Updated: 10-17-14 08:24 PM
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Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:10-17-14 08:24 PM

MikScrollingBattleText  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 5.7.138
by: Mikord, Resike


  • Version 5.7.134 is updated to work with Warlord of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 and fixes the font preview issues.
  • If you are having issues with the fonts "resetting" on initial game load, update to Version 5.7.137.
  • Version 5.7.138 corrects issues with several triggers like Kill Shot and Hammer of Wrath.


MSBT is designed to be an extremely lightweight, efficient, and highly configurable mod that makes it easier to see combat information by scrolling the information on the screen in separate, dynamically creatable scroll areas. It is a replacement for Blizzard's Floating Combat Text and Damage output.

  • Lightweight and efficient design.
  • Scroll incoming damage/heals, outgoing damage/heals, and notifications in separate configurable scroll areas on the playing field.
  • Display player and pet cooldown completion alerts.
  • Display loot alerts with a total of how many are now in inventory.
  • Add triggers that will allow you to show notifications based on a variety of conditions.
  • Assign a sound file to play for events/triggers.
  • Dynamically create new scroll areas and assign any event/trigger to them.
  • Customize the position, size, animation style, enabled state, font style, font size, font outline, and opacity for each of the scroll areas.
  • Customize each individual event's color, font style, font size, font outline, opacity, output message, enabled state, and scroll area.
  • Set "Master Font" settings that will be inherited by all of the scroll areas and the events in them unless they are overridden at the scroll area or event level.
  • Merge AoE data into one event with cumulative damage/healing done with number of normal and crits specified.
  • Show overhealing amounts against yourself or party/raid members.
  • Color unit names according to their class (including CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS support).
  • Color damage amounts according to damage type.
  • Show partial effects (resists, absorbs, vulnerabilities, etc) colored according to type.
  • Filter output information with a full suite of spam controls.
  • Load on demand options.
  • For mod developers:
    • Output your own scrolling messages with the MikSBT.DisplayMessage function instead of having to create your own frame and animation code. You can also use your own font by first registering it with MSBT via the MikSBT.RegisterFont function.
    • Create custom animation styles.
    • See the included API.html file for reference information.

Supported Events:
  • Incoming:
    • Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, and Interrupts
    • Spell Resists
    • Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Pet Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Pet Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, and Immunes
    • Pet Spell Resists
    • Pet Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Environmental Damage

  • Outgoing:
    • Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, Reflects, Interrupts, and Evades
    • Spell Resists and Buff Dispels
    • Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)
    • Pet Melee Damage, Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Pet Skill Damage, Damage Over Time (DoTs), Misses, Dodges, Parries, Blocks, Deflects, Absorbs, Immunes, and Evades
    • Pet Spell Resists and Buff Dispels
    • Pet Heals and Heals Over Time (HoTs)

  • Notification:
    • Buffs / Buff Stacks / Buff Fades
    • Debuffs / Debuff Stacks / Debuff Fades
    • Item Buffs / Item Buff Fades
    • Enter/Leave Combat
    • Power Gains and Losses
    • Alternate Power Gains and Losses
    • Chi Gains and Chi Full
    • Combo Point Gains and Combo Points Full
    • Holy Power Changes and Holy Power Full
    • Honor Gains
    • Reputation Gains and Losses
    • Skill Gains
    • Experience Gains
    • Killing Blows (Player and NPC)
    • Extra Attacks
    • Soul Shard Creation
    • Enemy Buff Gains
    • Monster Emotes
    • Player, Pet and Item Cooldown Completions

  • Loot:
    • Looted Items
    • Money Gains

  • Default Triggers:
    • All Relevant Classes - Low Health, Low Mana, Low Pet Health
    • Death Knight - Killing Machine, Rime, Shadow Infusion x5
    • Druid - Berserk, Clearcasting, Predator's Swiftness, Shooting Stars
    • Hunter - Kill Shot, Lock and Load
    • Mage - Brain Freeze, Clearcasting, Fingers of Frost, Missile Barrage
    • Monk- Elusive Brew x5, x10, x15, Mana Tea x20, Vital Mists x5
    • Paladin - Hammer of Wrath, The Art of War
    • Priest - Clearcasting, Shadow Orb x3
    • Rogue - Blindside
    • Shaman - Clearcasting, Lava Surge, Maelstrom Weapon x5, Tidal Waves
    • Warlock - Decimation, Molten Core, Nightfall
    • Warrior - Bloodsurge, Execute, Revenge, Sudden Death, Taste for Blood, Victory Rush


