Updated: 12-12-14 02:41 PM
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Updated:12-12-14 02:41 PM

flagRSP MoP  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.2.7
by: Syeira, Typhix

flagRSP MoP is an add-on that allows you to set a title, first name, and last name as well as setting a character status and a roleplaying flag. Other users of this add-on will be able to see these flags and you will be able to see theirs. This is mainly useful for RP servers, but there's nothing preventing you from using this on servers of other types. Feel free to report any bugs or request features here.

flagRSP MoP (formerly known as flagRSP BC, flagRSP WotLK, and flagRSP Cataclysm) is the original flagRSP add-on updated and enhanced for the World of Warcraft 5.0 patch. This continued version bases on the work done by Flokru and Adriathys. Since both authors have abandoned the project I picked up the code and fixed some open bugs.

Please note that flagRSP MoP will make changes to your tooltips. This may conflict with other addons that manipulate the tooltip. If this occurs, you can turn tooltip alteration off and won't run into any trouble.

Version information for v1.2.2 (compatible to WoW 5.2)
As always with a new version it's a very good idea to make an update of your flagrsp files ("YourWowDirectory/WTF/Account/YourAccountName/SavedVariables/flagRSP.lua" and "YourWowDirectory/WTF/Account/YourAccountName/CharacterName/SavedVariables/flagRSP.lua" for each character). Just rename them (for example to flagRSPbak.lua) or copy them somewhere else (or zip them).

The friendlist is going to be changed in 1.2.2. So when you log in, the names in the Friendlist will look like "Sye (Syeira) Ravenwing". The rp name is now handled completely independent from the ingame name. That means, the ingamename must be exactly the name of the character ingame or the charname-servername (without spaces) for people from other servers. But the rp name you can just change to what you want.

The good news is, that this change in the friendlist structure allows you to create flags for people without any flagaddon - or even for people from CROSSREALMS!

How crossrealm friends works:

  1. Take your new friend into the target
  2. Click on the "Add Friend"-button at the bottom of the flagRSP friendlist
  3. The ingame name is filled automatically, e.g. "Syeira-Forscherliga" for other realms than yours, or just "Syeira" if it is from your realm
    a) If you have no target, or want to add someone else, you have to insert the correct ingame name like "Syeira-Forscherliga" or "Syeira"
  4. Fill in the firstname and surname (or just one...), title, notes and set the friendstate
    a) If the new friend is from your own realm and has a flag addon, the rp info is taken from the flag infos
  5. Click the "Add" button
  6. Enjoy

FlagRSP will now use the information of the friendlist as a tooltip, if no flag is present.

Unfortunately, the direct addon communication between cross realm zones is still not working, but with this way you can do it manually:

You make a character on the foreign realm, e.g. "Argent Dawn". Go to the people you want the flag from, and mouseover them. Wait a little until you can see their flags. Then you can logout and switch back to your character. The next time you see them, you should have a flag for them (but it might be outdated).
Also, you should set a higher purgeflagintervall for flagRSP via
/rsp purgeflaginterval X
(X in seconds).
For example clears
/rsp purgeflaginterval 4838400
all flags older than 2 months (the default is 14 days).

  • Set one of four roleplaying flags to show other players your preferred roleplaying style.
  • Set one of four character states to show other players how much in character you currently are or if you are searching for contact
  • Choose a first name for your character.
  • Choose a last name for your character.
  • Choose a title for your character.
  • Add a description of the outward appearance of your character.
  • All those attributes mentioned above will be visible to other users of flagRSP or compatible addons.
  • An enhanced friend list that can hold an unlimited number of entries.
  • You can add players, NPCs and even whole guilds of both factions to your friend list.
  • You can mark characters, guilds and NPCs on your friend list as known, friend or foe.
  • Add detailed notes to your friends or foes in your friend list.
  • Replace exact level information of all units by relative ones (from “extremely puny” to “hopelessly superior”).
  • Hide names of unknown players.
  • Characters marked as foe will be signalized acoustically when hovering them with your mouse cursor.
  • Make PVP rank, title, guild and guild rank of other characters visible in your tooltip. Or hide them!
  • flagRSP's tooltip modifications can be turned off if needed to avoid conflicts with other tooltip addons.
  • Every feature is optional.

flagRSP MoP is fully translated to English, German and Russian language. Translations for other languages are wanted, so if you like, feel free to send me your own. A French localization which covers about 90 percent is included.


flagRSP MoP now supports the MarySue protocol (MSP). As there should be only one addon implementing MSP, please run only one of flagRSP, FlagRSP2, TotalRP 2 or MyRolePlay.

