Updated: 07-12-23 05:43 AM
Fractures in Time (10.1.5)
Updated:07-12-23 05:43 AM
Created:02-13-23 06:09 AM

Mr. Marker

Version: 0.1.2
by: zestyquarks [More]

This is a bit of a weird one. Again, no screenshot or fancy descriptions. I share my mods because I made them for my partner and I, and others might get use out of them. I'm not interested in popularity contests.

Okay, Mr. Marker was made for people who're disabled, but it can also be used by raiders. It's a way to set a marker automatically, but how it does that is quite interesting.

You can assign a raid marker to a unit (name (of a player or a mob), player, target, pettarget, or what have you), and then you can have the scanning for that assignment happen on an event. For example, you could assign a raid marker to a friend in a group, and then scan for GROUP_FORMED to assign that. Or you could do it on yourself for someone else in a group. You could also look for target changes or what have you. It'll only work with valid events, I made sure of that, it's robust.

Here's a list of events. Aside from that, you can use /etrace and look for one that looks right. This is very much something that you have to bring your own understanding to.

Here are the commands:

/mrm t: Toggles the addon on/off.
/mrm l: List the icons and whom they're assigned to, if anyone.
/mrm a number name: The name of the person/mob you want the icon assigned to, followed by the icon number from the list.
/mrm r number: Remove the assigned person/mob from the relevant icon number from the list.
/mrm el: Show all events in the watch list.
/mrm ea event_name: Add an event to the watch list.
/mrm er event_name: Remove an event from the watch list.

The icons are as follows:

1. Yellow 4-Pointed Star
2. Orange Circle
3. Purple Diamond
4. Green Triangle
5. White Crescent Moon
6. Blue Square
7. Red Cross
8. White Skull

So, assigning an icon: /mrm a Mrmarker=6
Removing that icon: /mrm r 6
Adding an event: /mrm ae GROUP_FORMED

And there you go. I hope it's as useful to you as it is me. I think it's got a fair bit of potential, and I couldn't find anything even remotely like this out there. If I could've, I would've. I'm getting too bloody old for OCD optimisation.

In-Development Feature for Advanced Users: The Script-Check System

Okay, I'm a little pleased with myself for this. It's a boon for accessibility. Anyway, I don't recommend this feature unless you have some experience with scripting.

The idea I had: Wouldn't it be neat if you could use scripts to check states when assigning markers?

The commands:

/mrm sl: Show a list of script-checks assigned to icons.
/mrm sa number script: Add a script with a return value to be checked for.
/mrm sr number: Unassign (remove) a script from an icon.
/mrm sp number: Print the script assigned to an icon (for reading).

This allows you to, for example...

* /mrm a 8 player
* /mrm ea UNIT_HEALTH
* /mrm sa 8 UnitHealth('player')==UnitHealthMax('player')

Then you'd have a marker on yourself that would only show when your health isn't max. This isn't useful per se, but it's a useful way to test that it's working. You could run just about any check in this way.

How it works. It uses RunScript and sets a variable (MrMarker.rv) to glean the result of a logic check. Then it sets or removes the raid marker based upon the result of the logic check.

How it could be useful: Setting a marker on anyone in your group under X per cent health. You could also use it to check the health of targets. Or any kind of check on anything, really.

Like I said, a boon for accessibility.


* Toc bump.


* Toc bump.


* I've unified the input style of the add and script-add slash-commands. It's cleaner this way, and easier to understand.


* Another tiny change to bring Mr. Marker in-line with my other mods, sorry.


* Tiny code change to bring Mr. Marker in-line with other upcoming updates of my mods.


* I forgot to localise some functions. I've been on the fence over this. I mean, it's mostly hokum to do it when you're only gaining mere microseconds in execution time and there's not any loss in performance, and no greater resource drain, but... In for loops especially those microseconds can add up I guess, so for now I'll be making sure I localise all my functions so they aren't being searched for in ENV. I'll get ot making sure I've got tehm all in my other addons soon.


* Added the script-check system, check in the description to see more.


* Initial release on WoW Interface.
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