Updated: 07-10-24 09:17 AM
File Info
Classic (1.15.2)
Updated:07-10-24 09:17 AM
Created:04-03-24 11:14 AM
Categories:Classic - General, Casting Bars, Cooldowns

Loatheb Rotate

Version: 0.5.1
by: Mimma [More]

Loatheb Rotate
This addon helps setting up rotations for specific classes or specific roles in raid.

While it is more efficient if all involved players can view the list by themselves, ultimately not all raid members need to install the addon, considering a raid leader/assistant is willing to tell the rotation e.g. with voice comm.

This addon is heavily based on the silentrotate addon by Vinny, which again is based on the work of Slivo for the TranqRotate addon, which you might want to install if you are interested only in Hunter’s Tranquilizing Shot rotation.

Before the fight begins you should set up the desired healing rotation:
Players (healers) in the list can be drag'n'dropped to change their order. Healers pushed to the very bottom are backup players who do not enter the normal rotation.
The list may be setup by another class. For example, a warrior raid leader may select the "Loatheb" mode and change the order of players, even though the warrior will not be in the list.
The list is shared across all raid members who have installed the addon.

The next player in the rotation is highlighted in the list.
Once a player has cast a spell that triggers the rotation, a cooldown bar is shown in this player’s bar and the next player in the rotation is highlighted.
Disconnected players and dead players do not take part in the rotation anymore and appear as gray or red, respectively.
Tracks when Loatheb’s Corrupted mind prevents a healer from casting a healing spell for 60 seconds
This feature is still in development, so feel free to report any bugs

Slash Commands
LoathebRotate offers a few commands to control the addon, although for daily use they are not really needed.

Commands can be invoked by typing /loathebrotate <command> or using the short form /loa <command>.

/loa toggle - show or hide the main window.

/loa show - show the main window.

/loa hide - hide the main window.

/loa lock - lock the main window (it can no longer be moved)

/loa unlock - unlock the main window.

/loa report - post healing rotation in raid.

/loa settings - open / close the configuration window.

/loa history - open / close the history window.

/loa version - check other player's LoathebRotate version

Loatheb Rotate version 0.5.1
- Bumped to classic API 1.15.3

Loatheb Rotate version 0.5.0
- Players can now be set as Tank/DPS or Healers. Added healer and Dps icon to the main window.
- When a healer is having the Tank/DPS role, healer will be ignored when a sort plan is used (staying in the backup table).
- When a healer is having the Healer role, healer will be auto-moved to the rotation table.
- Sort icon changed. This is still not perfect though.
- Bugfix: Incoming version numbers was not always picked up, meaning the blind icon was sometimes shown when it shouldn't

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.5
- Bugfix: When players joined raid their version number was not checked, causing Blind Icon and Promotion check to fail.
- Bugfix: Blind Icon defaults was not set (tiny bugfix!)
- Bugfix: Changed cooldown grace period from 10 seconds to 1 second.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.4
- Clear Rotation is now hidden unless promoted.
- New feature: Healers can now be sorted A-Z. Requires promotion.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.3
- Re-introduced Blind icon: shown if the healer does not have the addon installed.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.2
- Bugfix: If no promoted people had the addon, LoathebRotate would not allow healers to modify rotation.
- Bugfix: Detection of next healer in rotation was not working for people with same name.
- Bugfix: Announcements was written for all instead for the current healer as intended.
- Bugfix: Message when closing window used wrong (no) "styling".

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.1
- Bugfix: Fixed a LUA error in Debug mode if bossId or spellId was not set.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error where synchronization was not done when re-joining a raid.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.4.0
- Bugfix: sync request was messed up between clients and has been rewritten to
circumvent a bug in Blizzard's UnitGUID API function.
This is a breaking change - versions below 0.4.0 will not be able to synchronize data.
- Bugfix: Window will no longer show at Login unless configured to do so.
- Promotion is now needed to change or reset rotation order.
- Colours updated.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.3.0
- Added configurable debug mode, removed old testMode
- Removed lots of unused code, such as right-click hunter assignments
- Moved icons to 2nd row of main frame
- Non-healer classes will no longer see window unless they do /loa show
- Announcements updated - Whisper added and set as default option.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.2.3
- Announcements implemented.
- Bugfix: Drag'n'Drop is no longer interrupted by the UI refresh task.
- Bugfix: Window position is now saved and loaded correctly.
- Bugfix: Aura and Spell rotation works again.
- Fixed even more LUA errors. The addon seems a bit more stable now.
- Added internal test mode: can trigger Corrupted Mind via power word: shield.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.2.2
- Targetting Boss will now broadcast OpenWindow to all clients.
- UI updates will now only be called every 10th second outside active periods.
- Fixed more LUA errors.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.2.1
- Fixed LUA error in history.
- Fixed message delivery, including cross-realm handling.
- Fixed disconnect status not being shown correctly.
- Fixed loading/joining raid nut being updated correctly.

Loatheb Rotate version 0.2.0
- All modes except Loatheb removed
- Synchronization rewritten
- Version check rewritten
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