Updated: 07-31-17 10:41 AM
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Tomb of Sargeras (7.2.0)
Updated:07-31-17 10:41 AM

Group O Matic  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.0.0
by: Akryn, llcorell

Group O Matic makes it easier for the raid leader to set up the group arrangement. It can save and restore what groups people are in.

It also has an Auto button, which can push everyone to the top, or group melee together, or split the group into the odd/even group numbers, or other things. What the Auto button does is set by the "auto-arrange template" menu.

You can exclude the groups at the end of the raid from being changed, so that you can use those groups for bench/standby players (click More > Settings > Exclude groups).

The addon will show up when you open the raid UI.


This addon also has some manual /commands:

/rgs 1 2 will swap the entire group 1 with the entire group 2.
/rgm 1 2 will push everyone from group 1 into group 2, if possible.


Things the Auto button can be set to do (click More and pick from the auto-arrange template menu):

1. Group melee/tanks, healers, and range with similar players.
2. Push everyone to the top of the group list.
3. Split the group into two halves, attempting to balance tanks, healers and melee DPS.
4. Group players by what map location they are at.

4.0.0 (30/07/2017)
-Fixed Bug with addon calling protected function
-Added Demon Hunters into the Melee class
by: Akryn, llcorell

3.0.8 (12-3-2015):
-Fixed minor bugs.

3.0.7 (11-7-2015):
-Fixed /rgs not working.

3.0.6 (11-6-2015):
-Fixed a couple of bugs.

3.0.5 (11-3-2015):
-Added template to group classes together.
-Handle players switching roles (i.e. changing from tank to DPS) better.
-Added some buttons.

3.0.4 (10-23-2015):
-Added templates to split the raid into 2, and re-enabled the battlegrounds "group by map location" template.

3.0.2 (10-5-2015):
-Re-enabled custom templates and a few other features.
-Added 'healers first' template.

3.0.1 (10-3-2015):
-Re-enabled role scan and made the auto-arrange attempt to group melee/range/healers, rather than just push people randomly to the top groups.

3.0.0 (8-29-2015):
-Hey, an update!

2.7.0 (10-16-2010):
-Updates for WoW 4.0 API.
-Updated talents.
-Reduced memory footprint a bit when the GUI is loaded.
-Various minor bug fixes.

2.6.7 (4-2-2010):
-The talent scanner now confirms that UnitClass has returned a valid result when scanning players.
-Fix for a bug that caused talents to display as 100% known rather than 50% while in a 2-person raid with someone whose talents were unknown.
-Other minor bug fixes.

2.6.6 (2-9-2010):
-Fix for the player not being counted by ("talents: x% known") notices -- which I broke a few versions ago and didn't notice until now >.>

2.6.5 (2-8-2010):
-Works around a Bliz bug causing the "talent interpreter outdated" warnings.

2.6.4 (1-18-10):
-Small bug fix from 2.6.3.

2.6.3 (1-18-10):
-The table of cached roles is now stored more efficiently, resulting in a pretty good reduction of RAM usage if you have a large roles cache. If syncing is on, it will compress that copy as well on the first UI un/re-load.
-Changed the enUS/default names for restore methods so that they make sense without having to read the documentation.
-Fix for a potential nil error (but so unlikely that I doubt it ever actually happened).
-Doesn't load the GUI functions if the GUI itself was not loaded -- i.e. groupomatic.xml was removed from the TOC.
-Several minor bug fixes.

2.6.2 (1-16-10):
-Fix for the main GUI frame not handling viewports correctly when releasing from a drag.
-Minor bug fixes.

2.6.1 (12-28-09):
-Minor GUI bug fix.
-Fix for "attempt to index nil" error which was probably quite common but never happened for me :\
-Allows changing the output chatframe. No GUI for this yet. Ask me if you want to use it before then.

2.6.0 (12-8-09):
-toc increase to 30300
-Fixed a bug which caused starting an auto-arrange or raid restore via slash command to sometimes not work if "continuous scan" was active.
-Added extras pane for automatic actions as the raid is formed:
--Optionally automatically auto-arrange when the number of players hits 10 and/or 25 and/or 40 members for the first time during the current raid.
--Optionally automatically move raid members to match a saved raid as they are added.
--Note: You can use these options and GOM Raid Starter at the same time; if they conflict, GOM's setting will win out over GOM_RS.

