Updated: 06-19-11 12:47 AM
File Info
Updated:06-19-11 12:47 AM


Version: 2.1.0
by: zanix [More]


What is WoWRoster?
WoWRoster is a profiler which displays and stores data gathered from WoW through the use of WoW AddOns (WoWRoster-Profiler , WoWRoster-GuildProfiler , and PvPLog)

WoWRoster then organizes all of the data, provides a suite of presentations for the gathered data, and houses a base for WoWRoster AddOns to access and manipulate roster data, displays WoWRoster AddOn links in the WoWRoster menu, and presents output to users in a web accessible interface.

WoWRoster AddOns can be downloaded from our site:

Configuration is simple though a web interface

Check out our WiKi -

Contact Us
Bug reports, feature requests, installation issues, general discussion
* just about anything can be directed to our site:
(Note: Free registration is required for posting and replying)

If you're using WoWRoster, we'd love to hear from you...
If you have a moment, post your site in our forums

We also have an IRC chat room as well
Channel: #wowroster
Link to java chat client -

None are expected, but they are appreciated!
If you like WoWRoster and would like to say thanks with $, you can Donate Here

WoWRoster is a web application that runs on a web server
The following are the web server requirements

  • A web server supporting PHP (Apache or IIS recommended)
  • PHP 5.2.x or higher with "safe_mode" turned OFF if possible
    • register_globals should be turned off
    • PHP running in CGI mode is NOT supported
  • MySQL 4.1.x or higher (MySQL 5.0 is recommended)
  • A MySQL user name and password with permission to create, insert, and otherwise modify tables in a particular database

Optional Web Server Features
  • GD2 (2.0.28 or higher) with PNG and FreeType support is required for image rendering components and some addons
    Such as realmstatus, motd image, or SigGen

Required for Updating Data on WoWRoster
  • World of Warcraft with an active account on an official Blizzard server (un-official or "private" servers are not supported)
  • WoWRoster-Profiler - For updating character data
  • WoWRoster-GuildProfiler - Needed only for updating a guild member list

Recommended Optional Components
  • UniUploaderOut of game tool to automate and streamline the uploading of data to WoWRoster
  • UniAdminWeb-based tool to automate and manage UniUploader's settings and logos and distribute addons

Download the package from here, or on our site

Read install.txt inside the package for detailed information
Or visit the Roster Installation Guide on our WiKi - Roster:Install

Download and run the upgrader

WoWRoster is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
Several javascript files are libraries that are under their own licenses
The installer was derived from the EQdkp installer and is licensed under the GNU General Public License
Please see license.txt in the download file for more info

Props to Celandro, Paleblackness, Pytte, Rubricsinger, and Konkers for the original code used for this site
Special thanks to calvin from for his wonderful addons CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler

To the DEVs of Roster, for helping to build and maintain the package. You Rock!

Thanks to all the coders who have contributed code, bug fixes, time, and testing of WoWRoster

