Updated: 05-10-23 11:05 PM
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Embers of Neltharion (10.1.0)
Updated:05-10-23 11:05 PM
Created:10-11-15 04:58 PM

gmMoney  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1010-2023051101
by: gmarco, Wexen


A very simple LDB money display.
It shows in a broker display compatible the actual amount of gold of all pg.

Requires a data broker display like chocolate bar, bazooka, ninjapanel, stat block, titan panel, docking station, buttonbin and more.

If you are interested in helping translating, please visit forum:

providing the following entries:

Lua Code:
  1. L["Summary"]            =
  2. L["Money on"]           =
  3. L["Text Mode"]          =
  4. L["Full Docker Display"]=
  5. L["This session balance"]=
  6. L["DataBroker"]         =

Example in Italian:

Lua Code:
  1. -- Italian translations by me
  2. L["Summary"]            = "Riassunto"
  3. L["Money on"]           = "Valuta su"
  4. L["Text Mode"]          = "Modo Testuale"
  5. L["Full Docker Display"]= "Display docker completo"
  6. L["This session balance"]="Bilancio di sessione"
  7. L["DataBroker"]         = "DataBroker"

Actually it supports for the following locale:
- enUS
- itIT
- deDE. Thanks to icemeph.
- zhTW zhCN. Thanks to BNS.

- bump toc
- added in .toc the IconTexture key

- added X-WoWI-ID and X-Curse-Project-ID keywords to let WowUp manage it
- bump toc

- Used the latest LibQTip v.9.1.5-1-g4c6a3d8
- dump toc

- Hotfix a libqtip error. (taken from xodiv inputs in curseforge pages).
- bump toc

- update libqtip to the latest 442326b-alpha

- bump toc
- first fixes to work with 9.0.x
- update libqtip to the latest

- fixed a bug in display legenda

- missing a couple of localization keywords

- rewritten using libqtip
- changed databroker display
- lots of changed in code and display

- bump toc

- bump toc

- bump toc

- bump toc

- bump toc

- minor code tweaks
- changed ldb icon

- bump toc

- Changed /gmm to /gmmoney to prevent overlap with gmMounts

- Bump toc for 7.0

- First release
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (3)
File Name
11-06-22 03:18 AM
11-04-21 12:30 AM
11-03-21 02:02 PM

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Unread 04-12-20, 07:47 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by gmarco


I am implementing something like this for session in docker:

I'll release as soon I finish a few tests.
I just tested it out with the changes you've made and it is fantastic. Exactly what I was looking to see. Thank you for taking the time to implement it into your addon!

Last edited by Vis : 04-12-20 at 07:48 AM.
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Unread 04-08-20, 10:19 PM  
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by DohNotAgain
Originally Posted by gmarco
Originally Posted by DohNotAgain
I used Auditor for many years.
That has not been updated in about a year.
I recently switched to this addon.
This one offers more of the info I want in a compact way.
I like this currency addon better. It does what I wished the other one did.

The only thing I miss from Auditor is its Cash Notify options.
What that did, for example, was list in the chat window when you exited the mailbox how much cash you received from collecting AH sales; how much you spent posting AH sales upon AH exit. If you went to a vendor and repaired and sold stuff it would give you a summary of cash flow in and out. Basically it notified, in chat, cash summaries for everything from AH to Mail to trainer, etc.

I didn't realize how much I would miss this feature until I didn't have it any more.

It would be awesome if you could add something like that to this addon.
If you can't that's cool also.

Loading Auditor and test driving it to see what the Cash Notify options do would be better than me trying to describe it. Sorry for being lazy, but too much would be lost in the explanation.

Probably I didn't implement that features because in my interface those task are demanded to others addons... like the ones that sell and repair.

In the version I uploaded this morning there is a session gold display in the databroker ... Probably it is not what you are asking, but it can help to check better your money flows.

Btw I'll give a try to auditor to check what you are asking for and then I'll let you know if am I able to replicate

Thanks for trying gmMoney in the meantime.
And I'll check out how your gmDurability handles that stuff.

Thanks for looking into this!


I am a complete idiot....
So I definitely owe you a huge apology for wasting your valuable time.
I use several of your mods.
So, as it happens with assuming, I assumed it was your money mod.... It wasn't.
Its Broker_Currencyflow.
I use that one because of all the info I can show in the pull down.
I just noticed and realized I don't use your money mod so I tried it out.
You can go ahead and disregard my request.
This request seems out of the scope for what you are doing.

Once again. So sorry for being an idiot.
I will still try the durability one to see how it does it's thing....

There is no problem.
Btw the idea is not bad I am thinking in implementing it, perhaps with an options.

Thanks for using other addons. Hope they works well for you.
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines reboot.
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Unread 04-07-20, 05:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by gmarco
Originally Posted by DohNotAgain
I used Auditor for many years.
That has not been updated in about a year.
I recently switched to this addon.
This one offers more of the info I want in a compact way.
I like this currency addon better. It does what I wished the other one did.

The only thing I miss from Auditor is its Cash Notify options.
What that did, for example, was list in the chat window when you exited the mailbox how much cash you received from collecting AH sales; how much you spent posting AH sales upon AH exit. If you went to a vendor and repaired and sold stuff it would give you a summary of cash flow in and out. Basically it notified, in chat, cash summaries for everything from AH to Mail to trainer, etc.

I didn't realize how much I would miss this feature until I didn't have it any more.

It would be awesome if you could add something like that to this addon.
If you can't that's cool also.

Loading Auditor and test driving it to see what the Cash Notify options do would be better than me trying to describe it. Sorry for being lazy, but too much would be lost in the explanation.

