Results: 195Comments by: OttoDeFe
File: Buffed!03-01-09
I was cutting together the pic and...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
I was cutting together the pic and saw it wasn't Buffed!, but the background I have that was the issue. If you look closely, you'll see that Heroic Presence DOES bump to Buff2 slot, but the background moves with it, making the cluster off center. Not an issue for you to worry about. Thank you for your patience with my fumbling.
File: Buffed!03-01-09
Posted By: OttoDeFe Actually... it looks more like rFrameRotator sticks with the buff it attaches to... never mind. I thought the buffs had jumped down, but the spinning textures had jumped up. I actually prefer without sorting tho. Tahnx again... (./hidesface)
File: Buffed!03-01-09
Unfortunate, yes it is and does....
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Unfortunate, yes it is and does. Fortunately for me, I use the same base UI for all my toons so I can copy-paste it for anything new, and do small futzing when I log in.
File: Buffed!03-01-09
The buff sorting by duration is a c...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
The buff sorting by duration is a cool idea... but is doing wacky things! I have my buffs in a 'sphere' - Buff1 is largest and they sorta get smaller in circles around that. If I eat, the button for that becomes Buff1, but does not change positon, making the rest of the buttons shift around and throwing the effect off kilter. I comme...
File: Buffed!02-28-09
Originally posted by kraftman hmm...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Originally posted by kraftman hmm, i cant seem to reproduce this error. does it happen every time mapster first opens? could you list other addons you are using? thanks. I will as soon as I can - you tried with AddonLoader? Anyhoo... using and loving it.
File: Buffed!02-28-09
Ran across an odd one... The fir...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Ran across an odd one... The first time I open Mapster, button one grows into a bar across the screen: It is corrected upon any change in buff status. Not sure why Mapster would cause this unless its LOD status comes into play.
File: Buffed!02-27-09
Originally posted by kraftman Tha...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Originally posted by kraftman Thanks a lot for the feedback :) I'm wondering if i should add an option to save buff layouts? would anyone use it if i did? I think I would - I use the same UI across most of my toons, so it would save a bit of copy/pasting layout-local files. If you don't wanna, I can live without it.
File: Buffed!02-27-09
Looking and working sweet... Got...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Looking and working sweet... Got my buffs in a "sphere" with rFrameRotater in the back. may not keep it this way, but love the flexibility.
File: Buffed!02-26-09
BuffSkin seems broken in this revis...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
BuffSkin seems broken in this revision... I get no skinning at all. No errors, just doesn't happen. Now I need to figure out what happened to buff button 11 - lol
File: Buffed!02-26-09
Looked at BuffSkin and a couple of...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Looked at BuffSkin and a couple of skin sets. Setting up a skin to match my UI would indeed be amazingly simple... Very nice.
File: Buffed!02-25-09
ButtonFacade support would be sweet...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
ButtonFacade support would be sweet...
File: tekticles02-13-09
Starts on line 72: for i=1,7 do...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Starts on line 72: for i=1,7 do local f = _G local font, size = f:GetFont() f:SetFont(NORMAL, size) end
File: Volumizer02-05-09
Heh - I have 1.0.1 working great wi...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Heh - I have 1.0.1 working great with ButtonBin... Loving this. Have some bacon or a donut! Thanx for the hard work!
File: Secret Word01-15-09
Here's a clip - Pee Wee and Cowboy...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Here's a clip - Pee Wee and Cowboy Curtis. The secret word is "more". Ahhh... the memories....
File: Aloft12-27-08
From the front page: For those e...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
From the front page: For those experiencing anything like the following error: Aloft-\AloftBroker\enUS.lua:15: AceLocale(AloftLDB): Cannot provide the same locale more than once. "enUS" provided twice. Look for obsolete Aloft modules named "Broker_Aloft" and "FuBar_AloftFu" in your .../Interface/AddOns folder and de...
File: Ara Broker XP11-20-08
ButtonBin seems not to show this un...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
ButtonBin seems not to show this unless you define an Icon for it. Kinda odd, but putting it out there if someone else is having an issue with that.
File: TipTac11-06-08
TipTop had this issue as well. I th...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
TipTop had this issue as well. I think Seerah moved the health bar back outside the tooltip and added a matching border to make a cohesive look to solve it.
File: Mapster11-05-08
Embiggen will do just that.
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Embiggen will do just that.
File: InFlight10-28-08
From the AddOn description page:...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
From the AddOn description page: * Already has most of the default data; automatically adds new or updates current data
File: Ara Broker Guild Friends10-26-08
I think the ones in your current pa...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
I think the ones in your current party, etc. have grey names.
File: Bejeweled10-24-08
Got the new version: Interface\A...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Got the new version: Interface\AddOns\Bejeweled\Bejeweled.lua:1723: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'timeRemaining' (a nil value) : ? Interface\AddOns\Bejeweled\Bejeweled.lua:1723: in function Same issues as before. Opens in flight and spams this error.
File: nanoTalk10-24-08
I was having this issue on a fresh...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
I was having this issue on a fresh download. I deleted my SV's and changed the name of the folder to nanoTalk (in the zip, the folder name has a lower case "t", and so did the SV file after it was created.). Mine's fine now.
File: Butsu10-17-08
Getting this error: Interface\...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Getting this error: Interface\AddOns\Butsu\loot.lua:81: Usage: GameTooltip:IsOwned(frame) : ? : in function `IsOwned' Interface\AddOns\Butsu\loot.lua:81: in function everytime I loot. Not sure why... the owner looks defined...
File: Bejeweled10-16-08
Getting this error on flights (The...
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Getting this error on flights (The game pops up even when I have it turned off for flights) Interface\AddOns\Bejeweled\Bejeweled.lua:1665: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'timeRemaining' (a nil value) : ? Interface\AddOns\Bejeweled\Bejeweled.lua:1665: in function I also h...
File: TourGuide10-06-08
The Ethereum
Posted By: OttoDeFe
Was going to file a bug report, but this isn't really a bug... The above quest seems to require level 70 now. Was just in Netherstorm at 69 and Ameer had a silver ! over his head. WowHead comments also said this was a 70 minimum quest, but the difficulties start at 68... Mebbe it changed in an update recently.