
  • Added an option to skin supportet addons after the initial install

  • Fixed an error, that made it impossible to whisper a BNet-Friend via the LDB-Plugin
  • Added colorization of the Blizzard-Nameplates based on threat
  • Because I added an option for that, nioConfig is changed, but only the nameplates section

hopefully fixed the instance leave bug now. fixed an issue with numeration in 5man groups

fixed some more errors.
ToDo: Placing of the new lootframes and some other small things

just a quick fix for the friends-ldb and hopefully for the actionbars; updated oUF

Updated for 5.04
  • Added support for the miirGui-Grey Theme (you have to change to that theme in the options)
  • Buffbars are gone, but added short buffs to the player unitframe
  • Added ShinyBuffs
  • Tooltip is now TipTop
  • Special Debuffs for target and focus added

-- 2.22
- Made the friends databroker work with diablo 3

-- 2.21
-Just a few little bug fixes and clean up. Guild and Friends Broker improvements.

-- 2.2
- Added ingame configuration
- Added Numeration as a basic damage meter
- Added a bunch of self written DataBroker Plugins and integrated them in nioUI
- Added a totembar
- Added select with some improvements regarding mounts

-- 2.1
- Added better positions for 1920x1080 Resolution. Thanks to Comatose1990 for his support
- Fixed a bug which could reset the saved variables of skinned addons each login
- Classbars are now back on bottom

-- 2.0 Complete overhaul

--- 1.11
- fixed an error in Losecontrol and fixed the raven profile

--- 1.1
- simplified install process
- removed raiddebbufs
- added indicators
- added debuff Black- or Whitelist
Optional Files (1)
File Name
09-02-12 05:15 AM

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Unread 09-14-12, 01:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by dickloraine
Originally Posted by Felspalm
Upd: Ui works properly at all my chars, instead of druid, that on screenshot =\\
Hm. Unfortunatly I don't have a druid. Then it could be, that there is somewhere an error in the Unitframe Module, regarding Druids.

Maybe you could install this two addons:

They allow you to see, where an error is. That would help me, identifying the problem.
1x nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:33: attempt to index local "object" (a nil value)
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:33: in function <nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:32>
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:405: in function "addTextTags"
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:152: in function <nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:126>
(tail call): ?
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:262: in function <nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:192>
(tail call): ?
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:552: in function "Spawn"
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:449: in function "func"
nioUI-2.351\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:20: in function <nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:16>
(tail call): ?

