Updated: 07-11-24 10:39 AM
Classic (1.15.2)
Updated:07-11-24 10:39 AM
Created:05-29-21 09:33 AM

NDui Classic: Era  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.45.0
by: siweia [More]

NDui Classic
Classic version of NDui for WoW Vanilla Classic.
Main Features
- Reskin default UI skins.
- Ingame config panel.
- Auras watcher for all classes with low usage.
- oUF frameworks, include RaidFrames and Nameplates.
- RaidFrame: two mode for differ needs, configurable click cast and raid debuffs.
- Nameplate: show power percentage or custom color for special units, target and mouseover highlight, dispellable auras highlight, tank treat color, auras filter.
- Chat spam filter.
- One-container system with filters by cargBags.
- Raid Toolbar with ready check, count down, combat res timer.
- Optional event alerts (interrupt/dispell alert, broken spell alert, quests progress notification).
- Infobars with auto sell junk, auto repair, enhanced guild and friend tooltips.
Default AddOns
!BaudErrorFrame, NDui
Skins Support
BigWigs, DBM, Details, Postal, PremadeGroupsFilter, Rematch, Skada, TMW, WeakAuras
Download & Setup
1. Download and unzip the file.
2. Delete or backup your old "Interface" folder, replace with mine.
3. Log into game, and follow the tutorial.
Please post me with errors (if does, see BOTTOMRIGHT of your screen), addon version and sreenshots if you have any questions.
You can also contact me via github.

Q: I find a problem that a...
A: Make sure you know the options from GUI panel and the slash cmd list from /ndui.

Q: How to change opacity of UI? How to disable the font outlines?
A: /ac.

Q: How to compare items?
A: Hold shift key. Or auto compare via "/run SetCVar("alwaysCompareItems", 1)".

Q: Can I modify the unitframes or actionbars?
A: Disable the features in GUI panel, and use your own addon.

Q: How to tell whether the castbars interruptable or not?
A: Blue color: interruptable, red color: not interruptable.

Q: How to toggle auto repair, auto sell junk?
A: Check with your bottomright infobar tooltips.

Q: How to scroll chat frame to top or bottom?
A: Hold shift and scroll.

Q: Loot banner after encounter end? Talking header for quests?
A: Go check the GUI panel in section MISC.

Q: How to invite a unit to party or guild?
A: ALT+LeftButton=Invite unit, CTRL+LeftButton=Guild invite, SHIFT+LeftButton=Copy name.
Credits (Alphabet)
Elv, Freebaser, Haleth, Haste, lightspark, Loshine, Neavo, p3lim, Paopao001, Qulight, Ray, Rubgrsch, Simpy, Tuller, zork.