World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Released - June 15, 2011SVN Tagged build: 2333
Important Changes
  • New license
    • WoWRoster is now licensed under GPL v3
    • All license pages are updated
  • New default theme, old one is gone forever
    • New look for the installer, matches the default theme!
  • New Interface Image Pack, png is now the default image type
  • Default location of Interface Images points to, no more downloading it!
  • Support for dual specs
  • Armory code updated
  • Talent ranks and data now come from the armory, update this information via RosterCP -> Armory Data
  • WoWRoster now requires a modified version of CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler which is now updated by us
    • Called WoWRoster-Profiler
    • SavedVariables file is named: wowroster.lua
    • Calvin hasn't had the time to provide updates to CP and GP so we have taken over development
    • Ours supports Dual talents, multi-level reputation, and more data gathered for recipe reagent items
  • PHP 5.3 compatibility
  • WoWRoster is now restricted to PHP version 5.1 and higher
  • Updated download links for addons that use the download system
  • Split out some icon data for tpl use in item.php
  • More data is imported for recipe reagents
  • item::out() and recipe::out() are now depreciated, please use the following for output and build your own containers for item and recipe icons
    • item::out() and recipe::out() have a new parameter, $small (bool) - Default false
      • Just in case you need small icons, and still use these functions
    • item::slot,
    • item::tpl_get_icon(), recipe::tpl_get_icon()
    • item::tpl_get_tooltip(), recipe::tpl_get_tooltip()
    • item::tpl_get_itemlink(), recipe::tpl_get_itemlink()
    • item::quantity, recipe::quantity
    • item::slot
    • Roster and the core addons have been updated to this new format
    • Any icon tooltips using the old class method will display for now, but might not in later versions
  • New centralized messaging system
    • $roster->set_message($text, $title, $type)
    • $text - the body of the message
    • $title (optional) The title of the message
    • $type (optional) the type of the message, currently two types 'status', 'error'
  • Added item.html template, an example of how to build an item container (not used in Roster)
  • New Item data
    • Store item_type, item_subtype (same as AH categories for item)
    • Store item_rarity (numeric indication of color)
    • item_level, the status of the existing item_level column.
  • Item data parsing has been updated
  • Menu is now initalized earlier, hopefully reducing menu errors when Roster errors
  • JQuery and JQuery-UI added
    • Old javascript functions still exist, some have been converted to use JQuery
  • Talent data is now fetched via the Armory
    • CP now only gathers talent point allocation
    • This makes the CP files MUCH smaller
  • Changed get_scope_data() to not die when data is not found
    • Instead, the scope and anchor are set to the util scope
    • Some addons will need to add some additional checks for data
  • Added RosterGD Library
    • Common GD image manipulation functions
    • Guild Info graph images, Realm Status, and MOTD image use this library
  • Added new parameters for makelink()
    • $anchor: (bool) allows you to disable the anchor tag in the link
    • $ext: (string) allows you to change the url extension for the link, default is 'html'
  • New realmstatus design!
General Fixes and Enhancements
  • Removed trim on realm/character/guild name for upload rules
    • Apparently you can have spaces at the beginning and end of the realm/character/guild name
  • Updated class icons to 64px, up from 50px
  • New Quest Data (see other sections for additional info)
    • All quest links use quest_id now
    • Changes for lib/quest.php functions
      • quest_get_many() updated for new tables
      • quest_get_one($quest_name)
      • quest_get_one_id($quest_id, $locale)
  • Fixed errors in lib/dbal/mysql.php
  • Changed behavior of db::error_die, will now just die() and not use die_quietly()
    • Roster starts with this enabled, then settings.php sets to false when framework initialization is done
    • We set db::error_die to false now, so db errors can be caught, instead of the db layer just dying
  • Some fixes to the item parser
  • Item and Profession search, changed Lv to localized Level name
  • Added "Account Bound" item binding type
  • Fixed 'maildateutc' error on CP.lua upload
  • Added a message to install.php for those trying to directly access it
    • Now says "Direct access to install.php is not allowed. Please go to index.php to install."
  • Added race and class icons
  • Moved much of the functionality from menu.php into header.php
