Results: 43Comments by: yj589794
File: oUF_HealComm411-02-09
Originally posted by Tekkub You g...
Posted By: yj589794
Originally posted by Tekkub You got a repo somewhere? I've been hacking at this to put things more in line with oUF plugin designs, instead of using those nasty hooks. I keep everything on gihub. Just doing an update to the original oUF_HealComm was my main goal, but there is a lot of stuff I feel it still does wrong. I may...
File: oUF_HealComm411-02-09
Originally posted by davee Is the...
Posted By: yj589794
Originally posted by davee Is there any way to disable HoTs or change HoTs color? It's possible to disable showing the heals done by HoTs, but it's not possible to colour them differently. I prefer to show all incoming heals, no matter what the type, as an aid to healing. If you do want to disable incoming Hot's then change...
File: oUF_HealComm411-02-09
Originally posted by Souli123 I'v...
Posted By: yj589794
Originally posted by Souli123 I've got some problems with my Healcomm. I only see the green bar, when I overheal myself. When I cast spells which don't fill the health of the target nothing happens like you can see in the picture. I would be glad for any solution :...
File: oUF_HealComm410-29-09
version 1.4 has been posted with a...
Posted By: yj589794
version 1.4 has been posted with a new feature. you can specify a flag in your layout self.HealCommOthersOnly = true to be able to only show incoming heals that other people have cast.
File: oUF_HealComm410-21-09
the new version supports displaying...
Posted By: yj589794
the new version supports displaying the incoming heals as a text value. you just need to add it into you layout, like: self.HealCommText = self.Health:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontHighlightSmallRight') self.HealCommText:SetTextColor(0, 1, 0) self.HealCommText:SetPoint('TOP', info, 'BOTTOM', 0, 0) if you want...
File: oUF_HealComm410-14-09
I've added in support for displayin...
Posted By: yj589794
I've added in support for displaying a text indicator for incoming heals, although this text indicator will need to be defined within each layout. This will mean that the layout defines the font, size and position of the text (something I cannot do automagically as each layout is different). Displaying incoming heal bars and the i...
File: oUF_HealComm410-12-09
I've got a few features I'd like to...
Posted By: yj589794
I've got a few features I'd like to add, and one of them is displaying the incoming heal as a text value. My priority was to update oUF_HealComm to use the new library to support HoTs and channeled heals. I can look at adding in the feature but do not expect an update too quickly.
File: oUF_HealComm410-06-09
It wouldn't be possible to colour i...
Posted By: yj589794
It wouldn't be possible to colour incoming heals as direct heals, channelled heals or HoTs without some serious processing. Also, the display would be inconsistent due to having to guess when each tick of the HoT would land. There is potential to add a separate bar that just displays incoming HoTs, but it's not in my plans.
File: oUF_HealComm410-02-09
I've just thrown up the new version...
Posted By: yj589794
I've just thrown up the new version, it should hopefully fix all the issues with odd frames not showing the incoming heal bars. Post messages here if you have any problems.
File: oUF_HealComm410-01-09
OK, I've used a bit more brute-forc...
Posted By: yj589794
OK, I've used a bit more brute-force in my matching of the frames to be updated. So far it seems to be working fine from 1 nights testing. If it all works without problems it will get pushed in the next version when LibHealComm-4.0 library gets bumped.
File: oUF_HealComm409-30-09
I'm not sure what is happening in t...
Posted By: yj589794
I'm not sure what is happening in these odd cases. I had a situation today where player heals were fine, but after finishing an instance they stopped working, although I could still see heals on myself through other frames (target, targetoftarget, focus and party) This is going to be tough to figure out without having a repeatable...
File: oUF_HealComm409-30-09
OK, I've just tried running oUF_Gan...
Posted By: yj589794
OK, I've just tried running oUF_Gandoch and had no problems. I've got a few ideas that I might try for the next update (there is going to be an update of the library in the next couple of days). Until then could you try disabling a few addons and see if you can find the one that...
File: oUF_HealComm409-30-09
Just looking through those oUF impl...
Posted By: yj589794
Just looking through those oUF implementations I can't see anything obvious that would cause incoming heal bars to not appear on the player frames. I'll check tonight after I get home from work.
File: oUF_HealComm409-29-09
While it should work for every fram...
Posted By: yj589794
While it should work for every frame I have noticed a few odd things while testing. For example, I tried to use P3lim's Scent addon which uses oUF to replace the standard Blizzard buff/debuff frame and found that it caused a similar issue where the player bars do not have incoming heals but all other bars do. could you list what o...
File: oUF_HealComm409-28-09
Originally posted by KnThrak Is t...
Posted By: yj589794
Originally posted by KnThrak Is there a way to "cap" the +healing bar so that at most it runs to where the health-bar it displays on would be at 100%? There is, but I'm not going to add it as I like to see how much overheal is incoming. Just replace the updateHealCommBar function in oUF_HealComm4.lua with the following code:...
File: oUF_HealComm409-28-09
I just hacked your health code into...
Posted By: yj589794
I just hacked your health code into my unit frames, and even though it looks borked it does give vertical health bars and vertical incoming heal bars. I'll send you a PM and see if we can figure out the issue.
File: oUF_HealComm409-28-09
If you have set your health bar ori...
Posted By: yj589794
If you have set your health bar orientation to be 'VERTICAL' then it should all work fine. I've tested on my unit frames using the following and it looks OK self.Health = CreateFrame('StatusBar', self:GetName() .. '_health', self) self.Health:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self) self.Health:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self) self.Health:S...
File: oUF_HealComm09-28-09
Posted By: yj589794
I have updated this addon to use the new LibHealComm-4.0 library and fixed it to provide horizontal or vertical bars dependant upon the orientation within your oUF layout. check it out here: oUF_HealComm4