Results: 137Comments by: TimothyLuke
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-16-16
Re: Error Speech error, and RSA/GSE major Lag/hanging (fixed in rsa alpha today)
Posted By: TimothyLuke
I'm putting this at the top as there is a lot of good info in here. I'll start with teh RAS one. What you have hit may not be a fault with RSA but a computer breakpoint. Its better described here by John Mets but each computer has a breakpoint where if you spam the key too f...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-15-16
Re: gsse broken
Posted By: TimothyLuke
all my personal macros edited fine with previous version 1.15a. now getting this error when trying to edit: Message: ...terface\AddOns\GS-SequenceEditor\translator-core.lua:165: attempt to get length of global 'GSTRUnfoundSpells' (a nil value) Time: Mon Aug 15 15:22:59 2016 Count: 4 Stack: ...terface\AddOns\GS-SequenceEditor\tr...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-14-16
Timothy, I apologize if this was...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Timothy, I apologize if this was already asked... but I've found an issue or question about the Sound_EnableSFX option Core.lua : Line 34 if GSMasterOptions.hideSoundErrors then -- potentially change this to SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0) premacro = "/console Sound_EnableSFX 0\n" .. premacro GSE-options.lua : Lin...
File: For All Indents And Purposes08-09-16
Embedding FAIAP with a WOWACE multilineeditbox
Posted By: TimothyLuke
I know this hasn't been looked at in the last few years but I am trying to embed this into an editor that I am writing. Wrongly or rightly I wrote my UI with ACEGUI. All the examples of people embedding this havent done that but WeakAuras has. I have followed the example of how WeakAuras implemented FAIAP and am using the same...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-09-16
If you just have the one macro and...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
If you just have the one macro and you have a syntax problem in it it will not show up. If you dont follow the rules of Lua and WOW's Addon api then wow wont load the particular file. What you could try is opening the sequence editor and plugging in the PostMacro, Sequence Steps and PreMacro and use the export of that in myMacros...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-05-16
Re: GS Addon Folder
Posted By: TimothyLuke
I have created a GSE addon folder with the instructions given on video. The addon folder is working but the macros are not registering or coming up in GSSE. It is as if they do not exist Last week it worked wonderfully but I had to do some work on ui and did clean install of addons etc. Now no! Got it to work....
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-05-16
Re: Re: Re: problem :/
Posted By: TimothyLuke
?? okay, but if i click on it nothing happens, no auto atack, no skill, no mana cookie eating :-D so waht can i do now? and the icon is the right icon from the skill by the way, mana cookie is only the tooltip text + i have around a 800 stack on it i fixed my problem i have to installed the english language in wow :-D thx...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-05-16
Posted By: TimothyLuke A lot of bug fixes and stabilisations. These options have been updated and now include items for Trinkets and Rings in the PostMacro. To test is an item is added to your PostMacro or PreMacro /dump _G:GetAttribute('PostMacro') Will Show exactly what the PostMacro is doing.
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-02-16
Re: Re: Can you use GN-E for procs?
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Im wondering if there is a way to have a sequence where a spell is used if only a spell is proced. For example, on a frost DK if specced into Frostscythe, i would like it to be used only when killing machine has proced/gained the buff. So that Obliterate doesnt consume the use of Killing Machine proc/buff Also is there a list or s...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler08-02-16
Re: Orphans
Posted By: TimothyLuke
How does GSE determine which macros are orphans? I have it set to remove orphans and it keeps removing a macro I use. The macro that gets removed is named "ProtAoE" if that helps. It looks for a macro that has a GS/GS-E format and is a sequence that GS-E knows about by the same name. If you are using GS as well as GS-E and ProtAo...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-31-16
shame I can't find a register link...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
shame I can't find a register link at wowlazy. I won't link my bliz,fb,twitter acct to login. Its a security issue for me and the site imo. no matter how safe ppl will say it is. thats like saying a unloaded gun is safe; until it goes bang. email rejection from support@wowlazy..... provides no confidence with acct linkage. sorry...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-31-16
shame I can't find a register link...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
shame I can't find a register link at wowlazy. I won't link my bliz,fb,twitter acct to login. Its a security issue for me and the site imo. no matter how safe ppl will say it is. thats like saying a unloaded gun is safe; until it goes bang. email rejection from support@wowlazy..... provides no confidence with acct linkage. sorry...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-31-16
Re: GS-E Sequence Translator with some castsequence options
Posted By: TimothyLuke
A problem with some of the more complicated lines in a /castsequence are not translating properly. I am working on this now and will advise when its fixed. Thjis should now be working
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-30-16
GS-E Sequence Translator with some castsequence options
Posted By: TimothyLuke
A problem with some of the more complicated lines in a /castsequence are not translating properly. I am working on this now and will advise when its fixed.
