Removed TooltipUtil.SurfaceArgs from repair cost functions.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Fixed Attack Power stat display. Thanks to toshimoto90 for finding this bug fix :)
Fixed item level mouseover tooltip to read "Item Level (Equipped)" instead of "Item Level (Item Level)"
Updated TOC
Transitioned to new Interface Options Panel insertion function.
Fixed Expand button issues by transitioning to the new CharacterFrameMixin functions.
Updated TOC
Removed ElvUi ItemLevelText code as it is no longer needed.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Updated the AddOn list icon to the new API version.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Added new Deja logo.
Adjusted combat check to be less restrictive.
Initial attempt to fix the Vault of the Incarnates' FPS issue while the IOP is open and in combat.
Updated TOC
Updated defaults.
Fixed repair tooltip info for items and total.
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Dragonflight initial release
Removed Corruption.
Removed Conquest and related categories.
Removed ActiVisionBlizz Walkout stats.
Temp disabled April Fools until we solve/decide on IOP Character Frame show issue.
Fixed many other menial issues.
Updated TOC
Reverted adding Wago Analytics.
Updated TOC
Added Wago analytics shim.
Updated TOC
Removed Corruption.
Temp disabled April Fools until we solve/decide on IOP Character Frame show issue.
Updated TOC
Fixed many issues.
Dragonflight initial beta
Updated TOC
Updated TOC
Fixed debug print error
Fixed the April Fools login counter.
Added the April Fools checkbox to the paper doll.
Updated TOC
10/14/2020: 900r1
Removed Mastery for low levels as it is irrelevant with Shadowlands.
Updated TOC.
3/29/2019: 800r122
Added two checkboxes to darken or blacking out of item slot.
Added a checkbox to have alternate item info placement.
When item level is the only selected displayed info, its font size will be slightly larger.
Added Classic WoW themed April Fools goodies.
Updated TOC.
3/4/2019: 800b121
Added two checkboxes to darken or blacking out of item slot.
Added a checkbox to have alternate item info placement.
When item level is the only selected displayed info, its font size will be slightly larger.
3/4/2019: 800r120
Localization updates.
Added permanent April Fools file to work from.
Updated TOC.
28/01/2019: 800r119
Localization updates
12/14/2018: 800r118
Updated TOC.
11/10/2018: 800r117
Fix for nonupdating DurabilityFrame font string unless PapeDollFrame is open.
10/20/2018: 800r116
Updated translator section in DCSAboutDCS_FS.
10/06/2018: 800b115
Italian and Traditional Chinese localization updates. Thanks, infinitybofh and BNSSNB!
09/26/2018: 800b114
Localization updates.
09/22/2018: 800b113
Changed to longer delay and more attempts at obtaining ilvl.
09/20/2018: 800b112
Fixed C_Timer.After calls when the function has arguments.
09/20/2018: 800b111
Attempt to fix item:GetItemQuality() invalid returns right after login.
09/17/2018: 800r110
Reworded mouse-over tooltip for low-level Mastery checkbox.
09/08/2018: 800b109
Enhancement shamans should now have correct GCD displayed.
Disabled printing of debug info of 800a108.
08/30/2018: 800a108
DejaCharacterStats should have almost non-existant CPU spikes when stats are not visible.
Fixed a bug when repair and durability info on items didn't get updated when switching items with the similar names.
Characters with alternate power should now have correct amount of mana in PaperDollFrame.
Added a new checkbox for display of Mastery depending on character's level.
08/13/2018: 800a107
Trying new way to obtain ilvl through mixin. Artifact weapons might display wrong values, so tests in these cases are welcomed.
Recalculation of information on items such as repair cost, durability, durability bars, and ilvl now should occur only when PaperDollFrame is open.
7/29/2018: 800r106
Fixed displayed blocked amount.
Small change in PaperDollFrame_SetHaste.
7/19/2018: 800r105
Fixed persistent Stagger bug.
7/18/2018: 800r104
Deleted .git from the addon so it's no longer a working copy.
7/17/2018: 800r103
Removed Heart of Azeroth code that is no longer neccessary. All artifacts should display proper ilvl now.
4/23/2018: 800a102
Fixed Heart of Azeroth item Level display for two handed weapons.
