Updated: 04-30-11 09:38 AM
File Info
Updated:04-30-11 09:38 AM
Created:02-15-11 11:37 AM

Raid Check

Version: 1.3
by: Naw [More]

This addon is a lightweight raid tool that allows you to check raid members for missing flasks and food buffs. Currently the addon only checks for cataclysm flasks and 90 stam cataclysm food.

You can set the channel you want to send reports to using the command: '/rc channel name'. Currently supported channels are: party, raid, warning, officer, yell and self (self just prints the results to yourself). By default reports are displayed in raid chat.

Before a pull you can check the raid by using /rc flask, /rc food or /rc all and it will display the names of people that are missing buffs. You can also place one of the commands in a macro and place it somewhere on your bars for easy access.

Note: Only groups 1-5 are checked. People on standby in groups 6-8 aren't checked.

List of commands:
/rc flask - Check for missing flasks
/rc food - Check for missing food buffs
/rc all - Check for missing flasks and food buffs
/rc channel <name> - Set the reporting channel (example: /rc channel raid)

Version 1.3
-Updated for patch 4.1

Version 1.2
-Now displays a message when everyone is flasked or food buffed

Version 1.1
-Now only checks groups 1-5 (standby groups are ignored when checking flasks and food buffs)
-Added yell and raid warning to the list of valid channels (use /rc channel yell or /rc channel warning)
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