Trouble shooting

Common problems can be solved by simple commands you type into your chat window.
  • ''/rsp resetinfobox'' — This will reset the position of the infobox that displays your target's character description. This is useful if you accidentally moved the infobox out of scope.
  • "/rsp resetbutton" — This will reset the button that typically appears above your target frame. The button is movable so it is possible to move it behind other ui elements. The command will reset it to the target frame.
  • ''/rsp alwaysinfobox'' — By default flagRSP remembers if a target's description window was shown or hidden the last time you clicked on it. You can use this to command if you want your description window to always pop up automatically when you click on a flagged target. You can use this command to return to default behavior as well.
  • "/fl mm an" — Displays the button at the minimap.
  • "/fl mm aus" — Hides the button at the minimap.
  • ''/fl show'' — Shows your friendlist and your flagRSP settings.
  • ''/fl hide — Hides the friendlist frame.
  • ''/rsp'' — Shows a couple of useful commands regarding some flagRSP core features.
  • ''/fl'' — Shows a couple of useful commands regarding some friendlist frame features.

flagRSP MoP 1.2.7 Changes
* Interfacenumber for 6.0 (60000)
* Fixed lua error while mouse over

flagRSP MoP 1.2.6 Changes
* Fixed the display of the tooltips after the latest chat change

flagRSP MoP 1.2.5 Changes
* TOC updated for 5.4 and 5.4.1
* Yellow "Player not found"-Message fixed
* Loginbug because of missing API function fixed
* Filtering colors and icons from the flag

flagRSP MoP 1.2.4 Changes
* TOC updated for 5.3

flagRSP MoP 1.2.3 Changes
* Friendlist: Dragon is visible again if the target is known to you
* Friendlist: Import/Export chat command is working again
* Friendlist: Tooltip shows the friendstate to guilds again

flagRSP MoP 1.2.2 Changes
* TOC updated for 5.2
* Added Italian localization (thanks to Aledus)
* Reordered the displayed information of the friendlist entries
* Friendlist data is getting updated, previous altName and name are merged for chars in the format "altName (name)".
* You can now assign characters of crossrealms an flag by entering a friendlist entry for them
* Reordered the displayed information in the friendlist
* Fixed the tooltip width for long names/titles with a maximum width
* Many bug fixes

flagRSP MoP 1.2.1 Changes
* The engine title is shown in the tooltip correctly.
* Positioncursor in the description box has been found and send back to its work.
* You can set the InfoBox to be shown always instead of showing it for individual toons. If alwaysshown is active, the button at the target will be hidden.

flagRSP MoP 1.2.0 Changes
* Yes, MarySue Protocol (MSP) is now supported
* xtensionxtooltip2 is no longer needed for flagRSP
* Code cleaning
* Merged the fields for name and surname into one, called "fullname"
* InfoBoxbutton should work correct now

flagRSP MoP 1.1.6 Changes
* Updated ToC for WoW 5.0.4

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.5 Changes
* Changed strings to detect away status on english clients.

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.4 Changes
* The state of the minimap button (shown/hidden) is now saved and will be kept when relogging.
* flagRSP now remembers again if you don't want to see the tips on startup anymore.

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.3 Changes
* Fixed an error that occurred when you hovered a npc and your character had learned only one profession (*sigh*).

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.2 Changes
* Fixed an issue that prevented editing the character description.
* Included russian localization. (Thanks to FreeSoul from WoWInterface!)

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.1 Changes
* Fixed an error that occurred when you hovered a npc and your character had learned no professions.
* Fixed an issue with an error message that could crop up when starting flagRSP for the very first time.

flagRSP Cataclysm 1.1.0 Changes
* Updated flagRSP for WoW patch 4.0.1
* Fixed an issue that caused flagRSP to break afk mode on German clients.
* Fixed a possible repetition of 'skinnable' in the tooltip.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.10 Changes
* Updated flagRSP for WoW patch 3.3.0
* Fixed incorrect coloring of unit names in light mode.
* Fixed repetition of title and status in light mode
* Minor localization updates

