Updated: 07-05-24 05:31 PM
File Info
Cataclysm Classic (4.4.0)
Classic (1.15.2)
WOTLK Patch (3.4.3)
TBC Patch (2.5.4)
Updated:07-05-24 05:31 PM
Created:03-10-22 11:42 PM
Categories:Classic - General, Cataclysm Classic, The Burning Crusade Classic, WOTLK Classic

UI Changes

Version: 1.2.2
by: noyanbaykal [More]

UI Changes consists of modules that improve parts of the default UI. The modules and their features can be individually toggled and not all are enabled by default. Please check out the in-game addon options page to see everything UI Changes has to offer.

Minimap quick zoom in / out: Shift click the minimap plus / negative buttons to set the zoom level to max in / out.

Hide the minimap worldMap button in classic era so it won't overlap with the tracking icon.

Absorb Display
Displays the approximate amount of damage absorption the player has from active Power Word: Shield, Sacrifice and Spellstone effects.
It is not feasible to determine other player's talents or item bonuses so the display for Power Word: Shield cast by others will start off with a base amount and then show a residual sign for any remaining amounts. The shield display can be moved with a CTRL click.

Auction House Tooltips
Provides utilities for the AH browse tab.

Calculator: A simple calculator to help with determining the total cost of a bunch.

Buyout warning: Whenever you select an item from the Browse Tab results, this module will calculate the ratio of buyout / bid amounts and might display a warning under the buyout button for suspected scam entries (for example, 40s bid and 311g buyout). The module does not track AH prices to give smart suggestions. It blindly compares the ratios to show a yellow sign if the ratio is 2 >= x < 8, or a red one if x >= 8 so false positives are possible!

Quick search: Clicking on an item in your bags with the mouse MiddleButton while the AH Browse tab is visible will initiate a search with that item's name.

Bag Utilities
Opens looted clams for convenience and avoiding inventory congestion. UseContainerItem is protected in WOTLK & onwards so this feature is classic era only.

Critical Reminders
This module makes the selected types of events / failures more noticeable by displaying an error icon and optionally playing a sound.
The 'Breath Warning' reminder displays a numeric timer next to the standard breath meter and the 'BW Sound' option will play various alarm sounds when the remaining breath time is 30, 15 and 5 seconds.
The reminders that are turned on by default are breath timer with sound, enter combat event, ability / spell failed due to lack of line of sight and gathering failure. Many other reminders for combat events can be enabled. The error display can be moved with a CTRL click or anchored to the TargetFrame.

Druid Mana Bar
Displays a mana bar underneath the player frame when shapeshifted into a druid form that does not use mana. This feature exists in WOTLK & onwards so this is for classic era only. The mana bar obeys the "Status Text Display" preference under the Interface options.

Party Pet Frames
Back in vanilla the default party frames used to show party pet frames as well. This feature seems to have been hidden behind a console variable and the pet power frames dropped somewhere around patch 7.0.3. This module enables the console variable and implements the missing power bars. The visibility provided might come in handy when you are in a dungeon with a hunter and see the hunters pet getting two shotted even though you don't expect anyone to be in combat or when you are forced to make a last stand and a clutch heal to a pet might make all the difference.

Ping Announcer
Listens to the player pinging in the mini-map on a marker with text and sends a message to chat mentioning the player's name, marker text and direction (in relation to the player). The module defaults to party chat, but if Control (CTRL) is pressed while the mini-map ping is sent out, the instance chat channel will be used instead. The instance chat channel only exists when in a battleground, arena or instance.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.

Support UI Changes Development


BagUtilities now checks items only after looting a clam.


Fixed issues in AbsorbDisplay and added Cataclysm support.


The AH calculator now supports larger amounts of gold but the multiplier is capped at 200.
Cosmetic changes in the options page.
Mostly internal changes this time.

Now using the sharedTable for shared constants instead of declaring 2 global variables.

CriticalReminders no longer looks at errorType.
Added another sound warning when 10 seconds of breath left.
Moved the ErrorFrame to not overlap with breathMeter.
Updated TOC files for SOD phase 2 patch.


Fixed a bug with AbsorbDisplay where Power Word: Shield cast by others did not show up properly.


Updated versions in toc files.


Fixed the return value of getShieldBuffData when not finding a shield buff.


User placed frames' positions will now be reset if we encounter any errors when anchoring to the last saved ones.


Added AbsorbDisplay for displaying approximate damage absorption.
More efficient AHTooltips and removed the hoverToooltip as it was added by Blizzard to Era.
Improved options panel.
AHT is now CriticalReminders with full modularity.
BagUtilities updated for the new Era client.


Now hiding the minimap worldMap button on classic era.


Preventing the zoom out / in minimap buttons from announced by PA


MiddleButton mouse click on an item in a bag while the AuctionHouse Browse tab is open will now quick search for that item.

Added BagUtilites to open clams automatically (classic era only).

Added minimap max zoom with holding down Shift when pressing the minimap zoom in / out buttons.

Fixed DruidManaBar issues with WOTLK.


Fixed CreateFontString error with new WOTLK version.

- 1.0.2
Added an icon for the 'Target not in line of sight' UI error

- 1.0.1
Added an icon to 'ability not ready' / 'spell not ready' UI errors + 'too far away' error when unable to use the mailbox
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