Updated: 12-25-22 01:22 PM
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Updated:12-25-22 01:22 PM

LightHeaded  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v100002-1.0.0-2022-12-15
by: Cladhaire [More]

Classic not updated at the moment, only retail.

LightHeaded is a very simple addon that displays quest information and comments from in game, eliminating the need to Alt-Tab when you get stuck on quest. This addon was inspired by qcomments and wowhead_quests, which both serve a similar purpose. Data is only loaded when you first request it, so you can be sure you're not using more memory than you need to.

I HIGHLY suggest using this addon with TomTom, another one of my addons ( ). This allows you to simply click any coordinate in LightHeaded to add it to your map as a waypoint.

The following slash commands are valid:
  • /lh attach - Attaches the frame to the quest log
  • /lh detach - Detaches the frame, allows you to resize and move it
  • /lh sound - Toggles the open/close sound
  • /lh page - Toggles showing all comments on one page, or with multiple pages
  • /lh bgalpha <0.0-1.0> - Changes the alpha of the LH window background textures, so you can see the world.
  • /lh debug - Enables or disabled debug messages when loading quest databases
  • /lh config - Opens the LightHeaded configuration window
  • /lh autodetails - Toggle automatic opening of the Lightheaded window when clicking a quest in the objective tracker

LightHeaded now includes the English descriptions and introductory text for most of the quests in the game. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled for those players that are not playing in their native locale.

LightHeaded supports sending coordinates to TomTom, MapNotes, Cartographer2 and Cartographer3.

IMPORTANT: Addon authors that wish to use this API and data should
include the wowhead logo in the frame that displays this information.
They are kind enough to let me continue parsing their database, and we
owe them at least that much. Thank you.

Thanks for using my addons!

Updated 2022-12-15 for retail.
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Unread 12-20-08, 12:11 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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I have been having a small problem with Lightheaded / TomTom (not sure which it is) I cant seem to click on the blue coords to make a waypoint arrow ,after i take a flight, unless I log out and log back in which always fixes it.

Any help would be great I would also like to knwo if anyone else has had this problem because if not I 'm guessing its me =)

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Unread 12-20-08, 12:15 PM  
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Re: Wowinterface downloading problem

Originally posted by Darkstalker22
This goes for all addons on this site and this site only. I didn't know where to post this so any insight as to where I could get help would be appreciated. Whenever I am on the "Addon Info." page for an addon and I click download. I get the little box that downloads the file to your computer (I think thats what it does anyway). I am then supposed to get the page with all the folders/files, so I can go on to extract the addon to Program File/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons, but instead I get an error message saying "The compressed (zipped) folder is invalid or corrupted." If I try downloading from the archived files it works perfectly fine, and any other site works besides the Addon Info. pages for all addons on WoWinterface. I wouldn't expect an addon author to do something for just 1 person, but what would work would be to upload each version twice or something (so there is an up-to-date version in the archived files page) It kinda sucks because Lightheaded is definately in my "Top 5 addons I can't play without" . Again, thanks for any info about what I can do to fix this or where I could ask about how to fix this. (made a profile just to post this, I dont have a clue how to make a forums post or anything right now )

Thanks - Darkstalker22

Edit: P.S. Sorry for the incredibly long and most likely annoying post.
Unfortunately I can't post the addon twice (and that wouldn't make sense in any way). I suggest you try another web browser, as it sounds like yours is having a problem with the script that serves the file to your browser. Other than that you should be able to sign up for email notifications which contains what might be a more direct link to the file. I'm not terribly sure what more I can do to help you out, but I've reported your issue to the site developer.

Originally posted by Saen
I have been having a small problem with Lightheaded / TomTom (not sure which it is) I cant seem to click on the blue coords to make a waypoint arrow ,after i take a flight, unless I log out and log back in which always fixes it.

Any help would be great I would also like to knwo if anyone else has had this problem because if not I 'm guessing its me =)

I suspect you are getting an error or something out, but you need to report it to me so I can fix it. You also never need to log out/back in, you can simply type /console reloadui to reload the user interface. Please ensure you have "Display Lua Errors" enabled under Interface Options -> Help and report any errors or more information.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-20-08, 01:14 PM  
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I've just posted a new version that includes primitive search functionality. Right now you can search by name or qid in order to display a quest you don't currently have. You can also click a quest link when your cursor is in the search box and the QID will be extracted and the search will be done, making it easy to pull up the information for a quest someone else has.

Let me know if you run into any issues with it, and thanks to havoc for poking me enough to make me write it!
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-20-08, 04:08 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Getting 8 errors with r272.