2.5.10 (12-3-09):
-Updated for WoW 3.3. Should work for both, but I'll release a version with updated .toc once I confirm it works after 3.3 goes live.
-Added MEAT_SHIELD (enUS = "Occasional party-damage reducer") role. This is a specialized role for characters that have taken talents which temporarily or intermittently reduce party-only damage. It does not necessarily imply "TANK" and is not the same as "TANK_BUFFER" which is for permanent damage reduction or healing-received buffers.
-Since Pallies' Divine Sacrifice is party-only now, characters with that talent are now given the role MEAT_SHIELD
-Warriors with Imp. Spell Reflection are now also given the MEAT_SHIELD role.
-Druids with Imp. LotP are now also given the MEAT_SHIELD role.
-Exposed GrOM.SetStartover("name") for GOM_RS.
-Other minor changes.

2.5.9 (10-2-09):
-Added a button to clear cached talent and "sync" data.
-/gom cancel will no longer output text if it didn't cancel anything.
-GOM will now compensate if groupomatic.xml doesn't load -- The point being, if you don't want the GUI you can just delete that file or remove it from the ToC.

2.5.8 (9-7-09):
-Added some fade-in effects to the GUI, because I like it that way. If you don't, you can do /gom fading to toggle it.
-Changed the wording of some text.
-Other minor tweaks.

2.5.7 (9-5-09):
-Hackish fix for ridiculous Blizzard bug in message()

2.5.6 (8-4-09):
-Updated for WoW 3.2
-Various minor changes/fixes.

2.5.5 (7-15-09):
-Fixed a minor, harmless bug that I introduced in 2.5.4. GG testing. >.>

2.5.4 (7-14-09):
-Re-enabled the ability to toggle on debugging output (/gom debug)
-The "bad template syntax," etc. errors (anything that would be output because of a badly written 3rd party template) that were being output as debugging text are now output properly as "error" text.
-A couple of other things that should be output even if "Silence Console Output" is checked are now considered errors and therefore will ignore that checkbox.
-Added some smart debugging output in the case of a talent scan failing. This system is vulnerable to latency and addon conflicts.

2.5.3 (7-13-09):
-Fixed a fatal error that occured when the first auto-arrange or raid restore done after loading GOM was started while GOM was in the middle of a "Continuous Scan" which had been delayed for some reason (latency, addon conflict, etc.)

2.5.2 (6-22-09):
-Misc. minor fixes/changes.
-Fixed a (harmless) bug that was generating a Lua error on new characters...oops.

2.5.1 (6-5-09):
-Improved memory management substantially.
-Added about 2/3 of the "BUFFER" roles back in that I removed in some of the earlier 2.x versions.
-Played around with the default PvE template a bit.
--If you like/dislike the way this changes how auto-arranges act, let me know. :)

2.5 (5-30-09):
-Added options to push dead/lowbie/offline players to the lower groups...see the wowi description page (towards the bottom) for more info.
-Tweaked a couple things so that auto-arranges/restores go faster in certain (rare) situations where they were going pretty slow.
-If GOM is being run for the first time on a character, "Continuous Scan" will now default to being on.
-Changed some text around.

2.4 (5-8-09):
-Fixed the 3.1 incompatability that was causing neverending raid arranges.

2.3.1 (5-1-09):
-Reduced the time between raid moves back down to the original 0.3 seconds.
-Added some smarter code to try to deal with the infinite looping problem.

2.3 (4-30-09):
-Increased the time between raid moves to compensate for what seems to be a really stupid design change in GetRaidRosterInfo. >:0
--Hopefully that will fix the infinite looping problem.
-Updated the talent scanner for 3.1.
-The scanner will read and use but NOT cache the talents of players who are using their secondary spec, unless you tell it to (see note on the wowi page)
-Minor text updates, etc.

2.2 (2-24-09):
(Only updates the /rm command, you don't need this if you don't use /rm)

- /rm can now take an @ in front of its second argument, which forces it to move the player to that group even if the group is full. It will pick a random member to swap to name1's group in this case.
--i.e. /rm Jim @1 will move Jim to group 1 even if it is full, and if it is full will move someone from g1 to Jim's group.

- /rm can now take a name (or !p !t or !f, same as the other <name> arguments) as its second argument. If you pass a name (or wildcard) to the second argument, it will move name1 into the same group as that person. If the group is full, it will do nothing UNLESS you put an @ in front of the entire argument in which case it will swap name1 with a random person from name2's group (other than name2 of course)
-- i.e. /rm !p @!t will move you into the same group as your target, even if that group is full

2.1.3 (2-10-08)
-Updated the talent interpreter (lol).
-Optimized some frame creation code/memory management.

2.1.2 (11-2-08):
-Possible bugfix for GOM ignoring the "Show GUI" toggle if the UI is loaded while the player is in a raid.