- Bump up toc.
- Update bagsort.
- Update auras reminder.
- Update micro menu.
- Update default skins.
- Fix infobar spec module.
- Remove old patch compats.
- Update skins.
- Bump up toc.
- Update mana regen ticks.
- Update hunter aspects bar.
- Update skins.
- Remove invalid spell libs.
- Update bag sorting.
- Fix color picker.
- Remove LibHealComm.
- Update buff frame.
- Update skins.
- Option to scale maximize worldmap.
- Worldmap skin tweaks.
- Option to modify micromenu buttons.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update skin for WA.
- Add nil check for cooldown.
- Updates for 1.15.0.
- Update method to block DBM nameplate auras.
- Fix auras visibility.
- Update default skins.
- Fix error in friends module.
- Fix junk auto selling.
- Update font in chat editbox.
- Fix quest automation.
- Use chat classcolor in chat frame.
- Fix actionbar paging.
- Cleanup actionbar textures.
- Fix quick keybind mode.
- Update skin for Details and WA.
- Update default skins.
- Update oUF.
- Update looks for scrollbar.
- Updates for patch 1.14.4.
- New unitframe layout: gradient class color.
- Add a sparkle castbar for petframe.
- Remove old and invalid data.
- Refactor resting indicator.
- Save anchor for CharacterFrame.
- GroupLootFrame skin tweaks.
- Fix OpenAllMail error if GM mails exists in mailbox.
- Fix unitframe auras visibility if power bar disabled.
- Update skin for WA.
- Update default UI skins.
- Correct tooltip anchor on unitframe buffs.
- Revert previous stat panel changes.
- Option to enable transparent healthbar.
- Replace nameplate elite texture.
- Refactor unitframe border and glow.
- Be able to hide power bars by setting to 0 height.
- WotLK: off tank threat color on nameplates.
- WotLK: destroy totems by right click on totembar.
- WotLK: map reveal data for Northrend.
- Fix error when mousewheel on petbar.
- Update minimap recycle bin.
- Bag custom filter now up to 5 groups.
- Refactor profile structure, only accpet data from version 1.35.0 and higher.
- Update skins for WA and Details.
- Item level string in tooltip should show in single line with addon RatingBuster.
- Max lines for ChatFrame now increase to 2048.
- Option to show stealable buff on nameplates in always.
- Update nameplate filter and its relevant options.
- Update option data transfer.
- Update aura reminder for Mage and Warlock.
- You can now reset specific character gold info on infobar.
- Option to change unitframe's name verticle offset.
- Fix nameplate quest indicator with Questie.
- Better tooltip refresh in bags.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update default skins.
- Correctly show font shadow if uncheck fout outline.
- Add option to use default font path for chat frame.
- Update raid debuff indicator black list.
- Always use key down selection for raid frame.
- Correctly refresh free slots on infobar gold module.
- LibHealComm v102.
- Show itemlevel on MerchantFrame and TradeFrame.
- New scrolling mode for FCT.
- Remove compats with old patch.
- Add skin for CodexLite.
- Change sound volume by holding key CTRL and mousewheel on minimap.
- Options to highlight nameplate by specific auras.
- Update nameplate targetBy indicator.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update performance of buff frame.
- Update chat copy format.
- Update skin for Details.
- Auto hide minimap recycle bin by right click.
- Option to modify minimap recycle bin blacklist.
- Swing timer no longer attached to castbar, and more options in.
- Update option data transfer.
- Update nameplate nameonly filter, and more options in.
- Add some nameplate cvar options.
- Correct nameplate option range for max distance.
- Add animation on nameplate target arrow.
- Refactor map fog removal.
- Refactor questlog extend.
- Update default ui skins and support patch 1.14.3.
- Fix unit raid target info on player tooltips.
- Update oUF and LHC.
- Options to toggle nameplate dispellable auras and spell interruptor.
- Option to track nameplate targeted info in your group.
- Update actionbar cooldown format.
- Options to change actionbar cooldown format threshold.
- Fix actionbar layout sharing with stancebar visibility.
- Add raiddebuffs group OTHER when outside raids.
- Option to change camera max zoom level.
- Update chatframe font flags if global font outline disabled.
- Color blocks on unit popup menu now support battlenet friends.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update default skins.
- Update chat bubble textures in instances.
- Fix several blizzard UI bugs.
- Update skins for Details.
- More options for GameTooltip, Unitframes and RaidFrames.
- Fix math in swing timer.
- Fix an error in actionbar cooldown.
- Enhanced ColorPickerFrame.
- Fix ticks in channel spells.