Probably I didn't implement that features because in my interface those task are demanded to others addons... like the ones that sell and repair.

In the version I uploaded this morning there is a session gold display in the databroker ... Probably it is not what you are asking, but it can help to check better your money flows.

Btw I'll give a try to auditor to check what you are asking for and then I'll let you know if am I able to replicate

Thanks for trying gmMoney in the meantime.
And I'll check out how your gmDurability handles that stuff.

Thanks for looking into this!


I am a complete idiot....
So I definitely owe you a huge apology for wasting your valuable time.
I use several of your mods.
So, as it happens with assuming, I assumed it was your money mod.... It wasn't.
Its Broker_Currencyflow.
I use that one because of all the info I can show in the pull down.
I just noticed and realized I don't use your money mod so I tried it out.
You can go ahead and disregard my request.
This request seems out of the scope for what you are doing.

Once again. So sorry for being an idiot.
I will still try the durability one to see how it does it's thing....
Last edited by DohNotAgain : 04-07-20 at 05:41 PM.
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Unread 04-07-20, 04:47 AM  
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by DohNotAgain
I used Auditor for many years.
That has not been updated in about a year.
I recently switched to this addon.
This one offers more of the info I want in a compact way.
I like this currency addon better. It does what I wished the other one did.

The only thing I miss from Auditor is its Cash Notify options.
What that did, for example, was list in the chat window when you exited the mailbox how much cash you received from collecting AH sales; how much you spent posting AH sales upon AH exit. If you went to a vendor and repaired and sold stuff it would give you a summary of cash flow in and out. Basically it notified, in chat, cash summaries for everything from AH to Mail to trainer, etc.

I didn't realize how much I would miss this feature until I didn't have it any more.

It would be awesome if you could add something like that to this addon.
If you can't that's cool also.

Loading Auditor and test driving it to see what the Cash Notify options do would be better than me trying to describe it. Sorry for being lazy, but too much would be lost in the explanation.

Probably I didn't implement that features because in my interface those task are demanded to others addons... like the ones that sell and repair.

In the version I uploaded this morning there is a session gold display in the databroker ... Probably it is not what you are asking, but it can help to check better your money flows.

Btw I'll give a try to auditor to check what you are asking for and then I'll let you know if am I able to replicate

Thanks for trying gmMoney in the meantime.
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines reboot.
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Unread 04-07-20, 12:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I used Auditor for many years.
That has not been updated in about a year.
I recently switched to this addon.
This one offers more of the info I want in a compact way.
I like this currency addon better. It does what I wished the other one did.

The only thing I miss from Auditor is its Cash Notify options.
What that did, for example, was list in the chat window when you exited the mailbox how much cash you received from collecting AH sales; how much you spent posting AH sales upon AH exit. If you went to a vendor and repaired and sold stuff it would give you a summary of cash flow in and out. Basically it notified, in chat, cash summaries for everything from AH to Mail to trainer, etc.

I didn't realize how much I would miss this feature until I didn't have it any more.

It would be awesome if you could add something like that to this addon.
If you can't that's cool also.

Loading Auditor and test driving it to see what the Cash Notify options do would be better than me trying to describe it. Sorry for being lazy, but too much would be lost in the explanation.
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Unread 04-06-20, 08:53 PM  
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by Vis
Originally Posted by gmarco


to answer your questions:
1) It is possible.
The only thing I see is that the text could be become longer and occupy more space in the bar.
We can manage it in a new (longer) display method.

2) You want to display also the gold from the bank of the guild ?

Please let me know.
Hi Gmarco,

Thank you for taking the time to answer so quickly. I've attached a picture to illustrate exactly what I mean for showing session earnings. Basically if the session total is positive, then the number in parenthesis is green. If it is a negative, the numbers in parenthesis would be red.

Gold Display

Guild gold inclusion isn't that important. I was thinking more for total wealth numbers in the tooltip to be able to show personal guild banks. I guess there would have to be the ability to exclude guilds also then. It might make your addon larger than you intended.

Thank you,


I am implementing something like this for session in docker:

I'll release as soon I finish a few tests.
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Unread 03-26-20, 10:37 AM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by gmarco


to answer your questions:
1) It is possible.
The only thing I see is that the text could be become longer and occupy more space in the bar.
We can manage it in a new (longer) display method.

2) You want to display also the gold from the bank of the guild ?

Please let me know.
Hi Gmarco,

Thank you for taking the time to answer so quickly. I've attached a picture to illustrate exactly what I mean for showing session earnings. Basically if the session total is positive, then the number in parenthesis is green. If it is a negative, the numbers in parenthesis would be red.

Gold Display

Guild gold inclusion isn't that important. I was thinking more for total wealth numbers in the tooltip to be able to show personal guild banks. I guess there would have to be the ability to exclude guilds also then. It might make your addon larger than you intended.

Thank you,

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Unread 03-26-20, 07:05 AM  
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by Vis
Wonderful little addon for just displaying gold!

I have two questions in regards to what is shown.

1. Is it possible for the session balance positive/negative to be shown in the DataBroker text in parenthesis next to the gold listing?

2. Is it possible to include gold totals from a guild bank?

Thank you!


to answer your questions:
1) It is possible.
The only thing I see is that the text could be become longer and occupy more space in the bar.
We can manage it in a new (longer) display method.

2) You want to display also the gold from the bank of the guild ?

Please let me know.
This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines reboot.
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Unread 03-25-20, 06:09 PM  
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Wonderful little addon for just displaying gold!

I have two questions in regards to what is shown.

1. Is it possible for the session balance positive/negative to be shown in the DataBroker text in parenthesis next to the gold listing?

2. Is it possible to include gold totals from a guild bank?

Thank you!

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