Updated: 07-07-12 11:41 PM
File Info
Updated:07-07-12 11:41 PM
Created:07-07-12 11:41 PM


Version: 1.5
by: sorcerermerlin [More]


For the time being, I am not updating this addon. There is no reason to continue it's ability to work for the current tier (13 Dragon Soul) due to LFR changing in what loot it drops, etc. After the expansion is released, and the first raid has come to LFR, I will again make changes and hopefully bring this addon back to life. I have no plans of making it work for previous raids, or raids that are not formed using LFR. Thanks for your support.


SMToken is a small LDB-plugin that was created to monitor players sharing loot tokens in LFR. I personnally participate in LFR on 6 different toons and like to know when I queue-in, or when other players leave/enter during fights, if I have ridiculous loot chances (such as there are 15 other people that can roll on my token!). I may expand SMToken to include more features that are helpful (to **LFR ONLY** - It is not intended for normals/heroics as I do not have the time to be more than a casual non-scheduled raider!).


As stated above, SMToken is a LDB-plugin, which means you will need to have an LDB display AddOn of some sort in order to make use of it. **Otherwise it will not function.** My favorite LDB display AddOn is [[|Bazooka]], although there are others out there!


  • Provides mouse-over tooltip of LDB-plugin which displays your type of token, which classes (color-coded!) you share it with, and how many players are in your current raid group that share with you. If your raid is not full, it will also list how many players are missing, and what the missing roles are as well.
  • Provides chat notifications with the same information as the tooltip from the LDB-plugin, when queueing-in, or players leave/enter raid, etc. so that you don't have to be hovering over the LDB-plugin to get this information.
  • LDB-plugin text displays number of players which you share a token with, and if there are any raid members missing as well
  • Left-click the plugin will open the LFR queue when not queued/waiting in queue) and prompt you with the ability to leave a raid if you are already in one.


SMToken is stable, however, there are a few things here and there that are not working quite the way I intend for them to do so. Any issues of this nature will be listed/explained here:
  • Chat notifications appear more often than needed sometimes (particularly Raid is full).
  • Still no configuration options (I've built this the way I want it, if there are people that request so I will add options possibly but if not its alot of code for no reason really...)
Reporting Bugs / Feature Requests

Please use the ticketing system for major bugs or issues. If you would like to make a suggestion for a feature, or something similar, post a comment on the page. Thanks!

Slash Commands / Options

At this time, SMToken does not have any commands or options. It is intended to be useful out-of-the-box, but if there are enough people that wish for options for certain features, I may change this.

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