10/19/2017: 730rc108
Pulls: 131, 132 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Updated localizations. (#131, #132)
10/15/2017: 730rc107
Pulls: 117 - 124 and 126 - 130 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Updated all localizations. (#119, #123, #126, #128)
Slightly reworded /dcstats config. (#117, #118)
Added localization for Rating stats. (#120)
Changed category name from Rating to Ratings (#121)
Changed category name from Attack to Offense. (#122)
"Relevant Stats" will now hide defense for non tanks. (#124)
Fixed updating of statformat and multiplier in DCSDecimals. (#127)
Updated "About DCS" to have the authors of recently added translations. (#128)
Preparing for release. (#129, #130)
Updated TOC.
9/28/2017: 730rc106
Pull: #116 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Clarified mouseover tooltips text in Interface Options panel. (#116)
Updated and changed "About DCS" display to look better and be less redundant. (#116)
Updated details like descriptions and About thank you list. (#116)
Updated TOC.
Improvement of new category names.
Improvement of stat belonging to categories.
Bonus experience stat display.
9/24/2017: 730rc105
Pulls: 112, 113, 114 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Fix attempt for ilvl display on artifacts based on GetAverageItemLevel. (#112)
Added About DCS button in Interface Options with information who contributed to creation of the addon. (#113)
Changed the text color of the version number in the bottom right corner. (#113)
Fixed inability to move Categories. (#114)
Updated TOC.
Improvement of new category names.
Improvement of stat belonging to categories.
9/14/2017: 730b104
Pulls: 101 - 111 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Fixed ilvl display on heirlooms, FelForged, battleground bag and similar items. (#101)
Visibility of the new category headers except RatingCategory is on for Relevant Stats. (#102)
Fixed text in Interface Options: tooltip for class colors and label for item level panel category. (#103)
Checkboxes in Interface Options are now tied to category instead of interface option frame for easier repositioning. (#104, #105, #106, #107)
The error during login because of GetItemQualityColor should be fixed. (#108)
Cleaned up DCS_Item_Level_Center() code. (#109)
In German localization Repair Total changed from "Ges. Reparaturkosten" to "Reparaturkosten". (#111)
Updated TOC. (#110)
Improvement of new category names.
Improvement of stat belonging to categories.
Movability of categories.
9/11/2017: 730b103
Updated TOC
Pulls: 94 - 100 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Added class colors as a display option for item level on the stat frame. (#96)
Updated the Interface Option's panel to make more sense and look nicer.
Optimized hide at zero functionality.(#94, #95)
Optimized item repair calculations. (#97, #98)
Added the display of each items item level on each item's slot via checkbox.
Added four new stat categories: General, Attack, Defense, and Rating. (#99)
Reordered stats to fit logically into each of their relevant categories. (#99)
Movement Speed stat was finally localized. Sorry for the long wait all you German players! (#100)
Further optimized and cleaned up the code.
Known Issues:
Some items display their base item level. Examples: Heirlooms, Timewalking gear
Relevant Stats does not display the new category headers by default. TODO
9/4/2017: 730b102
Updated TOC
Added the display of each items item level on each item's slot via checkbox.
8/29/2017: 730r101
Updated TOC
Pulls: 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 @ https://github.com/dejoblue/DejaCharacterStats
Several code cleanup and compatibility fixes.
Fixed a merge issue with repair cost checkbox saved variables.
6/13/2017: 725r100
Updated TOC.
Added Hide At Zero check boxes to display stats even if they are 0.
GCD fix for Demon Hunters.
Improved display of Mastery for players below level 78.
Improved Russian localization.
Various other bug fixes, code clean up and optimizations.
5/3/2017: 720r104
Updated TOC
Removed April Fools 2017 FAKE CODE! SAD!
Fixed/cleaned up Repair Cost calculations including faction discounts. #36 --DCSGithub pull#
Fixed/cleaned up Average Durability calculations including Heirloom inconsistencies.. #38
Fixed more non mana power type errors (powerToken changed to powerType). #39
Added DCS version text on the Interface Options Panel at the bottom right corner. #40
Removed Haste GCD tooltip. #44
Cleaned up a lot of legacy code, particularly DCSDuraRepair. #43, #45, #46
Various other bug fixes and code clean up.
2/23/2017: 715r105
Updated TOC
Fixed configuration mode's state saving. #15
Optimized Relevant Stat/All Stat button. #17
Optimized DCS_Mean_DurabilityCalc(). #19
Fixed durability bars' green box at zero durability issue. #20
Various code optimizations.