/msbt                  Shows the options interface. 
/msbt reset            Resets the current profile to the default settings. 
/msbt disable          Disables the mod. 
/msbt enable           Enables the mod. 
/msbt version          Shows the current version. 
/msbt help             Shows the command usage.

Frequently Asked Questions:

See the FAQ list at MSBT's portal site.

Localization Maintainers:

See the list at MSBT's portal site.

If you are capable and interested in being a maintainer for the localization files for a specific language, please send me a PM. The SVN capabilities here at WoWInterface allow me to provide direct access to the localization files in the repository to make the process easier.

  • Moved the new font loader logic into its own frame to prevent issues with UIs such as RealUI that play with opacity on objects they don't own.
  • Fixed unit reaction condition that was preventing many triggers like Kill Shot and Hammer of Wrath from working.
  • Fixed taint issues cause by the _ global variable.
  • Updated options dialogs to remove reference to support for mp3s which the game no longer supports.

  • Corrected an error that occurs on startup with deleted default triggers.

  • Reworked the font handling to preload fonts during initial load to resolve the issue where the fonts would reset to the default on initial game load.

  • Fixed the ability to add custom fonts via the custom media tab.

  • Fixed an issue where the font previews were not updating properly.
  • Updated parser to support the new parameters introduced by patch 6.0.2.

  • Updated for Patch 6.0.2 / Warlords of Draenor
    • Modified global constants for item quality to their new values.
    • Removed Berserker Stance from available trigger conditions.
    • Removed Backlash default trigger.
    • Removed Owlkin Frenzy default trigger.
    • Removed Overpower default trigger.
    • Removed Power Guard default trigger.
    • Removed Rune Strike default trigger.
    • Removed Solar and Lunar Eclipse default triggers.
    • Modified several skill IDs to reflect their new values.
    • Updated TOC for Patch 6.0.2.

  • Fixed issue introduced with Patch 5.4 where the fonts could not be changed

  • Updated TOC for Patch 5.4.

  • Fixed issue introduced with Patch 5.3 where dispels were showing the skill performing the dispel rather than the one being dispelled.
  • Increased damage and healing maximum spam thresholds to 100,000.
  • Added default trigger for Ultimatum.
  • Updated TOC for Patch 5.3.

  • Updated parser to support the new amount parameter on applied and removed auras. Thanks to pelf for the patch.

  • Fix issue introduced with Patch 5.2 where dispels were showing the skill performing the dispel rather than the one being dispelled.

  • Modified skill ID for Taste For Blood to reflect the new value.
  • Updated TOC for Patch 5.2.

  • Updated TOC for Patch 5.1.

  • Fixed issue introduced with Monk Chi changes in Patch 5.1.

  • Fixed an issue where certain power types such as Sha Power and Alternate Power were causing errors.

  • Added new Shadow Orbs Change and Shadow Orbs Full events that act similar to combo points.
  • Removed shadow orbs from standard power gains (e.g. +1 Shadow Orbs) since it is now treated similar to combo points.
  • Removed Shadow Orbs x3 default trigger due to the new Shadow Orbs Full event.
  • Fixed issue where the shorten numbers and group by thousands options were not being applied to overkill amounts.
  • Added default trigger for Blindside.
  • Removed extra exclamation point from druid berserking default trigger.
  • Added missing Italian localization files.

  • Fixed issue where combo point gains and full combo points were not being displayed (reported by dondasch).

