Results: 506Comments by: Galaxy119
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-11-15
Yeah i'm not sure why but most of m...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Yeah i'm not sure why but most of mine are coming up as red or white, (rogues, druids, etc). Some are coming up as there corresponding class color's though. :confused: Thanks for the quick replies, i appreciate it. Might keep playing with it and see if i can sort it out hmm. Sounds like a WoW bug. The nameplates addon doesn't hand...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-11-15
Ok all seems good, i'm just noticin...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Ok all seems good, i'm just noticing that often the nameplates appear white or red rather than class colors, is this due to debuffs on the target or something? If so how can I change it so that they only appear in class colors? white would be for priests and red for deathknights. I'm not having any issues with class colors.
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-10-15
Does anyone know how I would make t...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Does anyone know how I would make the nameplates appear in class colors? I'm mainly going to be pvping and can't find a way to make the nameplates class colored. Thanks in advance, love the addon :) Enable class colored nameplates in the Blizzard UI settings. Menu->Interface->Names->Nameplates - Check the "Class Color Nameplates" o...
File: oUF AuraWatch12-05-15
Galaxy119, hi! Sorry for the late r...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Galaxy119, hi! Sorry for the late reply! It's strange that's not working, its similar to the code I use. To be clear, you tried it like that? Yes, infact i tried it pretty much EXACTLY like that. I took over development on the UI addon in question, made my own github and everything for it, you can see the file that calls i...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-04-15
What types of things have you done...
Posted By: Galaxy119
What types of things have you done to your version? Sounds interesting as I love this addon and can't see playing WoW without it so hoping if Zork doesn't choose to continue then you will be able to. -Option to enable Vertical stacking party frames (still working on an option to increase spacing) -Aura Watch is no longer needed for...
File: oUF AuraWatch11-30-15
Re: Re: Buff timer
Posted By: Galaxy119
The cooldown timer should be pretty simple. After you create the icon, you just need to create a cooldown frame and AW will take care of the rest. This isn't quite simple, nor working. Here's my icon create frame section: for i, sid in pairs(spellIDs) do local icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self) icon:Set...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-30-15
Re: How to change font size
Posted By: Galaxy119
Hi, Love, love, love this UI. I changed the font, but now I need to change the font size for the health and power bar and the cast bar and the target bar. Where do I change that at? Thanks! To which "health and power" bar are you referring? Target fonts can be found: AddOns/oUF_Diablo/units/target.lua -- https://gi...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-29-15
Hi, it's too early, i know, but do...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Hi, it's too early, i know, but do you plan to make Roth Ui worth with Legion ? Thanks a lot for this awesome addon pack :) If the original author doesn't, then I do. i have been maintining my own personal version of this addon for a number of years now, and though I still use the updates he pushes to wowinterface there are a...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)11-26-15
Sorry if this has been asked before...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Sorry if this has been asked before but, how woudl I go about adding Healing Prediction to the players health orb? Adding the function to the player's unit lua and creating an enable/disable option in the config added a sort of heal prediction, but it sits to the side of the orb, rather than filling empty space in the orb. Unfort...
File: oUF_Diablo11-26-15
Healing Prediction on Player
Posted By: Galaxy119
Sorry if this has been asked before but, how woudl I go about adding Healing Prediction to the players health orb? Adding the function to the player's unit lua and creating an enable/disable option in the config added a sort of heal prediction, but it sits to the side of the orb, rather than filling empty space in the orb. Unfort...
File: oUF AuraWatch11-26-15
Buff timer
Posted By: Galaxy119
Look, I'm back again! Ok so I took a break between Highmaul and now, and now that I'm back and into Mythic progression, the lack of a timer on the aurawatch buffs is bugging me. I remember it use to have one way back when, but it broke (no errors, just doesn't show) I was wondering if you've run across this issue and fixed it,...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)01-12-15
Re: Re: Loadable profiles/addon resetting
Posted By: Galaxy119
@galaxy Profiles are not intended. That the game client crashes on a Lua error sounds totally wierd. It never did that prior to WoD. The game got slightly more unstable that's for sure. And those macro/keybind/layout wipes never happened before either. If you disable oUF_Diablo you will reset the layout-local.txt settings. (Posit...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)01-12-15
Loadable profiles/addon resetting
Posted By: Galaxy119
Anytime I disable and re-enable oUF_Diablo, or break it's code by accident, or I get D/c'd with the error "World server down" or "Character with that name already exists", all of oUF_Diablo's placements get reset to default. is there a way you could implement loadable profiles to re-load placement of things across multiple toons, or...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)01-11-15
Re: How do I disable some things?
