Updated: 04-19-09 12:36 AM
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Updated:04-19-09 12:36 AM

Battleground General  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.2
by: tsadok [More]

Battleground General is a small panel that appears in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and now in Alterac Valley (see below for specific AV instructions). It shows you where all your team-mates are, and allows you to give specific orders to multiple people at once, along with other useful and fun features.

Getting started:
Once you have downloaded Battleground General and put it into your AddOns folder, you can open up WoW and set some keybindings. The most useful bindings are Show, Hide, Order by Class and Order by Position. I use Ctrl-S, Ctrl-H, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-P for these commands. Once you enter Warsong Gulch or Arathi Basin the panel will appear and you can place it where it suits you. If the BGG panel doesn’t appear (which occasionally happens), using the "Show" keybinding or typing /bgg show will show it. It will show you where all your team-mates are and a red dot will indicate if they’re in combat. Ordering by class is self-explanatory. Ordering by position sorts players by where they are, with Alliance areas at the top and Horde areas down the bottom.

Giving commands
You can select players by shift clicking on them. This is different to targeting them as you can select multiple players. To order them around, use the Battleground Whisper command. For example you may select three players you want to defend the flag in WSG. Then you type:
/bgw stay on defence

The message "stay on defence" will be individually whispered to each selected player.

When you start, this won’t actually work, as BGG is by default in Sandbox Mode. Once you are confident to send real whispers, type /bgg sandbox off

As of Version 1.3.1, whispers will automatically be preceded by a header: "[Multi-Player Whisper]"

You can also right-click on the five red buttons near the top for pre-made, hopefully grammatical, commands. I like the Battleground Whisper concept a lot more, so am deprecating using the buttons.

Do Not Whisper List
Not everyone will respond positively to being whispered to. As a responsible Warcraft citizen, you can maintain a list of players to whom whispering is not productive. Target the offending (offended?) player, or select them in the BGG window and type /bgg dnw on to avoid sending them more whispers. Type /bgg dnw help for more information about maintaining the list. This list will be valid for the whole account.[/b]

Organizing Groups
You may wish to issue commands certain groups of players. Use the the Store Group # and Recall Group # bindings (I use Shift-Ctrl-1 to store and Ctrl-1 to recall) to save and bring back your groups. Alternatively you may want the groups to follow raid groups (players in the same party can share auras and make use of Vampiric Touch for example). Type /bgg group on to be able to recall raid groups (ie. BGG groups will follow raid groups).
Advanced Stuff
Creating this custom macro in Clique will allow you to toggle BGG selections by clicking on unit frames:
/bgg click select
For more details, see the change notes for version 2.1.
If you’re not American you may prefer the area above the Flag Room floor in WSG to be called "1st floor" instead of "2nd floor". To change this, open up the file BGGConfig.lua and change the first line to ABGUseAmericanNames = false.
The Toggle Enemy List keybinding shows or hides a panel showing which enemy players have been seen where in Arathi Basin. It is useful for knowing whether a node can be defended or whether it will probably by overrun. Note that this information is imperfect, and that there may be enemy players as yet unseen. The panel automatically hides if you enter combat.
You’ve grabbed the enemy flag in WSG and got all the way back to your base. Someone on your team returns your flag, but you don’t notice until too late in the desperate struggle to keep yourself alive. Battleground General can help! Type /bgg warn on to get BGG to warn you that you can now capture the flag with a sound you can’t miss.
Lastly, for fun, type /bgg cheer on to get your character to perform a suitable positive or negative emote when you or the opposition capture the flag in WSG. You raise your fist in anger at Dumbflagcarrier.

Alterac Valley

Out of necessity the interface is different in AV.

Instead of individual players, the frames now represent areas. Mousing over the frames will show you which players on your team are in that area, and which enemies have been sighted there. If you have selected any players it will list them by their area.

You can left- and right-click on the frame do select and deselect players:
Left-Click: Select one player
Right-Click: Deselect one player
Shift-Left-Click: Select all players in that area
Shift-Right-Click: Deselect all players in that area

Left-Clicking three times will select three players from a particular area. They will be the three closest players to each other so that they can group up easily (BGG selects the player with the shortest total distance to every other player in the area- processor intensive but it only happens when you mouseover, so it’s unlikely to cause problems in combat).