1/13/2017: 715r102- Fixed an issue with Relevant Stats display and persistence due to WoW API changes.
- Various code optimizations.
1/13/2017: 715r100- Changed version nomeclatue back to previous style; 715r100 (WoW version, alpha/beta/release,version)
- Changed version to 7.1.5(715r100)
- Fixed an error with the default scrollbar's 'SetVerticalScroll'.
- Fixed an issue with ClassCrestBackground checkbox persistence.
- Fixed an issue with GCD and WoW API change.
Known Issues:- When used with ElvUI v10.38 or earlier, low level character's item level display will hide. A solution has been injected into ElvUI v10.39. If you experience issues with v10.39 then please re-install ElvUI in order to pick up the changes.
12/21/2016: 7.1.0 r5.1- Fixed an issue with saving between class specs.
12/21/2016: 7.1.0 r5- Added lots of the following hard work from Kakjens contributions; --Thanks Kakjens ;)
- Added "Ratings" stats for all "Enhancements" stats.
- Added new calculations for Global CD that should be more accurate.
- Fixed Maelstrom alternate mana bug.
- Fixed Death Knight and, still testing, strength class GCD.
- Fixed Hiding stats at 0 bug.
- Added updates to Simplified Chinese localization. Thanks C_Reus!
- Added old Blizzard bug interface options workaround (double call) for /dcstats config.
- Fixed a bug where the Class Background and stats would show when the Interface Options panel is opened.
- Fixed class background and stat persistent visibility re-parenting issue.
- Fixed initial character login relevant stat initialization.
- Fixed GCD mouseover text.
- Added Reset Stats/All Stats button mouseover text.
- Fixed scroll bar display and persistence issues, for the most part, see Known Issues below.
- I am sure there is more stuff fixed that I forget.
Known Issues:- An error may occur with "SetVerticalScroll" being a nil value. This is being investigated.
- The Reset Stats/All Stats button does not properly display it’s state when changing talents, it shows the last state it was in before talents change.
- When close to the threshold of filling the character stat display the scroll bar can display for a moment before it disappears as it iterates and calculates its display height. This is likely tied to the alternating background highlight bars.
- The alternating background bars expand and contract while being iterated and calculated. This is a minor annoyance and should not cause any issues other than minor, temporary, display annoyances.
- German localization's display of the phrases for "Movement Speed" and "Repair Total" fill the display and make the value difficult to see.
- On-item repair totals display non discounted repair cost when at a vendor that has faction discounts.
11/30/2016: 7.1.0 r4- Added Interface Options panel stat options interface.
- Added Durability total back as a stat.
- New translations for Russian, German, and Traditional Chinese localizations.
- Fixed localization strings for Weapon DPS, Global Cooldown and Repair Total to not have a colon after the tooltip header stat but between the header and number. Blizzard default English doesn't have a colon anywhere on any stat tooltip header.
- Made Reset Stats highlight all checked stats when clicked.
- Set scroll position to the top when the frame hides and when the DCS Lock/Unlock config button is locked.
- Set the defaults for Average Durability, Item Durability and Item Repair Cost to unchecked.
Known Issues 7.1.0 r4:- Scroll bar is not persisting between interface options and paper doll.
- Movement Speed doesn't always update properly. Closing and reopening the frame fixes it.
- Individual item repair costs may show prices from the last visited faction and be inaccurate for another faction's repair costs.
- When used with ElvUI the Item Level display reverts to show the Blizzard default of current equipped item level only with no decimals.
11/28/2016: 7.1.0 r3
- Added Weapon DPS "stat" for MH/OH white DPS
- Fixed rounding and equivalency errors in item level tooltip
- Fixed GCD for Druids, Hunters and Rogues.
- Made on stat panel option buttons hide when the frame hides.
- Added Weapon DPS for auto-attack (white) damage.
- New localization phrases translated for Russian. More on the way for other locations as they come in.
- Other small things I forget.
11/24/2016: 7.1.0 r2.1
- Added a quick dirty fix for a longstanding Blizzard typo causing a bug.
11/24/2016: 7.1.0 r2- Most of these changes are contributions by loudsoul. Thanks loudsoul!
- Huge rewrite of core code from loudsoul, that made the core tiny :)
- Huge rewrite of options to integrate them with the new core code.
- Added stat selections saved per Spec not just per character.
