Updated: 11-26-19 12:36 PM
File Info
Classic (1.13.2)
Updated:11-26-19 12:36 PM
Created:11-26-19 11:11 AM

Tell Track Classic

Version: 2.8.4.Classic
by: Celess [More]

Quickly and easily view and manage whispers form multiple people using simple threaded discussions using the normal chat interface.

Works with FuBar, Titan Panel and CT Mod for easy access menus, and yes now has a minimap icon if no fubar or Titan installed, and a now hide/show feature for the icon, /telltack hide.

Chat commands:
/tt - Hide or show to/from list
/tt clearall - Clears all to/from entries
/tt invert - Inverts the to/from list
/tt dontsavelist - Dont save the to/from list
/tt autocreate - Auto-create new conversation tabs
/tt hidewhispers - Hide whispers in all other chat tabs
/tt timestamps - Print time stamps on messages
/tt whisperfirst - Click opens whisper, then conversation tab
/tt showall - Show all whispers
/tt linenums - Show player line numbers
/tt hide - Hide the application icon
/tt debug - Enable debug mode


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