[2008/12/20 23:02:22-1408-x1]: LightHeaded-272\LightHeaded.lua:1768: attempt to index global 'LightHeadedSearchBox' (a nil value)
<in C code>: ?
<in C code>: ?
Blizzard_CombatLog\Blizzard_CombatLog.lua:3569: in function `SetItemRef'
SickOfClickingDailies-$Revision: 138 $\wotlk.lua:69: in function <Interface\AddOns\SickOfClickingDailies\wotlk.lua:66>
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?:
AceAddon-3.0-5 (AtlasLoot):365: in function `EnableAddon'
AceAddon-3.0-5 (AtlasLoot):377: in function `EnableAddon'
AceAddon-3.0-5 (AtlasLoot):435: in function <...\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:421>
<in C code>: in function `LoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:991: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn':
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:241: in function `CombatLog_LoadUI':
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:389: in function `UIParent_OnEvent':
<string>:"*:OnEvent":1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>


The errors are identical except this line ''Blizzard_CombatLog\Blizzard_CombatLog.lua:3569: in function `SetItemRef'
SickOfClickingDailies-$Revision: 138 $\wotlk.lua:69: in function''

The numbers after ''wotlk.lua:xx'' are 69,70,72,73,75,76,78,79.
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Unread 12-20-08, 04:35 PM  
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Pushed a new version for a fix for that issue, which would only occur if the ItemRefTooltip was opened before LightHeaded had created its frames.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-21-08, 08:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by ShadowEric
Hi Cladhaire,

You have your readme.txt located at the root of your zip file, which makes it end up in the ...\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns folder instead of ...\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\LightHeaded.

No big deal, just a heads-up.
Quoting myself here, but I'd very much appreciate it if you could fix that at some point. Thank you.
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Unread 12-21-08, 08:48 AM  
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Originally posted by ShadowEric
Quoting myself here, but I'd very much appreciate it if you could fix that at some point. Thank you.
Its not a bug, its intended to be there. I don't know why you're unzipping things directly to your addons folder.. that's just asking for trouble. You should delete the folders that already exist, unzip the zip and then copy the files to the right place.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-21-08, 10:07 AM  
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Any chance to add notes for achievements also ? Actually they are quests too
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Unread 12-21-08, 10:16 AM  
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Re: Achievements

Originally posted by Gregory
Any chance to add notes for achievements also ? Actually they are quests too
Not very likely, no. It would require a completely different interface, completely different parser and completely different logic. Its' not even remotely the same :P
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-21-08, 05:40 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Cladhaire
Its not a bug, its intended to be there. I don't know why you're unzipping things directly to your addons folder.. that's just asking for trouble. You should delete the folders that already exist, unzip the zip and then copy the files to the right place.
First off, please don't assume I don't know what I'm doing. You make great addons, are well-respected and co-wrote a great book, but that doesn't mean everyone else is an idiot.

Second, I clean out my addon folder every time I update my addons. So there is never any trace of any previous addon left there.

Third, why on earth should I unzip the file downloaded from wowinterface anywhere else than in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ ? This is where the addon goes. The folder structure is automatically re-created and I'm good to go. What is your reason for unzipping somewhere else and then copying the files over, when I can just unzip directly there ?

If you left that readme.txt intentionally out of the Lightheaded subfolder (so that it would be seen), I beg you to reconsider. I frankly don't know anyone who will unzip somewhere else, then copy over. It's an extra step for no reason.

I do know people who don't delete the previous files/folders though, but your way doesn't make them delete the previous version of addons either.

In any case, I'd appreciate it if you would reconsider this. This isn't the only addon that did this, and having readme.txt show up at the root of my C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ folder is not what I consider good practice. Your readme.txt belongs in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Lightheaded\ instead, as it is solely part of that add-on and none other. Titan Panel's authors didn't have a problem fixing that.

By the way, the FAQ referenced in that readme.txt is out of date since Blizzard asks Vista users if they wish to move the WoW installation to C:\Users\Public\Games every time a patch is released (since WoW 3.0.2). It needs to be added to the FAQ.
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Unread 12-21-08, 05:49 PM  
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Originally posted by ShadowEric
First off, please don't assume I don't know what I'm doing. You make great addons, are well-respected and co-wrote a great book, but that doesn't mean everyone else is an idiot.

I'm not assuming anything, I'm just stating my position and informing you of why I chose to package my addon that way. I have changed the packaging system multiple times and I've settled here because it is the best compromise for everyone. I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't in any way think I am better than anyone else.

