Updated: 07-30-10 02:45 AM
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Updated:07-30-10 02:45 AM

Arena Announcer  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.2.1
by: Nefrirr [More]

Arena Announcer lives!
After a long, work-related vacation from WoW I will try maintaining Arena Announcer again for the upcoming expansion.

New in 1.2.1: Add/remove aura warnings ingame!
With the slash command /arann warn auraname you can enable or disable warning messages for a specific spell (e.g. /arann warn Divine Shield will toggle the warnings for divine shield). Note that the auraname must be the exact name of the ingame buff (!). Sometimes, the name of a buff is not the same as the ability that invokes it. In the future, there will be a much more comfortable GUI for this.

If you messed up your warning lists, you can always reset it with /arann reset.

Also: on popular demand, server information is gone from player names in cross-server environments!

Also, recently V1.2 introduced the first of the promised cosmetic features. Upon reactivating my account I noticed the only functionality that was broken during the last patches is the icon size. I fixed that and introduced free scalability of icon- and text-size. Both of those parameters can now be changed separately in the general options panel.

Please report bugs or submit feature requests on my author portal.

DISCLAIMER: I'm German, so there may be grammatical oddities in both this description and the addon documentation. Please forgive me.
Weiter unten gibt's auch eine deutschsprachige Addonbeschreibung.

What does it do?

It announces enemy and friendly buffs/debuffs that are important for pvp combat. This includes long duration crowd controls, powerful self buffs like arcane power or immunities like divine shield or cloak of shadows. The good thing is: it works on all players around you, not only your target or focus.

Also, it will announce when your important abilities are ready again after a cooldown. (For expample: "Bestial Wrath is ready!").

Are there any customization options?

There are basic options. You can choose to show the addon only in battlegrounds or arenas and you can also deactivate the modules separately.

Keep in mind: I wrote this for my arena team and included everything we need and some additional stuff for other classes. This might also be the reason if some important cooldown is missing. I tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Please leave a comment if you have encounter any problems or have ideas for improvement.

Future Plans
- Movable frames
- Making the database dynamic. If enough users want this, I'll try to give you the option to easily decide which buffs you want to be notified of or which cooldowns should be tracked via the ingame menu.


Was tut das Addon?

Arena Announcer zeigt Warnungen an, sobald ein Spieler pvp-relevante Buffs/Debuffs erhält. Dies beinhaltet z.b. die längeren CrowdControl-Effekte wie Sheep, Immunitäten wie Gottesschild oder Mantel der Schatten, oder auch mächtige Selbstbuffs wie Arkane Macht. Das besondere dabei ist, dass sich die Anzeige nicht nur auf das eigene Ziel oder Fokus-Ziel beschränkt, sondern alle Spieler in der Umgebung überwacht.

Zusätzlich zeigt das Addon in einer anderen Frame an, wenn eine Fertigkeit nach Ablauf ihrer Abklingzeit wieder bereit ist (z.B. "Zorn des Wildtiers ist bereit!").

Gibt es Konfigurationsoptionen?

Es gibt grundlegende Einstellungen. Man kann einstellen, dass das Addon nur in Battlegrounds oder Arenen aktiv wird. Weiterhin ist es möglich die Module getrennt an- bzw. abzuschalten.

Bedenkt allerdings: Ich habe das Addon in erster Linie für mein Arena-Team geschrieben und alles eingebaut, was wir brauchten und zusätzlich alles, was mir für andere Klassen noch spontan einfiel. Ich versuchte wirklich, alles so einfach wie möglich zu halten.

Wenn sich mehr Leute für das Addon interessieren, werde ich es liebend gerne weiterentwickeln. Also gebt mir Feedback, falls Ihr Änderungen wollt! :-)

- Frameverschiebung
- Dynamische Datenbank. Wenn genug Nutzer sich dafür interessieren, kann ich versuchen, die Datenbank für die Buffs und Cooldowns interaktiv zu machen. D.h. man könnte evtl. in einem Ingame-Menü festlegen, welche Spells/Cooldowns überwacht werden sollen.

- removed server information from player names
- added slash commands for warning tables

- Arena Announcer lives after a long time of work related absence from WoW
- TOC updated
- Fixed icon size bug
- Added separate size adjustments to text and icons

- TOC updated
- Some missing German Localization added

- Added many of the new abilities for all classes.