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.9 Changes
* Infobox is now movable even if "AlwaysShowInfoBox" is set.
* /rsp owntooltip works again.
* New slash command for changing the first name: /rsp firstname
* Fixed level coloring.
* Fixed display of alternative level descriptions. This caused the tooltip to be empty after patch 3.2.
* Ever wondered why the tooltip switches back to default tooltip rendering from time to time on some characters? A new hook is added to prevent this.
* Updated TOC for WoW 3.2.0

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.8 Changes
* Updated TOC for WoW 3.1.0

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.7 Changes
* Fixed an issue with drop down lists due to changes in WoW API. The friend state of entries in your friend list could not be changed as of WoW 3.0.8
* Friends and enemies on your friend list are colored green and red again. Guild entries are colored slightly lighter than character entries.
* The title of a character is now displayed colored in the info box.
* Removed some "Did you know?" hints that were not applicable anymore.
* Reimplemented import and export of flagRSP's friendlist from/to WoW's friendlist. (/fl import or /fl export)
* Added a new slash command for resetting the position of the info box: /rsp resetinfobox

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.6 Changes
Typhix: Set the default state for the minimap button to on.
Typhix: Fixed a bug that prevented showing prenames of yourself and known persons in the tooltip if the option hiding names was activated.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.5 Changes
Typhix: Fixed a bug that could crop up while logging into the game.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.4 Changes
Typhix: Fixed two minor bugs that could occur while reading tooltips.
Typhix: Character titles are now displayed in yellow color. The friendlist shows the character names now in a slight different color.
Typhix: Removed flagRSPloader from package. flagRSP WotLK now is no load-on-demand addon anymore.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.3 Changes
Typhix: Fixed a bug that prevented vertical scrolling in flagRSP's friendlist.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.2 Changes
Typhix: After a couple of hours of testing on PTR an error occured while determining the owner of a pet/minion. I don't know exactly what triggered this and was not able to reproduce it a second time. Nevertheless I added an error handling routine for this case. If the owner of a pet/minion cannot be determined, flagRSP now will simply omit the corresponding tooltip line.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.1 Changes
Typhix: Removed unused font from package.
Typhix: Disabled debug mode.
Typhix: flagRSP is a load-on-demand addon again. Version 1.0.0 was only loaded on demand when flagRSPLoader was enabled.

flagRSP WotLK 1.0.0 Changes
Typhix: Blizzard changed numerous native functions with the upcoming WoW 3.0 patch. Several fixes done to keep flagRSP working with Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Typhix: Removed filter button from friendlist as it had no implemented function yet. (Nevertheless, filtering would be a nice feature. I'll realize this later.)
Typhix: Changed addon name to "flagRSP WotLK".
Typhix: Version number miraculously jumped to 1.0.0. It was time I think.
Typhix: Updated TOC for WoW 3.0.
Typhix: Declared a better dependency to flagRSP loader
Typhix: Tidied up the zip package. There were a whole lot of useless files and folders in it.

flagRSP BC 0.6.2 Changes
* Updated TOC and version number after intensive testing.
* Updated localization.

flagRSP BC 0.6.1 Changes
Bug Fixes
* FlagRSP will not toggle between afk and non-afk anymore.
* FlagRSP FriendList shows whom of your friends are online again.
* FlagRSP will not forget your character's description from time to time anymore.
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Unread 06-10-09, 01:02 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Vandril, /rsp resetinfobox should help you.
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Unread 06-09-09, 08:24 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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lost the description window

so i was reading a description on a player it was huge very well done but when i shrank the window it disappeared off i cant drag it back what do i do!
Last edited by Vandril : 06-09-09 at 10:31 AM.
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Unread 05-17-09, 11:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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atknapp, you should address this to the authors of Chatter. They should be able to tell you how to configure Chatter to ignore xtensiontooltip2.
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Unread 05-17-09, 07:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Typhix
By default, the channel xtensionxtooltip2 ist not visible, but nevertheless you're joined to it.
But that's just the problem (I'm experiencing it, too)...the xtensiontooltip2 channel reports ARE visible when using Chatter, even when the Channel is 'unsubscribed'. There's no way to turn it off, apparently.

I understand that FlagRSP needs to use this channel, but is there anyway to change it back to 'invisible'?

Happy to provide screenshots if it would help.
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Unread 02-15-09, 07:52 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you very, very much for that clarification. I have been using flagRSP since it came out, and I prefer the options it offers to the other ones. I am extremely happy with it, and I hope that it remains compatible with the others in the future.
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Unread 02-15-09, 12:01 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by GCT
[b]Someone is telling me that flagRSP is not compatible with other RP mods, yet on the front page it says that it is.