  • Moved update instructions to the update page, removed from memberslist pages
  • Updates to the armory class
  • Item/recipe icons now have a "quality" glow, you will see what I mean
  • New scope based classes
    • Loads common data and template variable for each type of scope
  • Added new roster->data value
    • ['armoryurl'] Detects US or EU and sets this to their respective armory URL
  • Character Data update is now a pop-up, click on 'Update Instructions' button to see the full page
  • Removed WoWDigger from item and quest link lists as it seems it no longer exists
  • Removed Allakhazam from quest links as it seems it has outdated data
  • Changed the footer credits, they are now a link with a question mark icon
  • New aPrint class library
    • Shows MUCH more info than the old aprint.php() function
    • Much prettier than the old aprint, all arrays/objects/long strings are collapsed
    • Call with APrint::dump($var);
    • Old aprint.php() function is now a wrapper, second argument does nothing :(
    • New functions available
    • ::classes() Prints a list of all currently declared classes
    • ::interfaces() Prints a list of all currently declared interfaces
    • ::includes() Prints a list of all currently included (or required) files
    • ::functions() Prints a list of all currently declared functions
    • ::defines() Prints a list of all currently declared constants
    • ::extensions() Prints a list of all currently loaded PHP extensions
    • ::headers() Prints a list of all HTTP request headers
    • ::path() Prints a list of the specified directories under your include_path option
    • ::ini() Prints a list of all the values from an INI file
  • Fixed bug for adding upload rules, validator was only checking one field for emptyness
  • Menu Config
    • Adjusted sort and unused boxes
    • Fixed 'add menu button'
      • Now has icon when added
    • Added help for adding menu buttons
  • Changed function die_quietly() to only print a border is there is information to print
  • Changed when the database is closed in die_quietly() and roster_die()
  • Changed detection of invalid addon url characters a bit sooner
  • Changed the tooltips a bit
    • Removed opacity javascript, now using a transparent png background image
    • Changed the bordering, it's round in ie9, chrome, and firefox
  • Changed realmstatus timestamp to a real unix timestamp
  • Merged Realm Status display and type into one config item
  • Item parser picks up Heroic now
LUA Update (update.lib.php)
  • Added additional checks for missing data
    • Mail['Coin'], Mail['CoinIcon'], Spellbook['Rank']
    • Including more not listed
  • Pet talents data importing
  • Glyph data importing
  • Added processTime var for use with enforceRules()Added
    when guild not found, just to clean up output
  • Added a bit more explanation for guild/character rejection message when rejected by upload rules
  • Fixed update to detect uniuploader user agent
    • Fix preg_match to be case insensitive
  • New tables: quest_data, pet_talents, pet_talenttree
  • Renamed tables: spellbook_pet -> pet_spellbook
  • Changed tables: quests
  • Dropped: pets.usedtp (not available in WoW 3.0), pets.loyalty (not available in WoW 3.0)
  • New Quest data
    • daily, group, reward_money, quest_id, description, objective, difficulty
    • Description and Objective are only available via an option in CP /cp questsfull on -- scan full info for quests (Description & Objective)
  • Quest links updated to use quest id
    • frFR: WoWDBU FR seems to be in maintenance mode and Judgehype FR does not seem to support quest id links
    • Added WoWHead to all locales since it seems their site has data for them
  • Moved some strings from core addons to main locale files
  • Added locale strings for item quality
Template System
  • Fixed a bug where iterating only the first element of an array resulted in the entire array being printed
  • Added new TRANSLATE string instruction
    • Looks up the 'string' key in the current active localization table
    • Check templates/default/memberslist/memberslist.html for usage examples
  • Added TRANSLATE_F based on TRANSLATE with printf() abilities.
    • First parameter is a locale key string
    • Further parameters are template variables. Can be inside loops.
  • Moved locale assignments to template to TRANSLATE calls in the template
    • Replaced many tpl variables with TRANSLATE instruction in templates
    • Leftover {L_*} keys are not strictly locale keys, mainly tooltips or other php set values
    • Some core addons may not have been updated
  • Added is_writeable() before template is written. Fixes issue in step 0 of install when the cache folder may not be writable
    • This has been tested very lightly. If there are any issues with caching, look here first
  • New, theme.js is used for theme specific javascript, such as tooltip styling
