Updated: 05-06-06 07:34 PM
Updated:05-06-06 07:34 PM

Special Events

Version: r1524
by: Tekkub [More]

What is SpecialEvents? Well it's my attempt to fix some wacky events like BAG_UPDATE. SE will fire off it's own events, these events pass more detailed args than the default events do. Naturally this is an Ace addon, only other Ace addons will receive these events.

Check the documentation for events and functions I've implemented so far (always open to suggestions!)

Planned/in the works:
Spellcast events with spell and target!


Please direct all feedback to my portal (the links under the download button)

Please note: The standalone version of SE is being replaced with embeddable versions. Also, the core functionality of modules has been changed, older mods may not work with the current version without some minor tweaks.

Known Bugs

- Movement funcs/events don\'t work in instances. There\'s no way to fix this unless blizzard changes something with the map API (doubtful)

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