self = oUF_niodrkTarget {
 0 = <userdata>
 Highlight = <unnamed> {}
 Power = <unnamed> {}
 __tags = <table> {}
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:149
 mystyle = "target"
 unit = "target"
 menu = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:71
 Health = <unnamed> {}
 style = "niodrk"
 __elements = <table> {}
 PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:149
fontsize = 17
hp = <unnamed> {
 parent = oUF_niodrkTarget {}
 UpdateTag = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\elements\tags.lua:567
 0 = <userdata>
name = <unnamed> {
 parent = oUF_niodrkTarget {}
 UpdateTag = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\elements\tags.lua:614
 0 = <userdata>
setFont = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:32
cfg = <table> {
 hideWeaponEnchants = false
 highlightTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\raidbg"
 raidsplitGroups = false
 auras = <table> {}
 backdropEdgeTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\backdrop_edge"
 showRaid = true
 raidspacing = 7
 raidgrowthDirection = "RIGHT"
 showPetDebuffs = false
 showArenaFrames = true
 Reputation = false
 hideRaidFrameContainer = true
 showBossFrames = true
 showFocusBuffs = false
 raidHorizontalGroupGrowth = true
 raid40X = 10
 raidPoint = "LEFT"
 hideRaidFrame = true
 playerRelativePoint = "BOTTOM"
 targetRelativePoint = "BOTTOM"
 showToTDebuffs = true
 hideBuffFrame = false
 raidRelativePoint = "BOTTOM"
 smoothHealth = true
 raidScale = 1
 AltPowerBar = true
 classBar = true
 raidShowSolo = false
 showTargetDebuffs = true
 PlayerDebuffsFrameBlacklist = true
 showTot = true
 showParty = true
 ShowIncHeals = true
 targetY = 425
 nanofont = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\font_nano.ttf"
 showPlayerClassIndicators = true
 smallfont = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\font_small.ttf"
 showPlayerDebuffBars = true
 AltPowerbar = <table> {}
 Castbars = <table> {}
 raid40Y = -10
 showFocusTarget = true
 showFocusDebuffs = true
 showPlayerBuffs = true
 font = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\font_main.ttf"
 showPlayerAuraBars = true
 frameScale = 1
 showDefCDsIndicators = true
 showPlayerDebuffs = false
 statusBarTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\Statusbar"
 powerBarTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\Aluminium"
 targetX = 200
 showPetTarget = true
 glowTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\glow"
 debuffBorderTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\iconborder"
 Threatbar = <table> {}
 enableDebuffHighlight = true
 portraitOverlayTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\portraitOverlay"
 Experience = false
 debuffHighlightTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\perl2"
 backdropTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\backdrop"
 showBossBuffs = true
 showPetBuffs = false
 showTargetBuffs = true
 showSpecialDebuffs = true
 raid40AnchorPoint = "TOP"
 playerX = -200
 showFocus = true
 raid40RelativePoint = "TOPLEFT"
 raidAnchorPoint = "BOTTOM"
 healthBarColor = <table> {}
 raidY = 117
 showPet = true
 raidX = -195
 portraitBGTexture = "nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_niodrk\media\portrait"
 playerY = 425
 ThreatBar = true
 smoothPower = true
 healthBgColor = <table> {}
 useRaidDebuffBlacklist = true
 raidShowAllGroups = false
retVal = <func> @nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\lib.lua:22
playerClass = "DRUID"

Any another way of removing portraits at frames? Dunno why, but i hate them.
Last edited by Felspalm : 09-14-12 at 01:38 PM.
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Unread 09-14-12, 01:31 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by dickloraine
Originally Posted by Felspalm
Hello. How to move settings for twinks with full options? I have set up your interface on my main char, copied all the files in the WTF for another char, but not all settings were transferred, and most importantly there are no frames, but "player".

Screenshot with trouble :

And sorry for bad english

Upd: Ui works properly at all my chars, instead of druid, that on screenshot =\\
Sorry, I don't realy understand, what you are doing and what you want to achieve. There is no need to copy any files in the WTF folder. There are 3 Layers of options, if you will so:
1. Some things can only be changed in the config file. This applies to all characters.
2. The ingame options default behaviour is to save the changes for all charcters. So if you mean, you have configured on this layer, than there is no need to copy any saved variables.
3. You can check a button in the ingame options, to make changes just for the active character. This have priority over layer 2.

Why you just have player frames, I don't know. But first, you seem to be in the movable modus. Unfortunatly oMovable Frames does not support profiles. So just one unitframe layout for all characters. Maybe I try to add multiple profiles in the future, but it is not to likely, because it would not be that easy.
You could simply have this problem, because you copied the files. The charspecific variables have some information about the current toons, so that could cause it.

Try to delete all charspecific variables and hopefully, that solves the problem. Otherwise you may have to make a fresh install.
Completely reinstalled. Removed the portraits on the player and target frames in World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns \ nioUI \ Unitframes \ oUF_Niodrk\core.lua. Got same problem. Only 1 char dont have unit frames.
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Unread 09-14-12, 01:24 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Felspalm
Upd: Ui works properly at all my chars, instead of druid, that on screenshot =\\
Hm. Unfortunatly I don't have a druid. Then it could be, that there is somewhere an error in the Unitframe Module, regarding Druids.

Maybe you could install this two addons:

They allow you to see, where an error is. That would help me, identifying the problem.
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Unread 09-14-12, 01:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Felspalm
Hello. How to move settings for twinks with full options? I have set up your interface on my main char, copied all the files in the WTF for another char, but not all settings were transferred, and most importantly there are no frames, but "player".