2.1.1 (10-25-08):
-GOM now has a pretty good chance of not tainting the portrait focus menu-items each time it loads
--i.e. UIDropDownMenu_Initialize recoding so that it isn't called until well after the UI loads
--but, it still can if you try to do a restore/save really soon after load
--it's really blizzard's fault which is why so many addons do this post-3.0
-Also...fixed a typo in the error text for bad argument syntax to the decursewhich scripted template command (which no one will *ever* see let alone care about a typo in it...but meh)

2.1 (10-17-08):
-Various bug fixes
-GOM now keeps a list of players' classes independant of its list of specs, this list is updated regardless of the "scan" settings and stores the class of everyone that you join a raid with...this list is used for the following two changes:
-Added class info to the saved raid edit screen
-Added "Armchair-xxx" restore modes, which act like "Smart-xxx" except that they match by class rather than spec if the exact player isn't in the current raid

2.0 (10-14-08):
-Updated for WoW 3.0
-GOM's buttons are blue now ^-^
-Removed all use of the addon channel (ping/update checks/syncing talents with other raid members running GOM) which probably no one used, and which used a small amount of CPU time even when idle.

**Slash Commands:
-/rs and /rm can now take !t !p or !f (target/player/focus) instead of a name.
--i.e. /raidswap !t !p would swap you with your target

-Removed both built-in PvE Auto Arrange Templates
-Added a new "Default PvE" template (WIP, but raid arrangement is a much simpler problem in WoW 3.x)
-The "Continuous Scan" option will no longer prevent you from starting a restore/auto-arrange while it is scanning
-EZ Template class/spec menus can now be localized
--enUS/default localization means that those menus are more natural now in English as well("Spell DPS buffer" as opposed to "SPELL_BUFFER", etc.)
-Cached player roles/specs from version 1.x will be deleted, due to the number of changes from WoW 2.x

**Scripted templates:
-Anchors for templates: go, etc. are now able to take an anchor name in place of a line number
-Added "anchor anchorName" command for templates
-Updated special talents, added MANA_BATTERY for surv hunters w/ hunting party, etc.
-Several *_BUFFER roles have been removed because those talents/abilities now affect the whole raid
-Deathknight talent interpretation added
-When trying to find a matching player for a request by an auto-arrange template, GOM will now prioritize players with a different ROLE than an optional prefSpec (but who aren't applicable to be limited by a limits line) over players who are limited by an optional limits line -- before, these two conditions had equal weight
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Unread 04-26-08, 07:48 AM  
A Firelord
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Originally posted by Fionn
great work, love this addon.

1: Is it possible to somehow arrange ppl by role defined under ["RolesByNameCache"]?
not currently, but i'll see what i can do to make that work. i'll probably add it as a "smart restore" option in the "manage saves" extras pane.

to confirm, what you want is for the restore logic to try to fill in missing players with unsaved but existent players that have the same roles?

2:I would like to restore the players to the same groups, and leave empty spaces in some of the groups where players are missing.(move extra players to grp 6-8)
i like this idea too, thanks what i'm thinking for both of these is to set up a menu with 4 options:

Restore Method:
-Dumb - Merge (default)
-Dumb - Separate
-Smart - Merge
-Smart - Separate

where smart means use the roles cache to find equivalent people for those missing, dumb means behave the way it does now, merge means auto-arrange unused new people and separate means try to dump new unsaved people into the lower groups

3: talent scan - to turn off entirely, it is somehow possible?
i'm not sure i want to add this as an option -- but if you want to do it, you can add this line to the very end of templates.lua:

GrOM.TalentRequestDelayMinimum = 0

(that will disable the "remote" talent request, but will still let the addon do its direct scan if you have the option turned on)

what is an MVP?
if a template requests, for example, a prot warrior in slot x, and there are 3 prot warriors available, MVPs will be picked first, and MVPs higher in the list will be picked over other MVPs. my thought here is that often you'll have a particular MT(s), and other players that are better players/better geared/etc, who usually show up to raids and that you want to be grouped in the first groups.
Last edited by Akryn : 04-26-08 at 02:01 PM.
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Unread 04-26-08, 12:49 PM  
A Firelord
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1.7 gives you that menu, it's in "Manage Saves / Restore Options"

Note that the "smart" vs. "dumb" distinction won't have any effect on any given player unless GOM has already cached their roles, which it does when you auto-arrange with them close enough to scan (or while they're running GOM too)

OTOH, "merge" vs. "separate" works even if the addon doesn't have any talent data for anyone.

"Dumb - Merge" will behave exactly the way 1.6 does.
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Unread 04-26-08, 07:20 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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to confirm, what you want is for the restore logic to try to fill in missing players with unsaved but existent players that have the same roles?

Players are already saved in the savedvariables but they are not saved in the recent raid setup, but thier role is well known from other raids.