The eight buttons at the top are for selecting and deselecting raid groups. For example with button 1:
Left-Click: Select Group 1
Shift-Left-Click: Add members of Group 1 to selection
Alt-Left-Click: Remove members of Group 1 from selection
Right-Click: Clear selection

Mousing over the buttons with the Alt key down will remind you of these options.

All communications are done with the /bgw command. Players on your Do Not Whisper list will never be selected. There is a shortcut for selecting groups:
/bgg select 34

...will select members of Groups 3 and 4. So the following macro:
/bgg select 57
/bgw protect bal

...will instruct members of Groups 5 & 7 to help Balinda.

Hopla! Battleground General is now functional on German clients. Also most of the look-and-feel is also in German. Many thanks to Nerozud for his help. There may be an issue with emotes performed when a player captures the flag on the German client. Feedback is welcome!

In Warsong Gulch, the enemy flag is visible on the world map 45 seconds after it is taken. At this point, enemy flag tracking will change to following the enemy flag icon. This should allow superior tracking of the enemy flag.

Battleground General is now compatible with Addon Loader by Ammo. If Addon Loader is present, BGG will not load unless you enter a battleground.

It also interfaces with Grid. To configure with Grid, open Grid's configuration menu. The status is called 'Battleground Position'. You probably want to set the text2 indicator to this. If you have Grid, but don't want to use it for battleground positions, type:

/bgg grid off save a little memory and CPU. If you don't have Grid, performance won't be affected.

Finally, in AV, BGG looks for the death of Balinda or Galvangar and reports it to the /bg channel. Only one client with BGG will report their deaths. It will use the message "Bal is down" or "Galv is down".

Battleground General can now interface with Clique by Cladhaire:
To use it, open Clique and press 'Custom'. Select 'Create Custom Macro', and for the macro, type:

/bgg click select

Now, clicking on their unit frame (with for example shift-left click) will toggle their selection in Battleground General. To make the macro always select or deselect, use:

/bgg click select on|off

You may have noticed that you can only send ten whispers at a time before WoW says it’s too many. If players in your team also have Battleground General, it will send them their message via an Addon Channel rather than as a normal whisper, which will let you whisper more people at once. For sender and receiver it should be indistinguishable from an ordinary whisper. (This took a lot of debugging, which is why this version took so long- please let me know if there are any more problems).

BGG should now behave better going straight from AB to AV for example. Sorry, the /bgg select 134 command is still buggy, or not worky. Next version!

A LOT has been done behind the scenes, only of interest if you like... ok, not of interest to anyone but me :-) Reducing BGG’s global footprint and the like.

Added support for Death Knights. Their presence on a battleground may have been causing errors.

Updated (and tested) for WotLK. The event scheduling algorithm is now more efficient.

The Battleground General pane will now hide during combat. Specifically, it will hide when an enemy player (not a pet) causes you normal or spell damage. So it won’t hide if you’re riding through AV and are attacked by NPCs such as harpies, frostwolves, archers etc. To enable or disable this feature, type:
/bgg hidecombat on|off

Battleground General has come to Alterac Valley! It works the same as before in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin. Out of necessity the interface is different in AV.

Instead of individual players, the frames now represent areas. Mousing over the frames will show you which players on your team are in that area, and which enemies have been sighted there. If you have selected any players it will list them by their area.

You can left- and right-click on the frame do select and deselect players:
Left-Click: Select one player
Right-Click: Deselect one player
Shift-Left-Click: Select all players in that area
Shift-Right-Click: Deselect all players in that area

Left-Clicking three times will select three players from a particular area. They will be the three closest players to each other so that they can group up easily (BGG selects the player with the shortest total distance to every other player in the area- processor intensive but it only happens when you mouseover, so it’s unlikely to cause problems in combat).

The eight buttons at the top are for selecting and deselecting raid groups. For example with button 1:
Left-Click: Select Group 1
Shift-Left-Click: Add members of Group 1 to selection
Alt-Left-Click: Remove members of Group 1 from selection
Right-Click: Clear selection

Mousing over the buttons with the Alt key down will remind you of these options.

