Updated: 02-24-14 09:49 PM
File Info
Updated:02-24-14 09:49 PM
Created:02-24-14 09:49 PM
Categories:Generic Compilations, Graphical Compilations

RealUI - Brusalk's Edit

Version: 1
by: Brusalk [More]

RealUI - Brusalk's Edit

This is my personal settings/addon additions to the compilation RealUI by Nibelheim. This is his compilation and I take no credit for it. However I did add some addons and change settings to fit my personal tastes.

Addon List (added by myself, not a part of RealUI by default):

  • ActionBarSaver
  • AffDots
  • Auctionator
  • BigWigs
  • DeathNote
  • HaloPro
  • MogIt
  • OPie
  • ReforgeLite
  • WeakAuras

How to Install:
  1. Extract ZIP archive somewhere
  2. Inside the RealUI_Brusalk folder, copy the WTF and Interface folders
  3. Backup and then delete your current Interface and WTF folders inside your WoW install
  4. After deletion, paste the Interface and WTF folders into your WoW install
  5. Go into the WTF folder in your WoW install
  6. Go into the Account folder
  7. Rename the ACCOUNT_NAME folder to your account name. If you are unsure what this is, look at your backed up WTF folder for the account name
  8. Go into this folder
  9. Rename the SERVER_NAME folder to be your characters server
  10. Go into this folder
  11. Rename the CHARACTER_NAME folder to be your characters name.

If you install this and not all addon settings are correct, ensure that the profiles selected on their configuration screen are either RealUI, and if RealUI isn't an option, make sure it's on Default.

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