- Option to block DBM filter.
- Add skin for MRT timers.
- Update option for playerplate.
- Update actionbar preset.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update default skins.
- Show helptip for BaudErrorFrame.
- More options for nameplate custom.
- Separate options for nameplate castbar.
- Update options for actionbar.
- You can freely customize your actionbar and share layout with others.
- Show unit reation to you by holding key Shift.
- Revamp chat channel switch by tabs.
- Options to turn off background textures.
- Update interaction blocks on unit menu.
- Fix minimap tracking frame anchor in build 41137.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Fix LCD loading error.
- Update LibHealComm.
- Bring back action count.
- Update skins for patch 1.14.1
- Fix blizzard InspectUI error in non-English client.
- Update BaudErrorFrame to catch utf8 string error.
- Update heal prediction, no longer delay on hots.
- No longer hide GameToolip status bar for dead units.
- Block NPC auto interactin by holding ALT and click its name.
- Update version tag in changelog.
- Update unitframe tags for health and power.
- Separate friendly nameplate options.
- Update bag sort.
- Update micromenu, map button now replace with LFG button.
- New options for infobar to rearrange and anchor.
- Update options for bag.
- Option to change bags per row.
- Update anchor for namepalte rare indicator.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Transplant from TBC version, support patch 1.14.0.
- Option to show equip item color on actionbar, disabled as default.
- Option to show hunter aspect bar.
- Update bag widgets bar.
- Option to sort bags in multi rows, disabled as default.
- Add buff and debuff indicator on raidframes.
- Sort raid debuffs by dungeon or raid.
- Option to show nameplate cast target.
- Option to glow nameplate icon with custom spells.
- Option to clamp target nameplate.
- Split interrupt and dispell notification.
- Option to turn off whisper sound.
- Option to change minimap size.
- Option to show minimap difficulty flag.
- Update skins, option for grey border.
- Update skin for CharacterStatsClassic.
- Update mail tool, option to save previous mail receiver.
- Add interaction blocks on target menu.
- Option to notify hunter pet happiness.
- Update heal prediction, direct heal is now powered by blizz API.
- Smooth additional power.
- Option to change nameplate alpha.
- Update LibClassicDurations.
- Update skin for the new blizzard event trace.
- Update infobar friends module.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Bump up TOC.
- Fix action count.
- Fix conflict with addon ConsolePort.
- Separate option 'dispellable auras only'.
- Infobar gold module can now switch to bag free slots.
- Fix skin for DBM.
- Add Russian locales.
- Update auras.
- Don't close bag when trade finished.
- Update anchor for BN toast.
- Update skin for WA.
- Always use classcolor on chatframe.
- Update option for actionbar scale.
- Raidframe clicksets now save by classes.
- Update anchor for nameplate elements.
- New option to show target nameplate color, disabled as default.
- Update unitframe health tag, now show decimals.
- Data transfer no longer contains custom junk list.
- Only show dispellable debuffs when raid debuffs off.
- Update minimap track menu.
- New option to customize ui texture style.
- Improve usage for bag filter.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Accept npc guid for nameplate custom units.
- Show unit npc id by holding key shift.
- Nameplate quest indicator size tweaks.
- Bump up TOC.
- Update LCC v36.
- Dont close bags when trade finished.
- Castbar font size follower UF text scale.
- Update unitframe tags.
- RaidFrame tweaks.
- Update custom junk button in bags, hold ALT+CTRL to empty its list
- Fix item tooltips in bags.
- Support pawn upgrade arrow in bags.
- Update skin for default ui bags.
- Unlock limit for mailbox contact list.
- Add gold collect button in mailbox.
- Add incompatible addons check.
- Update LibHealComm and LCC.
- Update aurawatch and auras list.
- Update auras reminder.
- Update map reveal, add option to remove shadow.
- If alaCalendar enabled, toggle its frame by middle click on minimap.
- Refactor minimap recycle bin.
- Profile management in GUI.
- Update profile transfer.
- Fix nameplate quest indicator with Questie.
- Update chat whisper sound frequency.
- Option to send actionbar cooldown status.
- Update auto sell junk speed.
- Cleanup ui tutorial.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Refactor infobar friends and guild module.
- No longer use master channel for login animation.
- Option to change chatframe background type.
- Update chat tabs whisper color.
- Update range for raidframe health frequency.
