Updated: 05-13-10 06:49 PM
File Info
Updated:05-13-10 06:49 PM
Created:05-13-10 06:49 PM

Short World States

Version: 1
by: v6o [More]

I have very little time to play WoW and even less time to code addons. As such I've dropped all development of all my addons. If you want to continue any addon or make a fork then feel free to do so. This is your permission slip.

Best regards, v6

You now have unlimited attempts in ICC and the text isn't displayed.
AddOn dropped until there's any reason to resume development.

Shortens the World States that are displayed at the top of your screen

At the moment this version only affects the message in ICC but might be expanded to include more.

Turns Unsuccessful Heroic Attempts until Retreat: 45 of 45 into 45/45.

If there's any other places you'd like to see shortened then let me know.

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