  • Updated for Patch 5.0.1 / Mists of Pandaria Beta
    • Monk is now an available class for triggers and class coloring.
    • Added new Chi Change and Chi Full events that act similar to combo points.
    • Added support for dynamic max chi and holy power.
    • Removed chi from standard power gains (e.g. +1 Chi) since it is now treated similar to combo points.
    • Removed the following triggers since they no longer apply: Counterattack, Eradication, Hot Streak, Impact, Riposte, Viper Sting
    • Removed the following skills from default suppressions and throttling since they no longer apply: Arcane Empowerment, Desecration, Ferocious Inspiration, Mana Spring
    • Updated supported power types to include Alternate, Dark Force, Chi (Light Force), Shadow Orbs, Burning Embers, and Demonic Fury.
    • Rewrote code that deals with party and raid members to use the new Blizzard APIs.
    • Updated "Active Talents" trigger condition to use the new Blizzard API.
    • Modified remaining existing triggers to work with their new values.
    • Modified several skill IDs to reflect their new values.
    • Added default trigger for Vital Mists x5.
    • Added default trigger for Mana Tea x20.
    • Added default trigger for Elusive Brew at 5, 10, and 15 stacks.
    • Added default trigger for Power Guard x3.
    • Added new events for Alternate Power Gains and Losses so they may be customized.
    • Added temporary workaround for UnitGUID bug when in a group. Triggers that involve party/raid members will not work currently due to this.
    • Updated environmental damage handler for environmental type changes.
    • Updated TOC for Patch 5.0.4.
  • Added new option to shorten large numbers using si suffixes (32765 displays as 33k).
  • Added new option to separate large numbers into digit groups (32765 dispays as 32,765).
  • Fixed taint issues cause by the _ global variable.
  • Converted class names to use Blizzard provided localizations.
  • Removed old temporary workaround for raid flags added in Patch 4.2.
  • Added Italian localization from Kelhar@Runetotem-EU.

  • Money strings will now show properly on all supported languages.
  • Updated Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations from yleaf.

  • Converted all sounds to .ogg from .mp3.

  • Modified combat event log parser to work with the absorb changes in Patch 4.3.

  • Updated German translations from mojosdojo.
  • Updated Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations from yleaf.
  • Updated TOC for Patch 4.3.

  • Removed item cooldoown tracking debug print

  • Added support for item cooldowns:
    • Created new event for customizable item cooldown notifications.
    • Added Item Cooldown Complete to the available trigger events.
    • Added Item ID and Item Name condition handling for the main trigger events that support them.
    • Cooldown exclusions now accept skill IDs, item names, and item IDs in addition to skill names.

  • Added monochrome, monochrome + thin, and monochrome + thick to available outline font settings for pixel font lovers.
  • Modified the custom font and sound validation routines to work with arbitrary case extensions.
  • Changed custom font validation error message to a more descriptive message when the font can't be set versus the more generic ttf message.

  • Added option to customize color of shadowflame damage.
  • Added option to customize color of frostfire damage.

  • Modified combat event log parsers to work with the changes in Patch 4.2 without extra indirection.
  • Changed Traditional Chinese default font by yleaf.
  • Updated Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations from yleaf.
  • Updated TOC for Patch 4.2.

  • Added logic to detect and merge off-hand strikes with main hand strikes.

  • Removed Happiness as an available power type since it no longer exists as of Patch 4.1.
  • Added logic to handle the changed combat log event format in Patch 4.2 on the PTR without breaking the current version (Blizzard is changing it again).
  • Updated LibStub to the latest version (14 Jan 2011, 1.0.1).
  • Updated CallbackHandler to the latest version (14 Jan 2011, 1.0.7).
  • Updated LibSharedMedia to the latest version (05 Nov 2010, 3.0-4).

  • Fixed handling for the always show quest items option that was broken by Patch 4.0.6 (reported by Judgespear).
  • Modified to play sounds even when game sound effects are disabled as allowed by API changes in Patch 4.0.6 (reported by Retlaw).

  • Modified combat event log parsers to work with the changes in Patch 4.1 (committed by mojosdojo, reported by several others).
  • Updated Russian translations from StingerSoft.
  • Updated German translations from mojosdojo.
  • Updated TOC for Patch 4.1.

  • Added the new pet heal events to the options interface so they may be customized and disabled as intended.
  • Updated Korean translations from chkid.