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Unread 04-26-08, 07:57 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Cool update! Thank you very much!
/meh is very happy!!!!!!
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Unread 04-28-08, 07:54 PM  
A Firelord
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Originally posted by Fionn

Cool update! Thank you very much!
/meh is very happy!!!!!!
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Unread 04-30-08, 04:22 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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is there a way to setup your own templates, like say you want to arrange a template for a boss but you want to do it at a time outside of raid so when you get into the raid you can just start raiding and when you get to the boss you just pop up the template.
also say you have set raiders like we only have 4 raiding locks, 99% of the time its some combination of us 4, could you put a way in editing the templates to not only specify class and spec but maybe a priority list of names specified by the user for that slot.
like im usually in group3 with 2 mages an elemental shaman and a shadow priest, and i currently can say if our main elemental shammy isnt there the secondary one takes that spot or if our main one is late, but if the main one came late it could put him in that slot since he would have priority next time you arrange groups.
also one last thing, setting this all up with a tree priority system, where if say our second mage for group 3 isnt around it would see this and go to the next priority in the list which would be our locks and i would be first on that list but since it sees im already in the group it goes to the next name which is our secondary lock, and ends up plugging him in.

hope you understand what im trying to ask, i suck at explaining things usually so please if you need any specification just ask.

ok so i found on another site that you can make the templates in templates.lua, but could you setup a way to do it in the UI?
Last edited by dark666105 : 04-30-08 at 04:35 AM.
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Unread 04-30-08, 07:31 AM  
A Firelord
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Originally posted by dark666105
also say you have set raiders like we only have 4 raiding locks, 99% of the time its some combination of us 4, could you put a way in editing the templates to not only specify class and spec but maybe a priority list of names specified by the user for that slot.
like im usually in group3 with 2 mages an elemental shaman and a shadow priest, and i currently can say if our main elemental shammy isnt there the secondary one takes that spot or if our main one is late, but if the main one came late it could put him in that slot since he would have priority next time you arrange groups.
also one last thing, setting this all up with a tree priority system, where if say our second mage for group 3 isnt around it would see this and go to the next priority in the list which would be our locks and i would be first on that list but since it sees im already in the group it goes to the next name which is our secondary lock, and ends up plugging him in.
all of that is what MVPs are. just add them in the order that you want them to be prioritized.

Originally posted by dark666105

ok so i found on another site that you can make the templates in templates.lua, but could you setup a way to do it in the UI?
the description here on wowi should be the same as the one on curse, if that's what you mean, although now i'm curious where you saw that :P

you can get similar functionality to what i think you want by simply setting up a raid for a boss and saving it, turning "Restore Method" to "Smart - Merge" or "Smart - Separate" and then restoring that saved raid from then on for that boss fight. the addon needs to have talent data for everyone before this will work well, but as long as it does, it should basically do what you want.

however, no, currently there's no way to set up templates in the GUI. you have to create them in templates.lua. i would love to have a GUI template creator, but so far i haven't built one because:
1. i'm not sure that the template structure is complete yet, i might still add functionality to it
2. i'm not sure how to make it any easier than it is, without sacrificing functionality. the current template system is substantially more powerful than just "3 mages in group 4" for example; and i think that that's about as good as you could get in a GUI configurator.

that said, i may end up adding just a simple GUI to do the above, which would create just a basic template. if anyone has any thoughts on what sort of features you'd like to see in a GUI template editor please let me know.
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Unread 04-30-08, 01:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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ah cool, thanks, yeah i read it on curse, i must have skimmed over it on here hehe.
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Unread 05-05-08, 08:59 AM  
A Firelord
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lfg taint

nevermind this:
-GOM should no longer taint LFGQuery()

it still does, but according to slouken the problem in uidropdownmenu is fixed in 2.4.2, so waiting for that. for now, it's not a major problem.
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Unread 05-10-08, 02:41 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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What is EZ.
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Unread 05-10-08, 08:58 AM  
A Firelord
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Originally posted by StarAngel
What is EZ.

as in, simple to create.
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Unread 05-20-08, 08:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Does /gs player1 player2 work while in combat?
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Unread 05-20-08, 09:31 AM  
A Firelord
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Originally posted by Hockptuey
Does /gs player1 player2 work while in combat?
i'm sure you know this, but just in case, the command is /rs (or /raidswap)

the answer is technically no, but take a look at
which might work for you.
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Unread 05-20-08, 09:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Akryn
i'm sure you know this, but just in case, the command is /rs (or /raidswap)

the answer is technically no, but take a look at
which might work for you.
Awesome - thanks. So basically it sends the commands through the proxy and people in the raid could use macros that contain /rs player1 player2?
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Unread 05-20-08, 09:51 AM  
A Firelord
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exactly (note that the proxy checks for promoted status)
Last edited by Akryn : 05-20-08 at 09:52 AM.
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