All communications are done with the /bgw command. Players on your Do Not Whisper list will never be selected. There is a shortcut for selecting groups:
/bgg select 34

...will select members of Groups 3 and 4. So the following macro:
/bgg select 57
/bgw protect bal

...will instruct members of Groups 5 & 7 to help Balinda.

Still no luck with version numbers, BGG doesn't like the "1.3.1" format.

Version number is now taken from the TOC file, following last update's mini-debacle.

Battleground whispers will now by default be preceded by a header. If you select Player-Realm and type

/bgw Hi there

You will send:
To [Player-Realm]: [Multi-Player Whisper] Hi there

The following commands apply:

/bgg header on|off: Automatically add an identifying header to Battleground Whispers
/bgg header set *message*: Changes the Battleground Whisper Header to *message*
/bgg header set default: Reverts the Battleground Whisper Header to its default setting

Ratios have been reversed in Arathi Basin to be more intuitive. 3:2 now means 3 friendlies and 2 enemies in an area.

Introducing the Battleground Whisper command! This will send a whisper to all selected friendly players. So if you select 3 players and type:

/bgw come to stables

"come to stables" will be whispered to each of these three players.

This is a powerful and potentially annoying feature, so it includes the ability to maintain a Do Not Whisper List:
/bgg dnw help - Show DNW options
/bgg dnw list - List DNW players in your current battleground
/bgg dnw list all - List all of your DNW players on every realm
/bgg dnw undo - Undo the last operation (only one level)

The following commands require either a targeted friendly player, or one or more selected players in Battleground General:
/bgg dnw on - Add player(s) to the DNW list
/bgg dnw off - Remove player(s) from the DNW list
/bgg dnw - Toggle the player(s) status (individually)

All chat and addon messages now go through ChatThrottleLib (thanks Mikk).

Battleground General can now warn you in WSG if you have the enemy flag and your flag is returned (ie. you can capture). To use or disable this, type:
/bgg warn on|off
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Unread 01-30-09, 03:55 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I tried your code but it didn't work for me. :-( No 90% functionality... Maybe it is something else because the window should appear beside any translations when I type "/bgg show", shouldn't it? Or maybe I insert the code in the wrong place, whatever... Nevertheless, I tried it in Arathi Basin but I will do some PvP more.

And if you want, I can help you with the german localization (ich bin siebenmal in Deutschland gewesen ;-))
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Unread 01-30-09, 07:41 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Finally! :D

Originally posted by Nerozud
Finally I can contact you!
Well, I use the german client and really like your addon as far as I can see it on the pictures. But my problem is that the addon doesn't work as intended.
I can receive the commands and type some /bgg commands but nothing works. I only receive the help when I type /bgg. There is no window or something like this.

Ah, just a couple of things need to be fixed to make it work in another locale. For the moment, add the following code to the bottom of the file BGGLocalization.lua:

ABGLocales = {}

ABGLocales.deDe = {
    ["ARATHI_BASIN"] = "Arathibecken",
    ["EYE_OF_THE_STORM"] = "Auge des Sturms",
    ["WARSONG_GULCH"] = "Kriegshymnenschlucht",
    ["ALTERAC_VALLEY"] = "Alteractal",

local l = GetLocale()
if ABGLocales[l] then
    for k, v in pairs(ABGLocales[l]) do
        AbgL.k = v
I'll incorporate it into the next version as well. The addon has to check localized names to work out which battleground it is in, which is why it doesn't work.

That little bit of code will give BGG 90% of its functionality. The other 10% is to do with looking at battleground messages, which I'll work on. If I can find the strings, I have enough German to work it out (ich bin siebenmal in Deutschland gegangen )
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Unread 01-29-09, 06:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Finally! :D

Finally I can contact you!
Well, I use the german client and really like your addon as far as I can see it on the pictures. But my problem is that the addon doesn't work as intended.
I can receive the commands and type some /bgg commands but nothing works. I only receive the help when I type /bgg. There is no window or something like this.