Screenshot with trouble :

And sorry for bad english

Upd: Ui works properly at all my chars, instead of druid, that on screenshot =\\
Sorry, I don't realy understand, what you are doing and what you want to achieve. There is no need to copy any files in the WTF folder. There are 3 Layers of options, if you will so:
1. Some things can only be changed in the config file. This applies to all characters.
2. The ingame options default behaviour is to save the changes for all charcters. So if you mean, you have configured on this layer, than there is no need to copy any saved variables.
3. You can check a button in the ingame options, to make changes just for the active character. This have priority over layer 2.

Why you just have player frames, I don't know. But first, you seem to be in the movable modus. Unfortunatly oMovable Frames does not support profiles. So just one unitframe layout for all characters. Maybe I try to add multiple profiles in the future, but it is not to likely, because it would not be that easy.
You could simply have this problem, because you copied the files. The charspecific variables have some information about the current toons, so that could cause it.

Try to delete all charspecific variables and hopefully, that solves the problem. Otherwise you may have to make a fresh install.
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Unread 09-14-12, 12:09 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello. How to move settings for twinks with full options? I have set up your interface on my main char, copied all the files in the WTF for another char, but not all settings were transferred, and most importantly there are no frames, but "player".

Screenshot with trouble :

And sorry for bad english

Upd: Ui works properly at all my chars, instead of druid, that on screenshot =\\
Last edited by Felspalm : 09-14-12 at 01:00 PM.
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Unread 09-13-12, 06:50 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Facktotum
Originally Posted by dickloraine
Originally Posted by Facktotum
Just installed your lovely UI but upon entering the game I am getting a lua error.
Can you shed some light was is causing this?
Argh, that was a stupid one. I use a slightly different version of the UI myself and made a copy and paste error from the one version to the other. Should be fixed now.
What file should i replace after i download the UI package again

Thanks for the quick fix
You can just replace the whole addon. Just keep files, that you have altered if any. You can treat the UI just like any normal addon. Changes you make in the ingame configuration are kept, when you update the UI, so no fear
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Unread 09-13-12, 04:49 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by dickloraine
Originally Posted by Facktotum
Just installed your lovely UI but upon entering the game I am getting a lua error.
Can you shed some light was is causing this?
Argh, that was a stupid one. I use a slightly different version of the UI myself and made a copy and paste error from the one version to the other. Should be fixed now.
What file should i replace after i download the UI package again

Thanks for the quick fix
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Unread 09-13-12, 04:44 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Facktotum
Just installed your lovely UI but upon entering the game I am getting a lua error.
Can you shed some light was is causing this?
Argh, that was a stupid one. I use a slightly different version of the UI myself and made a copy and paste error from the one version to the other. Should be fixed now.
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Unread 09-13-12, 04:07 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just installed your lovely UI but upon entering the game I am getting a lua error.

Message: ...nterface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:441: attempt to index a nil value
Time: 09/13/12 12:01:45
Count: 1
Stack: ...nterface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF_NioDrk\core.lua:441: in function `func'
Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:20: in function <Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:16>
(tail call): ?

