Results: 28Comments by: Edik
File: New Openables12-19-14
In initial realease I did error not...
Posted By: Edik
In initial realease I did error not include base directory in ZIP file. This has been fixed past V1.08, older version just need create NOD directory in AddOns and then unzip there. I apologize for this error. It been long time when I did distributed packages for WoW. Had 3 years break. Now it is fixed so upload latest and enjoy stand...
File: Openables12-19-14
I'm not sure if Dridzt will continu...
Posted By: Edik
I'm not sure if Dridzt will continue work on his great add-on. I did use his for years before I returned to WoD. I do missing new items and extra feature in his add-on so I adopted idea and wrote new addon from scratch with some added stuff. check
File: MacroTalk03-04-09
Error is produced by bogus Addon no...
Posted By: Edik
Error is produced by bogus Addon not MacroTalk. In MacroTalk only missing sanity check for passed argument "text". I did mod .lua to look like this and it clean all errors produced: function SendChatMessage(text, ...) if (type(text) == "nil" or type(text) ~= "string") then return OrigSendChatMessage(text, ...)...