Updated: 03-09-13 12:19 PM
File Info
Updated:03-09-13 12:19 PM
Created:03-09-13 12:19 PM


by: zachwlewis [More]

Getting Started

Getting started with Woof couldn't be simpler. Drop the whole shebang into Interface\AddOns, then enable it in your AddOns menu. Once in game, type /wf to show the _Woof_ panel.

To bark an item in trade, drop any item onto the item slot, then set its price and custom message. Click Test to preview and revise your message, then use Bark to spam trade chat. Once you hear the "Woof!", your bark is complete.


Item Memory

Woof will automatically remember any item that has been barked, so if you sell multiple items, you don't have to worry about pricing and describing every single time. Forget dozens of annoying macros, Woof handles them for you.

Simple Slash Commands

To display Woof, just type /wf (or /woof). To hide Woof, type /wf close.

If dragging and dropping is too tough for you, you can open Woof with an item by typing /wf <item link>.

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