Locals: self = <table> {
 DisableBlizzard = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\blizzard.lua:44
 SetActiveStyle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:324
 EnableFactory = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:38
 ColorGradient = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\colors.lua:45
 SpawnHeader = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:496
 RegisterStyle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:314
 AddElement = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:560
 Factory = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:27
 RegisterMetaFunction = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:303
 Tags = <table> {
 DisableFactory = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:42
 objects = <table> {
 colors = <table> {
 version = "2.351"
 RunFactoryQueue = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\factory.lua:46
 HandleUnit = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\units.lua:8
 RegisterInitCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:299
 IterateStyles = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:337
 Spawn = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\ouf.lua:541
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Unitframes\oUF\private.lua:16
(*temporary) = "Error: Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered."
(*temporary) = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:116
(*temporary) = "oUF:"
(*temporary) = "Error: Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered."
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "Error: Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered."
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "Error: Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered."
(*temporary) = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Chat\bChat.lua:62
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ChatFrame1 {
 0 = <userdata>
 checkedGMOTD = true
 flashTimer = 0
 isInitialized = 1
 tellTimer = 846588.983
 resizeButton = ChatFrame1ResizeButton {
 buttonFrame = ChatFrame1ButtonFrame {
 oldAlpha = 0.40000003576279
 channelList = <table> {
 clickAnywhereButton = ChatFrame1ClickAnywhereButton {
 isDocked = 1
 editBox = ChatFrame1EditBox {
 buttonSide = "left"
 isLocked = 1
 name = "General"
 isStaticDocked = true
 AddMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Chat\bChat.lua:62
 zoneChannelList = <table> {
 defaultLanguage = "Orcish"
 messageTypeList = <table> {
(*temporary) = "oUF: Error: Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered."
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = ChatFrame1 {
 0 = <userdata>
 checkedGMOTD = true
 flashTimer = 0
 isInitialized = 1
 tellTimer = 846588.983
 resizeButton = ChatFrame1ResizeButton {
 buttonFrame = ChatFrame1ButtonFrame {
 oldAlpha = 0.40000003576279
 channelList = <table> {
 clickAnywhereButton = ChatFrame1ClickAnywhereButton {
 isDocked = 1
 editBox = ChatFrame1EditBox {
 buttonSide = "left"
 isLocked = 1
 name = "General"
 isStaticDocked = true
 AddMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\nioUI\Chat\bChat.lua:62
 zoneChannelList = <table> {
 defaultLanguage = "Orcish"
 messageTypeList = <table> {
Can you shed some light was is causing this?
Last edited by Facktotum : 09-13-12 at 04:15 AM.
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Unread 08-31-12, 01:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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As for the instance leave do I get the fix? (sorry, past 1am here and after 2 days of staying up late tweaking brain is fried now...)
Since you only modified "nioUI Config", make a backup of it (and of your saved variables as well for safety). If you install a new version of my UI, you only have to change "nioUI Config" again. Just add comments in your file, indicating, what to copy (you do comments in lua with --). But this is not always necessary, as not every update changes the config file. I will from now on indicate in the update section, when I change the config file. If it is not changed, just overwrite it with your config file. Since I haven't changed anything in it the last couple of updates, you could do just that.
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Unread 08-30-12, 06:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by dickloraine
Looks very nice
You know, that you could disable "Healers have to die" in a raid?

The instance leave bug is hopefully solved now. Blizzard added another Unitpopupmenubutton called "INSTANCE_LEAVE" in addition to just "LEAVE". Don't know why, maybe because there seems to be a difference now between user made groups and automatic groups.
Yeah, I just popped into LFR to see what the raid setup looked like I spent half the time frantically going through the settings and at the same time just following the closest person and throwing the odd heal around haha. Still have looooots to tweak (HHTD being one of them. the wall of text is so annoying...)

As for the instance leave do I get the fix? (sorry, past 1am here and after 2 days of staying up late tweaking brain is fried now...)

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Unread 08-30-12, 05:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Looks very nice
You know, that you could disable "Healers have to die" in a raid?

The instance leave bug is hopefully solved now. Blizzard added another Unitpopupmenubutton called "INSTANCE_LEAVE" in addition to just "LEAVE". Don't know why, maybe because there seems to be a difference now between user made groups and automatic groups.
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Unread 08-30-12, 02:50 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by dickloraine
That one is easy. The Quest objective module uses a saved variable and the infos in the config just change the default settings. To make it work, just delete the nioUI.lua file in your saved variables folder (or open it and delete "WFWWDB" table.
Done! Deleted the table and it worked perfectly. Tyvm.

Originally Posted by dickloraine
The skinning is done by miirGui (which you have to download in addition to my UI, the links are in the description of my ui). These files go into the Interface folder, not the Addon folder. Don't be afraid about the size of miiGui, its all just textures and stuff, which simply override blizzards default textures and therefor do not use any memory or cpu (its strictly speaking not an addon).

Thanks for all your feedback and kind words
Also done! Working perfectly and looking GREAT!


ps. the bug with the not being able to leave group still applies. I couldn't leave the raid either.