Second, I clean out my addon folder every time I update my addons. So there is never any trace of any previous addon left there.
That's good, the reason I put the information in there is because a lot of my users read the comments, and plenty of them have problems with installing the addon. It's second nature to just include the whole spiel when I'm typing about it.

Third, why on earth should I unzip the file downloaded from wowinterface anywhere else than in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ ? This is where the addon goes. The folder structure is automatically re-created and I'm good to go. What is your reason for unzipping somewhere else and then copying the files over, when I can just unzip directly there ?
Because not all addon authors pay attention when they package addons. The sometimes are clearly putting things under a subdirectory. I did this for a while when I was unpacking addons, but it became too annoying when one author didn't pay attention and packaged things in a funky way. The reason I always suggest unpacking things separately is also because addon authors do stupid things and include components in ways that they shouldn't.

You may know what you are doing, but novice users can unpack LightHeaded in whatever way they want, and someone could very easily come along and unpack files on top of them (of course the OS would prompt you to overwrite, but most people wouldn't read that anyway). If you're confident in unpacking your addons that way then I'm glad it works for you. I'm just expressing my opinions and reasons for packing the way I do.

If you left that readme.txt intentionally out of the Lightheaded subfolder (so that it would be seen), I beg you to reconsider. I frankly don't know anyone who will unzip somewhere else, then copy over. It's an extra step for no reason.
Regardless of HOW you unzip, many compression programs will create a folder with the name of the Zip you downloaded and then pack the files inside of it.

It is specifically for this reason that I added the readme.txt at the top level. Users would unpack the addon and just put the single folder under Addons, and nothing would work. Does it help everyone? No. Has it helped some people? Yes. At this point I don't intend to change that aspect of my packaging.

I do know people who don't delete the previous files/folders though, but your way doesn't make them delete the previous version of addons either.
Of course not. LightHeaded alone has over 2.5 million downloads. I have to do something to help keep my sanity and reduce the support load, and this has helped.

In any case, I'd appreciate it if you would reconsider this. This isn't the only addon that did this, and having readme.txt show up at the root of my C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ folder is not what I consider good practice. Your readme.txt belongs in C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Lightheaded\ instead, as it is solely part of that add-on and none other. Titan Panel's authors didn't have a problem fixing that.
The readme doesn't belong to any addon, which is specifically why I include it where it is. It belongs to the addon package as a whole, since consists of six different addons. Putting it under one of the addon subdirectories defeats the entire purpose.

By the way, the FAQ referenced in that readme.txt is out of date since Blizzard asks Vista users if they wish to move the WoW installation to C:\Users\Public\Games every time a patch is released (since WoW 3.0.2). It needs to be added to the FAQ.
Correct, I'll pass that information on. Thanks for your feedback.
"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well, and that's be you-- be what you're like-- be like yourself. And so I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark..."
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Unread 12-21-08, 06:02 PM  
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I download to and unzip to the My Downloads folder. It's just so much easier that way to make sure that everything gets installed correctly.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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Unread 12-21-08, 08:39 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I always tell my browser to open the addon with WinRAR instead of saving it to the harddrive. Then I just drag the content folders to my addon folder.

Easy, clean, simple.

Anything outside of a folder doesn't get dragged.
If the read me was in one of the folders....I'd never see it.
Last edited by SofaKing : 12-21-08 at 08:39 PM.
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Unread 12-21-08, 09:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm offended because you said what I did was asking for trouble, followed by what I should do. I realize a lot of people don't know, but please don't make assumptions. That's all I ask for.

On topic, it makes me wonder how an autoupdater handles that, for one, specially if more than one addon does that, which brings me to:

When I say I don't consider it good practice, think of what would happen if every author did that.

To me, the readme does belong to Lightheaded and nothing else. It may be made of multiple sub-modules which are separate subfolders, it's still Lightheaded for all intents and purposes.

If it helps others:

I tend to update every addon at once, say weekly, select all the zips, right-click, select Extract Files (option comes from Winrar), pick the destination as C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns and I'm good to go. Having previously cleaned out the addons folder (except for the Blizzard ones).

Yes, Windows built-in unpacker and Winrar do create an extra subfolder with the name of the zip. Winzip does not. I never understood why actually. But I see your point there.

I'll leave it at that. I can't change things and my point's made.
Last edited by ShadowEric : 12-22-08 at 10:10 AM.
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Unread 12-23-08, 10:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Frame Rate Issue

I'm finding that when I have the light headed frame attached to my quest log frame, and I display light headed, that my frame rate takes a nose dive. Not sure what the overall issue is. =/
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