Updated: 03-14-20 04:10 AM
File Info
Classic Patch (1.13.3)
Updated:03-14-20 04:10 AM
Created:01-21-20 12:39 PM

Water Dispenser

Version: 1.10
by: Razyel [More]

A full raid and everyone needs water! Or Healthstone!

This addon fills the trade-window with full stacks of water or food (or every other consumable), depending of the class of your trading partner.
When conjured drink, food or healthstones are missing, a cast-button is added right to the trade-window.
WD checks the level of your trade partner, so it will only get useable water/food/healthstone.

WD has predefined settings for water/food/healthstones, but you can change how many stacks each class will get in the options (type /wd config) or add new items for auto trade. The amount can be different for solo/strangers, group-members and raid-members. When you want to add new items, you need at least one item in the inventory before you open the configuration.

WD should support any classic client, but the texts are only in English and German available.

- Option: Trade locked items in untrade slot for rogues
- show picklock-button for rogues

- don't clear on trade-startup
- automatic put locked items in special-slot, when in trade with a rogue

- preload items
- Disabled during combat-lockdown

- Fix Healthstone-trade :)

- Warlock Healthstone support
- Option "Use not complete full stack"

- fix combat lua error

- conjured food support
- combine settings for conjured food / water
- small icons
- You can set now for solo/stranger, group-member and raid-member
- predefinied settings for any conjured food / water
- Sorry - i must reset all settings

- Add additional button to the trade window
- checks minimum level for an conjured item
- support cast button, when conjured water is missing (sorry no food is in the next release)
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