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-30-16
Re: Macro not saving properly
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hello, So I have no idea if its GS:E or not but a specific macro, all other macros work fine, i'm trying to use is the one listed here The macro works fantastic. But everytime I log out, whether in a city or not the macro does not save, So I have to go into macros every time and type myprotwar then it genera...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-29-16
Re: editing error
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Nothing like regression Give me about 30 mins to get home and I'll get this fixed asap! Update -- Fixed 1.1.1 Released It seems gsse doesn't like editing any macros that have PreMacro/PostMacro taken out. It also doesn't appear to like spell sequences starting with a . like '.Renewal'. I don't have an issue with leaving Pre/...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-29-16
1.1 has been released. GS-E Sequence Translator
Posted By: TimothyLuke 1.1 allows you to use GS-E for languages other than english. It will translate any sequences from other languages to your local client language. The Sequence Editor also gets support to translate sequences on demand. There are a lot of Debug information you can turn...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-28-16
Re: Cant create a new macro
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hi, I cant create a new macro. when i create macro, addon alwasy creating with Livetest name. I change this, bud addon not change, and I can't change icon to. Can u check this? This is exactly how it's supposed to work. You need to copy that macro out and save it into myMacris or similar with a different name.
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-27-16
New Druid Addon Pack
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hey Everyone, I just got a note from HiroYakamura. He has released an addon for GS-E with specialist Druid Macros: This is a PlugIn for the new Gnome Sequencer Enhanced addon. This addon is a macro collection (macro package) intended to improve quality of life for pla...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-27-16
Hi, Thanks for your work. I Have...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hi, Thanks for your work. I Have one Problem with the Addon: I use German client and the Macros dont work correctly. cause theres some letter he switches to ? copy and paste out of GSSE ingame Written in lua so i think thats the reason why the Sequence do not work. Also theres no Save Button for the Ingame e...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-27-16
Re: cant get it working
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Message: Interface\AddOns\GS-Core\Core.lua:215: Usage: GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID) Time: 07/27/16 10:58:44 Count: 1 Stack: : ? : in function `GetSpecializationInfoByID' Interface\AddOns\GS-Core\Core.lua:215: in function Interface\AddOns\GS-Core\Core.lua:293: in function `?' Interfa...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-26-16
Re: lua error
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Message: Interface\AddOns\GS-Core\Core.lua:204: CreateMacro() failed, already have 120 macros I went back to as far as the .02 release and got the same error. When the error started showing up I thought maybe blizz had done an update and broke GS. But I got to looking and yesterday I added a couple of more "toon specific" macro...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-26-16
Re: some help
Posted By: TimothyLuke
could any one explain this error im getting whenever i try to add more than one macro to the my macro file Message: Interface\AddOns\GS-myMacros\Macros\Paladin.lua:42: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 35) near ']' Time: 07/26/16 12:32:59 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\GS-Core\startup.lua:61: in main chunk Hey Sharpygreen...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-25-16
TimothyLuke, You have double seq...
Posted By: TimothyLuke
TimothyLuke, You have double sequences in the Shaman.lua for "DB_ElemAoE" and "DB_Elem". I see they're for two separate talent combinations. I think you could use "/cast Elemental Mastery" on line 158 and then combine the talents in the helpTxt. Then just delete the extra sequence. Probably could. I'll look into it, contac...
File: GSE:Advanced Macro Compiler07-25-16
Re: Make my own macros
Posted By: TimothyLuke
Hi! I'm a very old WoW player, used the old Gnomesequenser before the last patch. You should be very fond of your Gnome Sequenser Enchanted addons:) Just wonder, is there an easy way to make macros, using your addons? Or is it just for edit already made macros? Best regards, Hans You can. When you edit a macro, It creates...