Please clear up this information! Thanks!
flagRSP WotLK is fully compatible with MyRolePlay, flagRSP2, and ImmersionRP. They all share the same channel and syntax for data exchange purposes. Only MyRolePlay serves an exclusive second data channel to provide extra information (such as eye color or height).

flagRSP was the first RP flag addon out there, released in early 2005. Thankfully, all other addons adopted its grammar. Up to now, they are all capable of sharing information about:
- first name
- last name
- title
- character description
- roleplaying style (beginner, casual, normal, fulltime)
- status (ic, ooc, looking for contact, storyteller)

The response on is saying that there are no *import* functions for carrying over stored data in MRP. That means if someone is using MRP up to now and he intends to switch to flagRSP instead, he will have to re-enter all his character data.
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Unread 02-14-09, 06:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Someone is telling me that flagRSP is not compatible with other RP mods, yet on the front page it says that it is.

Please clear up this information! Thanks!


"The author of flagRPS WotLK says in the comments on curse that he -will not- add support for the data from other RP addons.
Q u o t e:

DetectiveD said - Thu Jan 29 07:21:55 2009

I'm almost certain this won't be given it, but...

I've just looked at your competition, (though I prefer the look and feel of flagRSP WotLK) and I've been told that MyRP will read the profiles from flagRSP2 and flagRSP WotLK, however flag (both) will not read into MyRP. Is there any update to look forward to that may convince those who use MyRP to switch over?

Typhix said - Fri Jan 30 06:22:01 2009

No, there are currently no plans for this. At the moment, we have four roleplaying flag addons out there. I just read a few days ago that a fifth is in development. Maintaining import interfaces for all these is something I do not want to accomplish. I'd rather spend the time for different things in flagRSP WotLK. And a character profile does not consist of that much information that it would take you plenty of time to re-enter it. Copy/Paste is your friend."
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Unread 01-29-09, 05:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Question (or another suggestion? :-) )

There is currently no way to set the description via command line. The max. number of characters in the chat input field is limited, your description will usually not fit in there. Same goes with the macro editor.

If you want to add this to Outfitter's lua files you could try it with
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Unread 01-25-09, 01:13 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Question (or another suggestion? :-) )

Well got a little question (or if not possible atm a suggestion)

what command is used to change the description without having to open up the UI? or is it not possible? if not can that be added as well?
(maybe it's possible not by utilizing a slash command, but by utilzing a /script command)

background for this idea is that i use Outfitter to manage a few RP outfits, and it would be great if there would be the ability to add the changed description (based on what i wear) as a script change to a outfit in Outfitter, so anytime i change to that outfit my description gets updated as well.
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Unread 12-29-08, 07:53 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you!
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Unread 12-28-08, 12:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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xtensionxtooltip2 is used by flagRSP (and other rp addons) to exchange character data. Your character name will appear in there necessarily if you use flagRSP. The command <dp>dimity in xtensionxtooltip2 provokes your flagRSP to send your character's description, because someone else wants to have it.

By default, the channel xtensionxtooltip2 ist not visible, but nevertheless you're joined to it.
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Unread 12-26-08, 01:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Typhix
@Sjiulk: You probably installed an addon that alerts you if your name appears in any channel (e.g. Chatter). Try to exclude the channel xtensionxtooltip2 for this addon.
I do have chatter, but there's no talking going on in the channel at the time, at least none that I can see.
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Unread 12-26-08, 08:06 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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@Sjiulk: You probably installed an addon that alerts you if your name appears in any channel (e.g. Chatter). Try to exclude the channel xtensionxtooltip2 for this addon.
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Unread 12-25-08, 10:49 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I occasionally get a message like this in my chat log:

[00:31:18][xtensionxtooltip2] Urbane: <dp>dimity
Urbane being another character in the extension chat channel, Dimity being my character's name. It'll pop up randomly just with that line, no other chat or anything. What is it?

ETA it is not always Urbane, it's always a different person's name.
Last edited by Sjiulk : 12-25-08 at 10:52 AM.
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Unread 12-21-08, 05:33 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Originally posted by Typhix
@Ture: flagRSP WotLK and flagRSP2 are, though their titles sound similar, two different addons. Choose whichever you like most.
Thank you for the clarification.
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