  • Made several updates to the cooldown tracking system:
    • Implemented a work around for Blizzard's cooldown bug with dismissed pets. Pet cooldowns should no longer be shown before they are actually finished.
    • Created new event for customizable pet cooldown notifications.
    • Added an option to customize the color of the skill name in cooldown events.
    • Changed Skill Cooldown Complete trigger event to Player Cooldown Complete (only detects player cooldowns).
    • Added Pet Cooldown Complete to the available trigger events.
    • Added Skill ID as an available condition for player and pet cooldown triggers.

  • Created new events for outgoing pet heals, pet heal crits, pet periodic heals (HoTs), and pet periodic heal (HoT) crits.
  • Efflorescense is now detected and displayed as a pet heal.
  • Added default triggers for Blood Swarm and Shadow Infusion x5.

See the included readme.html for further version history.
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Unread 08-14-06, 03:45 PM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Unfortunately there is no way to separate that out. The game damage would have to be on for the dots to show up above the mob's head. You can turn the game's damage back on with the option in the mod's interface, but then all damage will show up above the mob's head.

If you don't want to see the DoT spam though, you can turn off DoTs under the outgoing tab in the interface.


At the present time I don't have any plans to update it to run on Ace2. Ace2 has way more things than the mod needs and any memory savings would be marginal at best.
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Unread 08-22-06, 12:33 PM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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As I posted on the portal page (, I will be releasing minor revision 2.11 with the updated toc for patch 1.12 later tonight. It will also disable Blizzard's floating text when MSBT is enabled and re-enable Blizzard's floating text when MSBT is disabled.

Version 3.0 with several new features is still in the works. I wanted to release it concurrent with patch 1.12, but due to being too busy I didn't get it done in time. I should have it out within a couple of weeks.
Last edited by Mikord : 08-22-06 at 06:18 PM.
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Unread 08-26-06, 04:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Show Target's Incoming Damage

Hi Mik. A feature that I'd very much like to see as a healer is the ability to display my target's incoming damage -- basically use one column to display what my target might see were he using SBT. I know close to nothing about editting wow mods, but from what I could grasp from your events file it wouldn't be much different from the 'pet' events -- just make 'pet' an object based on the player's current target, which changes if the player chooses another target (go ahead and completely ignore all that if I'm on the wrong track). I understand that you're implementing the ability to add custom events, so if what I've suggested isn't realistic to add as a 'feature' in your next release, then I'd be just as happy if there was a way you could help me add this through custom events.
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Unread 08-27-06, 07:30 PM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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That's not a bad idea though I don't think it would work very well. The main problem I see with it is that you'd be reliant on receiving the combat events for others. That has a relatively short range, so if you are outside of that range you wouldn't get the messages and as such it wouldn't be very reliable.

As you mentioned, you will be able to create some of your own events in the new version to see that information, but again you'd be leashed to the range imposed by WoW's combat system for receiving those events.

So, in short, you will be able to do what you want somewhat through creating your own events when I get the next version out, but I don't think it will work as well as you'd like due to the range limitations.
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Unread 08-28-06, 03:46 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Thumbs up sweeet

First, thanks for the mod - i LOVE IT! much much nicer, cleaner and more memory friendly than SCT ever was!

second, hwen i was using SCT, i was also using a plugin for it called SpellAlertSCT (sasct) found here .

it's spellalert but instead of showing the messages in the chat window or separate window, it puts the enemy spell messages into the SCT area.

think there's a possible way to incorporate that functionality into MSBT?


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Unread 08-29-06, 08:23 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Thanks for the feedback speak.

There was a post earlier in the thread where someone said that WitchHunt 2.0, a SpellAlert type of mod, has support for MSBT.
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Unread 08-30-06, 10:17 PM  
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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ah, thanks!

here's the link to WitchHunt2.0 for anyone else interested:,1654.0.html

gonna try it out in a bit
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Unread 09-14-06, 12:43 PM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Hey folks,

As you can see, I've released version 3.0.