- Update aurawatch.
- Update LCC.
- Option to disable stance bar.
- Fix action count in some other locales.
- Update mailbox tool.
- Update icon texcoord for WA icons.
- Remove deprecated code.
- Quick keybind mode support mouse middle button.
- Nameplate execute indicator: red nametext color when lower than cap.
- Minimap ping info ignore pings from player.
- Option to change combat text font size.
- Option to disable enhanced worldmaps.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update sortbags.
- Update default skins.
- Update auras and its GUI panel.
- Heal prediction color tweaks.
- Update nameplate name-only filter.
- Update APIs.
- Option to enable custom actionbar.
- Update option for actionbar scale.
- Update cooldown timer module.
- Update quick keybind mode.
- Update tutorial.
- Increase framelevel for castbars.
- Auto toggle bags when trade or auction.
- Update options for playerplate.
- Remove max combo highlight, replace with red color.
- Update chatframe.
- Revamp infobar friends and guild module.
- Update data import and export.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Disable WatchSpellRank as default.
- Update LibHealComm.
- Update anchors for raid marker and phase icon.
- Update raid debuffs for TAQ.
- Fix nameplate threat indicator.
- Fix sortbags.
- Fix reminder for Warrior.
- Update LCD and LCC.
- Jujus now belongs to consumable in bags.
- Update icon elements in bags.
- New option to change nameplate aura filter.
- Update playerplate and its options.
- Update auras.
- Update buffframe.
- Details and blizz skins tweak.
- Remove gems info.
- Fix target power text offset.
- New option for name-only friendly nameplate, disabled as default.
- Update raid mark ancohr on unitframes.
- New option to change auras per row on target frame.
- Update arrow and closebutton textures.
- Update GUI and locales.
- TOC bump up.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Double click on slider header would reset to default settings.
- UI scale tweaks.
- Update LCD.
- Expbar tweaks.
- Update UI skins.
- Show item level on tooltips.
- Refactor keybind, now use cmd /bb instead.
- Raidframe element anchor tweak.
- Option to change raidframe update frequency.
- Show team index now support on simple mode raidframes.
- Option to change y offset on unitframes.
- Update threat borders on nameplates and raidframes.
- Update skins for Recount and DBM.
- Reminder: thorns for Druid.
- Color tweaks on raidframe target indicator.
- Update tutorial.
- Fix an error on data import.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Option to change units per column on simple mode raidframe.
- Remove skins for ClassicQuestLog etc.
- Update UI skins.
- Update auras.
- Update Libs.
- Minor tweaks on chatfilter and chatframe.
- Update skins for actionbar.
- Fix spells resource from player pet.
- Update minimap scale.
- Transplant from NDui 5.5.0 @ bfa.
- Remove AuroraClassic, skin options can be found in GUI.
- Cleanup unaccess code and function.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Revamp raid tool.
- Update addon version check.
- Update LibHealComm and LibClassicDurations.
- Revamp 'misc' module.
- Reminder now support more auras.
- Button to customize junk list.
- Revamp infobar, fix issue when memory larger than 300m.
- Logo animation tweaks.
- Update minimap recycle bin anchor.
- Temporary disable pixel snap.
- Update language filter.
- Update libs.
- Update default raid debuffs.
- Update channel ticks.
- Update chat time stamps.
- Update GUI and locales, support koKR.
- Nameplate castbar tweaks.
- Fix a issue of AHDB, which breaks minimap recycle bin.
- Show ui logo when login to game.
- Update raid manager.
- Update minimap textures.
- Additional mana bar tweaks.
- Update buff indicator default list.
- Option to show all caster spells on buff indicator.
- Remove LibTotemInfo.
- Update LibHealComm and LibClassicDurations.
- Option to show TOTOT, disabled as default.
- Option to filter msg from friends or guild members.
- More options for raidframe.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Update aura libs.
- Update threat indicator on raidframes.
- Increment of max buff size.
- Remove blue classcolor for Shaman, which prevents you from arranging groups in combat.
- Extend profession panel.
- Individual mover for raidframes.
- Option to change unitframe smooth frequency.
- Show action counts.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Skin for BindPad.
- Update buff timer format.
- Fix issue of buff indicator scale.
- Update skins.
- Details and Bigwigs skin tweak.
- Fix issue when comparing tooltips.
- Remove bossframes, which is not available.
- Update default corner buffs for Priest.
