Updated: 01-23-11 01:07 PM
File Info
Updated:01-23-11 01:07 PM
Created:01-23-11 01:07 PM


Version: v1.3
by: Karharten [More]

=== Release Version 1.3 is Out ===
Version 1.3 the main relase version is finished and ready to download. The ideas behind GoaMount stays the same but the design and how things done inside the addon is totaly changed in a better way.

From now on beta version of the addon will not be updated as all known problems are already solved in the release version.

Please feel free to comment about this release or advice me about new ideas. I will be happy to hear them out and do it in the new version if it is possible to implement.

=== What is it ? ===
GoaMount is a lightweight auto mount addon. Although its main purpose is clever automatic mounting with one button ,additional features that distinguishes GoaMount from its alikes are "fall protection", "auto yelling while falling" , "Reminding of mounting if not mounted in a mountable area" etc..

Please report problems or ideas by submiting a ticket here in the project page.

== Why the name "Goa" ?==
Goa is the abbreviation of "Gang Of Anarchy" which my guild in Sporeggar world in Eu server. Our plan is to develop new and usefull standalone addons with the same abbreviation.

=== Features :===
* GoaMount has the support of Key Bindings.
* Auto scan user mounts and categorize them as "Air","Ground","Water","Passenger",'Special"
Air : Air mounts.
Ground : Ground mounts
Water : Water mounts
Passenger: Mounts that can carry passengers
Special : Continent based mounts like Ahn'Qiraj.
* Automatic Clever Mounting according to place where mounted.
* "Fall Protection Mode" which is preventing dismounting while in the air. For PvP it can be switched off.
* Auto reminding if not mounted in a mountable area.
* Auto screaming if dismounted in the air.
* Button for only summoning ground mounts.
* Button for only summoning air mounts.
* Button for smart summoning, will choose the best mount according to continent and player's mounts.
* Can randomly summon player's pets.

=== Usage ===
* Type /goa for options.
* All buttons can be moved by holding down CTRL or Shift keys while holding left mouse button.
* Left click to any button will mount, right click to same button will dismount the mount.
* Before using mounting buttons please Scan your mounts from the options menu.

=== Credits ===
* Thanks for my all fellow guild members who tested this addon.
* Especially thanks my dear blue troll friend Funkydorian for his efforts in finding bugs and ideas.
* Thanks Farianthas and all of his cousins for the ideas also.

Dr. Karharten The Crazy Shaman
47 6F 61 4D 6F 75 6E 74

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