Hope this helps. Tweaking will continue but it's pretty much what I wanted. Now to fix my stats, reforges, gems etc. /sigh
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Unread 08-30-12, 09:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Brenna
3) Ran into a slight hiccup with the quest objectives panel, though. I wanted to swap the position of the left side (mouseover) actionbar (bar 5) with this, but after editing the lua (line 41) from:
Quest = {scale = 1, anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT", x_off = 0, y_off = 185, height = 550,},

Quest = {scale = 1, anchor = "BOTTOMLEFT", x_off = 0, y_off = 185, height = 550,},

and reloading the UI it made no change whatsoever. A temporary workaround was to disable the quest objectives in the options until I can figure it out.
That one is easy. The Quest objective module uses a saved variable and the infos in the config just change the default settings. To make it work, just delete the nioUI.lua file in your saved variables folder (or open it and delete "WFWWDB" table.

I obviously added a few of the addons I generally use (like Skada as a healer) and disabled Numeration. I liked how it automatically put skada in place of Numeration but wish that there was a way for it (and all the other addons LOL) to be included in the .lua instead of the addons weighing on my CPU as it's already doing again (less than before, to be fair, but there...blegh).
Skada is a very good damage meter. It is modular, so you could disable the modules you do not need. Most of the memory skada produces is static data, that did not impact performance. But of course, every damage meter is a bit more cpu hungry than most other addons. But if you only look at the memory, it is just all the data, that it collects.

Oh, one other thing I noticed, the very first time I installed the UI, it re-skinned everything right up to the initial WoW login screen, character screen etc. Last night it was all back to the boring Blizz default skin. Also things like mail, character screen, quest log etc were all default skin. I didn't touch anything in the config for this as far as I can tell. Any ideas? Will check tonight if I can find an error log somewhere.
The skinning is done by miirGui (which you have to download in addition to my UI, the links are in the description of my ui). These files go into the Interface folder, not the Addon folder. Don't be afraid about the size of miiGui, its all just textures and stuff, which simply override blizzards default textures and therefor do not use any memory or cpu (its strictly speaking not an addon).

Thanks for all your feedback and kind words
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Unread 08-30-12, 08:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hi there,

Just wanted to give you some quick feedback on what I've managed so far:

1) Did not have to adjust panels to make the UI fit 1440 x 900 resolution. It was fine out the box.
2) Did have to adjust the action bars a little to make it fit the space available in the bottom bar. Not much work at all.
3) Ran into a slight hiccup with the quest objectives panel, though. I wanted to swap the position of the left side (mouseover) actionbar (bar 5) with this, but after editing the lua (line 41) from:
Quest = {scale = 1, anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT", x_off = 0, y_off = 185, height = 550,},

Quest = {scale = 1, anchor = "BOTTOMLEFT", x_off = 0, y_off = 185, height = 550,},

and reloading the UI it made no change whatsoever. A temporary workaround was to disable the quest objectives in the options until I can figure it out. Moving the action bar to where I wanted it was easy enough.
4) Moved the unit frames and raid frames to exactly where I wanted them to be. Easy. Need to test how everything looks like in a proper raid. Will give feedback once I get there.
5) Moved the tooltip to top left as it was now over the target frame.
6) Moved the 3 cast bars to the left as they were now bang in the middle of the raid frames.

And voilá! Perfect healer setup!

I obviously added a few of the addons I generally use (like Skada as a healer) and disabled Numeration. I liked how it automatically put skada in place of Numeration but wish that there was a way for it (and all the other addons LOL) to be included in the .lua instead of the addons weighing on my CPU as it's already doing again (less than before, to be fair, but there...blegh).

Oh, one other thing I noticed, the very first time I installed the UI, it re-skinned everything right up to the initial WoW login screen, character screen etc. Last night it was all back to the boring Blizz default skin. Also things like mail, character screen, quest log etc were all default skin. I didn't touch anything in the config for this as far as I can tell. Any ideas? Will check tonight if I can find an error log somewhere.

Anyway, all in all, I'm still tweaking stuff. I did take one or two screenshots so you can get an idea of what I've done. Can send them to you if you like. Will tweak and test some more tonight when I get home.

So, bottom line, I love it so far! keep it up.
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