Results: 62Comments by: gmz323
File: Faction Addict04-02-13
With the latter, you just need to c...
Posted By: gmz323
With the latter, you just need to call the UpdateInactiveFactionsList function in response to the UPDATE_FACTION event, and then you can check InactiveFactions to see if a particular faction should be ignored... Hi Phanx. I was able to implement the auto-change reputation bar without issue. However having some problem with inactive...
File: Faction Addict03-28-13
Appreciate the code and time you sp...
Posted By: gmz323
Appreciate the code and time you spent on this Phanx. It must be a feature you're really interested in! :) I'll work on rolling this support into the next release.
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)03-25-13
1.08 has been uploaded to address t...
Posted By: gmz323
1.08 has been uploaded to address the problem with lua errors on the new 5.2 upgradeable items. Thanks!
File: Faction Addict03-23-13
Thanks for the feedback Phanx. Thi...
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for the feedback Phanx. This is somewhat difficult with the current implementation of Faction Addict. FA was written to be independent of the default reputation UI. That means it can only use faction APIs that pass faction ID and can't really use those that pass a faction INDEX. When I looked into workaround sometime back f...
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)03-22-13
Re: Re: Re: Just found this...
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks VincentSDSH! For some reason I thought the 5.2 items were not going to be upgradeable at first. Will update the addon soon. Item Level 465 / 522 items cause a fault (the item level table doesn't include that iLevel):
File: Tabard Addict11-28-12
Tabard Addict v2.13 for wow 5.1
Posted By: gmz323
A new version of Tabard Addict (v2.13) has been released to work with WoW version 5.1. I'm continuing to track an issue with api call GetAchievementCriteriaInfo() for the tabard achievements which may require future changes to Tabard Addict. Please report any issues you come across. Thanks!
File: Tabard Addict11-27-12
With the update to 5.1 I'm getting...
Posted By: gmz323
With the update to 5.1 I'm getting the following error when I log in. Thanks for the note Ookami.kun! It looks like 5.1 seriously changed the way GetAchievementCriteriaInfo and related achievement api works to return tabard Criteria IDs. At this time I do not know how I will address these changes in Tabard Addict. I may put out a...
File: Faction Addict10-19-12
Hello! Just wanted to mention your...
Posted By: gmz323
Hello! Just wanted to mention your link to "Below Average Items" in your description seems to be broken. Great addons!Thanks Aisenfaire! I won't be able to update the link until the next file update so heres the link for now: Below Average Items Link -
File: Tabard Addict10-18-12
MoP Tabards purposely left out thus far
Posted By: gmz323
Hi everyone. Now that folks are getting farther in MoP and starting to notice that most of the new tabards are not in Tabard Addict I wanted to post a FYI on what is going on with them. The new MoP tabards have been intentionally left out of Tabard Addict thus far. The current version of WoW does not count any of the new MoP tabar...
File: Tabard Addict10-03-12
Would it be possible to add the fun...
Posted By: gmz323
Would it be possible to add the functionality from the Tabard-o-matic addon? Thanks for the feedback Twidget. I agree the default tabard icons are not particularly good, especially since there are so many using that "generic" icon. Unfortunately the amount of wo...
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)09-06-12
Re: Just found this...
Posted By: gmz323
Good catch Barleduq! I will update that on the next Faction Addict upload. Also thanks for the comments on all my other addons! appreciate it. ... from the link on your Faction Addict Page ... and the link on the front page of that is broken. All it says is http: Below Average Items <--- that's literally all the link is, the www...
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)08-16-12
any chance that you can add in an o...
Posted By: gmz323
any chance that you can add in an option to be able to move the icon around the piece of gear instead of being in the upper left corner i would like to be able to move it to the bottom left or top right. love the add on I will see if I can work this into a future update. Thanks for the suggestion!
File: Tabard Addict08-07-12
Re: Minor complaint, but no suggestion to fix
Posted By: gmz323
Hi Barleduq. I appreciate the feedback! The new player perspective is not one I had thought about much while developing Tabard Addict. The 'Suggestions' tab of the addon is probably the best presentation for new users. It does in fact filter based on level, class, availability, etc... But it doesn't filter based on if you have e...
File: Tabard Addict08-04-12
Re: Request
Posted By: gmz323
I have a request though - Could you possibly provide support for using Aurora with it? I use Aurora to skin everything. Hi Rammoth. Thanks for the feedback! It's difficult for me to justify spending the time to support the custom UI mods/skins. Even supporting the most popular ones takes time away from just adding basic new fe...
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)07-06-12
Odd, I just looked again and it's w...
Posted By: gmz323
Odd, I just looked again and it's working fine now. Not sure how it glitched. I think I did a UI reload after I logged in (it was enabled before I logged in) and maybe that fixed it? Oh well, at least it's working. Thanks for your help and for making this addon. :) Good to hear. I appreciate the feedback none the less! :p
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)07-06-12
Not working on my level 73 Warlock....
Posted By: gmz323
Not working on my level 73 Warlock. I disabled all other addons and it still wouldn't work. Hi. Maybe you have no items that are "below average". Do you have a lot of heirloom items on this character? Heirlooms are counted as level 1 items which makes your character's item level very low and much less likely that any of your it...
File: Faction Addict05-13-12
Re: Feature suggestion
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for the suggestions Hentaya! I will look into what info is available via the api in regards to having some guild level functionality in the addon and consider adding some guild level features to it. Thanks!
File: Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)05-08-12
Thanks for trying out the addon!
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for trying out my latest addon. If you have any feedback or comments feel free to leave them here. Thanks!
File: Faction Addict04-18-12
Re: Re: Whee!
Posted By: gmz323
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem reported by Barleduq exactly. Version 1.05 has been released as a best "guess" fix as to what the problem is. Thanks!
File: Faction Addict04-15-12
Re: Whee!
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for the detailed bug report Barleduq! I'll work on getting this reproduced and fixed. Thanks! More data than I know what to do with! :) I was running a random into UBRS and had swatter pop up an error for Faction Addict. I've removed the list of addons so as not to wall-of-text; if you want them, let me know. Min...
File: Faction Addict03-22-12
New Mists of Pandaria Factions
Posted By: gmz323
Looks like a bunch of new factions to be added with MoP. Not sure how the "hidden" ones will compare to the normal factions at this point. Forest Hozen : A spirited, violent, and short-lived race of monkey people. Glassfin Jinyu : A reserved, methodical race of fish people. Golden Lotus : This mysterious society of Pandaren...
File: Faction Addict03-12-12
Thanks for the feedback kaisoul. I...
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for the feedback kaisoul. It's not a quick and easy change but I will see what kind of options there are to work around it. It's always a bit tricky passing data from the client back to the OS level (even the clipboard) and those operations are fairly limited. In the meantime all you need to do is click the faction name a...
File: Faction Addict02-17-12
Thanks jaliborc. It has always been...
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks jaliborc. It has always been a goal for my addons to look like they are part of the default ui. Your panel looks really good. It's rare to find addons wich try to blend into the game environment, and not many success to. Congratulations.
File: Tabard Addict02-05-12
New Addon - Faction Addict
Posted By: gmz323
Hi everyone and thanks for checking out my addon Tabard Addict. I've recently released a new addon somewhat similar to Tabard Addict called Faction Addict that shows more detail of your faction standings and logs your reputation gains. You can check it out at the link below.
File: Faction Addict01-30-12
Newest Addon.
Posted By: gmz323
Thanks for checking out Faction Addict. It was partially inspired by my last addon Tabard Addict. If you run into any issues or have comments and suggestions feel free to leave them here. Thanks!