Posted By: Galaxy119
@Monrin Hi. So, I would like to disable the buffs/debuffs on the target and ToT units, the thing behind the action bars, the angel/demon, and the whole XP bar. So basicly, everything from the bottom portion except the orbs. Also no, I dont really like rBBS, because I also want the cool looking units (target, cast, party, etc). Tha...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)01-10-15
Thanks Galaxy. Currnetly leveling a...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Thanks Galaxy. Currnetly leveling a druid. That may come in handy later. :) No problem!! Since I play nothing but healers this was a very very important update for me, haha. I made a few other changes to some of the code aswell, like I made the heal prediction have the same bar tex as the normal healthbar, I added a heal predi...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)01-10-15
How to fix aurawatch settings...
Posted By: Galaxy119
There is a slight code issue with the aurawatch function in oUF_Diablo/core/lib.lua In the aurawatch function, the if-then-else lacks an end function line. Because of this, it will only display the contents of the last "else" part of the function, only an issue if you have multiple classes with buffs you want displayed. To fix...
File: oUF AuraWatch01-10-15
Re: Re: Re: Re: Multiple class OR adaptive icon locations.
Posted By: Galaxy119
I think you're getting that error because there's an extra "end" somewhere. I would check to make sure there are no extra "end"s after the code below. I. Can't. Believe. I. Made. This. Mistake. I code in BASH script all day 2-3 days a week and NEVER thought to check for extra segment closes.. There was an extra end before t...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-26-14
The problem with rRaidManager is th...
Posted By: Galaxy119
The problem with rRaidManager is that it does not Show (X-amount) Tanks/Healers/DPS in group. Only give access to Readycheck, Pulltimer and "raid markers". - It is missing the most important thing when we creating raids... want to easily see what we got and missing. Never said it was perfect, but personally I love using it, the la...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-24-14
Hey! Is there a way to not use the...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Hey! Is there a way to not use the Diablo UI raid frames but instead the standard blizzard raid ui? As well as the blizzard raid manager? in the config.lua file (open in notepad) under the raid section change "show = true" to show = false T...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-23-14
Thx :) and how to move followers mi...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Thx :) and how to move followers mission frame which it is showing after the mission was completed? As far as I know, Roth UI doesn't have any interaction with the Follower UI. For that I'd recommend an addon called Move Anything. On a side note - A good addon to help with Garrison Follower mission stuff in general is called "Ma...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-23-14
How to move loot roll frame from ce...
Posted By: Galaxy119
How to move loot roll frame from ceneter of screen? /lrm
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-23-14
You can hook the PostUpdate functio...
Posted By: Galaxy119
You can hook the PostUpdate function on the health/power frame and debug it. (print event, timestamp etc.) Honestly, not sure how to do that.. Or what I'd do with the info it gave me. On another note: Any chance of having profiles added? Where it can save the locations of all the UI elements into a loadable profile for alts, et...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-22-14
Ok, ignore my last post, I have the...
Posted By: Galaxy119
Ok, ignore my last post, I have the author of the aurawatch addon itself helping me worth through the code. Onto my last issue though, about the frequentUpdates on target frame, adding the "self.Health(or Power).frequentUpdates = true, does not seem to have any effect on the Ui frame, however, the target's target frame seems to ha...
File: oUF AuraWatch12-22-14
Re: Re: Multiple class OR adaptive icon locations.
Posted By: Galaxy119
It seems your class if-then-end blocks got interwoven with the actual code. I separated them out and added a check for mage, as an example: Your second question is technically possible, but outside of what I designed AuraWatch for. You would need to watch and check which auras are applied yourself, and rearrange the AuraWatch ic...
File: Roth UI (Diablo)12-22-14
Re: Re: Redraw an actionbar
Posted By: Galaxy119
@Galaxy The Roth UI raid frames are not made for healing. Thus AuraWatch is only implemented as an example that can be expanded to other classes at will but only by digging into the Lua code. If you need to raid-heal. Disable the Roth UI raid frames in the config and use sth else. I understand that, and know how to edit the lua f...