(922 b)
Updated: 04-25-18 03:10 AM
File Info
Battle for Azeroth (8.0.1)
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:04-25-18 03:10 AM
Created:06-06-12 10:06 PM
Categories:Combat Mods, Mini Games, ROFL, RolePlay, Music Mods

Baby Combat Murloc!

Version: 1.2.6
by: Nynaeve [More]

Baby Combat Murloc!

Uploading this Addon for a couple friends who asked.

Note: This latest version if for BfA Beta. The most recent Live version is under "Other Files"

This Addon plays one of the baby murloc's "combat/aggro" sound files upon entering combat.

It is set to play with Master sound, so it will still fire and be heard, even if you keep your "Sounds" turned off in game, as I do. As long as your "Master Sound" is set high enough, it will still be loud enough to hear.

I have also uploaded CombatMurloc! which uses the iconic (gorwnup) Murloc Aggro sound upon entering combat. In addition, I have also uploaded RandomCombatMurloc! which plays one of several random Murloc Aggro and Pre-Aggro noises upon entering combat.

Tip: If you REALLY like murlocs, and possibly don't value your sanity, enable all three of my Combat Murloc addons at once (Combat Murloc, Baby Combat Murloc, and Random Combat Murloc). You will have an army of murlocs greeting your every escapade into battle!

Hugs n Stuff!

Updated toc for 8.0something

Updated toc for 7.3something

Fixed for .wav>.ogg conversion & Updated for 6.2something

Fixed/Updated toc for 5.4 to work for 5.4.7

1.2.1 Updated .toc

Updated .toc for 5.xx.
Optional Files (0)

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