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Unread 01-26-09, 12:27 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Thank you

Originally posted by govnah
Thank you so much for this.

much <3 from Azjol-Nerub (NA)


>> There seems to be a problem when deselecting targeted players.

>> would be great if i could change scale. i'd like the ui to be larger, as my wow ui is scaled down.

>> would like to be able to skim a list of commands while in-game via /help command?
Thanks for the comment. I think I saw it before the edit... oops.

> using the /bgg click select macro to select and deselect seems pretty robust now, hope it works

> the UI scale is not completely set in stone. If you're game, open BGGConfig.lua and change the respective numbers of:

ABGCellWidth = 140
ABGCellHeight = 15
ABGTitleFrameHeight = 30

Then go into the BattlegroundGeneral.lua file and replace all instances of:



> for a list of ingame commands, just type /bgg

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Unread 12-22-08, 12:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you

Thank you so much for this.

much <3 from Azjol-Nerub (NA)


>> There seems to be a problem when deselecting targeted players.

>> would be great if i could change scale. i'd like the ui to be larger, as my wow ui is scaled down.

>> would like to be able to skim a list of commands while in-game via /help command?
Last edited by govnah : 12-23-08 at 09:07 PM.
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Unread 11-16-08, 09:11 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by Psoewish
I'm not too much of a leader, especially when it comes to pvp, but I love how well worked out this is.

Definitely going to recommend this one to some people
Keep up the good work!
Hehe, thank you. Last night I was thinking about it and realised I hadn't put in support for Death Knights. I was wondering what errors it might cause etc. When I switched the computer on this morning and there was a comment notification I thought "Uh oh, someone's getting errors".

So your comment is a very pleasant surprise. Thank you!

PS I did the update while I was at it :-)
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Unread 11-16-08, 01:54 PM  
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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I'm not too much of a leader, especially when it comes to pvp, but I love how well worked out this is.

Definitely going to recommend this one to some people
Keep up the good work!
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Unread 07-03-08, 08:16 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Re: Re: Excellent idea

Originally posted by septor
How do you have Inner Fire?

Battleground General does indeed contain a hack that allows priests to cast Inner Fire. Naturally I haven't documented it as it would get me into trouble.
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Unread 07-03-08, 07:58 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin

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Re: Re: Excellent idea

How do you have Inner Fire?

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Unread 02-09-08, 08:10 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Excellent idea

Originally posted by marmaduke
I love this mod in AB. Sitting on the Stables flag and being able to easily dispatch my team is useful.

One possible addition that would make load balancing easier is some way of relaying the number of horde inc to the general. Normally players will just call our their incs. You could create a client portion of this mod that the troops would use and it could relay incs to the general in one of two ways:
1. As horde get targeted by players, the horde positions are sent to the general
2. Some easy way of declaring incs.. ideally by clicking Mine and then a num pad popping up with 1,2,3,4,5+ or something

Then the general would have a display of most recent horde positions in relation to each flag.

This mod seems aimed at leaders of premade BGs, so it would be easier to convince people to install a client for running a BG.
Thank you. I like that idea... it’s an extension of the flag carrier tracking in WSG and shouldn’t be too hard to implement. I haven’t been playing much AB since my troll priest hit 30 and my main BG toon is a 59 gnome lock, which on Bloodlust is too depressing for words as the only interest in AB is whether you’ll be 4- or 5- capped. I’ll make it my project for 1.2... far less daunting than the AV edition I’ve been toying with in my head.
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Unread 02-08-08, 04:20 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Excellent idea

I love this mod in AB. Sitting on the Stables flag and being able to easily dispatch my team is useful.

One possible addition that would make load balancing easier is some way of relaying the number of horde inc to the general. Normally players will just call our their incs. You could create a client portion of this mod that the troops would use and it could relay incs to the general in one of two ways:
1. As horde get targeted by players, the horde positions are sent to the general
2. Some easy way of declaring incs.. ideally by clicking Mine and then a num pad popping up with 1,2,3,4,5+ or something

Then the general would have a display of most recent horde positions in relation to each flag.

This mod seems aimed at leaders of premade BGs, so it would be easier to convince people to install a client for running a BG.
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