A quick note on the trigger system:

I had to make a choice whether or not to make event types required for a trigger. If the event types were not required, it would easier to setup a trigger because you wouldn't need to know what events to specify, but it would also mean that you take a huge performance hit since every single combat event would have to be searched instead of just the pertinent ones.

Since I've put a lot of work into making this mod optimized, I chose to make the event types required and therefore was able to provide highly optimized searching against any number of triggers.

Hopefully it is not too difficult to use. I've included some instructions on how to create a new trigger in the included readme.html file. You can also view the "How do I create a new trigger?" entry in the FAQ on MSBT's portal site
Last edited by Mikord : 09-14-06 at 02:15 PM.
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Unread 09-14-06, 06:47 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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How do you supress messages?

Your documentation is pretty slim on the topic of suppressing messages. I'm a warrior and I want to supress all my stance changes. How do I do this?
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Unread 09-14-06, 10:00 PM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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While I was answering your question, I discovered a bug where adding more than one suppression was not working properly. I updated the mod to version 3.01 to correct that. You probably want to grab it before you create the suppression.

Check out the "How do I create a new suppression?" FAQ entry in the new version's readme.html file or on MSBT's portal page ( The example I used is how to suppress warrior stances.

I also added a section on the topic of the suppression system to the readme.html.
Last edited by Mikord : 09-14-06 at 10:31 PM.
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Unread 09-16-06, 07:28 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by Nickenyfiken
Does this pretty much replace Scrolling Combat Text and SCT Damage? Well well i have to try it, looks neat.
Why use this over SCT and SCTD..FPS difference?

SCT is already ace2, I dunno ace seems to be the best.

Sorry for the always comparing them and I usually can't pick out details myself
Last edited by Abyss111 : 09-16-06 at 07:34 AM.
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Unread 09-16-06, 12:15 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Salute and Curious

Great Mod! Switched SCT for this.I like the GUI and the options which are neat and laid out well. I can see alot of thought went into the Mod. I a little skeptic on ACE2 as when one mod updates to the latest lib, another, if not updated, cant use whats already loaded by an updated ACE2 addon. To much to keep track for me.

Anyways, in a previous post here, the idea of havng some sort of spell alert would be neat. Also anyway of having an Aggro elert? Curious and wonder if its possible for this Mod! Thnks!
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail
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Unread 09-16-06, 08:24 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Abyss111
Why use this over SCT and SCTD..FPS difference?

SCT is already ace2, I dunno ace seems to be the best.

Sorry for the always comparing them and I usually can't pick out details myself
Ace2 does not immediately imply superiority. The community promotes good coding practices, though, so it helps.

However, I recently tried SCT again, and disliked it immensely.

Why use MSBT over SCT? Personal preference.

Besides, diverse choices are better for the community. Otherwise why buy a PC when there are Macs? Why eat steak when you can have hamburger? Why drive a Ford when you can drive a Honda?
Theondry of Perenolde
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Unread 09-18-06, 01:36 AM  
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Re: Salute and Curious

Originally posted by katerisg
I a little skeptic on ACE2 as when one mod updates to the latest lib, another, if not updated, cant use whats already loaded by an updated ACE2 addon. To much to keep track for me.
Actually old addons will get to use the new library. They are API compatible so the old addon should get the benefits etc from a fixed ACE library update.

It is working great.

There was a bug in the library update routine once but that has been a while and should be fixed now. ACE2 is working as a charm right now.
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Unread 09-18-06, 08:14 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Theondry said it best.

MSBT does things that SCT does not, and conversely SCT does things MSBT does not.

I haven't used SCT in several versions, so I really can't give a point by point comparison.

What I can say though is that while the principle is the same (parse combat messages and animate them on the screen), the two mods are different in several ways. The parsing engines are different, the animation style is different, the amount of things that can be customized are different, etc.

As I posted in the mod's FAQ on the portal site, Ace2 is a great set of rapid development libraries, but moving MSBT to it would not provide any tangible benefit to the end user as MSBT is already highly optimized. Incidentally for users that don't have any other Ace2 mods, it would actually make MSBT take up more memory to use Ace2.

Why not try both out and see which one suits your tastes better?
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