  • Refreshed look for RosterCP and Roster Diag
Addon Framework
  • Install::add_menu_button() added 5th parameter - $active
    • Default true
    • Set to false to prevent button from being automatically added to the menu
    • Useful for "optional" buttons
Core AddOns
  • Quest data changes
    • Quest List, Quest List Search, and Char-Info->Quests updated to not break and use some of the new data, not all though
  • New AddOn
  • Displays character achievements
Character Info
  • Fix to spellbook sql
  • Char-Info->Quests new template data:
    • ID - int, INDEX - int, DIFFICULTY - int, DESCRIPTION - text, REWARD_MONEY_C - int, REWARD_MONEY_S - int, REWARD_MONEY_G - int, OBJECTIVE - text, DAILY - int, GROUP - int
  • Changed quest icon to look more like the game icon
  • Updated menu tooltips
  • Added companions and mounts
  • Added 3D Model Viewer from Armory
    • Might not work since Blizzard seems to have removed the functionality
  • Added reputation descriptions
  • New categorized inventory module
  • New inventory module
  • Added talent frame arrows
  • You can access any tab via the URL now
    • Append &t=tab_name
    • Valid tabs names are: profile, pets, companions, reputation, skills, talents, spellbook, currency
    • Members List uses this to direct to the talents tab
  • Fixed, char-info-recipes show collapse setting was reversed
  • Added, tooltips on quick links for char-info-bags/bank, char-info-recipes
  • Changed reputation info text to only show when hovering a ? icon
  • Changed alt indication in char-info
    • An icon appears next to the character name if they belong to/or have alts
    • Hovering over the icon shows a tooltip
    • Clicking the icon allows you to click the links in the tooltip
  • Talent Export now uses WoWHead
Guild Info
  • Revamped addon
  • Now gathers more guild data present in Cataclysm
  • Needs to be enabled to gather most of the new data
  • Patched for the memberslist changes
  • Patched for new quest data format
  • Fixed sorting
  • Updated frFR
  • Fixed SQL error
  • Changed win/loss text to image in PvPLog
Members List
  • Simplified name_value()
  • Stripped out client sort
  • Fixed pagination
  • Alt grouping/ungrouping now client side
  • Lots of code cleanup
  • Removed template keys:
    • members_row.OPEN (use S_GROUP_ALTS eq 2)
    • members_row.alts.DISPLAY (actually the opposite. Use S_GROUP_ALTS neq 2)
    • S_TOOLBAR (used to include direction, but removed that usage. Use S_GROUP_ALTS ge 0)
  • Added HREF patching
    • When using the openAlts(), closeAlts(), or unGroupAlts() javascript functions, all [a] elements with the 'internal' class will have their link target patched, giving the 'alts=' parameter (if set) the appropriate value.
  • Mainless alts are not shown at the bottom in ungrouped mode
  • Reformatted all memberlist pages to align the FIELD definitions
  • Updated with multisort
  • Removed the separate makeToolBar call
  • Main/Alt matching
    • If the regex results in a member name with quotes, these are now properly escaped. thanks Athan.
  • Added inactive buttons for memberslist to all yet unlinked pages
  • Reformed $memberslist->prepareData() paramters
  • Added filter support by adding the GET string, with a GUI
  • Added ability to disable filtering for a column, hiding the box (set 'filter'=false)
  • Added ability to set an explicit mysql column definition for the default filter
  • Cleaned up javascript sort/filter specifications, since these are no longer used
  • Enabled filtering on stat-totals
  • Fixed HTML syntax
  • Added filter settings (disabled on key columns)
  • Made the professions subquery return less rows
  • Fixed a warning when the GROUP_CONCAT professions truncates due to field size
  • Switched some code around so addons can influence the template file used
    • Set the 'template' option to the name of the file to use
  • Added fix from
    • "When clicking the next button in the Member log I get a bunch of errors."
  • Removed icon_size setting
  • Changed talent spec icons, both specs show in tooltip, main spec shows in list
  • Changed player tooltip, using localized word for 'level'
    • Removed : when player has no guild rank, removed 'in zone' when 'zone' is missing
    • Removed 'last online' if it is missing
  • If pagination was broke, it should work now
  • Added Guild Vault search
  • Fixed missing 'requires_level' data in VaultItem class
  • Money no longer shows 0 amounts (eg. 100g 0s 0c now shows as 100g)
  • Made vault specific css style for each log action
  • Prettied up the money log
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Unread 12-21-08, 04:09 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Last edited by zanix : 12-21-08 at 07:07 PM.
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