- Nameplate castbar fontsize follow its name fontsize.
- Show raid 'threat' highlight.
- Remove support from RealMobsHealth.
- More bag filters.
- Rework shift key stuck alert.
- Update spell libs.
- New feature to quick split items in bags.
- Background color tweaks on bags.
- Contact list on mailbox.
- Update UI scale.
- Use symbol ~ for multi-lines macro in clickset.
- Option to change iLvl threshold on bags.
- Update BaudErrorFrame.
- Minimap recycle bin tweaks.
- Option to change expand directions for skada, details and recount.
- Use buff indicator aura filter even disabled.
- Option to scale buff indicator and raid debuffs.
- Live toggle when change buff indicator mode.
- Individual setup panel for raid frames.
- Update raid manager, auto change its direction when expand.
- Option to block whipser from strangers, disabled as default.
- Update skin for Details.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Fix error in GetTotemInfo.
- Update all spell libs.
- Add LibTotemInfo, which fix the issue of GetTotemInfo.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Update aurawatch list.
- Remove option for gem and enchant info.
- Add button to toggle keyring.
- New texture for bag sorting.
- Favourite icon texture tweaks.
- Actionbar select texture tweaks.
- Update addon block list.
- Update skin for Details.
- Fix incorrect info on reputation bar.
- Fix unit invite on friend infobar.
- Update minimap recycle bin ignore list.
- Add option to turn off auto 'DELETE' input.
- Add pet frames for party only, disable as default.
- Several updates for master loot.
- Update castbar ticks.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update default settings.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Aurawatch GUI switcher now only block preset auras.
- UI elements mover tweaks.
- Update channel ticks for hunter's volley.
- Live toggle for actionbar scale option.
- New option to scale unitframes font size.
- New option to switch off new item glow.
- Prevent error if blizzard raidframe disabled by other addons.
- Update bags, and support keyring.
- Reskin elements for battlefield.
- Update spell libs.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Update LibHealComm.
- Update LCD and LCC.
- Update minimap recycle bin.
- Add trackmenu on minimap by right click.
- Update swingbar.
- Fix regen ticker for hunter.
- Update bags.
- Chatframe background tweaks.
- Update dragable frame list.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Fix an error in TradeTabs.
- Update LCC, LCD.
- Heal prediction now rely on LibHealComm.
- Update auras for hunter.
- Fix actionbar grids when picking spells from spellbook.
- Update minimap recycle bin.
- Disable regen ticker when max mana.
- Update swing timer, fix lagging issue.
- New options for castbars in GUI.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Refactor item sell price.
- Fix recount skin from resetting.
- Fix unit health value on tooltip.
- Update auras.
- Update LCD, LCC.
- Fix micromenu highlight texture.
- Chat font outline now follows config from AuroraClassic.
- Fix custom CD group in Aurawatch.
- RaidManager tweaks.
- Disable energy ticker for warrior.
- Update nameplate quest indicators.
- Update check mark anchor on questlog.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Reskin CharacterStatsClassic.
- Fix bag freeslot drop.
- Fix bag reverse sort.
- Fix blizzard bug on button grids when toggle spellbook.
- Add trade frame tabs.
- Update libs.
- Fix guild control taint.
- Add enhance questlog panel.
- Add a collapse button on quest tracker.
- Color tweaks on questlog.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Add an option to force show classcolor on chatframe.
- Reskin addon recount.
- New look for details reset button.
- Fix castbar icon.
- Show pet experience info on expbar for hunter.
- Update quest indicator for ClassicCodex.
- Shift key stuck alert tweaks.
- Update hotkeys on petbar and stancebar.
- Update version check.
- Update bag filter, new filter for warlock soul shards.
- Add an option to change background color for special bags.
- Update group member icon on worldmap.
- Refactor micromenu, now should work with any addons.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Fix errors with Auctioneer.
- Increment of Healcomm version.
- Add tooltip on buff indicator GUI panel.
- Update locales.
- Fix castbar update for channel spells.
- Target "threat" indicator now works on enemy player and custom units as well.
- Fix version check.
- New chat filter: white list mode. Only show message that listed.
- Update LCD.
- Update default dispellable list.
- Increment of details bar font size.
- Update scale of actionbar mover.
- Fix guild control taint
- Add an option to hide all item and spell info.
