Updated: 07-14-10 12:06 PM
File Info
Updated:07-14-10 12:06 PM
Created:07-13-10 11:48 PM

Hide The Watch Frame

Version: 1.01
by: shuffle [More]

Adds a button to hide the quest/achievement watch frame even if you are tracking quests/ Achievements, without having to unwatch each specific quest/achievement.

Also adds buttons to allow you to unlock and lock the frame for movement.*

*I haven't figured out how to get it to save it's position between sessions/reloads so you'll have to move it everytime the UI reloads.

This is opposed to the default behavior of it just minimizing and you get stuck with that little frame that says "Objectives #"

also adds a button to the quest log to unhide the watch frame.

7-14-10 [1.01]- Added Unlock and Lock buttons to allow moving Watchframe
7-13-10 [1.0] - Public Release
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