New customization options:
- Show/hide text/icons for both modules (Deactivating both text and icons at the same time will result in uninformative messages ^^)
- Activate/deactive tracking of friendly/hostile targets
- Bugfix: Fixed cooldown tracking of many spells (most rogue abilities)
- Added the following spells:
* Will of the Forsaken
* Stoneform
* Shadowmeld
* Ice Barrier
* Counterspell
* Silence
* Shadowfiend
* Power Infusion

- Bugfix: Cooldowns should now properly reset on arena entry
- Bugfix: The options show in battlegrounds and show in arenas should now always work directly after login
- Bugfix: Hiding the cooldown frame while a cooldown is active will not result in an unremovable entry in the cooldown table
- Additionally the modules will now no longer use computation time while deactivated (all events are unregistered on hiding a frame)

v1.0.5a (Beta Version)
- Bugfix: Cooldowns should now properly reset on arena entry
- New Feature: color coded targets (hostile: red, friendly: green)

Added option menu:
- Show/hide buff/debuff-warnings
- Show/hide cooldown messages
- Activate addon: alyways/in battlegrounds and arenas/in arenas only

Added icons to both spell warnings and cooldowns! Yay! ;-)

Overhaul of the cooldown handling. Should be much more efficient now.

Added english localization file.
Published on

Did extensive Testing on my and a friends schars and completed the German localization file. Though I can't guarantee it's bugfree, this is the first "internal" release. Yay!

Major bugfixing:
- There won't be multiple cooldown messages for one event
- Cooldowns should now always show up for all skills
- Activating one skill doesn't trigger a cooldown ready notice for another spell anymore

Implemented cooldown database and populated it with hunter cooldowns.

Implemented the cooldown module for one static spell (blink).

Implemented the database system for the warning module.

First impelemtation of the warning module. Shows all buffs/debuffs.
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Unread 08-01-08, 05:12 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Re: Re: Audio

Originally posted by Nefrirr
Hello lilsparky,

thanks for your feature request.

The way you describe audio warnings woud be difficult to implement. Sheep might still be easy, cyclone, too, as there are already appropriate sounds ingame, but:

1) You should hear those (the standard sounds, like sheep) anyway if you are near. Therefore I would have to use custom sounds.
2) It is pretty difficult to identify every single buff/debuff with a unique sound. What, for example, should you use for Nature's Swiftness so that you recognize it instantly?
3) If there is much going on around you, you would get a pretty horrible sound spam. This might not be a problem in 2v2 or 3v3, but definitively in battlegrounds and 5v5.

It would be more realistic to enable audio warnings that play different sounds for different kind of buffs/debuffs (let's say all crowd controls play the sheep sound or some kind of trumpet warning, for example). I still think, audio spam would be an issue.

Anyway, I will definitively think about this. Maybe this would be a good feature that could be implemented as a plugin. But don't expect something like this very soon.

Before I will work on something like this, other features with higher priority wil be added. There will be an overhaul of the database that will allow players to manage which buffs/debuffs are tracked on a per character basis. This should include adding any buff in the game to the database. Well, this will probably keep me occupied for a while.
actually, i had written something a while back (pre TBC) that did audio cues on just a few different casts - poly, fear, howl of terror...

the difference between the sheep sound from an alert from the game is that the sheep from the game comes at the END of the cast as opposed to when the cast is begun (which is what i assume your alert is based on). this allows you to react to the spell quickly. you don't know for sure it's coming your way, but it's potentially useful information.

and i never really found the audio spam to be too bad. the nature of those particular spells is that they have cast times, diminishing returns and affect single targets -- which means they won't be overly spammy.

anyway, it was just a thought.

and i wouldn't use in-game sounds because that wouldn't help a lot since you wouldn't necessarily recognize a sheep starting to be cast by some enemy vs a person being sheeped somewhere near you.
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Unread 08-01-08, 12:25 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Re: Audio

Originally posted by lilsparky
sounds nice. any support for audio alerts? after a while, more text on the screen just doesn't mean much to me. but hearing a sheep sound or a fear sound or a cyclone sound, etc would be awesome.

for sheep you could d/l a sheep "baaa" sound
for fears you could use somebody screaming in terror
for cyclone maybe some gusty wind sound
Hello lilsparky,

thanks for your feature request.

The way you describe audio warnings woud be difficult to implement. Sheep might still be easy, cyclone, too, as there are already appropriate sounds ingame, but:

1) You should hear those (the standard sounds, like sheep) anyway if you are near. Therefore I would have to use custom sounds.
2) It is pretty difficult to identify every single buff/debuff with a unique sound. What, for example, should you use for Nature's Swiftness so that you recognize it instantly?
3) If there is much going on around you, you would get a pretty horrible sound spam. This might not be a problem in 2v2 or 3v3, but definitively in battlegrounds and 5v5.

It would be more realistic to enable audio warnings that play different sounds for different kind of buffs/debuffs (let's say all crowd controls play the sheep sound or some kind of trumpet warning, for example). I still think, audio spam would be an issue.

Anyway, I will definitively think about this. Maybe this would be a good feature that could be implemented as a plugin. But don't expect something like this very soon.

