Updated: 05-27-13 10:02 AM
File Info
Updated:05-27-13 10:02 AM
Created:11-07-11 01:20 PM
Categories:Chat Mods, Group, Guild & Friends, Raid Mods, Miscellaneous


Version: v2.6.1
by: F16Gaming [More]


This addon will provide players with the ability to whisper special commands to you (or send them via guild/raid/party chat).

The style of the commands is much like the one used for IRC bots, !<command> <args>. The ability to control the command prefix (in the previous example: "!") is available, so you could actually choose any character (or string of characters) as a prefix, e.g.:
.<command> <args>
prefix<command> <args>

Etc, etc. The main aim of this addon is to enable your group to function while you (the group leader) is AFK or simply not paying attention. Or maybe you want to give some control to the players, but not as much as the raid assistant rank would give them.

The Command AddOn will have a permission system (currently rather primitive), where you can give players different access levels and control what commands are available on a per-group and per-user system. Blacklisting or whitelisting of commands is also available (blacklisting and whitelisting of players is not yet implemented, but banning players is possible).

Permission System

More information here when permission system is finished...

Command List

Command list is available on the wiki.


Due to the limitations in the WoW API, there are certain things this AddOn can't do, or things that are more complicated to do.

As an example we can look at the !kick command, Blizzard does not allow an AddOn to kick players without that action being in response to a hardware event (such as clicking a button). Due to this, when a player issues the !kick command, a confirmation window will pop up asking you to confirm the kick.


The main repository (with all the latest commits etc.) is located at GitHub, you may clone the repository to always have the latest version. Please note that this version may contain bugs that could cause some serious issues in-game, such as spamming of the chat. Usage of this version is **at your own risk**.

To submit a bug report or feature suggestions, visit the issues page on GitHub.


Documentation of the AddOn is available on GitHub Pages.

In theory you could create a "plugin" for this AddOn by making sure your AddOn loads after Command and use the Register method in the CommandManager to register your commands. This, however, is not recommended. If the need arises and enough people want it, I might try to create a proper module system.

Note to WoWInterface users

While the copy of Command on WoWInterface should be up to date, since WoWI does not do automatic zip creation on new tags it might be outdated if I for some reason forget to update the zip.

Change log

tag v2.6.1
Adam Hellberg <[email protected]>
2013-05-22 22:01:59 +0200

Tagging as v2.6.1 Release.


Adam Hellberg:
- Updated interface version to 50300 for patch 5.3.
- Fixed some locale issues.
- Fixed duplicate variable name in ChatManager.
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