About SkillUpClassic:
SkillUpClassic replaces the default message recieved when a skill increases. The Blizzard UI uses the format "Your skill in [skill] has increased to [value]." SkillUpClassic creates a new line in the format "Your skill in [skill] has increased to [value] out of [maxvalue]."
SkillUpClassic options can be edited using the provided GUI. Type /skillup to access it.
SkillUpClassic Extensions:
SkillUpClassic supports extension addons. One example is included with this release: SkillUpClassic+Ding (disabled by default -- you must go enable it if you want to use it).
SkillUpClassic+Ding plays a sound when you max out one of your skills.
See the bottom of the SkillUpClassic\SkillUpClassic.lua file as well as the example extensions for more information on how to implement your own addons to extend SkillUpClassic.
Current Issues (updated Sep 27, 2019):
No known issues exist, but please report any issues that you find.