- Fixed scroll snap reset bug.
- Made scrolling based on number of stats shown.
- Fixed no attributes stats selected enhance stats reference bug.
- Added drag and drop stat ordering
- Added Simplified Chinese localization translations.
- A bazillion tiny details I forgot.
10/18/2016: 7.0.3 r17- Added Global Cooldown (Global DC) to the Haste tooltip.
- Updated Traditional Chinese localization translations.
10/14/2016: 7.0.3 r16- Updated German localization translations.
- Added Korean localization translations.
10/10/2016: 7.0.3 r15- Added localization translations.
10/5/2016: 7.0.3 r14- Added localization support.
9/10/2016: 7.0.3 r12
9/10/2016: 7.0.3 r11- Added Decimals option for item level.
- Improved, and hopefully fixed, the stat scrolling reset bug.
8/30/2016: 7.0.3 r9- Added German localization for "Movement Speed" as "Lauftempo".
- Separated options into left side as global and right side (Stats side) as per character. This should help until profiles are completed.
8/25/2016: 7.0.3 r8.04
8/25/2016: 7.0.3 r8.03- Fixed division by zero error with durability calculation.
- Implemented a quick combat lockdown fix for Oilvl compatibility.
- Fixed equipment manager mouse scrolling bug.
- Started profiles GUI implementation.
- Implemented mad hype for profiles!
8/08/2016: 7.0.3 r7- Unavailable stats are now hidden until available. Thanks Darth_Predator (https://mods.curse.com/members/Darth_Predator/projects)
- Option to show hide the show hide button.
- Separate out durability and gold repair cost to be individual and larger and in the middle of the display but as is when both are selected.
- Durability is not updating on the shirt/paperdoll guy or on the stat frame, they are updating differently as well.
7/24/2016: 7.0.3 r6- Fixed some variable scoping issues. Thanks for the report Resike
- Fixed an issue with the scrollbar's max value settings.
7/22/2016: 7.0.3 r5- Fixed an issue with the stat frame not displaying on show.
- Made the saved variables database more robust.
7/21/2016: 7.0.3 r4- Fixed an issue with the Titles Panel not being scrollable.
- Added the item level display to characters below level 90.
- Added Durability and Repair Total stat frame check boxes.
- Tweaked the shift-scroll snap values to be useful for Protection Warriors and Brewmaster Monks.
7/19/2016: 7.0.3 r3- Changed the default snap scrolling limits to be appropriate per option.
7/18/2016: 7.0.3 r2- Increased max scroll frame and snap values.
7/18/2016: 7.0.3 r1- Minor bug fixes and release.
7/17/2016: 7.0.3 b12- Added the ability to select which stats to display.
7/10/2016: 7.0.3 b11- Fixed expand/collapse button textures.
- Changed scrolling to only work with modifier keys shift (snap top/bottom) and control (slow scroll).
- Fixed display issues with movement speed and regen stats.
- Thanks for the bug reports Ammako! :)
6/27/2016: 7.0.3 b10- Fixed expand/collapse button display issue. Thanks for the report Ammako! :)
- Rearranged options to be more logical in order of importance.
- Fixed several minor issues; spelling, x,y alignment, etc.
6/24/2016: 7.0.3 b9- Added durability and repair display options.
- Added expand and collapse button.
6/15/2016: 7.0.3 b8- Added the ability to scroll the state frame.
- Added option to show a scroll bar on the character stats pane.
- Added and character stats panel show/hide button.
6/6/2016: 7.0.3 b7- Added two options and relative saved variables.
- Added option "Equipped/Available": Displays Equipped/Available item levels unless equal.
- Added option "Decimals": Displays "Enhancements" category stats to two decimal places.
5/27/2016: 7.0.3 b6- Fixed a German localization font display issue.
5/27/2016: 7.0.3 b4- Fixed various display issues due to new Legion build.
- Added display of both equipped and total item level.
5/21/2016: 7.0.3 b3- Moved the item level display to where it should have always been.
- Adjusted frames so that certain tank specs did not have stats overflow off the panel.
5/12/2016: 7.0.3 b2- Removed obsolete alpha code.
5/12/2016: 7.0.3 b1- Renamed to DejaCharacterStats.
5/6/2016: 7.0.3 a2- Moved the item level display above the character level text so that stats do not overflow off of the bottom of the character stats panel.