Results: 1144Comments by: Haleth
File: FreeUI06-22-12
There's currently no real way to do...
Posted By: Haleth
There's currently no real way to do this, sorry.
File: Aurora06-21-12
I'll change this in the next update.
Posted By: Haleth
I'll change this in the next update.
File: FreeUI06-19-12
There are arena frames which work f...
Posted By: Haleth
There are arena frames which work fairly well, shows dangerous buffs and has a hopefully still working trinket announcer. For super pro arena you might need something more specialised though.
File: Aurora06-19-12
Actually, I have a better idea. Try...
Posted By: Haleth
Actually, I have a better idea. Try replacing this: for i = 1, #tooltips do local t = _G] t:SetBackdrop(nil) local bg = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, t) bg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") bg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") bg:SetFrameLevel(t:GetFrameLevel()-1) F.CreateBD(bg, .6) end with this: local backdrop = { b...
File: Aurora06-19-12
Sorry for the delayed reply. In...
Posted By: Haleth
Sorry for the delayed reply. In aurora.lua, could you look for this line: t:SetBackdrop(nil) and replace it with this: t:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "", edgeFile = "", }) If this fixes the problem, I'll add it in a next update. Bear in mind that this will most likely make the other addon's tooltip background invisib...
File: FreeUI06-18-12
It shows automatically. If you are...
Posted By: Haleth
It shows automatically. If you are a hunter, it will show up at level 10, like the default one.
File: Aurora06-14-12
Oops, fixed.
Posted By: Haleth
Oops, fixed.
File: Aurora06-13-12
I like to do everything with lua th...
Posted By: Haleth
I like to do everything with lua these days so people don't need to mess with replacing files, it also makes it possible to change size and font shadow. I'm not seeing any weird fonts or borders, could you post a screenshot? Edit: I see the border problem, no idea how I overlooked that during testing. This problem wasn't in my...
File: FreeUI06-13-12
You'll have to do that manually.
Posted By: Haleth
You'll have to do that manually.
File: Aurora06-11-12
I added in-game options for this re...
Posted By: Haleth
I added in-game options for this reason. You can disable it once there, then it gets saved for all future versions.
File: Aurora06-10-12
Did you upgrade to the latest version?
Posted By: Haleth
Did you upgrade to the latest version?
File: FreeUI06-10-12
I don't use that no, though I could...
Posted By: Haleth
I don't use that no, though I could add it. But I kind of like oversized combat fonts ^_^
File: Aurora06-10-12
GUI added! It's very shiny.
Posted By: Haleth
GUI added! It's very shiny.
File: FreeUI06-09-12
The problem is that the damage deal...
Posted By: Haleth
The problem is that the damage dealt font is so large, it would look terrible with a pixel font. :(
File: Aurora06-09-12
Added on GitHub. I might just make...
Posted By: Haleth
Added on GitHub. I might just make a simple gui for these two options so that people don't always have to change it in the lua after updating.
File: FreeUI06-09-12
Yes, that's what I mean. Bear in mi...
Posted By: Haleth
Yes, that's what I mean. Bear in mind that it's a negative value so increasing the number will put it even lower. 0 is the center of the screen, anything higher than 0 is above the center.
File: FreeUI06-08-12
@ leodiaz92; Change 'raid' in the u...
Posted By: Haleth
@ leodiaz92; Change 'raid' in the unitframes section of options.lua. @ dontothabonbon; debuff borders are coloured by dispel type.
File: FreeUI06-06-12
Not currently, no.
Posted By: Haleth
Not currently, no.
File: FreeUI06-05-12
The bags use the original icon size...
Posted By: Haleth
The bags use the original icon size from the default Blizzard bags. They appear to be larger, though, because they had their borders removed, which makes the actual icon fill the entire texture. The UI is (if you ran the installer) set to be at an optimal scale for your resolution, so that 1 pixel in the UI matches 1 pixel on your...
File: FreeUI06-05-12
Sorry for slow replies, I have exam...
Posted By: Haleth
Sorry for slow replies, I have exams and I'm also a bit bored of WoW atm, I just log on for RP these days. It's a long wait to MoP :p @ Inraz; in scripts/unitframes.lua, delete this: else self.Health:GetStatusBarTexture():SetGradient("VERTICAL", r, g, b, r/2, g/2, b/2) Change this: -- Colour power by power type fo...
File: FreeUI05-14-12
Do you mean damage that you take, o...
Posted By: Haleth
Do you mean damage that you take, or damage that you do? Only damage that you take will show next to the healing. Damage that you do will still appear above mob's heads based on your settings.
File: FreeUI05-14-12
Addons aren't enabled yet on beta,...
Posted By: Haleth
Addons aren't enabled yet on beta, so no. It'll probably take me a few weeks to get the entire UI working again once they're enabled because of the massive amount of changes they made again. It might take even longer to get all the new windows restyled but that has a lower priority.
File: FreeUI05-11-12
options.lua, set 'shapeshift' to true.
Posted By: Haleth
options.lua, set 'shapeshift' to true.
File: BadBoy: Spam Blocker & Reporter05-11-12
Do you think you could by any chanc...
Posted By: Haleth
Do you think you could by any chance add an option to disable opening a whisper chat when clicking the name in the blocked spam message, and let the whole message trigger the report on click? I somehow always find myself clicking the name rather than 'Click to report'. Not a big deal, but hey.
File: FreeUI05-10-12
Typically there is a CreateBD funct...
Posted By: Haleth
Typically there is a CreateBD function used every time to make these kinds of backgrounds. You can specify a second parameter with the alpha for the background. E.g. F.CreateBD(framename, alpha) In my experience though, it is not possible to get a normal backdrop for the nameplates without getting a very strange type of namepla...