Before I will work on something like this, other features with higher priority wil be added. There will be an overhaul of the database that will allow players to manage which buffs/debuffs are tracked on a per character basis. This should include adding any buff in the game to the database. Well, this will probably keep me occupied for a while.
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Unread 07-31-08, 07:38 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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sounds nice. any support for audio alerts? after a while, more text on the screen just doesn't mean much to me. but hearing a sheep sound or a fear sound or a cyclone sound, etc would be awesome.

for sheep you could d/l a sheep "baaa" sound
for fears you could use somebody screaming in terror
for cyclone maybe some gusty wind sound
Last edited by lilsparky : 07-31-08 at 11:02 PM.
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Unread 07-31-08, 11:55 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Red face Re: Options

Originally posted by Alamaa
Is it possible to add an option to only show friendly/ hostile targets?

Other than that its a great addon.
Hi, Alamaa,

thanks for your feedback.

This should be perfectly possible and will probably be included in the next build.
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Unread 07-31-08, 11:48 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is it possible to add an option to only show friendly/ hostile targets?

Other than that its a great addon.
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Unread 07-30-08, 12:39 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Nefrirr
Hallo nodq,
danke für dein Feedback.

In meiner Version 1.0.4 habe ich ein Addon-Menü für folgenden Optionen hinzugefügt:
- Buff/Debuff-Warnungen anzeigen/verstecken
- Cooldown-Nachrichten anzeigen/verstecken
- Addon aktivieren: immer/in Battlegrounds+Arenen/nur in Arenen

Wäre das in deinem Sinne?

Eine Release von 1.0.4 ist innerhalb der nächsten Tage zu erwarten, wenn es nicht unvorhergesehene Probleme gibt.
Das wäre wohl mehr als in meinem Sinn Ich denke wenn du das hin kriegst, ist das Addon perfekt, und bräuchte nichts weiter, ich hoffe das du da nicht wie andre bist und immer wieder mehr und mehr und mehr rein packst bis es dann mal so fett ist das man es kaum mehr nutzen moechte deswegen.

Aber Klasse teil, weiter so, und nochmals danke.


Edit: Neuste Version ist super, funktioniert gut soweit
Last edited by nodq : 07-31-08 at 08:27 AM.
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Unread 07-30-08, 12:06 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by nodq
Sehr cooles Addon, einzig das gespamme im BG nervt recht heftig. Irgend ne chance das abzustellen? Und vllt. ne option die Cooldown anzeige aus zu machen, da hab ich eigentlich nen andrens Addon fuer, doppel gemoppelt haelt zwar besser aber is auch ein wenig zuviel spam

Danke und Gruß
Hallo nodq,
danke für dein Feedback.

In meiner Version 1.0.4 habe ich ein Addon-Menü für folgenden Optionen hinzugefügt:
- Buff/Debuff-Warnungen anzeigen/verstecken
- Cooldown-Nachrichten anzeigen/verstecken
- Addon aktivieren: immer/in Battlegrounds+Arenen/nur in Arenen

Wäre das in deinem Sinne?

Eine Release von 1.0.4 ist innerhalb der nächsten Tage zu erwarten, wenn es nicht unvorhergesehene Probleme gibt.
Last edited by Nefrirr : 07-30-08 at 12:16 PM.
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Unread 07-30-08, 12:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Sehr cooles Addon, einzig das gespamme im BG nervt recht heftig. Irgend ne chance das abzustellen? Und vllt. ne option die Cooldown anzeige aus zu machen, da hab ich eigentlich nen andrens Addon fuer, doppel gemoppelt haelt zwar besser aber is auch ein wenig zuviel spam

Danke und Gruß
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Unread 07-27-08, 01:28 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Thumbs up Re: Re

Originally posted by Selinde
Das hört sich doch soweit schon mal ganz gut an, werde ich im Auge behalten.

Die Idee mit den Icons einbauen ist schonmal gut. Ähnlich wie das AddOn "Spellalerter" von Kollektiv:
Danke für das Feedback und den Hinweis. So ähnlich wie auf dem Screenshot hab ich mir das auch vorgestellt. So komplex wie Spellalerter wird mein Addon aber definitiv nicht.

Ich werde zu allererst mal versuchen, mich mit den Interface Option Frames von Blizzard anzufreunden und einige grundlegende Optionen einbauen. Z.B. dass optional das Addon nur in Arena oder BGs aktiv ist oder man die beiden Module des Addons einzeln an- und abschalten kann.

Danach kümmere ich mich um den grafischen Feinschliff.
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Unread 07-27-08, 12:13 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Das hört sich doch soweit schon mal ganz gut an, werde ich im Auge behalten.

Die Idee mit den Icons einbauen ist schonmal gut. Ähnlich wie das AddOn "Spellalerter" von Kollektiv:
Last edited by Selinde : 07-27-08 at 12:13 PM.
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