- Reskin WhatsTraining.
- Minimap recycle bin ignore TownsfolkTracker.
- Remove party interrupt watcher.
- Update castbars.
- Add energy and mana ticker.
- Fix heal prediction.
- Update default click cast list.
- Update default raid buffs list.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Only override tooltip text option in RealMobHealth.
- Update missing locales in enUS.
- QuestLogEx skin tweaks.
- Show quest count on quest header.
- Fix playerplate classpower visibility.
- Add option to hide infobars.
- Update buff reminder.
- Update LCD and LCC.
- Nameplate threat indicator only work on mobs.
- Show weapon enchant counts on buff frame (rogue poisons).
- Aurawatch only trigger when cooldown greater than 3s.
- New feature: combine container empty slots, disabled as default.
- Bags ammo filter only available for hunters.
- Add alert when someone shift key get stuck.
- Auto dismount and auto stand for spell cast.
- Show hunter aimed shot.
- Update debuff list for raids and dungeons.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Remove skin for PremadeGroupsFilter.
- Disable map reveal when LeatrixMaps enabled.
- Update Raidmanager.
- Fix tooltip statusbar health value.
- Disable bag sort while in combat.
- New option to hide playerplate health and power bars.
- Update nameplate tags.
- Update LibClassicDurations.
- First step in tutorial cannot be skipped any longer.
- Use itemlevel from GetItemInfo.
- Update skin for extended questlog addons, compatible with ClassicCodex.
- Update dispellable classes.
- Cleanup auras.
- Aurawatch now support for different ranks.
- Reminder back on track for Mage and Priest.
- Update worldmap module.
- Fix mover for loot roll frame.
- Fake "threat" indicator for nameplates.
- Update bag filter, new mode for preferences.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Reskin QuestGuru and ClassicQuestLog.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Fix FCT environment damage output.
- Fix chatbar issue on officer channel.
- Hide mirror timer bar bg.
- Empty slots from quiver belong to ammo filter.
- Update map fader, override when mouseover map.
- Update quest notification.
- Nameplate quest indicator compatible with Questie.
- Update LCD and LCC.
- Remove deprecated code.
- Micromenu anchor tweaks.
- Add durability cost on infobar.
- Fix interrupt info, use spellName instead of spellID.
- Update chat lock and unitframe resize.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Add skin for QuestLogEx.
- Remove rematch skin.
- Add mover for QuestTimerFrame.
- Hide minimap elements.
- Update infobar guild and friend modules.
- Update libs.
- Tutorial can only be hidden once you read all through.
- Update simple combat text.
- Fix an error on vendor price.
- Fix blizz alertframe error.
- Add an option to hide chatbar.
- Font outline fix for all locales.
- Add taxi exit button.
- The height of combo points on classbar follows hp bar.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Serveral bugs fixed.
- Update questtracker, add option to toggle it.
- Update item vendor price.
- Hotkey replacement cover numpads.
- Cleanup all spell list.
- Buff indicator now support different spell ranks.
- Item filter for hunter ammo.
- Add bag sort.
- Fix gui data import from old version data.
- Remove Shaman totembar fo now.
- Update LibClassicDurations.
- Update Druid combo points.
- New option to toggle target rightclick menu.
- Low durability info only show in every 30 minutes.
- Update map reveal.
- Fix raidframe debuffs.
- Update quickquest.
- Fix a issue that cause WA buggy.
- Update infobar spec module.
- Add item quality glow on character and inspect frame.
- Update AuroraClassic.
- Update Shaman class color.
- Bags tweaks.
- Update castbar and auras.
- Fix combo poitns for Druild.
- Fix fct spell damage.
- Update oUF core.
- Add level string on raidframe and partyframe.
- Reformat gold string on infobars.
- Update quest tracker.
- Icon recycle bin won't mess up with guildlime.
- Support RealMobHealth.
- Remove tradetabs.
- Add vendor price (by Gethe).
- Add "Guild invite" and "name copy" on target menu.
- Class color on guild frame.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Nameplate quest indicator support ClassicCodex.
- Support pet happiness.
- Support castbars and auras.
- Fix keybinding.
- Cleanup bag modules.
- Update worldmap coords.
- Remove deprecated features.
- Update tooltip module.
- Update GUI and locales.
- Initial uploaded.
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (22)
File Name
04-05-24 11:31 PM
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Unread 07-21-24, 09:15 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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